Pandora's Gift

Per Aurora-567

55.9K 2.1K 260

MHA AU omegaverse where everyone is aged up. Bakugou Katsuki X female OC Sakaki Shinzuko a formal omega UA cl... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 35

828 31 3
Per Aurora-567

Walking back into the agency Sakaki was pushing some free stands from her ponytail out of her face. Sweat had started to lick at her forehead, having the stray strands of hair sitting in front of her eyes. The days were quickly growing warmer as the summer months quickly approached. Soon the full black spandex suit would need to be replaced with her short sleeve summer version that would be cooler for her. The material was more breathable than the one she was currently wearing. She looked forward to a shower before she was going to sit down and start working on paperwork.

"See you in the office," She mumbled to the blonde beside her who just grunted at her before the two parted ways each heading to their own changing rooms.

As much as she wanted to spend the next hour in the shower just relaxing and letting the muscles in her body relax she didn't, she knew if she took too long Bakugou would chew her ass out. And not in a fun way. So washing off the sweat and dirt was all she allowed before she was out and dressed in some more comfortable clothes. Leggings and a baggy t-shirt had her smile softly happy for the comfort before she headed out of the change room.

The sweet scent of happy omega followed her since she did not bother with new scent blockers after that shower. Everyone at the agency pretty much knew about her by now. And even though the side kicks were nice enough they also seemed to keep a decent distance from her. Though she had a feeling they just did not dare risk pissing off a particular blonde alpha who would not hesitate to blow them up.

"What the hell has you so happy?" The blonde asked once she was two steps into his office and heading for Kirishima's desk.

"Patrol was boring and uneventful but fine, I got to enjoy a quick shower, by the way the showers at the agency are lovely. And now that I'm clean and comfortable I can get a start on the paperwork that remains then you can walk me home and I can relax tonight," she said as she strolled up to Kirishima's desk were she sat in his seat almost looking like a kid compared to the size of the office chair Kirishima needed for his large frame.

"You forgot what day today is didn't you?" Bakugou asked with an arch of one delicate blonde eyebrow. She simply blinked her eyes as she looked over at him. Yeah she had completely forgotten.

"Tonight is game night. You told Kirishima you would go so that his girlfriend will go. I'm not taking you home after work. Instead you're coming with me so I can get my place set up for everyone's attendance," Bakugou said, watching the happy expression fall from the woman's face as she quickly started to pout.

"Oh come on. Why can't I go home, get ready and then head over to your guy's place. I'm a big girl, I do not need an escort all over the place," she whined, well aware of how fast this discussion could turn into a yelling match.

"We have had this discussion already. You will not be left alone. And I do not have the ability to go to your place again. So tonight you're coming with me. No if ands or buts I will drag you with me kicking and screaming if I must," she listened to him growl the threat at her. Why was that a turn on? Okay maybe she should have tossed some scent blockers back on after her shower as she watched Bakugou's nostrils flare, well aware of how her body gave her away.

"Oh! What part of that threat just now turned you on?" The blonde asked with a wide smirk pulling at the blonde's lips as he watched her face turning pink.

"Oh shut up. Fine I guess I'll leave with you after work," she growled, unable to help the embarrassment that tinged her cheeks as she pouted and quickly turned her attention to the paperwork before her. Well that was one way to end an argument for them.

Damn it she hated not wearing scent blockers. Stupid alpha's and their ability to smell the even so slightest change in pheromones'. It was like walking around with some invisible sign screaming how you felt to everyone around. Even now she wanted to go get her scent blockers from her locker and put them on but instead she turned her attention to the paperwork before her. Nothing made for a better distraction than work.

And that was what she did. Sakaki was always good at that, she had a tendency to just throw herself into her work. And why not she really only had Sasara and Hatori in her life. Her family did not approve of her being a hero so she almost never dealt with them. So work became her mistress. And why not she loved it, well she did not love paperwork but it came with the terrain. It was just easier to throw herself into catching bad guys and being a better hero. Well that had been her life before she found herself in the strange agency and working with two old classmates.

She was so busy in her head with the work she did not even notice the blonde in the room had gotten up from his desk and had walked over to stand beside his best friend's chair leaning over it to watch the woman work at filling in the paper form before her.

"Finish that up and let's go," She said, jumping at hearing the loud deep voice right beside her ear. Geeze she wanted to put a bell on the blonde so he would not do that again. Then again, when was Bakugou ever quiet? Yeah this was on her for not noticing him. And of course as she glared up at the man she watched a playful shimmer flash in his eyes as his lips curled up into a ever so rare smile or maybe it was more of a smirk it was a little hard to tell with him.

"Okay give me a minute then we can leave," She said as she turned her attention back to form in front of her reading it quickly and then signing the bottom before putting it off to her finished pile. Now done she pushed the oversized chair away from the also larger than normal desk.

"Alright let's go," She said as she stretched as she stood up.

"Come on," The blonde grumbled as he turned and started to lead the way out of the office with her hot on his heels. She really just wanted to go home and relax. But Sasara would be expecting her and she could not leave her poor friend with a bunch of strangers as well as them being hero's. Her poor little friend would surely feel so out of place at an event with all hero's and she would be the one civilian. Sakaki could not do that to her friend. She could not force Sasara to deal with the likes of the Bakusquad alone.

And so the dark haired woman dragged her feet as she followed Bakugou out of the agency and towards his home. She still had a hard time believing that he and Kirishima lived together and rented such a nice apartment. The smell of the two alpha's was not completely unwelcoming. The scent of warm earth and a bonfire was a mouth watering combo. And the place was drenched in the scents. Even though she noticed the smell was not as potent as it could have been saying that both men had not been home in the last twenty four hours at least. That thought had her snicker a little to herself. Seems neither man spent their night in their own bed lately.

Kicking her boots off in the front door Sakaki walked into the house just making herself at home. At least this time she wasn't running around Bakugou's bedroom naked before stealing his clothes in her hung over state. She could hear the blond grumble but he didn't actually yell at her as she listened to him make his way to the kitchen. Sounded like he was going to get prepared for dinner.

"So what time is everyone supposed to start showing up?" Sakaki asked as she made her way into the kitchen to lean on the counter as she watched the man start to pull out pots and pans.

"I expect Shitty Hair and that Snowflake will show up in time to eat. Everyone else will slowly start to show up. Pinky and Tape Face tend to be the first to show up. Ears won't make it this time. Pikachu won't show up till after everyone else that moron is always late," Bakugou said as he listed off everyone coming based on his sense of nicknames. Hearing that had her smiling softly as she listened to the man still childishly use nicknames. Originally she had always assumed the man was too lazy to care to remember names. But now she wondered if it was just a way he showed his love for those he saw as friends.

"So pretty much you could be expected people at any time? I guess I can see why you were wanting to get back so soon," she said as she watched him pulling out all sorts of food. She wondered if he was also going to start making some snacks to go with the party.

"Exactly all those idiots have their own schedules and even when they are giving a time no one ever listens," the blonde growled as he got started on making a big dinner expecting Kirishima and Sasara to join them.

"Anything I can help with?" She asked not wanting to just stand there and be a useless bystander. And yet she could see that skeptical, scrutinizing look from him that said he doubted she could do even the simplest of jobs.

"Slice up the vegetables. And don't cut off a finger," he growled after a moment of thought and thrust a bag of vegetables into her hands.

"Don't worry I am not that incompetent," she pouted slightly at him. As she grabbed the bag and turned her attention to a cutting board and knife. His reply was a simple grunt at her which she then filled her eyes at. That reply was not a surprise to her. When in the kitchen Bakugou had a tendency to oddly go quiet as he worked. It was one of the few times the blonde was silent. She remembered him being the same way back in high school. But she did not mind, the silence was not too heavy as the two worked side by side in the nice kitchen.

It did not take the two long before they were nearly finishing up as they both stood by the stove, well mostly Bakugou stood in front of it and Sakaki stood beside the stove. The blonde was still whining about the fact that he had to split his curry in half to make a batch for her and Kirishima who could not handle their food as hot as he liked it. She will forever question if the blonde had simply burnt off his taste buds with tears of abuse of spicy food. But he was certain that everyone else was just pussies. And so that was how Kirishima and Sasara found the two when they reached the apartment. Walking into the apartment all that could be heard was the bickering of Bakugou and Sakaki.

"We are not pussies, you're just a moron who burnt off his taste buds," Sakaki had said as she grabbed plates and silverware as she had started to set the table.

"Are too. My taste buds are just fine," Bakugou yelled out from where he stood, turning the oven off as he finished cooking.

"Your taste buds are not fine," she argued back and would have continued to argue had she not hurt a soft giggle which pulled Sakaki's attention away from the task at hand to smile widely at her friend.

"Sasara. How are you?" She asked ditching the task at hand as she ran up to her friend. The dark haired woman was quick to fawn over her friend since she had not seen her since the night they were attacked.

"I am fine Shun," the pale haired woman said softly as she smiled warmly to see her dear friend looking her over just in case, "I'm glad to see your well as well."

"Yeah I'm fine. I was not even hurt during the attack. Though I don't enjoy the consistent baby sitting now," the dark haired woman growled softly with a pout and cross of her arms over her chest. Which just had the younger woman smile.

"I don't know I've kind of liked it," Sasara said softly and slowly trying to keep the two guys from hearing. A blush covering her pale cheeks.

"Of course you have," Sakaki smirked teasingly as she wiggled her eyebrows at her friend before glancing over at the red head who she knew had been sleeping with her friend. That earned Sakaki a light slap to the arm from the blushing woman.

"Time to eat extras," Bakugou barked at the two women before everyone grabbed their plates and loaded them with rice and curry. To everyone's amazement Sasara had grabbed some of Bakugou's spicier than hell curry.

"Uhm Sasara, are you sure you want to eat that? Bakugou's taste in curry is incredibly spicy," Kirishima said, his face going pale as he watched his girlfriend loading her plate up with a curry that could nearly burn a hole in the plate.

"Huh yeah it's fine," The woman said, going as far as to even plop a mouth full of curry into her mouth. To say everyone held their breath was an understatement. And to everyone's surprise the woman's eyes lit up as she swallowed the mouthful before starting to complement the blonde who had started to lean back into his chair once he realized the woman who just tried his curry had not had her head explode.

"See you two are just pussies," Bakugou barked at Kirishima and Sakaki. Sakaki on the other hand raised an eyebrow as she looked over at her friend.

"You're using your quirk aren't you," Sakaki asked the woman with a slight arched eyebrow and a smirk tugging at her lips as her friend shyly looked away which was all the answer she needed as she started to cackle as the two men just watched silently unsure exactly what they were missing.

"Her quirk is an ice breath. She can cool down the air she exhales. She is cooling the air in her mouth in order to keep her tongue from burning," Sakaki answered once she was able to get her laughter under control. The pale haired woman blushed softly at the fact she was called out for her minor quirk use and honestly if Sakaki had not said anything no one would have even noticed.

"Oh wow that's a cool quirk," Kirishima said, smiling widely at the woman he had been dating.

"Oh boy she never told you her quirk?" Sakaki asked as she started to once again eat her own meal.

"It never got brought up. I know his quirk thanks to him being in the news all the time but mine never got brought up. It's not like it's really that great," Sasara said softly as she continued to eat her own meal.

"You know that's not true. You never use your quirk. If you had trained it then you may be able to freeze more than just the immediate air around you that you can exhale," Sakaki said even though she had told her friend this before.

"Maybe but still you know fighting is not for me," Sasara said softly as she ducked her head a little.

"You do not have to fight to train a quirk," That answer had all heads turning to look at the blonde man who had spoken up. He seemed unbothered as he continued his little comment, "Quirks are a part of use. Think of it like any other muscle. It has its limits, yes, but you can also strengthen a muscle that you do not regularly use with just simply using it more often."

"Look at that, you actually know how to use that brain of yours," Sakaki said, smirking playfully at the man. To which he reacted as everyone expected as he was quick to tell the dark haired to shut up and that he always used his brain. In turn it ended up being the two bickering back and forth as the group ate their dinner. It was an oddly nice meal even with Bakugou's yelling but it did not seem to bother anyone any more. It was easy to get used to the blonde's loud voice any time he got even the slightest worked up or excited. Kirishima and Sasara had offered to clean up dinner since Bakugou and Sakaki had cooked, well it was mostly Bakugou but still Sakaki tried to help.

So now the dark haired woman had made her way into the living room where she had found herself a spot on one of the couches as she watched the cranky blonde start to pull his gaming system out along with a rather impressive stack of games that she had a feeling was going to be played through most of the night. Seeing him pull out a couple of controllers had her want to tease him and ask when the last time he melted one was but as she opened her mouth she could hear the doorbell go off. Seemed the first of many was just arriving for the fun.

Kirishima was the one to get the door opening it and greeting his friends, Sakaki did not even need to get up from her spot on the couch to know who had arrived first. Mina's loud voice carried across the building with ease as she squealed and gave the red head a hug before moving into the house and first spotting Sasara who Mina was all over. The pink woman was always to friendly for her own good. But Sakaki was happy to know that she had not changed as she introduced herself to the smaller pale omega who was trying desperately not to hide behind Kirishima.

"Mina I think you're making her uncomfortable," The voice of reason that called out to the pink woman was a new voice but also one Sakaki could easily remember. Sitting on the couch she watched as Sero was trying to herd Mina into the living room where the two paused as they looked at the dark haired woman who was lounging on the couch.

"Yo Ashido, Sero. It's been a while," The dark haired woman greeted the two as she watched her old classmates pause and blink at her as if she had grown a new head.

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