Harry Potter one shots

By 1Jess2Rose

86.9K 1.8K 174

One shots of different HP characters and many ships. Expect Dumbledore hate and more hate on different charac... More

Lily and Remus on the time of the month.
Daddy Snape and Dino Nuggies.
Harrymort mpreg part 1
Harrymort mpreg part 2
Voldemort's Grimm
Fenrir and Remus
Fred and Greorge
Sirius and Remus get Harry
Snape and Neville
Moony and Fenrir
Bellatrix and Luna
Sirius x Harry
Sirius and Tom
Arthur and Percy
Tomarry fluff.
Bellatrix and Ginny
Bellmione part one
Bellmione part two
Sirius Black sick (TomxSirius)
LuciusxHarry/SnapexGinny (Fluff)
Sirius and Harry.
Pranking Dumbledore Black family style
Lucius, Tom, and Harry
Snarry Mpreg
Fred and George Mpreg


3.8K 71 12
By 1Jess2Rose

Mr. Potter due to fanfiction writers you are now in love with the man who loved your mom! Have a great day, love the person who now runs your life. 

Harry hated potions for one reason and one reason only, Severus Tobias Snape, aka the hottest man to exist. Snape had to constantly watch Harry and that voice was something that had him very uncomfortably tight, hopefully Snape didn't notice. He glanced at the teacher's table to see Snape, he blushed when the potion master raised his brow and then turned to answer McGonagall's question. "Harry! You weren't even listing to me!" Ginny grabbed Harry's arm and whined until he shook her off. "Sorry Gin, I don't feel that great. I'm going to lay down for a bit." Harry left but instead of heading to the tower he went to the dungeons, he should have listened to the hat and gone to Slytherin. Harry lay down in a small room, he had found an old, abandoned classroom and transfigured a bed, he found it second year. Gryffindor was loud and Harry had sensitive ears, he once had a vase thrown at him and now loud noises hurt. "I need to go back." He sighed and left only to bump into a strong, sturdy chest. "Sorry, I wasn't looking." Harry looked up to see the man he was thinking about earlier. "What are you doing in the dungeons Potter? What is that!?" Snape lifted Harry's hand and saw an old burn mark on it. "Nothing." Harry tried to remove his hand only for Snape to tighten his grip, and Harry remembered his glamours were off. "What happened to you?" Harry saw Snape was mad and also the man yelled making him flinch back, from both noise and fear. "Aunt Petunia said I burned the bacon, so she punished me. Isn't that normal sir?" Harry saw a thousand emotions cross Snape's face before the man pushed Harry back into the room. "Petunia? Please Merlin, tell me you don't mean Petunia Evans." Snape was fuming when the boy nodded, it was Lily's sister. "Why in Merlin's name did the fool put you with them!" Harry covered his ears and cowered away from Snape, who noticed and got closer. "Please, I won't mention it to anyone else. Please don't hit me." Harry was scared he was in no condition to get beat up, not after someone found out he liked guys and girls. "I am not going to hit you Pot, Harry." Snape pulled Harry closer. Many of the Slytherins came to him with complaints of bullying and because they had a bad homelife. "Come with me, I have someone who can help you." Snape led Harry to his office and then took the boy to his master. Snape was loyal to the dark lord, even though Dumbledore believed differently. Dumbledore was the one who moved Lily and James to Godric's Hollow away from the safety of the Potter family wards around their ancestral home. Albus said that the place was where Voldemort would expect them, not in the small town in a regular house. Voldemort would never attack a child, he always made sure children were safe, he would never orphan a child to live the life he had as a boy. Voldemort wanted to help magical children and the people who hurt him, the families that were hurt or killed was because Dumbledore made him out to be a monster, going as far as to kill some of them himself. "Why are we here? You're going to let the dark lord kill me?" Harry tried to run, but he couldn't, Snape was surprisingly strong for someone who made potions all day. "No. Voldemort is nothing like how Albus describes him." They entered a normal looking office. "Severus, why are you here?" "I brought young Harry Potter with me, My Lord." Voldemort turned around and smiled at Harry. Tom had gotten his looks back and believed he looked better with hair. "You, you're." Harry was speechless, he thought 16-year-old Tom Riddle was hot, but damn! Harry had a thing for older men, he had a fantasy of calling Snape daddy. "Severus returned my looks, my mate likes it better than the snake-man, although I use that in front of my death eaters." Tom spoke more openly now. A man walked in; Harry didn't recognize the man. "Love, this is Harry Potter." Tom kissed the man on the cheek before standing and letting the man sit before sitting on his lap. "Hello, it is nice to finally meet you. Tom goes on and on about how amazing your spell work is, for someone so young you are really talented." The man kissed Tom's cheek and held him close to himself. "My Lord." Snape bowed his head to the new man. "I don't want to be rude, but who are you?" Harry was taken into Snape's arms, perhaps to shut him up. "It is alright Severus, I am Lord Voldemort's mate, I am Fenrir Greyback." The man, well Fenrir, shook Harry's hand and then place a quick kiss to his mate's hands. "He is the jealous type." Harry giggled and was pulled closer to Snape, who growled when Harry smiled at the couple before them. "Severus before the boy steals my mate, why did you bring him here?" Tom asked from Fenrir's lap. "I found out the muggles Albus placed Harry with abuse him." Fenrir growled, hurting a child was unacceptable. Albus passed a law that Werewolves shouldn't have children. Fenrir was allowed one child and Albus had that one taken from him and hidden, it took him four years to find the kid and now his son hates him, he thinks he killed the man he believed to his father. "Where are the muggles? I will kill the filth myself." Tom held Fenrir in his seat, trying to calm his mate down. "Let them finish telling us the details." Fenrir tightened his hold on his mate and nodded for Snape to continue. "They have burned him, cut him, and starved the poor boy." Snape could still feel the boy's ribs. Severus did not hate Harry in fact he knew the boy was his mate and he was pissed because the boy was 11 and now, he had to deal with his feelings. It was hard to not rip the young miss Weasley for trying to date his Harry. "I believe you two need to talk. Fenrir and I will come up with a plan to deal with the muggles. Don't worry, child, we will leave enough sanity in them for you to take." Tom pulled his mate out of the room already planning the ways to torture the muggles. "What was he talking about?" Harry turned in Snape's arms, now he was straddling the older man. "Harry, did you know that some wizards have a special gene in them that allows them to get pregnant?" Harry shook his head, no. "Well, those wizards have a mate, and well the person who is their mate is meant to love, shelter and protect them. You have the gene Harry, and you're my mate." Severus told the shocked boy. "I am able to have a baby, a baby growing in me?" Harry smiled and put his hands on his flat belly. "I thought you hated me?" "I don't hate you. I knew we were mates the first time you walked into my classroom, and I had to refrain from turning you over my knee and spanking you for being too damn young and adorable." Snape growled and Harry giggled and then leaned in closer. "So, you knew we were mates and couldn't do anything about it?" Harry kissed the tip of Snape's nose before the older wizard kissed the younger. "Brat." Snape growled and Harry snuggled closer. "Do you want to be my mate?" Harry asked, he was used to the good things in his life to never last. "I am your mate for life. You mister Potter soon to be Snape, you are not getting rid of me so easily." Snape kissed the boy, who was still straddling him, and it was not helping his not so little problem. "Can I help fix it for you, Daddy?" Snape wanted to die, his sexy little mate calling him daddy was the biggest turn on and now his mate was going to suck him off, was this a dream? "Yes, you may, Baby Boy, you're so good asking for permission." Snape praised. The two left soon after and went to Snape's rooms to complete the bond. "Forever mine." Harry said and before he fell asleep Snape whispered in his ear. "Always."

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