Lavender and Lilac ( Yurika )

By PurpleWallflower_14

3K 87 447

Monika was popular, intelligent and perfect in every way. And she would do anything to maintain that reputati... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

189 7 29
By PurpleWallflower_14

Ha! I know all of this! Japanese literature is easy- peasy.

Now that I'm done with trig, I can get done with my 'strong points', a.k.a, Literature, biology and music.

Especially music.

It's so damn easy! I've been doing theory since I was 7! Compared to the grade 5 theory exam I had to take this is child's play.

Creative subjects are really my strong points.

Unlike the sciences and maths.

Equations are just so difficult to understand! I mean, they are just numbers afterall! Who needs them?

It's not like I'll need them in order to recode my reality....

So they're useless!

But of course our school makes these subjects mandatory.

And it sucks.

At least we can make clubs by ourselves without teachers overseeing our progress...

But the student council does...

Jia is a total nightmare.....

She's clearly jealous of me, and is giving me so little time to get 4 members....

We have 3 so far...

Yes, but Natsuki isn't showing initiative, and I don't really see anyone else who would want to join...

And besides, where would I find people like that anyway??

The library....

I guess....

That's it! I'll go around sticking flyers in the library. That could attract potential members who aren't total bitches and there because

A) Sayori pressured them into it


B) because they want to be in my good books.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

I wonder what everyone else is doing....

I reach for my phone and scroll to the group chat.

Yo, sup?

Lil Cinnabun UwU
I'm good UwU!

Could be better.... Also- Sayori, wht is it with u and uwu? Ngl it's kinda annying

Lil Cinnabun UwU
What does 'ngl' mean?

Not gonna lie

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Neither am I!


Sayori, she meant that NGL stands for not gonna lie.

Lil Cinnabun UwU

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Also- soweeee for being annoying uwu.

You two-faced sheepskinned wolf! Sayoriiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmm

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Couldn't resist~


Lil Cinnabun UwU

It means........


Lil Cinnabun UwU
Imma go cry now, u made me cry u meanie :((((((

Yeah whatever, anyway, whaddya want Monika??

I've got an idea for the club

Lil Cinnabun UwU

Calm down ya Bala!

Lil Cinnabun UwU
A what now?

Stupid autocorrect.... I meant to say baka!

Lil Cinnabun UwU

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Anyway, what's ur idea Monika?

We should hand out the flyers we made!

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Monika.... They were made to be handed out?!

No that came out wrong. I meant I would hand them out in the library and was just sending texts as a warning that I won't be there next meeting is all.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Oh ok!

You couldn't just have said that could you, baka?

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Btw look at this cool meme!!

I sigh before switching off my phone.

Ha. Typical Sayori....

I'll look at the meme later.

Now for homework.

Okay.... Music now.

I skim through the paper.

If the bar is in 4/4 then how many crotchets would fit a bar?

How old are we? 4? A crotchet is worth one beat so the answer is gonna be 4, clearly.

I manage to finish the rest of the paper in under half an hour. Biology was fairly easy too... just retrieval practice on shit.

I yawn and stretch.

Dinner time I guess....

I make my way into the kitchen and start preparing dinner.

Just ramen today...
( AN- Just Monika tomorrow...( JK- no self-awareness in this one ))

I heat up my noodles as they are frozen and begin rerunning the days events through my head as I usually do.

Had trig, calculus, Japanese literature, music, biology and physics

With Yuri

Hm. It's strange that she didn't recognise me...

And she asked me to have lunch with her...

Which isn't a surprise in itself, given from what I know about her she doesn't have many friends.

And she's also hella smart and cute...

What I mean is, given from my interactions from her, I see no reason for Aoi to bully her.

Jealousy, spite, maybe?

Nono... my friends are airheads, not jerks...

Then is Yuri a jerk??

No, but I'm sure Aoi has her reasons!

The motive doesn't change the crime...

I sigh. This debate of ethics is gonna take a while....

Although... I don't really know to be honest.

Yuri's a sweet, shy, smart girl.....

But I do know Aoi better.

Perhaps she has beef with the latter?

Is this some sort of façade she's perhaps putting on?

Although, somehow, I can't imagine Yuri manipulating someone...

I barely know her! And as for Aoi.... Well, she hasn't really shown manipilative tendencies in the past...

Although she can be venomous in her rejections....

Beep beep!

Damn. I have an annoying tendency to get stuck in my thoughts so much that I can shut out the real world.

I should really stop dwelling on Yuri though... she doesn't recognise me, and probably gets bullied and mocked daily....

Plus- all I did was call her a freak...

( AN- you have no idea Monika, you have no idea..... but you're right I guess.... In some aspects.....)

I make my way towards the microwave, get my ramen and sit down.

She'll be fine- Aoi did so much worse anyway....

Yeah.... It's fine, I didn't do anything wrong....

Okay, I should probably think about something else now.

The flyers.

I should probably put them in the library as I told Natsuki and Sayori, but also possibly in the school corridors where many people pass by....

Also- putting them next to the anime club isn't an entirely bad idea, afterall the design is so cutesy and anime-like it might just get their attention...

No. I don't think I want them in the club... they're just perverts most likely....

But I do need at least one more member until the spring quartet is up...

I can always kick them out later anyway...


I yawn slightly.

God, I'm tired...

I put my ramen away and head upstairs.

I didn't take a shower yesterday.... guess I'll take one today.

I grab a towel and my clothes before heading into the bathroom.

I quickly shower before getting into bed.

Brrrr.... It's fucking cold....

I try to move around and get comfy with my blanket but to no avail.

Wish I had someone to cuddle with...

Yeah. But no use thinking about something that'll never happen I guess

( AN- but it will, but it will ( no, there will be NO SMUT. The mature rating is there for.... other reasons ))

I sigh before closing my eyes....


Wait.... What's going on? It's dark.......

A swirl of colours engulfs me before I find myself....

At the literature club????

It's just me....

And fucking Yuri....

"M- Monika...."

I look her in the eyes.

"What are you doing here? Where are Sayori and Natsuki???"

I say to her harshly.

She visibly flinches.

"I was- I just wanted- never mind... forget it."

She turns towards the door.


I say to her.

She turns slightly.

Suddenly, Aoi opens the door, followed by Emiko and Chiyo.

"Hey, look at the loser freak! What's she doing here, Monika?"

Aoi sneers at Yuri.

"It's just Monika, remember?"

Chiyo says.

Just Monika... I like that.

"Yeah Yuri, it's just Monika, you can leave now."

Yuri crosses her arms in a pout.

"What do you want? We were just getting to the good part!!!"

She morphs into Natsuki.


Then Sayori walks in with her boyfriend.

"Natsuki, stop being mean!"

Aoi then turns into Yuri and starts walking towards me.

"Hello, gorgeous..."

She caresses my cheek and her face is almost on top of mine and-


Beep beep! Beep beep!

Huh? What? Oh...I guess it's time to get up...

What was I dreaming about again?

Something about.... Natsuki? I think she was saying something???

And....wait, I can't remember anything!!!

Other than the fact that I was about to kiss a girl...

Okay, then I guess not Natsuki.

Time for school, I guess.....

I get up and get dressed, but before heading for breakfast, I check my timetable.

Huh. No physics today.....

Why do I feel so disappointed???

AN- Hi everyone! It's been a day, as usual! Also- about my previous chapter; I got some comments about... well... the hatred Yuri was receiving in that 'bonus' scene. Trust me when I say I don't hate her, this is just something I like to call 'comparison' and is going to be very helpful to me later on. But no, I don't hate her. At all. BUT, there will be actual self-harm scenes so.... Yeah. That's all. Also, I want to say a massive thank you for all the reads I've been getting! I mean, thanks for the support, but I'm only 11. I'm not that talented, really. But thank you anyway! ( also- I don't have my email verified and kinda forgot it so I can't answer your comments- sorry! )

Word count- 1526 ( less than usual but whatever )

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