Overwatch X male reader: A fu...

By JustyTurner

74.9K 1.4K 425

Y/n L/n used to be in the army and was given a high tech battle armor that allows the user increase of streng... More

Chapter 1: Left to be dead
Chapter 2: A new job
Chapter 3: The Overwatch recall
Chapter 4: Cheers love!
Chapter 5: Feel the chills
Chapter 6: Agent on a run
Chapter 7: It's relaxing time love
Chapter 8: The last bastion unit
Chapter 9: Past lifes during the omnic crisis (Lemon)
Chapter 10: The Gauntlet of Doomfist
Chapter 11: Task force: Reborn
Chapter 12: Laugh at the face of death
Chapter 13: High noon
Chapter 14: Ghost's inner peace
Chapter 15: Heroes rise
Chapter 16: The battle won, but at what cost?
Chapter 17: The trail
Chapter 18: A very long break (Lemon)
Chapter 19: Gone MIA
Chapter 20: A risky plan, but we'll take it

Main protagonist

11.9K 146 45
By JustyTurner

Name: Y/n L/n

Code name: The Ghost.

Age: 20

Hair colour: H/C

Eye colour: E/C

Military rank: Private first class.

Personality: Cheerful, very kind, brave, loyalty, smart, serious (most of the time), sarcastic, calm, humble, funny, wise, respectful, honest and good hearted.

Likes: Protecting lives, being a good soldier, justice, training, reading books, make jokes, suddenly technology, making his enemies mad, spend time with those he care, dancing and drinking.

Dislikes: Being betrayed, his old team, Talon, terrorist, being called a traitor, being alone, seeing lives lost, corrupted leaders, seeing people surfing and losing those he cares for.

Civilian clothes:

Military battle armor:


Assault rifle:




Sniper rifle:

Grappling gun:

Twin wrists assault cannons:

Wrist steel blade:

(Armor abilities)

Night vision.

X-Ray vision.

Thermal vision.

Bullet and explosion proof armor.

Increase strength.

Increase speed.

Camouflage mode.

Anti EMP proof.

Translator device.

Helmet Motion tracker.

(Ultimate ability)

Remote Military control: Hacks into Military machinery such as turrets, Military omnics, military computers and all to either downloaded information into the users helmet or use the hacked Military's turrets and vehicles to take control of them and use them to attack the enemy that he is facing.

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