Lavender and Lilac ( Yurika )

By PurpleWallflower_14

3K 87 447

Monika was popular, intelligent and perfect in every way. And she would do anything to maintain that reputati... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

175 6 25
By PurpleWallflower_14

I get up from bed, stretching lazily.

I can't remember shit....

Okay okay, you have exams in a week, calm down...

I start getting dressed and revising biology in my head.

Insulin regulates the amount of glucose in your blood, Keratin strengthens your hair and nails, and can be found in several hair conditioners, hemoglobin is found in red blood cells, and transports oxygen throughout the e body, collagen helps with strengthening joints and elasticity, and elastin helps with muscle elasticity and structural support....

Yeah, I know my proteins pretty well... maybe I can get Aoi to test me... she's the smart one in the group..

I head downstairs, before checking the time.

Screw it, I'm going to be late to school, no breakfast for me I guess.

I sigh before getting my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

Today I don't have Spanish or Physics, so I guess I won't be seeing Yuri today.

Well, maybe I will, but it doesn't really matter! In fact, I kind of hope I don't see her... she might just recognise me...

She didn't before, why should she now?

Plus- she smells nice-

And who gives a fuck?

I just don't want my reputation to be ruined

Or to see the hurt look in her eyes


"I don't... I don't care..."

I mumble to myself. God, I'm stupid. And none of this would've happened if she wasn't so damn pretty that my eyes were drawn to her and-

Ugh! I've never been this anxious my whole life!

And all because of one girl I barely even know...

I sigh as I approach the school gate. Aoi waves to me enthusiastically.

"Hey, Moni, sup?"

She leans towards me.

"I'm good, Aoi, I was-"

I was about to ask her about the biology test but she cuts me off.

"Hey! You know that really hot boy, Yoshi, that we were talking about yesterday?"

I nod my head, faking enthusiasm.


She smiles excitedly.

"Well, so like basically, he like, DMed me on insta and, like, he told me that I was pretty!"

"Do you think he'll ask me out?"

She looks at me, waiting for a response.

"Huh? Oh, Aoi, you're really pretty! Of course he'll ask you out!"

She smiles again, but her eyes don't light up.

"Not as pretty as you..."

Huh? Wha-

"Oh hey, Chiyo! Did you hear the news?"

Chiyo immediately comes rushing to us, and starts chatting with Aoi.

I sigh before looking around the courtyard. Barely anyone is here.

Damn. Shouldn't have skipped out in breakfast...

Most people are chatting, but then-


In the corner, Yuri is studying something... biology, it seems?

Maybe I can ask her to test me... since Aoi and the others won't listen to me...

I nervously walk up to her.

She seems to be repeating the phrases to herself over and over again, her brows cutely furrowed together.

God, she looks adorable....


I open my mouth to ask her, but close it again, due to nerves.

I don't ever get nervous, what's wrong with me?

I open my mouth again.


I am cut off by the sound of the bell.

Dammit. I'll ask someone else...

I head into the building.

First class is drama...

I enter the class, and the sensei starts speaking.

"Okay class! Today we're going to be studying the play, Romeo and Juliet! I'm sure all of you have heard of it, and I will sort you into groups where you will re-enact the scenes!"

She starts handing out copies of the script to us and starts sorting us into groups.

I got put into a group with a guy named MC, my friends Emiko and Sora, a guy named Haru and Yoshi.

I head over to the group. Our scene is the most tragic; the suicide scene.

I immediately take control.

"Okay everyone- who wants to take which role for this?"

MC tilts his head.

"Uhh... I'll be Balthasar I guess..."

He sheepishly scratches his head.

"Great! I'll be lady Montague!"

Yoshi steps up.

"Welp, imma take the role of Romeo,"

Both Sora and Emiko squeal at that.

"I'll be Juliet!"

Sora manages to get out. Emiko shoots her a sideways glare.

Haru mumbles

"I'll be Paris..."

Emiko scowls.

"Then that means... I'll be Friar Lawrence..."

I immediately start organising everything, but Yoshi and Haru keep slacking off and talking.

"You two! Will you please pay attention!"

Sora grabs my sleeve.

"Monika! Don't talk to Yoshi like that! Then he might not like us!"

I sigh, and shake her off, instead deciding to listen in to their 'interesting' conversation.

"....I mean, have you seen her figure?"

Haru chuckles.

"Ya. She's hot as hell,"

Yoshi looks at him with a gleam in his eyes.

"Too bad her nose is always in those books of hers...."

Haru chuckles.

"I agree... I bet you she-"

I clear my throat.

"Ahem, boys! I would appreciate if you stopped going on some perverted rant about a girl and actually helped with the project."

Yoshi snorts.

"What are you, Monika, my mom?"

I sigh.

"Fine. Do your own thing, but at least learn your lines!"

Emiko grabs my hand.

"Monika! Why'd you do that??? Now he probably hates us!!"

I snort at her.

"I don't give two fucks, Emiko."

Emiko let's go, shaking her head and whispers something to Sora.

Fucking Yoshi and Haru.... Don't they have any decency?

No. Just let's get on with the work.

I turn to MC.

"So.... Wanna recite your lines to me?"

He nods and I start listening.


The rest of the day passed in a blur. Lessons, homeworks, it's all the same.

I start heading to the literature club.

Alright... should we just read today or write poetry again?

Oh right.... The flyers...

Okay, I think they're in the club room closet....

I turn towards the B-sector corridor.

Several students are still lingering in the corridor.

Probably from the anime club... it's the closest from here....


I shudder.

Probably Yoshi and Haru...

I open the door.

Neither Natsuki or Sayori are here....

Whatever. They know I won't be coming...

I head towards the closet.

Right... where did Sayori leave the flyers?

I look around.

I could've sworn they were on the bottom shelf...

Wait- Natsuki's manga is here!!! Oh god, the teachers are gonna kill me if they find out...

I shake me head, before moving the boxes on manga on the topmost shelf.

Hopefully the teachers won't see...

Once having been done with the manga, I catch sight of the flyers.

They were behind the manga boxes.

Stupid Natsuki... never thinking about these things...

I take the flyers and walk out of the room.

Okay, I have some blu-tack in my pocket so I can stick them on the walls...

Now, where should I go?

The library is a sensible option... then I can do the corridor...

Well, if that's the case, then I'll have to go all the way to the D-sector.

That's not too far, I guess.

I start walking to the library.

I wonder, is anyone actually there to read for pleasure? Or is it just study?

God, I hope not... then I'll just be embarrassing myself...

No. Stop. Don't think like that.

I sigh.

It would be very embarrassing if that happened though...

I can always just stick them on the walls..

Yeah. That's a good idea.

Truth be told, I've always had a sort of mild anxiety disorder when it comes to people, but over time, I sort of learned to cover it up with false confidence.

I open the library double doors and immediately get too work.

Alright, I made exactly 75 copies... can't put on too much, but can't put on too little either... it's gotta be just right.


In the corner, I spot a girl reading.

I gingerly approach her, bracing myself for the confrontation, but freeze in my tracks when I realise who it is.

Fuck me, why am I seeing her everywhere??

Or fuck you, Yuri you damn idiot....

God, I sound like a freaking tsundere...

She looks so adorable reading like that... the ways her brows are cutely scrunched up, the way her lips are slightly parted....

Gah! I'm staring... dammit....

I feel a light blush coat my cheeks, before turning my back towards the wall.

Okay... just act as if you didn't see her..

I hastily begin sticking the flyer to the wall.




And four...

Done! Now I can go.-


In my haste to get away, I accidentally trip over the chair legs of Yuri's chair.

"Oh! Are you okay?"

Yuri notices me and extends her hand to help me up.

"Agh... thanks."

I mumble to her before taking her hand.

It's soft... and nice and slender... and cold, but in a nice way....

"There. Also- what were you doing in the library, Monika? I don't ever see you here..."

And I never saw you until Aoi showed me...

"Me? Oh... I um... So, basically, I recently created a club and... how do I put this? Anyway, you know Jia, the student council President?"

Yuri nods, and I swear I saw her clench her fists slightly.

"Well... Jia and I have a sort of feud... and when I wanted to create my club, she gave me a 2 week deadline to get 4 members. So now I'm advertising the club by sticking the flyers around the school."

Yuri nods again.

"And.... How many members do you have exactly?"

"Oh! 3,"

She smiles.

"Well, I'm glad you're coping well. Do you need any help with the flyers?"

Her eyes... they're such a beautiful shade of purple... and with the sunlight reflecting off of her like that... she looks borderline angelic....

Wait- what did she say?

Oh, right.

"Y-yeah... some help would be welcome..."

Seriously? Since when do I stutter.

"Okay... well Monika. G-given that you are sticking flyers around the library, I'd say that your club is somewhat associated with literature, correct?"

I nod, stunned at her impressive analysis.

"In that case, I know several places where you could stick them that.... C-could attract new members..."

She says sheepishly.

When she notices my delayed reaction, she immediately begins backtracking.

"B-but! Don't f-feel pressured into it or anything! I just-"

I cut her off.

"Yuri, it's fine. In fact, I would appreciate any help I could get. So thanks for offering."

She smiles at me.

"Okay... here are ten flyers. I'll take ten too, and we can stick them around the library."

I hand her the flyers and she nods, before heading towards the corner.

I am about to turn around, but am caught off guard by her graceful movements.

Her long legs do help her get around easily.... And her posture is flawless....

I shake my head, before busying  myself with my batch of flyers.


It doesn't take long for both of us to burn through our batches, and we decide to head towards the corridor.

"So, Yuri?"

She turns to me.

"Ah, yes Monika?"

"What exactly were you doing in the library?"

I attempt to start a conversation.

"Well, I was reading..."

"Why not studying?"

At my question, she fidgets with her hair cutely and looks towards the ground.

Wait- did I just call her cute? Never mind...

"Please don't laugh... b-but I usually study during my lunchtimes... and then use spare time for reading..."

I raise my eyebrows in shock.

"Really? Well, that's a first..."

She nods again and we walk in silence, with me occasionally shooting glances at the purple-haired beauty- ahem, Yuri as we make our way through the corridor.

"Here! We can stick the flyers here as many people pass through..."

Yuri and I arrive at a fork, at which many people pass through.

"That's a smart idea, Yuri."

I shoot her a smile, to which she blushes adorably and fidgets with her hair.

Wait- okay, you know what? She's adorable. Deal with it.

"T-thanks... can I have... 3 flyers?"

I nod, before handing her them.

She reaches up and sticks them on, and her blazer lifts up slightly.

Oh god, her skin is probably so soft....

Aaaand I don't care....

I feel a slight blush coat my face.


Yuri finishes with the flyers.


I say stupidly.

"I'm done... do you know any other crossroads?"

I nod.

"Yeah- right in the A-sector, and the E and G-sectors."

"Okay then."

Yuri and I head for the E sector as it is the closest.

"Sooo... you said you were reading?"

I once again make a feeble attempt at conversation.


Yuri looks at me questioningly.

"Well... what I meant to ask was- what kinds of books do you like to read?"

She scrunches up her face slightly before answering me.

"Ah... to answer your question... I often enjoy works of horror. They tend to entrance me and pull me into my own world... making me forget all my outside troubles, even for a brief moment. But really, it's each to their own. Some might find action intriguing as it pumps a feeling of adrenaline throughout the body, some mystery, for the perplexing puzzle that awaits. Some even manga, for relatability... the list goes on."

I'm stunned, once again, by her analysis of literature.

"Wow, Yuri... you know your stuff well.."

Certainly better than Natsuki... what was it-
'It's like, so like, relatable, and like, like, like...'

Okay, yeah... that was mean...

"Thank you, Monika. What sorts of literature do you like to read?"

"Oh, I'm a fan of complex literature... some good that makes me think... rather than viewing the world in a single-minded perspective... being able to understand those of others... but really, any form of literature is fine, as long as it isn't overly simplyified..."

Or, in other words, manga.

I don't even understand why I allowed Natsuki to join the club... she's just a mood-dampening bitch...

Yuri nods.

"Oh, look! We've arrived at the E-sector. Here, can I have another 3 flyers?"

I hand Yuri some more flyers as she puts them up, I turn away.


I check the time.

"Hey Yuri?"


She looks at me quizzically, tilting her head slightly.

God, she's too cute...

"It's... now 3:57.... We have to go now."

Her face falls slightly.

"Well, in that case... I suppose we can continue tomorrow?"

I nod as she turns to leave.


I shout impulsively at her.

She turns around, looking slightly perplexed.

"Would you...."

I stammer slightly, unsure of what to say to her.


I say in a burst of spontaneity.

What am I saying? She'll probably decline and not help me tomorrow and that would be so humiliating!!

I immediately start backtracking.

"Well- I just though... y'know... you like reading and all that! So I thought that-"

She smiles.

"It's fine. I'd love to."

AN- aaand it's finally out! 2 days you all have been waiting... thank you all for 119 reads ( last I checked)! Anyway, I'm really grateful for all the support!

Word count- 2551

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