AI Izuku

By Big-Chungu

25.5K 608 167

Izuku is an AI. Kinda. On his fourteenth birthday, he wakes up in the cybernet, or as he calls it, the electr... More

Birth of the AI "Deku"
The World Wide Web
Nezu The Rat God (Also New Mentor)
New Friend!
Starting Training
Izuku vs Nezu. The first of many.
This is Illegal. I love it!
Starting the Workshop
Prelude to Disaster
First Sightings
Getting an Upgrade
First Defence
Against His Own
Small Developments
Developing Plans
Raid Prep
The First Display
Code 0

Getting Back to the Real World

947 18 11
By Big-Chungu

Starting up the prototype again, Inventor watches as it flies up again, this time not having the flight pulsers overheat.

"Power Loader, do you have any idea how to fix the pulser issue? it keeps overheating because the weight needs more pulser power to actually fly, and be fully controllable, but then the pulsers would have to be stronger, making more heat, but the carbonized steel is already at the maximum for how much heat it can actually take. I would ask Izuku, but this is a surprise for him, and Nezu is busy keeping him busy with a 100 level tower that is genius. You got any bright ideas?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the small statured man gives his input. "Idk man. This is way beyond what I learned. Most of this tech hasn't even reached the market for more than a month. How you even built this is beyond me."

"Reached the market? I shouldn't have sold any of my patents."

"Well any self-respecting mechanic knows the market ones are boot-legged. Even those however sell for more than 1 million apiece since plasma-based pulsers haven't ever been seen before. Electromagnetic heating of gas to use as a booster is such a new concept that even boot-legged inefficient products can be sold for a million at minimum."

"What have I been working on in this den then? A bunch of garbage."

"Sure sure, if you say so. I'm just gonna say that I can't tell what half this stuff can do."

"Fair enough, and that's the point. If no one can tell what it does, no one is going to touch it."

Nodding along without knowing what's going on, Power Loader listens to the metrics and materials for a plasma pulser, and has an idea.

"I had a small idea back before in my lab. Titanium power cells."


Looking at Power Loader like he had just suggesting cutting his arm off, Inventor just thinks on what he said.

"You can just experiment with Titanium?"

Nodding his head, and forgetting he has more budget than half the support companies that exist.

"Yeah Titanium. If you can build literal plasma pulsers out of repurposed cans and scrap, then with the newest models of Lathes, Alloy printers, and etc, I wonder what you can make."

Staring blankly, not thinking they'd actually try and get him the newest models which cost upwards of his entire life savings for one machine, Power Loader rolls his eyes.

"You provide UA with technology and ideas that support companies would kill to have, and you expect us not to give you the best? I was surprised Nezu didn't try and uproot the whole support class wing of UA for you to use."

Nodding, and heading back to work, Inventors mind swirls as he keeps his hands busy, and while sanding down some more scrap, he makes a cylinder, before his mind dives into overdrive.

'Stacking many cylinders of different metals allow for electricity storage at the most basic set. More advanced batteries allow for rechargeability, but what if the battery charged itself?'

Hoping to make a miracle, he starts out stacking many electrified alloys atop one another, keeping their charges opposite, and alternating a current through, placing wires to charge the next, which charges the next with rotating magnetic induction, and each powers the next which eventually loops to the first.

Setting it into motion, it begins, and continues, but eventually stops.

'Right. Newtons law of conservation.'

Taking it apart, he stacks the cylinders on top one-another as they were all dead, but then gets zapped putting the last disk on.

'Wait. Zapped? They should have no charge.'

Placing a motor on top, Power Loader feels a chill and looks over, only to see alternating magnetic alloys making a charge from nothing.

"How in the-"

"I'm not sure myself. It could be the alternating alloys, but if not, it could be the magnetization? But then it couldn't explain the power. Maybe the rushing electrons in the alternation is creating a charge from nothing? It wouldn't work then because of Newtons laws... Jackpot."

Gaining a crazy gleam in his eye, Power Loader eyes him suspiciously, gets another coffee, and starts to walk out, not wanting any bit of that crazy.

"Power Loader, why leaving so early? So many tests are needed to be done."

Backing away from the increasingly crazy Inventor, Power Loader bumps into the wall.

"So many power solutions. So many ideas. If Newtons laws have been shattered by quirks, then whats stopping us from building the impossible?"

"P-perpetual m-mo-motion m-machines?"


Staring blankly at the now sparking Inventor, Power Loader sighs, bops Inventor on the head, then stares him down. "Get back to work." 

"Yes sir."

Getting back to the station as Power Loader calms himself down, the infinitely producing battery is placed into the prototype, ad hooking up a cooling system that uses electricity to get rid of heat, the insulated frame gets lifted by the plasma pulsers, and the control chip is being kept at a temperate temperature.

"I think I got it Power Loader."

"Looks like it. Congrats ya lucky bastard."


"So how is it Izuku?"


The small 4-strutted drone flew up in the air. The alternating strut-pulser-strut-pulser alternating set-up in the 8 directions allowed for flight in all directions and controlled landings. The silver volleyball sized orb it was based onto had many small openable tubes, each having a different use.

As the installed microphone already peaked at Izuku's excited screaming, he looks around with the fish-eye lens he had asked to installed in the bottom and the top of the drone, giving him effectively 360 degree vision both ways.

The drone itself being full of sensory items so Izuku could feel the air, smell the scents, and because he asked, Inventor added a small patch on every strut that Izuku could choose to cover with a trap door that when touching something that has a taste, Izuku will be able to taste it like he ate it.

As well as all that, the top and bottom had a swivel that could change between a dual-machine gun, dual-rocket launcher, triple plasma minigun, or a plasma bomb launcher. When deactivated, it was in the slit that opened up when actuated so the swivel could get up.

The swivels themselves were also perfectly balanced, so the force vectors wouldn't have any issue as each shot produced a force, but was countered within the barrel itself, leading to a net force of 0.

Each of the 4 directions of the flying orb also had small plasma pulsers on a swivel that could be used to increase speed in a tight moment, or just right the orb should it ever turn upside down for some ungodly reason.

All of this was powered by 8 generators, and the cooling system was removed as the batteries now known to the group as "Heat Sinks" produced electricity by using the magnetic field to excite electrons when on the outer edge of the alternating alloys, and uses that energy when on the inside of the alternating alloys.

"Was this all necessary?"

"If you expected me to make my masterpiece without a million failsafe's and each base covered, then you have clearly not looked at the blueprints and notes like I told you to."

Flying around a lot, Izuku quickly gets a hang of every single little command he could do and everything he could ever want.

"One more thing I don't think you have discovered Izuku. If in a pinch, I have placed a device on the inside of the bot that will allow for a discharge of 100 teravolts of electricity into anything and everything close to you. This will break down the system and run the drone useless though, so it's only a last resort."

Bobbing the drone in a sort of nodding motion, then giving off an excited squeal, Izuku flies off out of the forest.

"Well shit. So much for telling him that was still a work in progress."

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