FNAF 6/SB: The Escape [ENG. V...

By LaPelusaConPatas

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[I also have a Spanish Version of this novel. Check on my profile] Have you ever wondered what would have hap... More



78 8 3
By LaPelusaConPatas

Chapter 5. Seventh Stage.
"The Ambition"

[Words: 2600]
[Duration: Extensive]

He cursed the lack of his night vision.
Seeing nothing, he found himself in the embarrassing situation of absurdly tripping and falling.

In a matter of seconds his eyes grew accustomed to the dim light.
Afton had to find a plan to get back up the elevator, but that would be a dilemma for his future self to work out.

Now he had another goal. Before he couldn't go to where he is right now, because he didn't want to reveal the location of this place and his precious information to Molten Freddy, Lefty or Scrapbaby.

Unfortunately, he was forced to make Vanessa follow him, since it was impossible for him to get rid of her.
He could kill her, just finish her off once and for all. But he hadn't because...
The answer is very simple, is not convenient for him.

Vanessa was the first and only person who did not run away from him, the first person who stayed by his side, the only one who did not object to any of his actions, who was not afraid of him, who did not defend herself against him. Who didn't attack him even though he did.
Vanessa was the only person stupid enough to ally with him, and at the same time, the smartest of all, because staying in Afton's custody was a great privilege.
Afton was weak and insignificant right now, a piece of junk, a heap of rotten bones and rusty metal. But.... he was a genius, something that not many people took into account. Afton was still alive, for more than 50 years, he has survived fires and attacks, overcome his own death several times, created powerful artificial intelligences, manipulated his wife, his children and a lot of people.
Afton doesn't control the world, not because he doesn't want to, but because something is missing in his power to do it.
He lacks strength, he lacks control, he lacks power. And only one thing could give him all that, the remnant.

He hurriedly ran through the Funtime Gallery, now with his dark-adapted eyesight, he could clearly see absolutely everything around him.
The cables, the boxes, the toys, the tables, and that curious yellow and violet animatronic that stalked him from the Funtime stage.

Afton raised the key that he had taken out of the Control Module, approaching the metal door located on the left side of the wall.
He opened it by entering it without taking his eyes off the robot. The machine didn't move from its spot, but he surely wouldn't hesitate to do it, if Afton lets his guard down.

Many years ago, when he was still alive, before he became the bunch of springs. William was in charge of creating five powerful artificial intelligences, resurfaced from the remnant, that substance capable of providing and endowing intelligence, reasoning, feelings and life to everything that possesses it.
Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, Circus Baby and Lolbit were the beginning of his experiments with the souls taken from children.

Although the souls ended up in the animatronics of Freddy's Fazbear Pizza.
However, their corpses were used for something else apart. The blood, the remains, the fresh viscera, mixed with the mercury, and a couple of other substances, at a good and considerable temperature, would create that liquid that today keeps Afton and the Funtimes alive.
But, the amount of victims that were taken just to create it was never counted.

Afton closed his eyes giving an audible sigh, he had to stop remembering the past. He had been trapped in his sins for too long, unable to get the face of his children out of his mind.
Think that all that began with an attempt to bring his kids back, and he ended up succumbing at the feet of death on so many occasions.

"I warned you"

Henry's voice sounded in his head over and over again.

It's hard to get over a loss, but Afton took it all to another level.

- SHIT! - He yelled kicking the desk in front of him.

He leaned against the door, bringing his hand to his head. Sobbing, he wanted to stop remembering all that. If only it were that easy to forget.

- I hate living... - He whispered pessimistically scratching his face with the fingers.

He looked at Lolbit in front of him, he didn't know when the animatronic had approached. Probably while he was raving about all that in silence.
He clenched his fist and lunged at the robot hitting it with his hand, the canine didn't flinch.

Afton took a deep breath, sitting up and leaning on the chest of the animatronic, who opened the jaws slightly.
He pushed the robot back. Lolbit recognized it, and hated it, but didn't attack him... Because he enjoyed it, the fox was able to enjoy Afton's suffering, letting him wander and writhe in front of his eyes doing nothing but stare.

The rabbit stepped back noticeably irritated, crossed the door and slammed it behind him, leaving the robot outside in the Funtime Gallery, and himself in the Private Room.

- ...How could you still be alive...? - Afton wondered aloud towards the existence of Lolbit.

He was confused that the fox was still standing after so many years trapped there.
Was he waiting for so long?

He walked over to the desk, opening several drawers. All empty.
Made a sound of annoyance as he crouched down to continue searching.
Then he remembered the old secret compartment under the desk.

The rabbit walked behind the table, seeing the four-digit password to type.
He thought for a few seconds, wondering what the code could be, it had been so long...
He narrowed his eyes as he tested the first numbers that came to his mind.
The year of his wedding.
Afton bent down again to key in the numbers, surprised when the drawer swung open smoothly. His second choice would possibly have been the trusty 1234.

He took out a briefcase, more like a box, grayish white, with gold details and two padlocks.
It was a box that he promised Henry never to open, and that contained great power within it.
Therefore he needed two keys, one of which was sure where is it.
The second, Henry Emily had it, the faithful co-founder of Freddy's.

- What's that? - Asked a voice next to him.

Afton jumped in fright, nearly dropping the box to the ground. The briefcase slipped from his hand, but other hands caught it before it fell completely, saving it.

- Vanessa!! - He exclaimed clearly annoyed, fortunately she had prevented the box from taking a good hit.

- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to surprise you... - She murmured in disbelief that had taken Afton off guard.

The rabbit let out a threatening growl, roughly snatching the box from her hands.

- What are you doing here...? - He asked, calmer checking that the object was safe enough.

- I went down and the door was open... - She answered simply.

Afton rolled his eyes clearly annoyed. He ignored her, determined to get out of there, wondering why Lolbit hadn't attacked her.
He pushed the door, looked around to make sure the fox wasn't near them, and ran to get back to the control module as soon as possible.
Vanessa went to follow him, crossing the door, but before running, she turned around sensing a presence behind her, inside the room.

- It will be the robot from before... - She murmured disconcerted.

The woman decided to ignore it and chase after Afton before she lost sight of him. She brought her hand to her side, still sore from the stabbing, luckily she managed to re-bandage it before entering the basement. In the room above the elevator there was a first-aid kit, although the medicines weren't very reliable, she could still use the bandages.

Vanessa ran away from the door across the gallery in search of the rabbit. Lolbit peeked out from her stage again, watching the girl leave. He brought his eyes to the door of the Private Room, looking at the hidden figure of a bear.
The fox gave a distorted laugh that even Afton could hear, making him shiver.

Once they were out of the gallery, he gasped in anguish. Vanessa reach with him and closed the door through which they returned. Thus barring Lolbit from passing in case he tried to follow them.
She looked at the man who seemed thoughtful looking at the briefcase that was holding.

- How are we going to return up? - She asked noticing how he came out of his thoughts to turn his gaze.

Afton didn't respond so she guessed he hadn't thought it.
She frowned in annoyance.

- Are you serius...? - The woman protested, earning her sharp gaze.

Vanessa swallowed hard when she felt him narrow his eyes at her, she shouldn't be angry or make Afton angry, so she took a deep breath before speaking further.

- Mr. Afton.. - The guard called him more respectfully, it seemed to work because he softened his gaze. - Could I... Please... Know why we do all this?

She insisted once more, hoping that he would finally reveal the purpose. Trusting that he would finally give up and tell her of his plans.
A few seconds passed before William lowered his head, relaxing his shoulders into a less offensive posture.

- Everything has a reason... actually... - He spoke, Vanessa opened her eyes hoping to get an answer.

- Then..? - She pushed him to speak.

- It is been a long time since... I lost everything and... I just want to... - Afton stopped, looking away from her, it seemed difficult for him to comment on all that.

She felt a little shame, but still she stood there nodding the head, encouraging him to continue.

- I want to... Create a time machine... - He finished, Vanessa blinked incredulously.

- What? - She replied, surprised.

- What you heard, I want to change the world... - He raised his gaze resting it on hers. - Perhaps... you do not believe me...?

A shiver ran down the girl's back, she nodded frantically.

- O-Of course..! A time machine! - She exclaimed a little nervous.

The silence succumbed for a few moments, Vanessa was very confused, wondering if Afton really had lost his mind.
Vanessa frowned when she saw as he began to tremble, then she understood.

- You such... - She decided to shut up when she realized that he was laughing silently.

- So naive... - Afton murmured with a slightly more breathy voice.

It was obvious, he wasn't going to tell his true plans so easily, it would be a disadvantage for him if others knew what he was up to.
He was laughing at her, taking all the tension out, despite not making a sound.
Vanessa crossed her arms, snorting.

- So... The "I hate my life" man, has sense of humor - She let out a crooked and somewhat bitter laugh.

After a few seconds, he stopped laughing silently. He locked her eyes, before turning and walking away.

-No.. - Replied the killer simply - ..I just think how pathetic you are...

The woman tilt her head, she didn't understand Afton, she had a hard time understanding him.
Sometimes he acted in one way, and other times totally different.
Sometimes the man acted cold and aggressive, even stabbing her.
Others just watched her like a defenseless animal.
And finally there was that arrogant look, the same one he was wearing at this time, where he laughed at others and acted cruel.

Afton opened another door, still holding the briefcase by his side.
Vanessa followed him in silence, feeling offended by the behavior of the opposite.

She watched coolly as he carefully set the box down on a table, approaching a keyboard with a variety of buttons.
She watched as he pressed several of those, really getting nothing.
Until she heard something, a door to the right opened.

The man returned to pick up the briefcase and walked to the door, she watched through the large glass, watching him approach the wall. There were some devices attached to it, with a lever and a large machine similar to a generator.
He lowered a lever, and the lights began to flicker.
Everything started to light up around them as he returned to where she was.
A female voice spoke through loudspeakers.

"Motion Trigger - Circus Baby's Auditorium"

Even so, she could not be seen exactly through the glass, however some things like a stage, a few tables and machines could be seen more clearly.

Afton didn't bother to close the door, they were alone, and with his one arm holding the briefcase it was impossible for him to attend to anything else.

- The elevator shall work... - He spoke calling her attention.

Vanessa thought for a few more seconds, looking at the buttons and machinery as Afton headed out of the auditorium.
It all seemed quite complex.

- Mr. Afton... - The woman called causing him to turn around responding to his name. - All this... Did you create all this...?

She looked amazed at all that technology hidden in the underground.

- Obviously... - Replied the man before turning around and leaving the place.

Vanessa was left with nothing more to answer, and he wasn't there anymore, so she decided to leave and follow him before he left her there down, she knew that Afton wouldn't wait for her in the elevator.

"Glass Pressure trigger - Please do not push against the glass"

The female voice was heard from the loudspeakers. Vanessa turned to the glass in confusion, her pupils shrinking as the glass shattered as a robot crossed to attack her.

Vanessa screeched loud enough for Afton, in the control module, to stop and turn to where she screamed.
He could only see her run in a panic to where he was, Afton was confused about her attitude.

She then yelled a simple "Run" at him before grabbing his arm and pulling him.
An animatronic violently opened the door they came out of.
Afton did not take a second to flee with his partner to the elevator, the robot pounced on them but did not arrive in time before the doors closed.

The elevator began to rise.
Vanessa gasped in fright, she had never seen such threatening animatronic attack her like that.
The robot's jaws were inches away from biting her head off if she hadn't run in time.
The guard tried to regulate her breathing calming down, she felt dizzy as the heart pounded in her chest.
She raised her eyes to Afton, searching him, but she blanched at how he reacted.

Afton was trembling in terror, panting heavily as if he were having a panic attack.
How long had been there? How long was alive? Was really waiting for him to come back?
Afton thought that after so many years, he would have gotten rid of her.. But it turned out that it wasn't...
All the while she was there, day after day, night after night, year after year, hanging on until he came back.
He believed that after more than 50 years she would have disappeared, but... souls do not die, they just wait, like wanderers until their mission, their revenge, is fulfilled.

- What was that...? - She asked confused by the involuntary actions of the frightened rabbit.

He turned a deaf ear. Raising his eyes, he looked her like if he had seen a real ghost.
The only robot that was not destroyed, the only animatronic that was not found, nothing was ever heard, whereabouts were never known, where it was or what happened.
It wasn't burned, nor dismantled, it wasn't hidden since it wasn't found, nobody knew about until then.
A giant bear, with black eyes as petroleum, a cold aura emanating from it, large jaws and golden skin like the withered suit that covers the body of their killer.

In a voice that showed true anxiety in every word, Afton trembled with the resurgence of the terrors that drove him to his death.



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