
By 1-800-suck-my-P

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



108 3 3
By 1-800-suck-my-P

Ah, fuck.

My head is pounding.

A groan fills the oddly silent room.

It didn't come from me.

I look to my left and right observing the area. I'm behind the couch in my living room. After I stand up- which took longer than needed- I look down onto the couch and yell.

Alessandro perks up from the floor alarmed. When he sees me he rolls his eyes. "Shit. You scared me, man."

"Angelo? What the fuck?" Carlo says from his place shirtless on the couch.

"What's going on?" The three of us turn our heads to the door in surprise. Romano is Leaning against it. Then we look at the Christmas tree when we hear another groan.

It's Vince. Crawling out from other the tree.

Alright. Think Angelo. What the hell happened?


Christmas. Eating. Gifts. Iris and Vince announce their baby. Girls leaving for a sleepover. Guys hanging in the living room.

"So how does it feel to almost be a father?" Romano asks Vince who has a grin on his face from the mention of his future "daughter". They're set on the child being a girl but they wouldn't mind either way.

"It feels amazing." Vince and Iris have been a thing for the past five years. They're in love with each other so much and now they finally are getting something that symbolizes it. Girl or boy, that baby will be here in five months. I can't believe he kept it from us for this long. "I love her more than anything. No lies between us too. It's so refreshing around her."

I groan. "Cut it with the lovey-dovey shit."

"I agree." Dominic, one of the three single people here, agrees. "You know what we need?"

"Please don't say drugs and alcohol." Alessandro rolls his eyes. "We need to be sober tomorrow, we have jobs and-"

Dom cuts him off with three words. "Drugs and alcohol."

Alessandro leans back into the couch muttering a defeated, "fine."

Three hours later, we're all laying around the room, high as shit. Vince was under the tree looking at the view of the branches from under there. Alessandro was on the floor whining about how he wanted love. Carlo was laying on the couch, kicking his legs, and all smiley about some girl named Bee who he happens to be in a relationship with. Though, he won't tell us who she is.

Romano was leaning against the door frame, wasted, and mumbling about Viola and how gorgeous she is. Dominic was dancing on the coffee table which was on the verge of breaking from his weight.

I was behind the couch punching it to test my strength. I already broke a couple of holes when three people walked in. Matteo, Dario, and Leonardo. "Oh, hey guys." Dom waves to them and they waved back with confused expressions. "Check out my moves-"

The coffee table broke.

"Dom," I whine. "This is a new house man."

"Sorry bro but uh..." he lays on the broken coffee table after his fall. "...I think I broke my leg."

"Okay." Matteo nods. "Yeah, time for bed guys. Close your eyes and count sheep." Leonardo took a picture of us all in the living room. "Kara's going to find this hilarious." His wife knows about the mafia and I've met her a couple of times but she's good at keeping a secret.

"Alright, night babes," Vince mumbles still under the tree.

We fell asleep. Matt, Leo, and Dar left to their own rooms.

Great. I destroyed my couch and my living room is a mess. Dom is still on the broken coffee table. "I think I'll stay here for a while." I shake my head. "Everyone to your rooms, now." I have to call someone to clean this up and find a new living room set. It'll probably take a week to build a new one.

After a minute the house was silent and everyone was in their own rooms.



My living room is clean and empty. Nothing is in there so it's ready to be re-made. I wasn't really feeling my old living room anyway, I found this new one that matches my kitchen.

Mariah and I are at the warehouse and she's still bothering me about wanting an arranged marriage. My cyber team set up here after the fire, it's an old place hidden in a forest that I've been wanting to put to use anyway.

"Sergio." I nod. I had the meet him here because of a new recruit that's been on my radar recently.

"Boss." He replies with a similar nod. "Where is this person you were telling me about?"

"Right here." Valentino Armani. No middle name. Tattoos. 6-something. Charming. Brown hair. Grey eyes. Good at his job. "Hello, I'm Valentino." He shakes hands with me then Sergio then his eyes set on my sister. "And who are you, sweetheart?"

He checks out my sister right in front of me. Does this guy have any respect? I clench my fist and glance at Riyah. Gross. She's checking him out too. She puts her hand out to shake his but Valentino surprises her by kissing it instead. "What's your name, inamorata?" His lips linger on her hand as he looks up at her.

She inhales deeply and tries not to show the effect he has on her but the tension between them is clear even to a blind person. "Mariah."

"Mariah." He tests the name on his lips and takes his face away from her hand. "Bellisima." I meant it when I said he was charming. He has my sister falling for his stupid spell. And now he wears a smirk to go with it. "I'll see you later Mariah."

She slightly nods and the three of us walk off. I don't need Mariah causing problems while discussing business. It's then I realize I'm not the only one glaring at Valentino. Sergio is as well.


An hour passed and we discussed the Ava situation and how the team is helping find traces because Ava has to fuck up at some point and Sergio showed him how things work around here.

We're now sitting down to sign the contract. Valentino sighs. I roll my eyes. "A problem?" He nods and sighs again, this time with amusement. "I can see why big boss man has a problem with me but what's your problem Serg?" Oh, we're finally acknowledging Sergio's glare that's been directed at Valentino since he got here.

"I don't trust you." Sergio shrugs. "And you can't address me by my name. I'm your boss." He leans forward. "Remember that."

"Or else what?" Valentino leans his head observing Sergio, more serious now. "You gonna hack into my accounts and put me to dept?"

Sergio considers it for a moment. "I might."

I grab my phone and press record, the guys will love this.

"It's not as easy as you think," Valentino smirks but this time it's not one of amusement. "I'm safe about these things, my account is secure. You can try, though."

"Alright." Sergio states. "We'll see." They stare at each other and I make sure my camera gets that so Carlo doesn't attack me for not showing their faces.

I decide to end the video after five minutes. "I'll get Mariah now that we're done." I go to stand but Valentino addresses me without looking up. "No, I will."

In seconds he's out of the room and I sit back down with a shrug. He's saving me from the headache she'll give me about wanting a mafia boss.

"Sergio, what exactly is your problem?" I'm curious because Sergio doesn't normally treat recruits like this.

"I just don't trust him, Angelo." He glances at me then back where Valentino sat. "He gives off the wrong vibe."

I think it over then respond. "Alright, we'll look it over later."

Two minutes later we hear the amused voice of Valentino and the annoyed one of Mariah before we see them.

"Just one night, Inamorata," Valentino says. "It'll be worth it."
(Means sweetheart btw)

"Valentino." The footsteps stop. "I'm not going out with you, I don't know you."

It's silent for a moment. "That's the point of a date, no?" The footsteps start again and Mariah walks in with a grinning Valentino. "Inamorata, I'm not the type to beg, but for someone as gorgeous as you, I'll get on my knees if that's what it takes."

I furrow my eyebrows but Sergio speaks before I can. "She said no, leave her alone." His fists are clenched and he looks like he's ready to fight. I get my phone ready just in case.

Mariah's eyes widened and she looks between the two, getting her phone ready as well.

Valentino hides his smile. "Woah boss, isn't Mr. De Santis supposed to be the overprotective brother right now?"

"Test me." He takes a step forward. "I dare you."

Valentino looks him up and down like this is some joke. Mariah and I press record the second he replies with, "Alright."

Valentino throws the first punch and it escalates from there. "Cazzo." Sergio states as Valentino lets it all out on top of him repeatedly throwing punches at his face.

Minutes pass as I stay quiet and record the fight for the guys and Mariah lets out a few "oh shit's" and "damn's". When Valentino gets off of him, it's clear who won the fight. "Stick to your computers, boss."

Sergio is a mess on the floor. I look at Valentino with admiration, if he can defend himself like that and win a fight without the slightest bruise then he's worthy of my sister. I just need to look into his background with Sergio- who clearly needs a second to breathe- and see if he's clear. If he is, I'll help him get Mariah so she can be off my back about the whole arranged marriage thing.

"Anyways." He looks at Mariah who has just put her phone away after sending the video to someone. "I can fight, Inamorata. Will you have me now?" She sighs annoyed but she has a small smile playing on her face. "Is that a yes?"


She exits the room and he follows her now that we're done doing business. "Dig-" I was about to address Sergio but he looks like he's really struggling. "Uh... dig up whatever you can find on him and I'll be back tomorrow..." I check my watch. "At this time."

He gives a thumbs up and I leave.

When I get inside my car, Mariah's grinning. I pull out of the driveway and start the drive to my house. "Angelo." She breathes. "He is so. Fucking. Fine. You don't understand. He will not leave me alone. I'm so tempted to say yes to that stupid date he keeps bothering me about but my last working brain cell says to wait until I've known him for at least a week. But he can fight and his tattoos. Ugh. Don't get me started-"

I tune the rest of her rant out.

The next day I was back at the warehouse to see what Sergio has on Valentino.

"He's clear boss." He rubs his forehead, clearly irritated. His face is all cut and bruised as well. He winces when he touches a certain part. "Cazzo!" He yells and kicks his desk.

"Why do you care so much anyway?" It doesn't make sense. He's clear and knows how to fight, perfect for my sister. The girl who reads too many books and wants romance more than anything. I'm praying it works out with them.

"Because Angelo." He takes a deep breath. "I think of her every day and night. I dream of the day she finally notices me. I want so badly for her to be mine. I fantasize about her in my fucking dreams. At first, I thought it was an obsession but no."

"I am in love with your sister."



"Alright, spill it you three."

I sat in my office with an unamused expression the day after Christmas. Carina, Alessia, and Victoria Amari are all late and have been standing here beating around the bush about it.

"Okay well." Alessia starts. "See the thing is, it was Christmas yesterday. So fun. Food was amazing, drinks were great, drugs were even better-"

"Drugs?" I cut them off.

"Drugs? What." Carina pipes in not so discreetly nudging his shoulder. "No, what Alessan-ia... I mean Alessia, sorry, what he-she means is uhm..." She looks at Victoria for help.

Vic gasps, "oh yeah, what she means is we uhm... drugged someone!"


"He- cazzo. She. She doesn't mean that. It was the alcohol, we're not in our right mind right now." Alessia explains.

I sit there with my mouth agape trying to process the last three minutes. "Uh-huh. Okay well, the girls are at Lori's building right now. They'll be here tomorrow. You got lucky, don't be late again."

They exit the second I finish the sentence.

A gift I want most in the world is to see my dada and mama together.

Seriyah's words from last night are still clouding my brain.

She said something similar this morning.

"Alright, eat your breakfast then we have to get going." Lori made her Nonna's special recipe for pancakes today.

I always loved waking up from a sleepover at her house and hearing Zio Carter on the phone instructing Ariana on how to make those pancakes, he made sure they all had the recipe. Lori will pass it on to Ria at some point, it's something her Nonna wanted to keep in the immediate family so I don't know how to make them.

We were all seated on the island with our food and desired beverages. Lori had coffee, she needed it if she was going to handle the girls today. I had some green tea. Ria had a glass of orange juice and Sy had her lemonade. I mean it when I say it's hers. She had a tantrum when Ria tried to take some one day, now we all know to stay away.

Sy and lemonade. Forever. She takes the drink to heart.

"I wonder if dada likes lemonade."

I'm frozen in place by those six words that just came out of her mouth. I recover quicker than last night this time. "I guess we'll never know."

She shrugs. "Not unless I ask him." Then takes a bite of her food like she didn't just say the most confusing thing I've ever heard. "

And how could you possibly do that?" Lori side eyes us, she's had that piece to her lips since the conversation started.

"I can't let you in on my secrets, Zia." My child grins.

Okay. Yeah. Nothing to worry about. She still doesn't know anything...

I internally groan. Fuck me.

I open up my laptop choosing not to dwell on it any longer.


Word count: 2503

Chapter 21: completed

Short chappy

Wasteland came out at 12am

Brent/sonder>everyone else

I was up and waiting, it took him 30 seconds to start dropping the songs

He was 30 seconds late and nearly gave me a heart attack.

Anywayssss, album is amazing idc what anyone says

A bit pissed he gave us gravity, dead man walking, and wasting time AGAIN.

Anyways how are you my lovelies?

Doing well I hope




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