Modern Day Warships to Anothe...

By Horten141A

38.5K 394 577

(Rewrited Description!) As the war has ended 31 year ago, the world now peace... US began to make a good rela... More

Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Chap 1 - Wait! I'm in Another World!?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 2 (Rewrite I)
Chap 2 - Need to be Saved?... (Rewrite)
Chap 3 - So. There's a flashback, must meet the Queen, then a Tour?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 3 (Rewrite I)
Chap 4 - We got Free Time, But There's a Goddamn Storm! And a Distress Signal!
Chap 5 - Sakura Empire? New Guest? And Spies?...
Bio's 4 (Rewrite I)
Chap 7 - What a Day...
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 1 - We Just Arrive, and We got a New Problem
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 2 - Short Word: Just a Tour...
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 4 - Test? Not a Problem....... Schwester?!!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 5 - Maybe we From Different World, But not By the Blood
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Russian/Northerners Arc 1 - Hello New Worlds...
Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!
Russia/Northerners Arc 3 - Just a Morning Tour
Rusky Arc. Char. Bio 5
Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!
New Cover???
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 1
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 2
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 3
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 4
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 5
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 6
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!
Battle of Midway Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 2 - Welcome to Our Base!...
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!
D-Day/Normandy Landing Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - The Base is Under Attack!!!...
Dragonians New Upgrade and Refit
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 1
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 2
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 3
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 4
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 5
French/Orthodoxies Arc 1 - Bonjour, New World!...
Anniversary of United State of America Vlog!!!...
Battle of Britain Anniversary!!!...
New Book???? Already??????

Chap 6 - Time to Save Our Spies...

825 11 25
By Horten141A

In a Destroyed Island

The island were destroyed, leaving only several stand still towers, and many debris. On the sky, three Zeros were on scouts, to search their managed escaped spy.

On a top of a destroyed tower, there's Sheffield with a men observing the enemy from there. As they counted the enemy fleets, roughly more than a hundreds of Sirens ships.

With the Sakura Empires

On a Battleship, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Takao, Atago, Ayanami, and other were on board it. And now, they hunting for their escaped enemy.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Akashi scam Montana...)

Inside of the Tower

On the tower, there were Akashi and Edinburgh, along with a men, holding a Barrett M82 on his hand.

Akashi: "Hmm... This is a mystery, Nya~"

Edinburgh: "Are you sure you have no idea? This is Sakura Empire's secret weapon, right?"

Akashi: "I'm just a repair ship. I don't know any detail about this..."

Suddenly, Akashi get flashback about what happen in the cave.

Akashi: "Who would've thought they got it secretly from the Sirens... This must be some seriously bad stuff. I'm scared..."

Zumwalt: "Ekh.. Scared is not helping. Why you brought this annoying green cat, huhh?..."

Akashi: "Hey! I have a name you know, Nya! And my name is Akashi, Nya!""

Zumwalt: "Yeah.. Yeah.. Whatever..."

Then Sheffield and a man just back

Sheffield: "We're back..."

Edinburgh: "Welcome back. How was it?"

Sheffield: "Scout planes are patrolling. They have clearly figured out that we are hiding on this island."

Assassin: "As they get helped by the Sirens, we're trapped.."

Edinburgh/Akashi: "Eehhh?!!"

Edinburgh: "What should we do??"

-Little Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Zumwalt knocked off Akashi...)

Sheffield: "The base knows our situation. We should wait for a rescue. That said, I doubt the Sakura Empire would sit idly by."

Edinburgh: "Ehh?!.. Aumm....."

Akashi: "Fuhhh... Fuhhh.... Slurp... HOT!! TOO HOT!!!"


Zumwalt: "Shut up! Annoying cat!"

Edinburgh: "Do you think they let us go if we gave back to them??"

Assassin: "That would be suicidal plan, they won't let us go even we give this thing back to them. Since we already know what their plan and what they have, they will kill us all...."

Sheffield: "What Mr. Assassin said is true, afterwards this Black Box is something that we must know..."

Akashi: "If they catch me, they'll use me to make a shamisen!!"


Zumwalt: "Can you please shut your mouth for a second! Annoying cat!"

Edinburgh and Akashi just panic, meanwhile Sheffield just silent, Assassin just hold his head, and Zumwalt were annoyed with Akashi.

With the Sakuran's

Shoukaku is standing as she observing the Sirens.

Shoukaku: "Are these ships safe? Won't the enemy take control or something??"

Zuikaku: "The Orochi is the host, so we can't lose control, according to Akagi-Senpai."

Then Shoukaku approach Zuikaku.

Shoukaku: "Akagi-Senpai.. What exactly is this scheme she's plotting??"

Zuikaku: "Shoukaku-Nee?..."

Shoukaku: "I'm super uncomfortable around those sinister types.."

With her sister behavior, Zuikaku sweetdropped. Meanwhile, Takao is standing with her Katana as her stick, as she thinking something.

Takao: 'I have failed and let the enemy escape. I must clear my name of this...'

Surprisedly, Atago came from her back.

Atago: "Oh, Takao, you've got that frown again."

Takao: "ATAGO?!!"

Atago: "See how tense you muscles are around here?"

Takao: "Hey, wait...!"

Slowly Atago hand going to Takao lower body.

(Me: "I think we all know where this is going.")

(My Friends: "Yep...")

Takao: "Ya-Yame!..."

Atago continue and sees Ayanami staring at them.

Atago: "Hmm?..... Would you like some, too, Ayanami??"

Ayanami: "No, I respectfully decline."

Takao: "What are you doing?!!"

Atago jump back after Takao punch nearly hit her.

Takao: "We're on mission. Take this seriously."

Atago: "Yes, ma'am... How is the island looking?"

Zuikaku still focusing to search them, with her visual through her Zeros.

Zuikaku: "It's a ruin that's practically built for hiding in. Finding them won't be easy.

On another Battleship

In a turret Battleship, there's two women overlooking the island.

Fusou: "We can't get impatient. Let's wait for the scout planes to find them."

Kako: "But Fusou. I'm worried about Akashi, who got kidnapped. We can't just wait around."

Fusou just nodded, then Furutaka come to the turret.

Furutaka: "Fusou-San, we got report from the Iron Blood fleet."

With the Iron Blood fleet

From afar, the Azur Lane rescue fleet slowly sailing towards the island.

Nimi: "Azur Lane!"

Köln: "Yes, I'm certain."

Z1: "What do we do? Do we take them out first??"

Eugen: "Our job is to watch the island. Let's let the Sakura Empire deal with the."

With Azur Lane fleet

On Doolittle Carrier, there's a few girls on board of the Bomber Carrier. Few of them were watching the island visual from the X-47B on a tablet.

Oklahoma: "There's a whole lot of buildings on such a small island."

Helena: "I think it used a large number of residents."

Sandy: "Woah.. It's totally ruined..."

Doolittle: "what happened to this island?"

Helena: "The island was abandoned after the Sirens attacked."

In Wales ship

On observing tower, Wales, Arthur, and Cleveland wore on it, as they observing the island and the Sakuras and Sirens fleet.

Cleveland: "They took the upper hand."

Wales: "But now there is no doubt that they are hiding on that island."

Arthur: "Doolittle has send several X-47B, and caught more than a hundred Sirens, the Sakura Empire fleet, and a group of Iron Bloods."

Cleveland: "What's you plan for rescue? It would be easy to break through that blockade."

Wales: "Our priority is rescue. I don't want to take unnecessary risks to endanger them."

Arthur: "Huh... So, we focusing to rescuing than attacking? Great idea.." 'Montana, I hope you're not making any stupid idea...'

Wales: "I wonder what Belfast thinks?.."

In Enterprise Carrier

On a fogy area, Belfast calmly standing at the front deck, until Enterprise approach her.

Enterprise: "You're calm."

Belfast: "Excuse me?"

Enterprise: "Aren't you worry? I thought the ones on the island are your close companions."

Belfast: "Yes, they are maids as well, serving under the Queen."

Enterprise: "...It's quite strange. We're ship, but we all this talk about maids and queens... As if we're imitating..."

Belfast: "As if we're imitating humans... Is that what you want say?... I makes no difference... People, ships—There is no difference. We are all alive. We all have hearts."

Enterprise: "No, we were born to fight. We're not like humans."

As they sees at Montana ship, with Montana on the A turret, sitting with feeding Hawk.

Belfast: "Yes..."

After that, Hawk goes fly into the sky.

Belfast: "We possess immense strength, which comes with great responsibilities."

Enterprise: "Yes. To defeat our enemies."

Belfast: "That won't be enough. We must continue to provide proof."

Enterprise: "Proof?"

They two staring each other, and Enterprise sees this as awkward condition. Montana that has been watching at them since Hawk fly to the sky only sweetdrop.

Belfast: "No matter how difficult life becomes on this world, we can live a proud, noble life. We must serve as an example for people who have lost their way.... For that, we must always be elegant. And the job of a maid is to assist in achieving elegance in all aspects of life."

Enterprise: "That's not how we think in the Eagle Union."


Mill: "Yeah! That's not how the Americans think about!"

Me: "You really think about your own life, and OIL..."

Mill: "Can I dig an OIL well in this house.

Me: "What—?! Of course not!!"

Belfast: "Of course. That is why we Azur Lane must assist each other. Royal Navy, Eagle Union, Dragon Empery, Iris Libre, Northern Parliament."

Enterprise: "As well Iron Blood and Sakura Empire. In the past."


-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Mill tries to dig an OIL well on Author house...)

With Sheffield and Edinburgh

The Zeros still scouting around, as Edinburgh and Sheffield take a look to outside. But unfortunately, the Zeros caught them.





With fast Sheffield jump and shoot the two plane, meanwhile the last plane is separated with other. Edinburgh and Akashi quickly follow Sheffield.

With Zumwalt and Assassin

Zumwalt: "You gotta be fucking kidding me..."

Zumwalt has seeing what Sheffield has do.


With quickly, Zumwalt shoot the last Zero, as Assassin approach Zumwalt.

Assassin: "What is it... OH fuck...."

With the Three Girls

Sheffield: "It seems like we've been founded."

Edinburgh: "Wh-What should we do?! W-We have to get out of here!"

Akashi: "But, the island is surrounded nya!"

Sheffield look on her surround and sees the multiple Sirens ships.

Sheffield: "No, now is the best time to escape. By the way, where is Mr. Assassin and Mr. Zumwalt??"



A gun shoot from a Barrett M82 make one Sirens ship exploded.

Zumwalt: "You girls go! Me and Assassin will take care these!"

The girls follow what Zumwalt said, they run as they can. While the girls runs, Zumwalt go to another tower, and Assassin tries to contact Montana or Arthur.

With the Iron Blood's

The Iron Blood's girls heard the big explosion, and readying their Rig's.

Köln: "The Sakura Empire scout plane has found the targets!"

Eugen: "HMM!!... Well, I guess it's time to put some serious effort."

Z1: "It's a piece of cake, now that I'm here!"

Nimi: "It may not be quite so easy. "

As they see the pile of destroyed buildings, they readied their selves.

With Azur Lane Fleet

The Battleships and the Battlecruisers were on the line of battle.

Repulse: "All right, I've got to be sharp!"

Then the ships aiming towards the enemy.

Repulse: "Aim... POW!!"



Some shipgirls who onboard the ship is closing their ears.

Wales: "All guns, fire a volley!!"





Oklahoma: "FIRE!!!!"









Montana: "Better close your ears girls!!"

Arthur: "FIRE!!!!"









20 inches guns both from Montana and Arthur including 18-inch guns, make a real big noise. Even make the Sakuran's and the Iron Blood's surprised.

Medan: "MISIL!!!!"





Pike: "TORPEDOS!!!!"





Many shell of Battleships and Battlecruisers gun hit the Sirens, some of them were miss. Meanwhile the missiles and the torpedoes hit their marks.

With the Sakuran's

Fusou: "The Azur Lane are making their move."



Many explosion and Siren ships were destroyed.

Takao: "This is a diversion."

Atago: "They must be trying to use the fog and chaos to rescue their friends."

Takao: "We cannot just rely solely on the Iron Blood... Ayanami... We are moving out!"

Firmly, Ayanami nodded.

Atago: "Even though it might be diversion, we can't ignore the enemy fleet completely."

Zuikaku: "We'll take care of that... If the Grey Ghost is there.. This time, I'll win"

They get off from the ship. As Takao, Atago, and Ayanami are heading to the island, meanwhile Shoukaku and Zuikaku are heading towards Azur Lane fleet.

With the Rescue team

The team consisted Cleveland, Belfast, Javelin, and Laffey is heading towards the island.

Belfast: "It has begun."

Cleveland: "We should hurry, too!"



As they entering the island, some shell hit the ground.

Cleveland: "Not good..."

As Cleveland walk, suddenly Takao appear above of her.

Takao: "HIYAAAA!!!!"





Fortunately, Cleveland evade it and jump backwards as Belfast arrived is her side, following Atago arrive to Takao side.

Atago: "Takao!!"

Now they facing an worst thing now. Two vs two, 2 Heavy Cruisers vs 2 Light Cruisers.

Cleveland: "Worst timing possible. Laffey! Javelin! Watch out!!"

But unknown to them, Laffey and Javelin is not in their back.

With Laffey and Javelin

Now Laffey and Javelin is in the middle of the rubble, with fog is surrounding them, they have limited visibility. But slowly, Ayanami emerge from the fog.

Javelin: "Ayanami..."

Ayanami is ready to fight, but she have doubts to take her sword. But quickly, she throw away the doubts and draw her sword.

With Azur Lane Fleet









The bombarding is still continue, until many aircraft is heading towards the fleet.

Oklahoma: "Enemy Aircraft, incoming!!!"

Then the fleets quickly prepared for Sea-Air Battle.

Montana: "Enemy aircraft inbound!!!! CIWS! Intercept them!! SAM! Lock'em!!"







As the modern Battleships and the both Super and Bomber-Carriers began to active their AA System, the girls who are seeing that is amaze. As Shoukaku and Zuikaku flying above and heading towards the middle of the fleet.

Zuikaku: "Where are you, Grey Ghost?!"

They move out and Zuikaku is hunting for Enterprise. Until Suffolk and Norfolk, appear, try to intercepting the Cranes sisters.

Suffolk: "The enemy seems strong!"

Norfolk: "I-I'll do my best..."



Then, the two girls began to firing. But unfortune to them, Shoukaku and Zuikaku manage to pass them without a problem.

Shoukaku: "Gomen'nasai! We don't have time for you!"

Doolittle: "Macau! Launch the Fighter!!"

Macau: "Zhàndòujī! Fāshè!!"















Shoukaku: "Their AA gun from the new ships is really effective to shoot down any aircraft, and their aircraft is looks like Siren, but faster."

But Zuikaku ignore what her big sister say. She only focused On finding Enterprise. Then she see many Corsair flying in the sky, intercepting the Val's and Zeros.

Zuikaku: "Interceptors! Are you here, Grey Ghost?!!"

Shoukaku: "Zuikaku! You can't in like that!"

And again, Zuikaku ignore what Shoukaku said.

With the Iron Blood's, Sheffield, and Edinburgh








Without mercy, Eugen keep firing her gun, while Sheffield and Edinburgh try to evade it, one shell manage to hit them. With chance, Z1 appear then fire her gun.

Z1: "FEUER!!!"

And when Sheffield get thrown back. With quickly, Nimi go to Sheffield back and launch her Torpedo.

Nimi: "There!!!"






4 Torpedo manage to hit Sheffield.

Edinburgh: "SHEFFY!!!!"

Edinburgh approaching Sheffield that has been unconscious.

Z1: "How's that?! Our combination tactics are invincible!!"

Edinburgh is holding Sheffield now with desperate. Meanwhile Akashi is hiding in a destroyed wall.

Akashi: "This is bad... I wonder if I can sneak away?..."

Suddenly, Köln looked back.

Akashi: "NYA~!!!!"

With stupid, Akashi make a cat sound. Make Köln approaching her place.

But, unknown for them, someone is watching them.

In other Place

Takao, Atago, Cleveland, and Belfast still in their place and they ready to fight.

Cleveland: "Go ahead."

Belfast: "But..."

Cleveland: "It's okay, I'm pretty strong. Beside... You're worried, aren't you?"

Belfast just stay silent.

Cleveland: "Okay, let's do this!!"

In real quick, Belfast jump and go to Edinburgh and Sheffield location. Meanwhile Takao try to stop her but failed, and Cleveland try to distract them.

Atago: "Wait!!"

Cleveland: "I'll take you both on at once!!"

With Laffey, Javelin, and Ayanami





Javelin and Laffey try to evade every attack from Ayanami, and try to run away from her.

Ayanami: "Again? Enough of this!"








Releasing many torpedoes, the torpedoes hit their target , as Laffey and Javelin on a house.

Ayanami: "Why won't you fight?!"

They quickly wake up and sees Ayanami who draws her sword out. Javelin who seeing that have no choice to fight her, but Laffey stop it.

Javelin: "Laffey??"

Laffey and Ayanami only staring each other in silent. Then, Ayanami have no choice to charge.

With the Iron Blood








Eugen firing a few salvo shoot, but fortunately Belfast arrive in right time. She block the shell before hit Edinburgh and Sheffield.

Edinburgh: "Bel...!"

Eugen: "Oh, so you decide to show up, Belfast. But I'm sorry to say, you're one move too late. It seems like we win this time."

With the Battle in the Sea














The battle is still continue with the Sirens that began to repel up.










Back to the Battle in the Island

Belfast: "...No, the victory is ours. It is you who are one move too late."

Eugen: "What?..."

With Shoukaku and Zuikaku

They finally found they target, but it's not the person that they hunt for.

Hornet: "Ehehe... Sorry, I think you're going after the wrong sister."

Zuikaku: "Tch!...."

Afterwards, Shoukaku realized something.

Shoukaku: "Hah! Masaka!!"

Back to the Island

Enterprise: "After all that you've said... You're really soft-hearted, too, Belfast!!"

With surprisedly, Enterprise were on the one tower with drawing her bow to them.

Eugen: "...Enterprise..."

following that, Assassin suddenly a appear from one building as he aimed his pistol to Nimi. In the same time, Zumwalt were now aiming his Barrett towards them on top of another building.

The Iron Blood girls including Eugen surprised, even Edinburgh. But Belfast and Enterprise already know what will happen.

Before the Bombardment begins

Enterprise: "So you say there's 2 man from your world helping them?"

Montana: "Yes.. They two just contacted us, and they say they're with Sheffield and Edinburgh, with 1 one Neko."

Belfast: "May I known who is their name??"

Montana: "Their name is..... USS Zumwalt and HMS Assassin."

-Flashback End-

The situation now is change, the Iron Bloods were disadvantage, and the aircrafts reinforcement has arrive.

Eugen: "Retreat..."

Z1 want to complain but Eugen just shook her head, meaning there no chance to attack them.

Then with quickly, they retreat.

Edinburgh: "Here we go..."

Zumwalt jump off and go to Assassin side.

Zumwalt: "I never know that kid plan will worked up.."

Assassin: "Me too..."

Then they looked to Enterprise that standing in on top of the building.

With Montana

Montana looked to the island and Arthur approach him.

Arthur: "So.. It worked huh?"

Montana: "Yeah.. They did it."

Arthur: "Damnit.. I literary worried about you, I thought you will gone crazy and ram every Sirens ships.."

Montana: "Hey!.. I not like that.. I will ram my enemy if necessary... Besides of that, this is rescuing, not attacking..."

With the 3 Girls

The situation kinda worser, Ayanami sword nearly hitting Laffey, only few inches from her neck.

Ayanami: "Why?.. Why won't you fight?!!"

Laffey: "I don't want to fight you."

Then Laffey stick out his hand, like want to shake hands.

Ayanami: "But we're enemies...!"

Laffey: "It doesn't matter. I want to be friends with you."

What Laffey said were stunned Ayanami, with Javelin realize something.

Javelin: 'Oh... I see. Now I understand... I wanted to be friends with her, too."


Me: "Hey! Back again with your beloved Author in here!!"

Tokha: "Is that necessary?"

Me: "Don't ask.. By the way, why you here?"

Tokha: "Well, I want to meet with Amelia, but apparently, she's not here.."

Me: "She in her room, taking care of her cats..."

Tokha: "Oh really? Alright, Arigatou, Author-Kun!"
*Leave Author*

Me: "Okay... Where are we? Ah yeah! So how the rewrite? There's no major changing on this chapter so... Maybe next chapter... As usually I do! Here's a memes...!"

Me: "What the hell--?!"

Amelia/Tokha: "Author~"

Me: "Okay, bye--!.. HUAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"


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