Lavender and Lilac ( Yurika )

Bởi PurpleWallflower_14

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Monika was popular, intelligent and perfect in every way. And she would do anything to maintain that reputati... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

182 3 29
Bởi PurpleWallflower_14

She said yes! She said yes!!!!

Even hours after school had ended, I am still euphoric.

Ha! Take that, Jia! I have your '4 members', and I'll get more!!

I haven't introduced Yuri to Natsuki and Sayori yet....

It'll be a nice surprise for them!

Maybe not for the bitch in cute clothing....

I sigh. At least we would get a new addition to the club who isn't a careless goof and an arrogant bitch.

Oh. What am I saying? Looking down on others only highlights your own insecurities....

But still! I never really fully believed in the literature club being an actual possibility!

My only fear is truly Aoi.... And the others....

I already fear they hate me for what happened in drama..... They seemed distant during lunchtime....

Well... I shouldn't think about that. Afterall, Aoi and everyone else don't actually attend after school clubs, so I don't think this will be too much of an issue.

And I highly doubt Yuri is the clingy type....
( AN- in this fanfic Yuri is independent, so this is actually true )

And the others... what will they think of her?

Oh well... they'll find out tomorrow...

Wait- I can contact them on the group chat! God, I'm dumb.

I giggle to myself at my density before getting my phone and clicking on the Lit club owo icon.

Yo. I've got news.

Make it quick.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Natsi! Don't be mean to Monikaaaa

Its Monikaaammmmmm

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Wha- WHY?????

Guys we are getting off track!

Okay! What do you want??!?

Well... when handing flyers I came across a girl, and I asked her to join the club and she agreed to check it out. So ig we have a new member?

Wtf didn't you tell us earlier???

Lil Cinnabun UwU
What does wtf mean?

*rolls eyes*. In original context it means 'what the fuck'. In my context it means 'why the fuck'.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Daaahh!! Natsuki, why do u spoil mah innocence????


Guys, can we pls get back to the topic at hand?

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Oh yeah! What's her name? What does she look like?

Well, her name is Yuri Kimisha....

Pffffft... Yuri....


Yuri is a referral to a lesbian manga genre.....

Aaaaaand we all really needed to know that. Thank u for ur TEDtalk Natsuki...

Cut out the saracasm, bitch.

Says u! Ur literally the queen of saracasm!

U lil-

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Monikaaaammmmmm what does she look like???

Why r u all calling me Monikaaaaammmmm???

Lil Cinnabun UwU

Lil Cinnabun UwU changed 'Ultimate_Deleter78's nickname to 'Monikaaaammmm'

Okay, what the actual fu-

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Ignore da nickname. What. Does. She. Look. Like??????


Before you ask, I got the picture from the school website.

OooooOoOOOOooooO MonIKa HaS a cRUsH........

No. What makes u think that?

Your defensiveness....

I was defensive because knowing you two, u would make dumb assumptions, like you did just there.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Okay, we'll drop it...

*whispers* I don't blame u if u do like her..... she is quite the beauty....

Stfu and Sayori pls change my nickname.

Lil Cinnabun UwU

Lil Cinnabun UwU changed 'Monikaaaammmm's nickname to 'Miss President'

Miss President
Well... this is.... Somewhat better...

Lil Cinnabun UwU
We bow down in your honour, your majesty!

Hey nerds! Check out this meme!

Miss President
First off- u don't do duolingo. Second- wtf is a kahoot? Third- Einstein discovered E=mc2, he didn't 'learn' about it. Also- his IQ is 160, which you could possibly get to if you doubled your current amount.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Oof burn.

Take a joke, wouldya? It's a fucking meme.

Miss President
Someone's pissed

Fucking Monikaaaammmm...

Miss President
Well, I have hw so gtg now, ciao!

I click off the group chat.

Well, now they're notified....

Ha. What is a kahoot though???

( AN- don't worry, I know exactly what a kahoot is )

Oh, never mind....

Wait- shouldn't I add Yuri to the group chat?

Oh whatever. I'll ask for her number tomorrow...

Her number....

No! Not like that!

Oh well... time for HW...

Today we have Chemistry, Art and Latin...

Let's start with Latin....

Okay.. the regular conjugation is
-Tis-You ( pl )
For present perfect....

Okay.... The nominative is the object that is doing the action, and the accusative is the subject- the one that the action is being done to....

And there are three noun declensions... 1st declension, second declension and third declension....

                                1.                   2.                   3.   
Nominative.       -a.                 -us.                 -???
Accusative.         -am.             -um.                -em
Nominative pl.   -ae.               -i.                    -es
Accusative pl      -as.               -os.                  -es

Yeah. That seems accurate....

Okay, working off of this noun table and the verb conjugations for present perfect, I think I can do this translation pretty easily.....

Latin is so easy....

It's so strange, that I find Spanish insanely hard and Latin insanely easy...

Yuri had no problem with Spanish class... in fact, I wonder if she's fluent...

Maybe she has issues with Latin instead?

Probably not...

She is remarkably intelligent... more so than the rest of my peers...

Ugh no! Stop thinking about Yuri, instead focus on the damn translation, Monika!

I sigh to myself.

I've never been this on-edge until the 'Yuri' incident...

Although... I can't say I regret having met her...

Nope. L-A-T-I-N spells Latin.

What does silva mean again....
( AN- it means forest, Monika)


Okay, I'm finished with the homework...

Aaaand, I'm not bothered to do anything else sooo... might as well get to bed...

I sigh before flopping lazily onto the bed.

Damn it's cold as fuck....

Did I leave the window open?

Whatever, I'm too lazy to check...

I yawn before falling asleep.


"Doesn't that sound perfect?"

"Tell me, do you accept my confession [ REDACTED ]?"







I wake up in a cold sweat.

It's still dark....

What... what on earth was that about?


I sigh, before falling asleep again.


Beep beep! Beep beep!

No I don't wanna-

Beep beep! Beep beep!

Okay, okay!

I groggily shut off my alarm and stretch.

Wait! Why am I feeling.... Excited?

Nervous, more like....

Oh yeah! Yuri....

I shiver upon thinking about her.....

Not the bad kind of shiver....

Oh god, I'm weird.....

I hope she stays though.....

Hopefully the tsundere bitch won't drive her away...

Dah! Get up first, curse Natsuki later!

I get off my bed and, still stumbling, manage to get my uniform off the rack.

I put it on.

Damn, is it just me or is the uniform so damn tight today?

Eh, whatever.

I head downstairs to get myself some breakfast.

Cereal today.... No working out of it this time...

I take the bowl, milk jug, spoon, knife, banana and cornflakes and put them on the table before pouring in the cornflakes, putting in the milk and cutting up the banana.

When I was a kid, mum and dad would do this for me....

Stop it! Ugh....

No amount of wishful thinking will make them come home....
( AN- you're lucky your parents actually love you.... )

I spoon up the rest of the cereal before heading out.

Today I should probably study in the library....

Nono... I have to keep my friendships... gotta convince them I don't hate Yoshi or anything....

Actually, I hate him very much; he's despicable and narcissistic. I'll just... not bring him up.

Yeah... that'll work...

And Yuri?'

Let's just hope she's in the library....

Now that that's sorted.... I wonder what we have today....

Okay... on Thursdays we have English, Spanish, Latin, Chemistry, Physics and PE.

Well, fuck me... I have at least two classes with fucking Yuri....

Actually, I'm pretty happy about that-

Yeah. It can help me get closer to her potentially....

I arrive the school gates, and Ayumi comes up to me.

"Hey, Ayumi!"

I call to her.


She responds, somewhat coldly.

Truth be told, I wasn't really close with Ayumi... or any of them if I'm being honest... I wonder why she's upset though...

"What's wrong?"

I ask her.

"Monika... why did you do that with Yoshi?"

"Do... what exactly?"

I tilt my head in mock confusion.

Jesus, talk about making a huge deal about nothing...

"Why did you.... Like, scold him during Drama? Like, Emiko and Sora told me and now he probably hates us!"

I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

"I'm sorry, guys, I was just feeling a little under the weather is all! I promise it won't happen again!"

I force a fake smile onto my face.


Ayumi murmurs before forcing a tight smile onto her own face.


Ring ring! Ring ring!

"Gotta go!"

I speedrun into the school, through the corridors and into my Latin class.

Looks like I'm early...


Ring ring!

Finally! Lunchtime....

As per usual, Chiyo waits for me at the door.

"Heyyyyyyy Monika! Sup?"

"Hi Chi! I'm good."

"Anything interesting happen?"

She asks. I ponder on telling her about the new club member.

Ah, fuck it. I don't have to say it's Yuri afterall...

"Yeah, actually. You remember the club I said I was making?"

She nods her head.

"Well... we've passed Jia's limit of 4 members- so we're official!"

Chiyo beams at me.

"That's great! Also- what's your club about? Maybe I'll join.."

"Well- we... umm...."

I don't really want my friends to find out about the club because

A) they would reject it and it would be embarrassing


B) Yuri.

I spot Ayumi in the corner and hastily wave to her.

"Hi Ayumi! Ready to go to lunch?"

She looks up to me almost gloomily.

"Yeah. Let's go."

The three of us make our way out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. I take a seat next to the girls and start unpacking lunch.

Damn. Another day here.... Really? What're they talking about today... lipstick? Gossip? Hot boys? Or even girls?

Tch, why do I even care...

".... I mean, she's so ugly! How come they all fawn over her?"

"Yeah. And her hair... I mean, like, EW! Purple is so like, last century!"

I lean in slightly.

"Who...who are you two talking about?"

I inquire, not knowing if I want the answer.

Hikari answers me.

"Right. Well, like, you haven't met her yet but-"

Aoi chimes in.

"Hikari, I showed her on Friday, it's fine."

Hikari continues.

"So like, yeah. Yuri. I mean- she's such an annoying know-it-all... and people fawn over her over time. I mean- she's a stuttering, ugly, freaky bitch! Like, what does she have that we don't?"

My jaw drops with shock slightly.

So they were jealous...

I spot Yuri in the corner of the cafeteria.

She looks so peaceful and cute... she wouldn't harm anybody...
( AN- apart from one person... )

I shudder slightly.

Never knew that my friends were so..... malicious? I guess that's the right word...

I turn back to the conversation.

"Yeah, and, like, there's this dude called Asahi and like, he's such a nerd! OMG, did you see how fucking ugly he looked in those nerdy glasses?"

Emiko puts in.

Away from the topic of Yuri.... I guess I might as well start eating my lunch...


It's time for club....

Great, another interaction with fucking Natsuki...

I swing open the door.

Natsuki and Sayori are already there.


Natsuki shouts.

"Why the absolute FUCK did you move my manga?"

She seethes at me.

I glare at her.

"Good afternoon to you too..."

"I had to get Sayori to get it down for me! And half the club meeting was wasted yesterday!"

God, can't she shut up?

"Natsuki, we'll discuss this later. The new member will arrive in a second, okay?"

I do my best to stay calm.


Swiftly defeated, Natsuki sits back down next to Sayori.

As if on cue, the club room door opens, and Yuri walks in.

"Hello, I apologise if I'm late..."
( AN- I seriously don't get why all fanfic writers give Yuri a permanent stutter- it only comes up when she's nervous anyway...)

I look at her.

Her hair is a little messy... and her collar is ruffled... wierd. I guess she just had an... off day?
( AN- it's not what you think it is, Monika.... )

I wave at her, shooting her my signature smile, but before I can say anything, Sayori bounces up to her excitedly.

"Hi! You're Yuri, right?"

She nods, while still smiling.

"Indeed. I assume Monika told you all about me: so would you mind introducing yourselves?"

She's so formal.... I don't know why, but I find that.... Endearing?

Natsuki scoffs at Yuri, obviously unimpressed.

"I'm Sayori Himodo- the Vice President of the literature club!"

"And I'm Natsuki Ling, joined a few days ago. Also- cut it down with the like, fancy-pancy language..."

Yuri merely smiles and ignores Natsuki's comment.
( AN- do you really think so, Monika? )

"Well, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Natsuki and Sayori. Anyway, what activities do you partake in in the literature club?"

I open my mouth to answer but Natsuki beats me to it.

"We read.... Manga."

Yuri raises an eyebrow.

"Is anything other than that allowed?"

Natsuki shoots her a glare.

"Something wrong with manga? Or are you just judgemental because you think that reading long fancy books makes you look cool?"

I silently clench my fists.

Damn it, Natsuki! Yuri gets enough shit in her life... stop adding more to it you bitch!

"I never said that..."

Yuri looks at Natsuki passively, not raising her voice.

"I don't have anything against manga, I just have my reading preferences, and so do you. If I may, I also must say that you seem rather judgemental of the sorts of literature I read, given your reaction."

Natsuki glares at Yuri profusely.

"I- Ugh! Whatever, let's just read, Sayori!"


Natsuki and Sayori settle next to the closet and start reading, while Yuri takes a seat next to the back of the room and buries her head in a book.

What should I do?

I take a seat at the presidents desk, and decide to get started on the homework.

Let's do... Physics first...

1) What is E=mc2 and what does it mean?

Easy! I jot down the answer.

E=mc2 is energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. It is Albert Einsteins theory of relativity. Simply put, it means that energy and matter are interchangeable, or, the same.

2) What is F=ma and which law of physics does it apply to?

Again- beginners knowledge. Even if I don't have tip-top physics knowledge as my prowess lies in the creative subjects, I atleast know this.

F=ma is Force equals mass times accelaration. It is Newton's Second Law.

3) What is string theory?

Uhhh.... Damn it...

I indistinctly remember going over this in class, but I don't know exactly what it was...
( AN- I shouldn't be doing this, since string theory is part of quantum physics, but let's just pretend that they were looking at different scientists and their discoveries this semester. )

I look around the room.

Natsuki? Nope. Knowing her, she probably doesn't even do the homework....

Sayori? I think she'll just say something along the lines of- 'it's a theory with a string!'

Yuri? I mean- she'll probably know but...

She looks so peaceful... it would be a shame to disturb her reading...

Well then, I guess I'll be looking online...

String theory is the idea in theoretical physics that reality is made up of infinitesimal vibrating strings, smaller than atoms, electrons or quarks. According to this theory, as the strings vibrate, twist and fold, they produce effects in many, tiny dimensions that humans interpret as everything from particle physics to large-scale phenomena like gravity.

Okay- that made absolutely no sense...

I guess I'll be asking Yuri then...
( AN- don't worry, Yuri's explanation will be simplified. )

I nervously walk up to her and tap on her shoulder.


She looks up with a slightly startled but cutely curious expression.

"Um... hi, Yuri..."

She tilts her head slightly.

"Is there something you need from me?"

She asks.

"Well... I sort of need a little help on my physics homework and... I was wondering if you could... y'know... explain some of this?"

She smiles before dog-earring her book and putting it away.

"Absolutely. What's the issue?"

I point at the question.

"I tried Google but it gave me an annoyingly over complicated explanation- and I can't copy that otherwise the teachers will know I'm cheating..."

She furrows her brow slightly.

"Well, it is a little hard to explain something so complex in simple terminology but I can try...
Simply put- string theory is entirely theoretical. It is an entirely theoretical framework, and is based on point-like particles connected with each other through one-dimensional strings. String theory describes how they interact with each other. It is about how each of those said strings could fold itself and gain the properties of, say, a gluon. Problem with this theory is that it requires 26 dimensions, and a particle called a tachyon, that travels faster than the speed of light , which is still theoretical to this day, to exist."

Okay- wow.

I giggle slightly.

"What are you, Yuri? Some sort of physisician?"

She looks towards the side a little.

"Ah- sorry if I came across as condescending! It wasn't my intention-"

I shush her.

"Hey, it's fine! I asked for your input, and you gave it to me! Besides... I shouldn't really be doing homework at the literature club..."

I say the last part quietly, so that Natsuki and Sayori wouldn't hear.

Natsuki'd make a huge scene, like the drama queen she is...

She giggles slightly.

"Anyway, thanks!"

I walk back to my seat, hand in hand with the homework, and proceed to write down Yuri's answer.

When I finish, I glance at the clock.

"4 o'clock... damn, time flies when you're doing homework.."

I clear my throat to get everybody's attention.

"Okay everyone! It's time to pack up now and head home!"

"Wait a minute!"

Natsuki calls from the closet.

Oh shit- she wants to chew me out for the manga...

"We've got to invite Yuri to the group chat, remember?"

She... actually has a point there...

"Thank you for reminding us, Natsuki! Yuri- can you write down your email on a scrap piece of paper?"

She nods and begins scrawling something.


I tuck it in my pocket.

"Thanks! Anyway, now that that's taken care of, we can go home!"

Natsuki and Sayori walk out hand in hand, and Yuri alone.

I, in turn, lock the door and follow everyone else out.

Damn- I'm tired today... I just wanna flop on the bed and sleep...

Focus on your responsibilities Monika!


AN- Hah, hah.... Aaaaaand done! Would you believe it, chapter eight is finished! The reason it took so long is

A) I wrote twice as much as I normally do


B) My end of year exams.

Yes, that's right- I'm done with my end of years!! Woohooo!!!!! Yeah. Anyway, the fun starts now....

Word count- 3230

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