Friendship into Relationship

By allovetovictory

39.6K 1.7K 259

"I know every part of you, but never have I seen this part." "I want you, why can't you want me too?" Taehy... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Side Story: Chapter 1
Side Story: Chapter 2
Side Story: Chapter 3
Side Story: Chapter 4
Side Story: Chapter 5
Side Story: Chapter 6
Side Story: Chapter 7
Side Story: Chapter 8
Side Story: Chapter 9
Side Story: Chapter 10
Side Story: Chapter 11
Ideas Needed
The Wait Is Finally Over

Chapter 1

4.5K 133 7
By allovetovictory

"Let's hold hands." Jimin turned to his best friend who stood besides him eating a fruit bar, waiting for the cue to begin walking. The fresh breeze ran a shiver down down Jimin's spine, smiling wildly at Taehyung. He laughed with a head shake seeing him actually stick his hand out, "just kidding." Jimin pushed him gently and walked inside the school, greeting the students who admired him truly.

Although his peers loved him, Jimin didn't feel the same way. He hated being in the spotlight, he liked capturing and being the one in the back laughing. He kept his head low, nodding to the people who speak informally to him.

"Come back, my love!"

Jimin turned his head to the loud voice, already smiling bright. When he seen a gesture be done by Taehyung, Jimin walked to him and shared a long hug. Blushing, Jimin pulled away because all the eyes be seen questioning and wondering what they were doing.

"We're straight." Taehyung announced to the students who eyed them down, "straight gay!" And suddenly, Taehyung was given a light push and left behind by Jimin once again. He laughed and started to apologize while Jimin kept his eyes forward.

Jimin lowered his gaze and kept walking to class, rolling his eyes when he seen Taehyung dance his way to his seat, next to him, trying to cheer him up. It worked. Surprisingly, the two best friends aren't tired of each other.

They never wanted to be separated, their schedules were exactly the same. They didn't have other friends, all they needed were each other and that was enough. They've always been like that, never letting the other get close with someone new.

Too jealous.

"You're a dumbass." Taehyung looked over his shoulder with a smugly grin to only be filmed by Jimin's phone, this was normal for the friends.

The bell rang meaning it was time for actual class, "phone away, Park." The teacher scolded. Jimin nodded and put it away to pay attention, but it didn't last long until he was distracted by Taehyung's unique personality.

"Park and Kim, out for disruption."

Taehyung grinned as he elbowed Jimin's shoulder, which made Jimin shook his head, already knowing what will happen. "Miss, we were talking about the homework from last night." Taehyung took out a random paper from his messy book bag.

"We didn't have homework." Laughter was heard from the whole classroom. "Who said it was from this class?" He tried to play it off but Jimin just stood up making himself do the same.

Jimin accepted his faith and Taehyung didn't take it serious at all. "Nice try, Kim." The teacher sarcastically, Taehyung take a bow with a grin.

Jimin shook his head once they were out the classroom, "we're failing, Taehyung. We should take this seriously." Taehyung shrugged as he leaned on the locked, placing his hands inside his pockets. He didn't want to face the truth, he wanted to have fun.

In Jimin's eyes, Taehyung looked like a bad boy, one everyone fell for, including himself. "At least we can do summer school together." He tried but Jimin gave a upset look.

"You can but I won't. I'm not failing along with you. That's bullshit of me." He strictly told as he leaned on the lockers too. Taehyung sighed loudly, he was about to speak again but the sight of the girl walking his way made him forgot to speak just for a second.

"Hey Taehyung." She made her voice higher.

It fooled Taehyung but not Jimin.

But the popular girl, Sana, wasn't anywhere bad. It just so happened that Jimin felt threatened by her presence when it came to Taehyung. She was the sweetest girl in school, by fact. Everyone loves her for her innocence, including Taehyung.

"Hey Sana." Taehyung was hypnotized by her presence, she giggled and walked off. "You're a dumbass." Jimin mumbled and walked back inside the classroom making Taehyung follow behind.

For the rest of the class period, Jimin ignored Taehyung's actions. No matter how funny it looked, he didn't care. "Why are you mad?" Taehyung bumped into Jimin, playfully.

It was time for their next class and that's where they were heading, "I'm not." Jimin didn't spear a look towards him nor did he play along with his stupids acts he liked to pull in the hallways.

"Yes! If everyone had to know, we're in an argument. Couples get upset with each other and that's okay!" He grinned and elbowed Jimin's shoulder, he hoped that would spark a smile but it didn't. It only made Jimin's head go down to not met the gazes the students made.

"We're not together. We're friends for crying out loud!" Taehyung tried to fix it but the damage has been done. The rest of their walk was silence. It was unbarring. "I'm sorry for whatever I did." Taehyung shyly told, he slowly crossed their pinkies together, it was a unique way of saying he was sorry.

No pinky promises, yes apologies.

Jimin let a slight smile appear on his face, "it's okay." He rubbed his hair getting complaints of ruined hair by Taehyung. "Let's pay attention." Taehyung pouted but nodded, trying to fix his hair again. Jimin chuckled and faced back to the front of the classroom.

Once the class was over, it was lunchtime, their favorite part of the school day besides leaving of course. "What's for lunch, ladies?" Taehyung asked the lunch ladies, he heard laughter from his best friend when he didn't get a response. He never got a response and that's what made it funnier.

They got their trays and walked to their usual table with no one but themselves. Forcing themselves to eat the disgusting school lunches just for a moment before scooting the trays away and talking instead to feed their hunger. "Miss Kim is always bitching about something. I can't deal with her shit today." Taehyung scoffed, head shaking.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "you're just dumb as hell, that's why she's hard on you." He takes a sip of his milk carton, eyes on Taehyung's angered expressions. "Like you aren't at the bottom of the list with me." Jimin huffed at the counter, "because I'm not." He showed Taehyung the last math test with the help of technology, he grinned while Taehyung slammed his hand onto the table.

"I copied you! How the hell did you get an eighty and I, a fifty!" Jimin shrugged his shoulders and began to eat again.

Jimin decides to change the subject. He simply doesn't want to talk much about school anymore. "Are you coming over after school?" Taehyung shook his head, "I told you I'm grounded." He mumbled lowly, quite embarrassed. Jimin bursted into laughter, remembering what he got grounded for. "Stupid as hell!" He said in between his laughter although Taehyung just scrunched his nose.

"When are you ungrounded?" Taehyung shrugged and checked his nonexistent watch, "whenever my parents say so, idiot." He sarcastically told and marched off with Jimin trailing behind him. Taehyung walked with confidence compared to Jimin, he was shy, the one who hid behind Taehyung and all his stupid acts. And the same one who always got Taehyung out of trouble. 

"Do you have the key?" Jimin nodded and held a regular looking key, but this key could get them in a lot of trouble. They stepped up to the highest floor, they looked around and quickly unlocked the door resulting of the rooftop to be shown. It was a small safe top of gravel and a few pipes, nothing too dangerous.

They closed the door and sat at their regular spot, "you're everything my parents want me to settle down with." Taehyung nudge Jimin's shoulder when he didn't get a response, Jimin was too caught up in his thoughts. "I know. I mean, who wouldn't want their sons to settle with me?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and leaned on him. "You're right. Who wouldn't want you." Jimin was glad Taehyung had his head down or else he would have been worried by the droopy frown he suddenly made.

You, he thought to himself.

He rubbed it off once he heard Taehyung change the topic into something much interesting, "do you believe we're almost done with high school?" Jimin hummed softly, "it's hard to wrap my mind around it." Taehyung nodded, agreeing. They started to speak about the life they want to live, together as friends.

"We'll get an apartment and live together." Jimin nodded at the thought of the idea. He liked it a lot. "The bell will ring in ten minutes, let's go." Jimin said after he checked the time on his phone. He helped Taehyung on his feet and both walked to the door which they opened with the key again. Then, they walked off as if nothing happened.

They both let a heavily sigh when the bell rang, "I thought it was ten." Jimin shrugged and kept walking, they were late so it was pointless to try to get to class, so they just took their time.

Once they got to their classroom, they looked at each other and opened the door. "Jimin and Taehyung, if late to my class again, there will be problems." The boys nodded their heads and silently went to their seats, they fisted bumped with smiles on their faces.

"Miss Kim, I have a question." Taehyung grabbed everyone's attention by his sudden voice, "what is it?" She stopped her lesson. "Don't do it." Jimin whispered but it was too late once Taehyung opened his mouth. There's no way he'll be able to save him.

"I got a fifty on the last test and Jimin got an eighty, I copied his test, how did I get lower?" he raised an eyebrow, he thought he did something but the smug look on her face made him stomp his foot. "Shit." He whispered underneath his breathe. Taehyung should had spoken with Jimin before facing the teacher.

Miss Kim raises an eyebrow, "So, you cheated?" Taehyung rubbed his eyes. He hoped Jimin would help but to his surprise, Jimin looked out the window, avoiding entry, leaving him alone to deal with his problem.

Yes, I did." He mumbled.

"Zero for cheating, Mister Kim." She stamped and continued on with her lesson.

"Fucking hell." Taehyung slammed his hand down numerous times before Jimin stopped him. "It's okay. We'll figure it out together." Taehyung stopped to notice the concerned innocent eyes and slowly a smile broke loose, "we will." He confirmed.

After hours of school, it was finally over.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Taehyung shook his head, "let's go to your house." Jimin released a grinned at the sight of Taehyung's own, he snickered and led the way to his vehicle. "You're grounded though." Jimin parked the car in the driveway and tried to talk Taehyung out of it but once Taehyung decides something, it sticks. So, already knowing the answer, they walk into the home.

"Miss Park and Mister Park! How've you been!" Taehyung greeted the parents with hugs and did a French greeting he did whenever he sees the parents.

"You've seen us yesterday." Jimin's mother chuckled, Taehyung chuckled as well. "Looking good, Mister Park." He said and walked with Jimin upstairs, whistling while he winks at the father who simply laughed and nodded. "You have to stop with that." Taehyung sheepishly smiled.

They walked into Jimin's room and went to different directions, Taehyung went to his small playing station and Jimin went to his bed. "I'll watch from here." Jimin said before Taehyung asked questions. Jimin would be laying on the end of his bed laying on his stomach on his phone while Taehyung would play the game wanting Jimin's attention at all times when he was playing and scoring the wins.

So, it began, the filled room with laughter and joy dominating the quiet house, and eventually, Jimin joined Taehyung.

"You have to go home now." Taehyung whined out, "don't be a big baby. Go or else you'll be grounded for more time." Jimin squeezed his cheek gently, laughing at the sounds Taehyung made. "Could you at least drop me off? Mom and dad love you." Jimin laughed once more before nodded and turning the television off and leading back into the car.

They didn't live that far, only fifteen to twenty minutes away from each other. "Hi, Miss Kim, Taehyungie was helping me with my homework I was having trouble with. I'm sorry that we didn't ask before time." Jimin innocently made up the lie.

The mother of Taehyung trusted Jimin and his innocence, so she didn't doubt Jimin in this situation or any at that point. Taehyung rubbed his head and nodded to his false words that his mother fall for all the time.

"I hope my son helped you lots, do you want to stay for dinner?" She asked, opening the door widely.

"Thank you but no thank you. Tonight, my parents and I are having a family night, can't miss it." He explained and this point was true. He showed his creased smile to the woman who cooed and wished him farewell and left leaving the two boys alone again.

"Another day, another safe." Taehyung gave a high-five to Jimin, he smiled softly at the smaller boy.

"Appreciate it, Jimin." Jimin smiled, he accidentally glimpsed over Taehyung's sculpture that didn't go unnoticed by him. Taehyung posed a motion that made Jimin realize he was caught, "I can show you more if you want." Taehyung tugged at his shirt, but Jimin stopped him.

Jimin scoffed, "I was judging." He sassily told and walked off before Taehyung could see his red cheeked face. Taehyung noticed that too.

"Bye Jimin! We'll talk tomorrow, love ya!" Taehyung threw hand kisses to the boy who simply lowered his head, embarrassed by Taehyung's words. "Bye!" Jimin called out before he stepped into his vehicle, Taehyung waved and smiled widely.

~later that night~

Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that it would make his ringing phone away, but it didn't so he had to sit up and answer the phone that had Taehyung's name printed, "goddamn it, Taehyung, what do you want?" Jimin whispered shouted so he wouldn't wake up his parents.

He looked at the clock on his nightstand and groaned, "it's one in fucking morning!" He whined. Jimin was drained from the school day, his family night and now this? Taehyung has to be kidding.

Taehyung frowned. "Just want to see you, Jiminie, that's all." He said like it was nothing. Although Jimin was tired, he too wanted to see the younger boy, but the tiredness he felt was overlapping his wants. "You'll see me in a couple of hours. Go to sleep, bit-" he was hung up on.

He sighed heavily and placed his phone back on the nightstand, sighing again he closed his eyes and getting comfortable on his bed.

But, right at the edge of sleep, he scrambled when he heard something hit his window.

Growling, Jimin looked out the window and cursed, there he watched Taehyung hop in the air while he waved his arms out. He went to grab his phone and texted Taehyung the plan, then slowly but surely, he walked down the stairs.

Reminding himself not to step on the parts that creaked a sound, he flashed the dark living room with his phone and hurried to the front door, "Jiminie-" Jimin smacked his shoulder, "shut the hell up." He growled and walked back making Taehyung close the door silently and trail along.

Taehyung's hand was grabbed and his body was pushed into the room he knew most familiar of, Jimin closed the door and went into his sheets, not bothered by Taehyung's presence whatsoever. "What a real friend." He mumbled and took off his shoes and jacket and snaked into the sheets with Jimin.

"The only real friend you have."

Jimin turned to his friend and although He couldn't see his face clearly and only see the outline of his frame, he knew Taehyung was creaking a wide smile. "That's right." Taehyung proudly answered.

The room fell silent, which wasn't what Taehyung wanted, at least not yet. "Jimin." He called out. He reached his index finger out hoping he would poke Jimin's cheek but instead poked his bottom lip, no one moved. Taehyung felt something weird and he needed to deescalate this odd situation.

"You need chapstick, your lips are dry as hell."

It was clear Jimin didn't appreciate his sudden comment due to the fact of kicking and moving all over his bed which made Taehyung scoot to the very end of the bed so he wouldn't get kicked by Jimin.

"Taehyung, shut the hell up or I'm kicking your ass out." Jimin warned and it stood clear to Taehyung that Jimin was extremely tired. He only acted out when he felt strongly about something, but he rather calmly speak and not make sudden moments.

He sighed softly, "Okay, fine." Jimin huffed and went back to his pillow, "can I hold you? You know I can't sleep without holding something." Jimin groaned and since he wanted to get sleep, he agreed.

Taehyung smiled and got behind him and started to wrap his arms around the smaller boy, "no homo." He whispered softly and went to sleep. Jimin on the other hand, wasn't tired anymore. I mean, he had his best friend of years holding him, it wasn't the first time, but hey it was still strange.

Jimin tried to move a little but the grip Taehyung had, made it impossible. So, he carefully snuggled into Taehyung's chest and closed his eyes. Jimin bit his lip as he slowly placed his palm on Taehyung's arm and smiled, he could at least imagine it.

Author's note
New story! I got inspired by this show.
Happy Pride Month!

Edited 12/16: hey guys :D miss you

Have a good day or night!


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