The Roar of the Eagles: Ameri...

By Mengersh

7.6K 217 115

In an alternative 1985, the United States was booming as the foremost Superpower, only countered the USSR. A... More

First Contact: Night Elves and Orcs
Establishing 'Peace': Darkshore
First Contact: The Alliance and 'Blood' Elves
The First War Begins
And who can resist?
Old Rivals Emerge
Negotiations? Or Escalation?
Finalization of Peace
The New World Order
A Sudden Burden

First Contact: The Alliance(Pt. 2)

705 19 18
By Mengersh

In Darnassus, after three days of the signing of the Treaty of Darkshore, Tyranda and Shandris were discussing the situation with Jaina, whom was trying to wrap her head around what, or who, the Americans are. "By all accounts, the Americans are Human. But they differ from other Humans. They do not have a Monarchy of any kind."

Jaina raised a brow. "What do they have as a government? It doesn't seem that anything else other than a Monarchy works in at least the Human Realms." The young, yet intelligent woman was clearly confused, with only the Dalaran Government of Mages being the only non-monarch government in the human realm being the exception, not the rule.

Shandris hummed. "These Americans are not to be underestimated. They do not practice magic from what we can tell, but they clearly know how to fight a war. Plus, they have a clear technological advantage in land, sea, and air."

"The Americans have no basis for hostility towards anyone, outside of breaking the 'Rules of War'. While the treaty forced us to give up half of Ashenvale, they are enforcing the treaty, and thus, have given us no reason to push back against it." Tyranda sighed. "Trust me, we are not happy, but their General Marcus brought some insight: 'Compromise is not a situation where everybody is happy, it is something that both sides can agree to after considering the other options'. Something tells me they have experience in such ways."

Jaina frowned before a man walked in with both a Sentinel and Marine walked in. What shocked the two Night Elves was a single elf, a Sin'dorei. "Pardon my intrusion, Ladies, but I've been instructed by my President to undertake some delicate talks."

Jaina frowned before speaking. "That elf and her race are traitors to the Alliance." The man sighed. "I'm not about to entertain that without concrete evidence, so put that aside for now. Right, based on the situation she has explained to me, the Undead Scourge are basically pushing her people into extinction. The United States is willing to commence evacuations for Civilians first, then military. The question is: Will those who have a history with these people, either recent or long time ago, will they assist in either providing a temporary place of residence, food, medical aid, or just transports? Or will they be left to die."

Tyranda frowned before sighing. "General Marcus... may the lady speak for herself?" Marcus nodded, stepping aside, with the elf walking forward. "Lady Jaina, I understand your reservations, but like Lordaeron before, we need assistance to save our people. We've already made our case to the Americans. One in ten of our pre-war population is remaining..." She took a deep breath before continuing. "We just need to get out of there..."

Jaina leaned back before thinking. Assisting the Night Elves in defense is one thing, since they are allies, but the elves of Quel'thalas? Hardly worth the potential expense of life if the Alliance tried to evacuate them.

Tyranda and Shandris were talking amongst themselves. They remember what happened with the Highborn, but at the same time, desperation can cause someone to do things they wouldn't do otherwise.

Marcus was talking with Vereesa. "Even if they do not agree, the United States will assist in helping your people. In time, even consider reclaiming your land." Vereesa sighed before shaking her head. "Your nation is generous, even for first contact.... Why are you so ready to help?"

Marcus chuckled slightly. "We have surveillance capabilities some consider unnatural, Lady Vereesa. We've monitored the world ever since we got here. Everything else is classified, however."

Vereesa nodded before a Marine walked up, handing an envelop to Marcus before saluting. He nodded before walking slightly away, opening the envelop before reviewing the satellite photos he was given to him. He frowned before rubbing his face. Should he reveal the information to the two major political forces in the Alliance, or should he withhold the information.

Jaina sighed before speaking. "Theramore can act as a supply point for the refugees, but we cannot accept them. The people are already on edge, and I cannot force them with out limited imports and local production. But we retain the right to bar access if we cannot handle it."

Marcus sighed before looking at Vereesa, whom was still sweating, but showing slight signs of relief. But before Tyranda spoke, Marcus stepped forward. "Priestess, General, I'm aware you do not regularly interact with your distant allies, but I have been informed about major military buildups in what you call the Wetlands, Stormwind Harbor, Tol Barad, and Kaz Modan. Any reason to explain it?"

Jaina paled. She was informed of the planned counter-offensive for the Ashenvale Conflict, but that was before the Americans even arrived on the world stage. The Americans out right forced a peace treaty, and by all extent, have the complete ability to enforce the terms. If they side with the Horde, then the Alliance will most likely suffer severely.

Tyranda, having been skeptical of the Alliance, with their interests almost solely in the Eastern Kingdoms. It made sense, yes, but they rarely send troops or ships directly to the Night Elves, but to Theramore. And the Night Elves always bear the brunt, and if not, under severe threat  to do so.

Marcus, having invested in Kalimdor politics and military situations, was clearly in a predicament. Having just hammered a peace deal out, it stands to fall apart if nothing is done. Yet the Sin'dorei's plight could not be ignored. And he was pretty much the American Representative of Military and political might and power in the rest of the world. And he held that card to not enforce the treaty, and let a major Alliance Power be crushed, if not crippled.

Tyranda, after a long pause, mulled her options, stood before sighing. "Lady Jaina, please inform King Varian that my people will no longer be bearing the brunt of your people's actions. General Marcus, your nation led a Defensive Alliance back in your world, yes? Perhaps... we can build our own with you here on Azeroth."

Jaina and Vereesa were shaken by the result. The Former clearly was not happy with it, but could understand why they would leave the Alliance. And she had nothing but words to convince the Priestess from withdrawing.

Vereesa, on the other hand, was hopeful. A third power that nations and people could rely upon, without the bad blood of the Horde and Alliance was welcome. And the United States is committed to helping her people survive.

Marcus was both concerned and grateful for the proposition of an alliance, much more a defensive one at that. But he also weighed the options. If the Horde retaliated against the Night Elves, not knowing of the decision taking place, the United States could be dragged into a war they did not want, and they didn't have the defensive infrastructure in place to uphold it. Any operation would be either a delaying action by the mere hundreds of marines, or an amphibious operation on a larger scale.

Marcus thought of only one peaceable way for this to work. "We will welcome it regardless, High Priestess, but if we can get the orcs and other major regional powers in, then your people will have a barrier to continue your recovery over Ashenvale." Shandris chuckled lightly. "General you are bold, but I believe we can begin working on that, with the United States leading the way."

Marcus nodded before turning to Jaina. "Tell your allies to stand down, and not commence operations, or the United States will consider them hostile powers and a barrier to peace. Miss Vereesa, the 5th Fleet should be n the way within several days. It will take several more to reach your people. Focus will be evacuation. Hold out until then. Lady Tyranda, General, we will discuss our prospects, as well as arrangements for the alliance."

Several Days later, North Great Sea, USS Yorktown

(I'm aware there is no Yorktown in the Nimitz Class, but I have a soft spot for the Fighting Lady, no thanks to Azur Lane)

Admiral Itami Yamamoto stood overlooking the flight deck from the tower, Tomcats and Growlers prepping for conflict. With no sign of the Alliance backing down, his mission was the following: Launch an air raid upon Stormwind Harbor, cripple the Stormwind Royal Navy, and then move on to evacuate Thalassian Refugees from Quel'thalas. The 2nd Fleet was to be the blocking force afterwards, and with other task forces already making their way into what is now dubbed the North Sea, it should be an easy show of force.

But the man had his doubts. His Grandfather, the infamous Yamamoto of the IJN ordered the exact same against the very nation he served now, and that ended up poorly for the Japanese. But this was not a sleeping giant, but a major regional power already trying to be a sole superpower.

"Admiral, everything is prepared both here on Yorktown, and also Coral Sea. We await the order." An aide spoke, with Itami nodding. "Very well. They should not be expecting an attack, so this should be easy. Begin the operation!"

"Yes sir!" The aide saluted before relaying the information. Itami hummed as he once more entered deep thought. Sure, the defensive alliance was secured, but the others did not approve of an operation like this, seeing it as a waste of resources. Then again, America has only been struck when they were looked upon as weak.

On the flight decks, the Tomcats and Growlers began flight operations, maintaining their CAP until every aircraft in the strike was airborne. It was going be an hour of flying, but due to the down, they were also partially blinded by the sun.

Stormwind Harbor, Admiralty Office

Admiral Jes-Tereth, the SiC of all Stormwind Naval Forces behind the King Himself, and Third in the Grand Alliance Combined Navy, was just entering the office, which has reports and papers across the various tables and desks, as well as the overall battle plan for the upcoming war on its own separate table, with chips representing friendly and hostile forces.

Her gaze went to the window, and upon the 6th Fleet, which was tasked with defending the entirety of the kingdom's waters as the navy went on its offensive, her lips allowed a sigh. "Someone has to... But it certainly is peaceful."

Onboard a frigate known as the Grey Watch, sailors did the usual prep for the day in port. The marines cleaned personal weapons and loaded individual weapons upon the vessel. Seamen conducted cleaning and food resupply, with the officers overseeing, and filling out paperwork.

A dull roar was heard echoing over the peaceful fleet, with many wondering what it was. Some speculated it could be a red dragon, since they frequented the air nearby, others thought it could have been a misfire in one of the Icebreaker Patrols, since they did not rely on the near elusive nightly winds.

Jes frowned as she looked to the horizon. Dots were slowly becoming bigger before she ran out of the office, recognizing the lack of a pattern in movements. "Ready our defenses! I do not want us to be caught unawares! Get the Guard to evacuate civilians from the Harbor and surrounding locals! Marksmen, ready your boomsticks! Cannoneers, load! Mages, I want spells meant for protection as priority!"

Inside the lead Growler, a man in his twenties sighed. "They are certainly quick, but those sailing ships are sitting ducks. All aircraft, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze!" A series of affirms filled the comms as the Growlers slowly began their attack approaches upon the fleet, Anti-ship Missiles and Bombs ready.

Jes watched in horror as the first missiles flew towards her fleet. "No..." A few seconds later, a series of explosions racked several vessels, including the Grey Watch, crew members sent flying, and wooden splinters and shrapnel flew through the air.

The Growlers continued their runs, dropping their payloads and strafing with their 30mm guns across other vessels, devastation being left in their wake. The Tomcats where about to have their turn now, banking over and launching guided bombs on a ship-of-the-line, the Lion's Pride, two penetrating the wooden decks and detonating within, killing many instantly.

Jes ran about frantically, barking orders as marksmen and cannoneers fired up at their attackers. The woman frowned as more ships were set to the torch. "Damnit! Get some gryphon riders up! Lead the enemy! By the Light, send medics and priests to help the wounded!"

A battery of cannons exploded as a bomb landed amongst the cannoneers, sending shrapnel and gore around. Jes' tabard was sprayed before she picked up a boomstick, aimed, and fired. The bullet went out without fail, but didn't hit anything.

More ships were damaged or sunk as new aircraft joined the attack, a second wave. This time, depots where hit alongside drydocks. The roar of jet engines continued filling the air, along with gunfire and explosions, with the smoke filling the air, blocking visibility.

But as soon as it's done, the attack ceases. A dull roar is heard as the jets flew back to their 'nests'. Jes sighed as she dropped the boomstick, looking over the harbor. "How... What have we done to deserve this..."

"Admiral, what the hell happened?" Varian walked up, rage across his face. "You were supposed to protect the kingdom in the absence of the rest of the Navy itself!" Jes turned around before shaking her head. "Your Majesty... there is nothing we can do to protect the kingdom from what just happened."

Varian frowned before a young boy walked up beside him. "Father...." The king looked down upon his son and sighed, calming down. "You do not need to see this, Anduin." He turned his attention back to Jes. "Admiral, give me a brief recount."

Jes nodded before assuming an at-attention stature before speaking. "Your Majesty, the attack began as dawn, and against a previously unknown flying machine. They do not have propellers, but they have devastating weaponry with accuracy previously only reserved to the best gunner and marksman. If they are ship-launched, the ship is not within visual range." Jes remained at attention as Varian mulled over the options.

"Very well... send a gryphon rider to the invasion fleet. Have them recalled. Marshal, send word to the army. If our attackers are just as devastating on the ground as they are from the air, that will be a massacre." Varian sighed. "Give me a casualty report... As well as a damage report." With that, Varian began to walk away, with Jes sweating bullets as she would have to not only give that full report, but also potentially face a dismissal and charges of incompetence.

North Sea, USS Enterprise

Hawthorne was looking as Heuys and Chinooks were doing their best to evacuate Quel'thalas. Nearby supply ships, cruisers, and even the Enterprise herself was being the drop-off point for the transports. The fleet has a CAP, with Tomcats flying high, ready to assist in the defense. "All according the plan. Any word from the 3rd Fleet?"

A comm officer sighed. "Success across the board. Though the ship numbers were an eighth of what was expected, but the damage to dry docks, depots, and the ships in port, among the defenses. No casualties from our flyboys." Hawthorne chuckled. "The Yamamoto pulled off to a greater success than his grandfather. I just pity the poor sod who has to make that report to the king." A slight chuckle tittered through the tower as the Admiral looked back across the flightdeck.

Yep, Here we are! America has let loose only a fraction of her power, while sending a message. How will Varian and the rest of the Alliance leadership react? Only time will tell! Hope you enjoyed this!

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