Layers ~MitsuyaxHakkai~

By gojosmainhoe

4.9K 166 165

"I'm sorry, Taka-chan..I-it's not that I don't reciprocate your feelings or anything..!" "It's fine Hakkai, I... More



1.3K 42 53
By gojosmainhoe

"I'm sorry, Taka-chan..I-it's not that I don't reciprocate your feelings or anything..!"

"It's fine Hakkai, I get it," The lilac haired forced a smile, fighting back heavy tears that threatened to spill out his glossy lavender eyes with each word he spoke, each breath he took, and god if he even dared to blink he'd start bawling right there. Hakkai apologizing profusely was not helping either. It just etched the fact that he may have just ruined his relationship with his closest friend deeper and deeper into his mind.

"It's just because..I'm just, shit how I put it..not good enough for you, y'know?" The blue headed boy mumbled as he looked at the boy in front of him with apologetic eyes. Mitsuya stared at the younger yet taller male in front of him in absolute disbelief, the tears welling up in his eyes found their way out which he quickly wiped away and grabbed the model's face to be at eye level with him, wet lavender irises staring into sympathetic indigo irises.

"Taka-chan..?" Hakkai softly spoke, though his calm demeanor switched to stunned almost immediately when the lilac haired wrapped his arms around his waist and brought him into a suffocating hug. The blue-haired didn't mind though because although he'd just rejected the male embracing him, he was absolutely head over heels for him. Slowly and slightly hesitantly, the younger reciprocated the hug, gripping onto the fabric of the fashion designer's shirt. Mitsuya smiled to himself, wanting to stay like this forever. Wanting to be able to embrace Hakkai like this forever, but not as merely his friend. No. He strongly wished for something more, but the model wasn't ready yet and he found it in himself—very deep inside his heart—to respect his decision and support him. The two just stood there, silently hugging one another in the cool, refreshing breeze that tore through the incoming summer heat of May. "Hey, Hakkai?" The older yet shorter of the two whispered, not letting the silence settle around them any longer.

"Yes, Taka-chan?" Indigo eyes fluttered open to look at the lilac-haired and he would have fainted then and there from how amazing his blue haired friend looked. He was so beautiful, his droopy indigo eyes complimented his tan skin amazingly and the scar that ran down both his lips; Mitsuya had to fight the urge to just simply lean in and kiss those scarred lips. "I'll help you..with you realizing how incredible you are!" The older male grinned proudly at his friend he was embracing and moved a lock of hair out of his face. Hakkai chuckled and his gaze softened even more, looking at Mitsuya with the sweetest smile on his features and said, "Thank you Taka-chan! I'll be counting on you!"


"Hakkai you've gotta wake up! Mitsuya-kun doesn't have all day y'know!" Yuzuha nagged as she shook her younger brother awake. The blue-haired mumbled something unintelligible and turned the other way, pulling the duvet over his head which only irked his older sister. "Hakkai!! Fine, I'll just tell Mitsuya-kun that you don't want to see him." The older Shiba declared and the younger heard her footsteps receding as he shot up after processing her words.

"Yuzuha! Don't do that, Taka-chan's already upset because of me!" He whined as he scrambled out of bed and rushed around the apartment to find his sister who was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

"Oh yeah, you're seriously such an idiot Hakkai." The light-brown haired woman half-heartedly insulted and Hakkai rolled his eyes. "Well I don't presume you'd want to accept someone's love confession when you're a walking trainwreck," He quipped as he walked into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. "It's Mitsuya, Hakkai! He'd literally not care and help you along the way!" Yuzuha yelled in response so her younger brother could hear what she was saying.

'That's the point. I don't want Taka-chan to have to worry about me on top of work, his younger sisters, and anything else he's stressing about.' The blue-haired had spaced out and mistook his razor for his toothbrush. Thank god he noticed this before he put it in his mouth or he certainly wouldn't be seeing Mitsuya anytime soon. Or maybe the lilac-haired man would rush over to offer first aid and keep the young Shiba calm and collected while his mouth poured red, irony liquid from every nook and cranny.

"Shit Hakkai, you've gotta be crazy." He mumbled to himself and placed the razor down, replacing it with his toothbrush and ran it under the water before applying toothpaste and began to brush his teeth. "Hakkai you have twenty minutes so if you want to shower, do it now." Yuzuha advised as she tapped lightly on the door. She heard her brother groan and gargle his mouthwash before spitting it out and allowed it to flow down the sink drain. "Cool, got it." He responded and yawned before slipping out of his pajamas and stepping onto the cold tile of the shower floor. Frowning at his long, tan body covered in scars. They were always a constant reminder that he'd never be strong enough to protect him and his sister alone, no matter how many years ago that was. The fact that Taiju took it upon himself to leave was still nerve-wracking. He could come back any day he pleased without notice. He'd be damned if he let that all happen all over again. He was a grown man after all and even went against him with the help of Takemichi, Chifuyu, Yuzuha, Taka-chan, and even Mikey and Draken.

Deeply exhaling, the blue-haired man turned on the hot water faucet and stood under the cold water until the heat took over and rushed down his body in small yet powerful drops of water. "Ten minutes Hakkai! Start wrapping it up and get dressed!" His sister shouted and he could envision her sitting at the two chair dining room table looking at her phone clock while scrolling through some celebrity's instagram page as she finished the last of her coffee which was a hot caramel macchiato with two pumps espresso because, "managing Hakkai requires all the energy she can get". Her words, not mine. The youngest Shiba finished his shower with three minutes left to get dressed and no time to blow dry his hair. It would be fine with him but not with Yuzuha or Taka-chan. But seeing as there was no time to do it Hakkai just shrugged it off and toweled it as dry as he could manage.

"Nice timing, let's get going." The light-brown haired woman urged while putting on her heels. She was already at the door and checking her watch. Hakkai was mere seconds away from being late and she took absolutely no time to tell her younger brother this information whilst narrowing her eyes at him. The young Shiba grimaced when he accidentally slammed his finger in the door trying to hurry behind his dear older sister. "Nee-san, slow down a bit. We'll make it on time." He whined, using the term he rarely ever used unless he was begging for something or trying to calm his sister down. "Hakkai, I don't suppose Mitsuya-kun would appreciate it if you were late to visit him after rejecting him only a few days ago." Yuzuha stated blandly and her brother froze in his movements as he was now buckling his seatbelt and cleared his throat, preparing to defend himself but the female of the Shiba children just waved it off and moved on to something completely different showing that she didn't want to discuss this now uninteresting topic any further. Who was Hakkai to oppose that--he didn't want to discuss it either so there would complaints from him. The two rode in a comfortable silence with the occasional "bless you" because the youngest Shiba kept sneezing and it was absolutely disgusting because spit kept flying from his mouth and snot dribbled from his nose, the pressure of each sneeze making the disgusting liquid--containing pollen, dirt, and whatever else Hakkai had up his nose--ooze out his nose even more. "For fucks sake Hakkai, get a tissue!" Yuzuha scrunched up her nose when she looked at her brother's red, snotty nose and pulled some tissue out of the mini packet she'd keep in her car. Graciously, the blue-haired man took the tissues and blew his nose until there was no more snot to release into the thin paper.

"Are you allergic to something in my car? Did you put on a new cologne, you may be allergic to some ingredient in it." The light-brown haired woman quizzed but kept her eyes steady on the road so she wouldn't risk their lives. "It's probably just the pollen Yuzuha, don't overreact like you tend to do." Hakkai answered, but it, in fact, was not just the pollen.


When they'd reached Mitsuya's flat Hakkai was burning up with fever, but of course he wasn't telling his sister that. She would do entirely too much and make his now forming migraine worse. Mitsuya, on the other hand, immediately could tell his friend was sick. He took notice of the taller male's red, glossed over eyes and it clicked. "Yuzuha, thanks for dropping me off. I'll message you when I'm ready to go." Hakkai flashed his older sister a smile and she raised an eyebrow at him. Now that she got a good look at his face she noticed that he wasn't looking too great; giving the lilac-haired man a knowing look she nodded and left, of course not without conversing with Mitsuya for a bit.

"Go sit down," Mitsuya ordered as soon as Yuzuha had gone about her day. Obeying the older yet shorter man, Hakkai made his way to the couch and took a seat, willing for his fever to break and his migraine to go away so he wouldn't have to burden his best friend yet another time. "How long have you been sick?" The older male asked as he approached the tall model seated on his couch squeezing his eyes to shut only to sigh in disappointment when the question left his lips. "I'm not sick," he lied and looked away from Mitsuya but the lilac-haired didn't hesitate to grab his face by the chin and place a hand on his forehead. "You're literally burning up Hakkai. Don't lie to me," he frowned and gazed into his companion's beautiful but glossy indigo eyes. "It's just allergies, I'll be fine." Hakkai persisted and silently wished for the warm blush dusting his cheeks to go away. Not because he didn't want Mitsuya to see, but because he didn't want him to presume it was because he's "sick."

Rolling his eyes, Mitsuya stood up and went into his bathroom then emerged with a wet rag in a bucket filled with water. Hakkai sighed and took it upon himself to go ahead and lay down on the couch because he knew the older guy was going to force him to do it anyway. "Glad to see you're finally coming to terms with the fact you're sick." The lilac-headed boy chuckled and squatted beside the couch where his sick friend lay pouting. "I'm not sick," He grumbled as Mitsuya wringed out the rag into the bucket and placed it on his forehead as gentle as possible. Hakkai's skin tingled where he felt the older man's soft fingers slightly brush his forehead and he felt his cheeks heat up more. Or maybe it was the fever. Either way, he couldn't help but to stare at Mitsuya with admiring indigo eyes, taking in every movement he made. Every breath he took. Each and every breathtaking feature on his face. His nicely arched eyebrows that would furrow when he concentrated, alluring lavender eyes that would sparkle constantly, and his lustrous plump lips that Hakkai ever so strongly wished he could place his own chapped, scarred, and inexperienced lips against.

"Earth to Hakkai. You're staring," Mitsuya snapped his fingers at the sickly man lounging on his couch with creased eyebrows and chewed his lip as he waited for his friend to return from his fantasies. "Ah- Sorry. You're just so amazing, Taka-chan." Hakkai grinned at the mesmerising man before him and Mitsuya would've died then and there if he could. A rosy tint began to blossom upon his cheeks and he turned away, looking for something else to gaze at before he lost all self control. "Taka-chan, I thought I came here to get measured-" Hakkai began but a slim finger pressing against his lips stopped him from speaking. "Not while you're sick young man." The lilac-haired man joked and laughed at the younger's appalled look. "I'm only one year younger than you," he huffed and rolled the other way. "Hakkai, don't be that way! You know I was only joking," Giggling, Mitsuya stood on his knees to peer over at his friend. "No, I don't care. Besides, how're you so short yet you're older than me-!" Hakkai winced when the older man pulled his nose and rubbed it. "That's it, I'm disowning you. Draken's my new best friend," Mitsuya scoffed and stood up but Hakkai grabbed his wrist and began to pout.

"You don't mean that Taka-chan! Take it back or I'll never forgive you!" He halfheartedly threatened and his companion chortled before taking his statement back and flashing a bright smile at Hakkai, leaving him in awe of his dazzling beauty. He was so glad they could continue joking around like this after he'd rejected him. Right, he rejected Mitsuya. He'd always imagined it'd be vice versa, that Mitsuya would reject him. Why on Earth would Mitsuya Takashi, fashion designer, former captain of Toman's second division, amazing older brother, Mitsuya Takashi, want to ever date him? Hakkai Shiba. Lanky, scarred, traumatized, Hakkai Shiba. The Shiba who couldn't protect anyone on his own. The Shiba who was too weak to protect his sister from Taiju's abuse. The Shiba who-

"Oi, Hakkai. Come back to reality. What on Earth are you thinking about?" Mitsuya was seated on the edge of the couch beside an awakening Hakkai. "Wha? When did I space out?" The blue haired boy sat up and rubbed his eyes only to realize they were soaked with tears. "Huh?" He squeaked, wiping his wet cheeks with his sleeve. "What were you thinking about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to of course!" Mitsuya said as he wiped tears off the younger's face and smiled warmly at him, instantly comforting his companion. Hakkai felt his stomach flutter, something similar to butterflies in a way. Glad he had someone to confide in, he told Mitsuya about his thoughts. Every last detail. And he pretended not to notice when Mitsuya's face flushed a rosy shade of pink after mentioning how amazing he thought he was. But he accidentally let the words, "You're so adorable Taka-chan." slip past his lips which only flustered the man seated beside him even more. "Have you had breakfast? I think I should prepare breakfast." Mitsuya's voice raised several octaves as he hid his face and hurriedly made his way to the kitchen, stubbing his toe on the wall in the process. "Fuck! Ouch! Son of a bitch!" He cursed and Hakkai laughed when he flipped off the wall and rushed into the kitchen. "Make something delicious Taka-chan!" He called after the lilac haired boy which made him poke his head from around the corner and ask, "So my cooking isn't always delicious? I thought you loved me Hakkai!" He dramatically cried and disappeared into the kitchen only to return when Hakkai said, "I do love you Taka-chan! Just don't try to make a creme brulee ever again!" and responded with, "Don't tease me Hakkai, and one creme brulee coming right up!" before vanishing once again.


"Taka-chan, are you gonna take my measurements now?" Hakkai asked as he helped Mitsuya wash the dishes and waited for a response. "Absolutely not, you're supposed to be laying down right now!" The lilac haired man gently shoved his friend away from the sink and continued to wash the dishes. "But why? I feel perfectly fine," Hakkai lied and Mitsuya looked at him doubtfully before setting a soapy plate down on the counter and placed a hand on Hakkai's head. "Well, your fever's gone down. But you still have those eyes you always have when your sick, plus your nose is red." He listed off the many symptoms his dear comrade was experiencing. He was always an attentive person and tended to take notice of the faintest detail. "But Taka-chan~!" Hakkai whined and crossed his arms over his chest whilst puffing his cheeks out. "Your cuteness isn't going to change my mind. Besides, you work so hard. You should want to have a day off!" Mitsuya placed a hand on his hip and scratched his ear with the other. "I'm not cute, I'm handsome!" Hakkai corrected and his friend rolled his eyes. "It's literally the same difference Hakkai,"

"On another note, you're stalling. Go sit down, find something to watch or take a nap. Take advantage of your sick day, I already told Yuzuha and she's working on rescheduling your other appointments." Mitsuya notified the blue haired man leaning against his kitchen counter. Hakkai sighed and forfeited to the living room. Not without some sort of counter-attack though. Once Mitsuya put away the last dish he felt something soft but firm hit his head. "Hakkai Shiba, are you trying to fight me?" He turned slowly and quirked an eyebrow up at his best friend grinning at him from the couch. "Why would you think that Taka-chan, I would never!" He snickered and tossed another pillow at him. Smirking menacingly, Mitsuya picked up both of the pillows and charged at Hakkai, jumping on him and attacking him with pillows "I give! I give!" The blue haired man laughed with amusement, the older man laughing along with him. "Hakkai, you're so stunning." Mitsuya murmured without thinking and Hakkai's laughter died when he realised what he'd said. "Huh?" He spoke and the lilac-haired man immediately shook his head. "What? I didn't say anything," He lied but his companion narrowed his eyes at him. "Taka-chan I literally heard what you said." He chuckled and tapped Mitsuya's nose.

"Hakkai, you're so mean to your dear best friend," Mitsuya huffed and crawled off the taller man so he could pout on the other side of the couch. "I'm sorry Taka-chan, I love you." He laughed and scooted over to a now pink faced Mitsuya who was flipping him off. Gasping dramatically, Hakkai lightly smacked him on the arm which made Mitsuya glare at him in return. "Stop flirting Hakkai, it's rude." He deadpanned and the blue-haired man squeezed his eyes shut so he wouldn't have to see the expression on his best friend's face and completely lose his shit. "On another note, were you faking being sick so you could hang out with me??" Mitsuya joked and batted his long eyelashes at the taller man. "Maybe I did, what're you gonna do about it?" Hakkai smirked and Mitsuya flicked his forehead. "You're being serious?? I literally made Yuzuha push back all your appointments because I actually thought you were sick!" He scolded and Hakkai sighed. "I actually wasn't feeling well Taka-chan!" He defended and Mitsuya gave him a shit-eating grin. "Aw shit." The model facepalmed and sat in regret while Mitsuya basked in his victory, his triumphant laughs filled the room consisting of only them.

"I got you to admit it!!" He shrieked with laughter and fell to the side, making Hakkai fall as well. They both tumbled off the couch and Mitsuya hit the floor with a small "Ouch" and opened his eyes to see a pair of glossy, scarred lips dead in front of him. Seizing the opportunity to crack another joke he stifled his laughter and spoke as seriously as he could manage. "Bro, are we finna kiss?" Hakkai's face flushed a shade of crimson and Mitsuya began to giggle once again. "Taka-chan, that's not funny!" The taller man stood up and held out a hand to help his friend on the floor still cracking up. "I'm sorry Hakkai, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up." Mitsuya grinned as he was pulled up off the floor. "You should've seen your face though! I didn't even know you could blush so hard," He continued and tried to catch his breath. Hakkai frowned as his face heated up more from embarrassment. Mitsuya pat him on the back and took a seat, slouching forward a bit and looked up at the tall man in front of him. "Sorry Hakkai, I didn't mean to embarrass you." He apologized and gave him a sincere look. Hakkai just shook his head and sat down beside the older man. "It's fine Taka-chan, I know you were just joking around." He smiled at his lilac-haired companion and if Mitsuya had no sense of self control he would've actually kissed him right then and there.

"Is there something stuck between my teeth?" Hakkai asked when he realised Mitsuya was staring a bit too hard at his mouth. Snapping back to reality, Mitsuya frantically shook his head. "No, no! That's not it at all," He answered and scratched the back of his neck trying to decide if he wanted to reveal the fact that he was lost in his beautiful smile and was fighting the urge to kiss him. "Yeah, no." He thought aloud and clasped his hands over his mouth when he realized he actually said all of that out loud. "I'm going to the store," He said and got off the couch as fast as possible and grabbed his keys before speeding out of the house, leaving Hakkai a confused and blushing mess on his couch.


"Nii-chan!! You said that and ran away?" Luna facepalmed at her older brother when he told her what had happened between him and Hakkai. "Um, duh! Luna, he just turned me down not even a full twenty-four hours ago!" Mitsuya stressed to his younger sister and dropped his face into his hands. "My god, Takashi. You don't even know what his response might've been," His mother put in her opinion from where she was folding clothes. "Okaa-san, he literally rejected me yester-" "But, he said he reciprocates your feelings! He couldn't have been that opposed to it, plus Hakkai-kun is a sweet boy. He wouldn't hold anything against you for saying that." She continued and turned to smile at her son. Mitsuya wasn't entirely convinced, but his mother's words did have an effect on his nerves. "Thanks okaa-san." He smiled gratefully and his mother nodded before going back to folding laundry. Luna smiled fondly and glanced at her younger sister who was crouched over a desk doing her homework. "Mana, come greet nii-chan!" She told her younger sister who had earphones in yet sat up straight and turned to look at them with a grin on her face. "Nii-chan!! How long have you been here, I didn't know you were coming to visit!" Mana squealed and got out of her seat to run and hug her brother. "Easy, easy Mana. How's school going?" Mitsuya chuckled and hugged his youngest sister.

Relinquishing her brother from the hug, Mana's expression darkened and she clenched her fists before saying, "I'm going to brutally murder my sensei." Which caused their mother to drop the blouse she was folding to express her shock. "Mana! Don't say things like that, where'd you learn that from?" Luna and Mana both shared a knowing look before narrowing their eyes at their mother. "Okaa-san we all know that you say things like that. But Mana, don't say things like that too often, you don't wanna speak death into existence." Mitsuya told his sister who listened to him open heartedly. "Got it. You're so wise nii-chan!" She grinned and her brother shook his head. "Nah, I just grew up way faster than I needed to. Please, for the love of God, don't ever get involved in a gang." He chuckled and Luna smiled fondly. "You know, I think that's one of the reasons you became the person you are today, nii-chan! Without Toman, I don't think you'd be so sensible when it comes to things in the violence their is in life. It makes you more mature than others your age," Luna told her brother and Mitsuya smiled. "Aww, I didn't know you thought of me that way Luna!" He teased and his first sister rolled his eyes, Mana laughed and added to the conversation. "Who knows, maybe your wiseness is why Hakkai-kun's so smitten when it comes to you!" She taunted and caught a pillow flying towards her. "Oh, shut up!" Mitsuya laughed.

"Hey, no throwing my pillows! Besides, Mana might be right," His mother wiggled her eyebrows and scurried off to put away the folded laundry. "My god, let's move on to another topic. Luna! How's college treating you?" Mitsuya laughed when Luna gagged and just shook her head. "I'd literally burn down the school if I could avoid getting caught. Who knows, I might get Baji-kun to do it for me. He was a pro at that." She joked and their mother yelled from the other room. "No talking about illegal acts you three!" "Okaa-san, you literally do it everyday after work!" Mana reminded her. "I do not!" She gasped in which Luna responded, "Yes you do okaa-san! Like just yesterday you said you were going to flood the twenty-four hour corner store the street if they don't have your favorite slushie flavor there!" "Luna! Takashi wasn't supposed to know about that!" Their mother rushed into the living room and shushed her oldest daughter but the words had already registered in her sons' mind. "Okaa-san! You can't do that, they have the best rose candies there!" He defended and Mana rolled her eyes. "Forget the rose candies, what about the apple lollipops? I can't live without them!" She exaggerated and everyone laughed.


Although Mitsuya was enjoying spending time with his family, he couldn't leave Hakkai alone for too long. Since he was actually sick. But before he arrived back home, Mitsuya made a quick stop at the convenience store they had a conversation about to purchase medicine and some Pocky, specifically several boxes of chocolate almond crush since they were both his and Hakkai's favorite. He also snagged a few boxes of Midi, Cherry Blossom, and the original chocolate flavor. He grabbed some tea for Hakkai and a soda for himself.

"Wow, Mitsuya-kun! That's a lot of Pocky," The cashier exclaimed. Since the Mitsuya's visited this store frequently the long-time cashiers have become familiar with the four of them. Though he didn't come here as often as his mother and sisters because he didn't live around here any more. "Yeah, this'll probably be gone in a span of thirty minutes." He joked as he sat the basket onto the counter. Laughing, the cashier rang up the things in the basket and read Mitsuya the total. "Have a great day Mitsuya-kun! Come visit us more often, you've been slacking recently!" She smiled and waved at the man who gave her a smile in return and exited the store. "Maybe I bought too much Pocky, I'm gonna be sick of eating it after this." Mitsuya scrunched up his nose and got into his car, placing the bag into the passenger seat. Just as he turned on the car, a call from Hakkai showed up on his screen. Hitting his head on the steering wheel, the fashion designer answered the call.

"Taka-chan! Where in tarnation are you? You've left me alone in your house for like five hours!" Hakkai exaggerated from the other line. Chuckling, Mitsuya decided to correct his timing. "It's only been about forty-five minutes Hakkai. And I'm just leaving the store." He said and technically it wasn't a lie. He just didn't include the part about him going to his mother's house. "Hurry up Taka-chan, I'm so bored here without you. I've literally looked at the same four corners of the TV for who knows how many times?" He groaned and the older man laughed. "Find something to watch on TV, I'll be there in like ten minutes tops." Mitsuya told his bummed out friend who decided he had nothing better to do. "And please, no horror movies." He added but he knew Hakkai wasn't listening to that when he heard the blue-haired boy snicker. "Hakkai, if I come home to-"

"Gotta go, Taka-chan! Love ya, mean it, bye!" Hakkai interrupted and ended the call, leaving Mitsuya dumbfounded. "That little shit!" He grumbled and switched over to the fast lane, trying to get home as soon as possible so he could hopefully prevent his guaranteed nightmares. He didn't make it in enough time. Hakkai had already found a horror movie for them and it seemed like the antagonist was bound to have a lot of jumpscares. "Just for this I'm not sharing my Pocky with you." Mitsuya huffed and tossed Hakkai the can of tea he'd bought him. "Noo! Taka-chan, I'll change the movie c'mon!" The model begged and the older man raised a satisfied eyebrow at him. "Deal, just no horror movies. Or cringey teen romance movies," He shuddered at the thought and Hakkai pretended to gag. "Absolutely not, who even thought those were a good idea? Oh! I saw this really good show on Netflix though, will you make an exception for it?" He poked out his bottom lip and clasped his hands together. Mitsuya heaved a sigh and decided to tease his younger friend a bit. "How will I benefit from this?" He questioned and stifled his laughter when Hakkai scrambled to find an answer. "Umm, gay people?" Was what he received and Mitsuya burst into laughter.

"Sounds gay to me, let's give it a watch." He approved and the model grinned and did a little handclap before grabbing the bag filled with Pocky and other snacks Mitsuya had completely forgotten he'd bought until he saw he'd spent a pretty penny at a mere convenience store and sat beside Mitsuya on the couch. "Oh, and if I cringe more than once at this you're getting bitten." Mitsuya warned and his companion squinted at him before saying, "Is that the best threat you could come up with?" To which the older man replied, "Well I don't imagine you'd want to be pummeled into the foundation of my house by Mikey or Draken, would ya?" and Hakkai couldn't argue with that. "Now then, let's watch the show!"


Mitsuya was currently curled up beside Hakkai on the couch watching the Netflix show he'd recommend and by the looks of it, he did a great job in doing so. Mitsuya was extremely interested in the show and would occasionally make comments on it. He tended to express how much he disliked Ben and wanted to absolutely strangle him, Hakkai could only laugh in agreement when he said this. When Nick explained his reasoning for going on a date to his mother, Mitsuya laughed for three minutes straight which the model got a picture of and made a mental note to set it as his new lockscreen later on that day.

"Y'know, Tao and Elle remind of me someone we know." The older man randomly said as he focused on the scene with Tao and Elle watching a movie together. "Oh yeah? Who do you think?" Hakkai prompted for his friend to answer to which he said, "Draken and Emma when we were kids." and laughed at his claim. Though he didn't expect for him to say that, Hakkai laughed along. "And Chifuyu and Baji are like Nick and Charlie," He continued as he pulled the blanket closer to his body. "Well then who's like Tara and Darcy?" Hakkai questioned, secretly hoping for Mitsuya to say them. But that would be dumb. "Erm, I dunno.. Koko and Inui? And no I don't have any reasoning behind that." Mitsuya chuckled before grabbing two Pocky sticks and handing one to Hakkai as he put the other in his mouth.

"Odd couple choice but okay," the younger man laughed and took the Pocky stick that was offered to him. They continued watching the show and Mitsuya could've sworn he caught his friend staring at him a few times. He didn't dare to say a word about it though to avoid the embarrassment of being right or wrong. Hakkai was, in fact, staring at him and every time he was caught he would quickly avert his gaze and rustle in the bag to get a snack. Now the bag was completely empty but that's not very important. "Taka-chan, did you enjoy the show?" The model asked when the previews for other shows began to play. He turned to face a teary eyed lilac-haired man who was pounding his fist on the arm of the couch. "Hakkai!! There's a damn cliffhanger!! Is there gonna be another season??" Laughing, Hakkai shrugged and Mitsuya threw a bitten off Pocky stick at him. "Gross Taka-chan! Go look at their Instagram, it's probably on there." "No, I want you to tell me!"

"Are you sure you're not the sick one?" The younger man questioned and Mitsuya shook his head. "Nah, just a bit boozed up." He laughed and nudged his buddy's arm gently. "Are you feeling any better though?" "Yeah, a lot actually. It was probably a sinus infection or a cold." The lanky man leaned back and looked at his companion with endearment while the lilac haired stared at his empty can of beer. "Or maybe it was stress!" He poked Hakkai in the leg suddenly and ducked away when the younger went for a forehead flick.

"Gotta be quicker than that!" Mitsuya teased and jumped off the couch to collect their trash only to somehow slip on a plastic bag and fall flat onto the ground, Hakkai's eyes widened when he saw his friend's head hit the polished wooden floor a bit too hard and cause a thud to erupt from the impact. "Holy shit! Taka-chan, are you okay!?" He hurried off the couch and rushed to the fashion designer's side to provide whatever he needed after being injured. "That hurts...I'm fine Hakkai." Mitsuya lied as he sat up and rubbed his throbbing head. "We should ice it before it swells. Wait here, I'll get you pain relievers too." The model gently shuffled the older male over to the foot of the couch and began to stand up so he could get the items he'd just listed.

"Hakkai, I'm perfectly okay. See?" Mitsuya flashed a bright smile to prove his point but the younger noticed he winced as he did so. "I'm pretty sure you need to go to the doctor to make sure you don't have a concussion, try walking to me Taka-chan." Hakkai instructed as he backed to the threshold between the living area and the kitchen. "Is this really necessary?" The lilac haired boy complained but he complied anyway and stood up before walking to his best friend, though he was shaking a bit, almost as if he was feeling dizzy. "Taka-chan, I'm calling a doctor. It's not safe for me to drive you if I have to drive, and at least here I can make sure you stay conscious. C'mere," Hakkai motioned for the fashion-designer to walk closer to him which he did, straight into his beckoning arms and leaned his head onto his friend's chest. "Did it ever occur to you that this is probably happening because I'm tipsy?" Mitsuya questioned and he could hear the quickening heartbeat and the shallow breathing of the Shiba. "Nah, not really. Do you truly feel alright, I don't want you to have a concussion and end up realizing when it's too late."

"Hey, I'm perfectly fine Hakkai! Believe me!"

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