Azur Lane: The Battle Of Huma...

Autorstwa HattoruT

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During a normal fleet operation, the USS Abraham Lincoln and his escorts were traveling back to the mainland... Więcej

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Arrival
Information of the USS Abraham
Chapter: 3 Fort MacArthur
Chapter 4: Azur Lane Base
Chapter 5: Royal Navy
Information of Newly Summoned Ships
Chapter 6: Newly Summoned Ships
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Iron Blood
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Sakura Empire
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: The Two Maidens
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: The Awakening
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Project Orochi
Chapter 18: The Battle of Orochi
Chapter 19: Reunion of Azur Lane
Chapter 20: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Beach Day
Chapter 25: Benfold and Enterprise
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Halloween
Chapter 28: Hornet and Hill
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: The End?
Thank You For Reading!!

Chapter 22: Wales and Abraham

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Autorstwa HattoruT

*Warning, this chapter will have a mature scene. Those who are underaged and those who do not like mature scenes will be warned early in advance when that scene arrives in this chapter and are advised to skip it. However, I will let readers know when that scene begins and ends with these words "Start of Mature Scene" and "End of Mature Scene." You have been warned.*

Soon we ended up falling asleep together in each other's arms, enjoying one another's company as the moon lit up the night sky.


When morning came, Abraham was the first to stir as the sun light was shinning through his curtains. He rubbed his eyes a bit and he looked to his left, seeing Wales fast asleep on him. He smiled a little and he slowly got out of bed, doing his best not to make any noise. Once he managed to get out of bed without waking her up, he went into the bathroom to refreshen up then he changed into something more suitable for the day. He threw on a tank top with a dark blue shirt that read "NAVY" in yellow words before throwing on some jeans.

(Abraham's POV)

After I was dressed, I thought for a bit on what to do for the day. I knew I was going to spend time with Wales but doing nothing all day was going to be a bummer so I decided to make some plans for us to do. I spent about 40 minutes on planning and then I heard some movement from the bed. I turned to see Wales waking up and I chuckled a bit on how cute she looked when she woke up.

Abraham: "Good morning."

Wales: "Good morning..."

I went over to her side and I gently kissed her forehead before sitting down on the bed side next to her..

Abraham: "Did you sleep well?"

Wales: "Mhm.."

Abraham: "Thats good. Now go get ready, we have a big day today."

I saw Wales look at me confused as she adjusted her hair away from her face.

Wales: "But there's nothing happening today.."

Abraham: "Actually, there is. We're going to go out today."

Wales: "Really? What did you plan for us?"

Abraham: "Well I'm going to take you into town today, buy some things then head over to the fair that the town is holding for today then we'll come back here, change into some formal clothes and we'll eat dinner at a restaurant that I made reservations for."

Wales: "You did all of that in how much time..?"

Abraham: "Uhm 40 minutes I think?"

Wales: "40 minutes..? That fast..?"

Abraham: "Yep now get up and get refreshened."

Wales: "Okay..."

(Wales POV)

I got up from the bed and I kissed Abraham's cheek before heading to the bathroom to refreshen up. I stood there for a bit and I poked my head back through the door.

Wales: "Uhm Abraham..?"

Abraham: "Yes?"

Wales: "I forgot we were at your place.. Can we head back to mine so I can get ready?"

Abraham: "Ah right. Yeah lets go."

I smiled a bit then I stepped out of the bathroom before heading to the door. We soon left his room and I walked down the hall towards my room with Abraham in tow. As I was walking down the hall, I noticed some of the rooms were empty, mainly the rooms that used to have Abraham's group members in.

Wales: "Hey Abraham?"

Abraham: "Yeah whats up?"

Wales: "Where's Maryland and them?"

Abraham: "Maryland and the others went back to Fort MacArthur. Barry went to the Sakura Empire while George and Fitzgerlad left to Iron Blood."

Wales: "Oh I see.. It must've been hard on you.."

Abraham: "It was but I know they can handle themselves so I'm not too worried about them."

Wales: "But you'll miss them.."

Abraham: "Yeah but they'll come to visit every now and then. However, the only thing that I should be more worried about is you."

Wales: "What makes you say that?"

Abraham: "You're always working but you should try to relax every now and then."

Wales: "I am relaxed..."

Abraham: "Really now..?"

As soon as he said those words, I felt him press his fingers against my shoulders quite hard, hitting my tensed up shoulders in which felt quite painful.

Wales: "Ah! Dont do that!"

Abraham: "Stressed out.. Feels pain.. You're not relaxed at all.."

Wales: "Fine! I'm not! Just don't do that again!"

I blushed with a bit of embarrassment as Abraham chuckled. I then hit him in the arm before entering my room to refreshen and to change clothes. Instead of wearing my red and white outfit, I decided to wear a dark blue skirt and a dark blue blouse to go with it as I noticed Abraham was wearing a dark blue attire. I then stepped out to see Abraham looking at me.

Wales: "Ready!"

I looked at Abraham and noticed he hasn't said anything but rather staring at me. I gently reached out to him and shook him a little.

Wales: "Uhm Abraham..?"

Abraham: "Huh?"

Wales: "You were spaced out.. Everything okay?"

Abraham: "Yeah everything was okay until you stepped out of your room with those clothes..."

Wales: "Is something wrong with my clothes..?"

I looked down a bit, thinking Abraham didn't like my outfit matching his. Maybe he didn't like what I was wearing.

Wales: "I'll go change it.."

I was about to turn to go back into my room before I felt him hug me. I was a bit confused and so I looked at him.

Abraham: "Your outfit is amazing.. Sorry for not saying this earlier but It makes you look good.. Well rather hot.."

I blushed darkly and I looked at him, feeling a little flustered before I gently wrapped my arms around him, holding the embrace for a bit longer. After a while, I then broke the hug and I smiled.

Wales: "Lets get going otherwise our day would end sooner than we want it to."

Abraham: "Right!"

I took his hand into mine and we began to leave the dorms together. I took a few glances at him before deciding to rest my head on his arm, enjoying the moments we had without anyone around.

An hour later

(Abraham POV)

We were out in the city, buying some stuff. I decided to buy a few outfits for myself rather than just keeping navy outfits and my admiral uniforms as they seemed to be a bit out of place whenever I went somewhere. Wales on the other hand, was buying outfits such as dresses, new uniforms and even a black outfit I have never seen before. We spent the time walking down what seemed to be a pier and I looked towards the ocean, noticing it was becoming the afternoon.

Abraham: "We should head home, drop these stuff off then head to the festival to play some games."

Wales: "Well you're right. I think everyone here is going to be playing and working during the festival so lets go have fun."

Abraham: "Come on then, lets go."

We began to head back to the base together. I thought of where Wales was going to put her clothes and so I decided to ask her.

Abraham: "Hey Wales, where are you going to put your clothes?"

Wales: "Well honestly since we're a couple, I think it would be nice to move in with you.."

Abraham: "I mean your clothes will-"

I paused for a moment, taking in what she said.

Abraham: "Say what now..?"

Wales: "I said we could live together.."

I thought for a few moments then I smiled.

Abraham: "Okay then. Want to move your stuff to my room then?"

Wales thought for a bit before she nodded.

Wales: "That would be nice. We can move my things into your room then."

Abraham: "Okay but hopefully it isn't a lot.."

Wales: "Abraham.. It isn't a lot.. Its kind of like your room.. Barely anything.."

Abraham: "It isn't just barely anything-"

I stopped talking as she wasn't necessarily wrong with me barely owning anything in my dorm room.

Abraham: "Okay, you're right... I don't really have much other than a table, a bed, a drawer, and the bathroom. On my carrier and my room at Fort MacArthur, its a bit different."

Wales: "Can we visit Fort MacArthur later? You and your group keep mentioning it but I never got the chance to go look.."

Abraham: "Sure. I don't think they'll mind and I don't think anyone has ever seen it other than Maryland and them."

Wales: "Well that's going to be on my bucket list.. Or whatever the term those in Eagle Union use for wanting to do something."

Abraham: "Actually, you said the right term. Now lets get going to the fair and see what games they have there."

Wales: "Okay! Lets go!"

An hour later at the fair

(Wales POV)

I was walking with Abraham through the fair, looking for things to do. I was still holding his hand as we chatted about each and every ride, what we could go on and what we shouldn't go on due to the lines. We were walking and soon I spotted Enterprise and Benfold standing in front of a archery booth.

Enterprise: "I won!"

Benfold: "Dang, you're good."

Enterprise: "Of course I am. I use the bow all the time."

Benfold: "Yeah and I barely learned how to shoot an arrow compared to you."

Enterprise: "Well I can teach you on how to shoot from a bow."

Benfold: "That would be nice. Then you won't always be winning at this! Lets go another round!"

Enterprise: "You're on!"

I giggled a little from watching how competitive they were being at just a single booth before I heard Cleveland giggling. I turned to see Cleveland giggling at Farragut who just spilt icecream on himself while her sisters teased him, making him embarrassed. I smiled a bit and I thought of my two sisters who would always tease me before turning to look at Abraham.

Abraham: "What do you want to do?"

Wales: "Anything really.. Maybe we can play a game to win a prize."

Abraham: "Oh? Lets see.."

I saw Abraham look around before pointing to a booth that had a stuffed panda as a prize.

Wales: "That one..?"

Abraham: "Yeah. Lets go play it. If I don't win you a panda then we'll go ride on the Ferris Wheel. If I do win you a panda, we will go get slushies."

Wales: "Slushies..? What flavors would they have?"

Abraham: "I don't know but I saw someone selling them."

Wales: "Okay, lets go then."

I smiled at Abraham and he smiled back at me. We went over to the booth where I watched Abraham begin to play. I didn't mind if he won it or not as I only wanted to spend more time with him, knowing that today was the only day we would spend it together. As Abraham was playing the game, I heard Hornet's voice and so I turned to see her and Hill chatting.

Hornet: "How about we go to the Ferris Wheel?"

Hill: "Lets do that then after that, we go to souvenir shop to buy you something."

Hornet: "Well I want to see what I can buy for you."

Hill: "Im supposed to be buying you stuff, not the other way around. How am I supposed to repay you for helping me during the last sortie?"

Hornet: "Ah thats no big deal. Besides, we're partners. You got my back, I got yours."

Hill: "Alright alright, lets get going then."

I was smiling at the two before I felt something soft and fuzzy touch my head. I turned to look and I saw stuffed panda being handed to me.

Abraham: "There, I won it. Lets go get slushies then head to the Ferris Wheel."

Wales: "But I thought you said if you didn't win it we'd go to the Ferris Wheel."

Abraham: "I may have been lying. I planned to actually do both for you. This stuffed panda is a gift from me to you."

I gently held the stuffed panda in my arms and I blushed a bit.

Wales: "Thank you.."

Abraham smiled at me and I felt him kiss my cheek.

Abraham: "You're welcome. Now come on, otherwise we won't be able to get slushies in time."

I smiled and I returned the kiss to his cheek before I wrapped my arm around his.

Wales: "Lets get going then to the Ferris Wheel."

We went to a booth that was selling slushies. I noticed it had a variety of flavors but I decided to have a cherry flavored slushy while Abraham had a blue raspberry slushy. I tried to pay for it but Abraham stopped me.

Wales: "Let me pay for it.."

Abraham: "You spent money on clothes for the two of us so I'm paying for it."

Wales: "That's not true."

Abraham: "Yes it is."

Before I can say anything, he already handed them the money and he gave me the drink. I wanted to protest about it but I saw him smiling and so I didn't say anything, not wanting to ruin the day for him. I took the slushy and I looked at him.

Wales: "Thank you.."

Abraham: "You're welcome. Now lets go to the Ferris Wheel to enjoy the time here then we'll head home to change into formal clothings. Also I had South Dakota move your things to my room while we were gone so we should thank her later."

Wales: "Huh? South Dakota should've went on a break.. She shouldn't be working at all today so once we get back, she's going to have an entire week off."

Abraham: "Seems like a fair trade."

Wales: "Well not really.. I think she deserved at least a few months off but she told me she would get bored quite easily.."

Abraham: "Ah I see.. I think she could go travel to the other factions to relax."

Wales: "Maybe or we can send her to relax at a resort.. Actually, I might plan for that next week so everyone can relax."

Abraham: "That sounds like an amazing idea."

I smiled and before I knew it, we were at the Ferris Wheel. We waited a bit in line before having a chance to get on. Once we got on, we slowly began to move and I smiled as I rested my head on Abraham's shoulder as his head rested on my head.

Wales: "This is lovely.."

Abraham: "It is.. So after this, we'll go eat out but I have a surprise for you afterwards.."

Wales: "A surprise?"

Abraham: "Yep."

Wales: "Whats the surprise?"

Abraham: "I can't tell you and besides, you already know how surprises are anyways."

Wales: "Well it was worth the chance to see if you would say what it is.."

Abraham: "I may be a fool but not that foolish~"

I giggled a bit and soon the ride on the Ferris Wheel ended. After it did, we went back to base and we went to the dorms to change into some formal clothings. I decided to change into a red dress while Abraham wore a black suit and I must admit, he looked very handsome in it as I felt my heart race whenever I looked at him in his suit.

(Abraham's POV)

I was blushing as I looked at Wales wearing her red dress. It was quite stunning on her and when I saw her looking at me, I quickly hid the blush and I smiled, taking her hand into mine. I decided to be a bit teasing to her as we we're going to leave.

Abraham: "Shall we get going, my lady?"

I saw Wales blush in which I chuckled, noticing she wasnt expecting my behavior and so I gently kissed her.

Abraham: "What's wrong? Lost the courage to speak?"

Wales: "N-No.. I just wasn't expecting that to come from you.. Belfast maybe but you, no..."

Abraham: "Well the point was to make things harder for you to expect anything from me."

Wales: "Thats quite mean.."

Abraham: "It isnt mean. It's quite enjoyable to see the love of my life embarrassed and flustered by small mere actions committed by me."

Wales: "S-Stop.."

I chuckled a bit as I led her out of the dorms and towards the restaurant I made reservations at.

Abraham: "Here we are."

I noticed Wales looking at it with a bit of amazement and I smiled, making a note in my mind to thank Queen Elizabeth for this suggestion as I had no clue on what would fit her taste.

Wales: "You didn't need to do this.. I wasn't expecting this.."

Abraham: "Oh I know you weren't. Now, lets get going."

We soon entered the building with others chatting and eating inside. I noticed someone walk up to us.

???: "Excuse me, do you have a reservation."

Abraham: "Yes we do.."

I turned and I saw Hood standing there and I was confused.

Abraham: "Hood? Why are you here?"

Hood: "Her majesty asked me to help make this date a bit more enjoyable and so I am here to help. Wales, Belfast, Sheffield and Edinburgh are waiting for you and Abraham. Please follow me."

I looked at Wales and she looked back at me but we reluctantly followed Hood to a private area where Belfast, Sheffield and Edinburgh were waiting for us. I waved to them before being seated by Belfast while Wales was seated down by Sheffield.

Abraham: "Hey Belfast, Sheffield and Edinburgh.."

Belfast: "Good evening, Mr. Abraham and Ms. Wales. Here are the menus for tonight. Please take your time looking through it."

Wales: "Thank you Belfast."

Abraham: "Thanks.."

Belfast bowed and she stood nearby as Edinburgh and Sheffield waited for their turns to speak. I looked through the menu as Wales chose something for herself.

Edinburgh: "What would you like, Ms. Wales and Mr. Abraham?"

Abraham: "Uhm.. I'll just take the steak.."

Wales: "I'll just have the steak as well.."

Edinburgh: "Two steaks coming right up!"

Edinburgh left with enthusiasm and went towards what I assumed was the kitchen. Soon Sheffield stood in front of us.

Sheffield: "And what drinks would you both like?"

Wales: "Is it alright with you to drink wine?"

Abraham: "Of course. We both would like to have wine please."

Sheffield: "Please wait."

She then bowed before walking the same way that Edinburgh had gone. Soon it was just us two and Belfast.

Wales: "Belfast, did her majesty plan all of this?"

Belfast: "Yes and no. Her majesty requested us to help make your night enjoyable however this was more of Mr. Abraham's idea."

Wales: "I see. He requested an idea from her majesty?"

Belfast: "Yes he did, Ms. Wales."

Abraham: "Dang.. Exposing me already.."

Belfast then giggled before smiling at us.

Belfast: "It was only for Ms. Wales to hear, Mr. Abraham."

Wales: "Thank you, Belfast."

Belfast: "I will leave now to attend to other duties. If you need anything, please request it."

Abraham: "We will, thank you Belfast."

Soon Belfast left as Sheffield and Edinburgh returned with our drinks and meals. Then they too left after we said out thanks. I looked over to Wales and we both began to eat while talking about a variety of things from sorties, new plans for the base, and even about the ocean. Eventually we were done eating and we left the restaurant after saying our thanks to Hood and the others.

Abraham: "Today has been a fun day."

Wales: "Yes it has been a fun day. Do you think we can spend some time alone..?"

Abraham: "Of course. Where do you want to go?"

Wales: "Lets go home since I think it would be better for us to spend time together there as today has been a long day"

Abraham: "Okay, lets go home then."

We began walking home together and I smiled, enjoying the night sky as we were walking.

Abraham: "You know the sky looks so beautiful but it isn't as beautiful nor any of these stars are as bright as you.."

I noticed Wales blush from my little compliment and she looked up at me with a smile.

Wales: "If you were up where the stars are, you would be my universe."

I blushed a bit and I smiled, kissing Wales by a lamp post that just turned on while the stars shined brightly in the night sky as a shooting star passed by. We then headed home and once we got home, I decided to change out of my clothes only for wales to stop me.

Abraham: "Uhm Wales..?"

Wales: "Shh.. Lets have fun.."

*WARNING: Beginning of Mature Scene. Please skip if you are not into anything mature.*

Abraham: "What kind of fun are you talking about..?"

Before I could get an answer from her, I felt her lips press against mine before she began to undo my collared shirt. I didn't understand what she was doing but I didn't mind as I was enjoying her soft lips. Soon I felt her tug on my collared shirt and I took it off for her, standing there in a tank top before taking it off as well. I then noticed her staring at my upper torso and I felt a tad bit embarrassed as it was covered in scars and some burn marks.

Abraham: "Getting a good look..?"

Wales: "I didn't know you looked that good under those shirt of yours.. And those scars make this harder to hold back.."

I felt her hands explore my chest a bit before I felt her breath close to my neck and she bit my collar bone, leaving a bite mark in which made me blush from the strange feeling of pleasure.

Abraham: "Whats with the bite..?"

Wales: "I don't know.. It just felt appropriate.."

I chuckled a bit before I noticed her taking off her dress. I blushed darkly after she managed to take off her dress as this was the first time I ever saw her in a bra and panties. Soon she began to unclip her bra and I felt my heart race.

Wales: "C-Could you not stare..?"

Abraham: "S-Sorry.."

I looked away a bit so she wouldn't be embarrassed by me.

(Wales POV)

My heart was racing as I acted on my own, allowing my desires of wanting Abraham to act itself out. I enjoyed teasing him but seeing his body made me want him more and so I couldn't help it but begin to undress for him. I noticed he was looking at me which made me feel shy.

Wales: "C-Could you not stare..?"

Abraham: "S-Sorry.."

I saw him looking away from me and I dropped my bra off completely, exposing my breasts to him but I somewhat covered them with my arm as I looked at Abraham.

Wales: "Y-You could look now.."

I noticed Abraham become a dark red and I blushed darkly before I gently took his hand and placed it on my left breast, softly moaning as his grip seemed to be firm yet gentle with me.

Wales: "A-Are you enjoying this..?"

Abraham: "I-I am.."

Wales: "G-Good because I want to please you so you can go ahead and enjoy them as much as you want.."

I allowed Abraham to play with my breasts in which to my surprise he did just that. I couldn't help but softly moan as the pleasure was rather new to me. I felt him begin to play with my nipples, causing me to moan a bit louder but I covered my mouth, blushing darkly as I reached down to his pants, undoing his belt and I unbuttoned his pants.

Abraham: "S-Sorry.. Wait.. What are you..?"

I kissed him before he could finish his sentence and I deepened the kiss before sticking my tongue into his mouth, exploring it but then I felt his tongue push back and soon we were trying to gain dominance over one another but we broke away from one another to catch our breaths, leaving a trail of saliva to escape our mouths.

Wales: "It isn't fair to be the only one undressed.."

I giggled a little as Abraham blushed and I soon helped him out of his pants before I began to rub the bulge he had, making sure to please him but to my surprise, he slipped his hand into my panties and he began to rub my pussy, making me moan.

Wales: "H-Hey.. N-No fair..."

Abraham: "Let me please you.."

As soon as he said those words I felt myself in his arms as he moved me to the bed, laying me down with him on top. Soon I wrapped my arms around his neck as we began to kiss quite passionately, feeling him play with my body, casuing me to squirm under his touch and soon he removed my panties completely before he removed his boxers. I looked up at him as I felt his fingers explore the inside of me, making me moan and buck my hips as I was a bit surprised by his actions.

Abraham: "You're quite tight.."

Wales: "It's my first time.."

Abraham: "It's mine too.. We'll be the first of each other..."

I nodded and I looked up at him before reaching down to stroke his dick, wondering how hard it could be from our foreplay alone.

(Abraham's POV)

I felt Wales stroking my dick and I blushed a bit, enjoying her firm yet gentle grip and I soon held her chin up a bit as I kissed her. Soon I began to kiss down from her lips to her neck, pampering her a bit before biting it a bit, listening to her erotic moans before deciding to do something a bit more daring.

Wales: "A-Abraham..."

I didn't answer as my kisses reached her chest. I decided to tease her a bit by licking her areolas and her nipples, wanting to please her before sucking on them. I heard her moan my name a few times and her hands gripped around my head, pulling my head a bit closer to her chest. Soon I let her nipples escape my teasing before I moved down a bit, deciding to have a little taste of her. I had her legs spread out for me and I looked at her pussy, noticing it was dripping wet.

Abraham: "You seem to be soaking wet.."

Wales: "P-Please don't look.. I-Its embarrassing.."

I chuckled a little before I bit her thigh, making her jump a bit from my actions and soon I began to make my way through her inner thighs, hearing her frantic breathing. I soon stopped only a few inches away from her pussy and before she could say anything I began to lick it, causing her to moan.

(Wales POV)

I moaned from the pleasure as he licked my pussy. I never knew his tongue could feel this good and I couldn't help but hold onto his head, wanting more. Soon I felt my clit being rubbed and suck on, making me gasp from surprise as the pleasure intensified.

Wales: "A-Ahhh~ A-Abraham~"

I didn't hear him say anything but suddenly a strange feeling entered inside of me. I held his head as I found out he had stuck his tongue inside of me to please me.

Wales: "D-Don't!"

Instead of stopping, he continued to lick the inside of my pussy, feeling it rub against a very sensitive spot and thats when I suddenly felt an intense feeling of pleasure. It was all new to me and suddenly I unknowingly came, having an orgasm. I was holding the bedsheets and I began to pant.

Wales: "O-Oh my..."

Abraham: "Thank you for the meal.."

I blushed at his words and I slowly sat up, still recovering from the pleasure. Soon I had him lay on his back as I decided to return the favor. I took his shaft into my hands and I looked at him for a bit before jerking it off a bit, hearing him grunt from the pleasure. I soon took his dick into my mouth and I began to suck on it, hearing him softly moan which made me want to do more as I now knew he was enjoying it. I began to suck harder and before I knew it, I felt it start twitching and I suddenly felt a hot liquid squirt into my mouth. I tried my best to drink it all but some of it escaped my lips. I gently pulled his dick out of my mouth and I wiped my lips, panting a bit as I looked at him.

Abraham: "S-Sorry.."

Wales: "I-Its okay.. It tasted a bit weird but I enjoyed it.."

I then sat on his lap and I began to tease him by rubbing my wet pussy against his hard dick, wondering how much he could handle.

Wales: "Are you enjoying this..?"

Before I could hear him give me an answer, I felt him grab my hips and I smiled a bit, knowing I was doing a good job but what took me by surprise the most was when he suddenly had me on my back. He was in between my legs and his head was near mine. His voice seemed to be enticing as he spoke.

Abraham: "Lets do it.."

I nodded and I pulled him closer to me.

Wales: "Take me.."

I soon bit my bottom lip as I felt the tip of his shaft slowly press into me, going a bit deeper and I gasped, feeling how big he was. I felt some pain and I dug my nails into his back. He stopped, allowing me to regain my bearings and the pain soon subsided.

Abraham: "Are you okay..?"

I nodded and I looked up at him.

Wales: "Y-You can keep going.. The pain is gone now.."

I saw Abraham nod and soon I felt his dick deep inside of me. It was hitting my cervix and I wrapped my legs around him as he thrusted into me, making my mind go blank as my body was lost in pleasure.

(Abraham POV)

I was thrusting into Wales and I felt her dig her nails into me. I held her waist and I heard her moan my name. I didnt know the pleasure was this good and I wanted more of her but I feared of hurting her.

Wales: "T-Thrust harder.. A-And faster.."

I looked at her a bit surprised but I decided to do what she said, thrusting harder and faster, hearing her erotic moans escape her lips. I began to grunt a bit as my thrusts rocked the bed a bit. I knew no one would hear us but I tried to be quiet, only allowing some grunts to escape my lips every now and then as Wales did the same with her moans.

Wales: "Y-You're messing up my insides, A-Abraham.. Ngh~"

Abraham: "Y-You're so tight Wales.. W-Who wouldn't..?"

I continued to thrust into her, hitting her cervix with each thrust and I felt myself becoming closer to cumming as I felt her tighten up quite a lot, knowing she was getting closer as well.

Wales: "I-Im going to...! Ngh~!"

Abraham: "I-I am too..!"

Wales: "C-Cum in me, A-Abraham...!"

Abraham: "I-I will.."

I soon began to thrust faster as Wales continued to tighten up and soon with one last thrust I came inside of her, holding her waist.

(Wales POV)

I moaned erotically as I felt Abraham cum inside of me. Soon I came, not able to hold back anymore as the pleasure overtook me. I was gripping the bed sheets as we just finished together. He pulled out of me as I was panting quite hard, our bodies were covered in sweat. I then looked up at Abraham who was also panting and I pulled him down, making him rest with me.

Wales: "I-I love you.."

Abraham: "I-I love you too.."

Wales: "T-This was fun.."

Abraham: "I-It was.. Now I can say were my first.."

Wales: "A-And I can say the same..."

Abraham: "I hope no one heard us.."

Wales: "They probably did.. But I don't care.. I finally got to do it with my lover.."

Abraham: "Speaking of which.."

I looked at him confused as he reached over me, pulling out a small black box from the drawer. He soon opened it and my eyes widen with realization. What he pulled out was a promise ring and I looked at him with some tears falling from my eyes.

Abraham: "Wales... We've been together for a while now and I've been meaning to ask you if you would marry me.. And since we just had sex so what do you say..?"

Wales: "I do.. I've been waiting for this but I never expected this to happen..."

I smiled a bit and I felt Abraham wipe away my tears of joy before he placed the promise ring on my ring finger. We embraced one another before we kissed and soon I fell asleep in his arms, passing out from exhaustion.

(Abraham's POV)

I was happy when Wales said yes when I asked her for her hand in marriage. We embraced and we kissed but after the kiss, I noticed her pass out from exhaustion and I chuckled a bit.

Abraham: "Good night, Wales.."

I soon pulled the blanket over us and I then passed out from exhaustion as I couldn't stay awake any longer.

(*End of Mature Scene*)

Early hours of the morning

(Abraham's POV)

I woke up about 6:32 am in the morning. I noticed Wales was still asleep next to me and I slowly sat up before placing a soft kiss to her forehead. I then got out of bed and I took a shower to clean myself up and to refreshen, deciding to get ready for the day. After doing so, I came out and I saw Wales sitting up.

Abraham: "Good morning my love~"

Wales: "Good morning.."

Abraham: "You have to get up and get ready.. We have work to do today.."

Wales: "Okay..."

I was already dressed in a suit and I watched Wales get up and go to the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. I knew she was going to shower and so I decided to head out first.

Abraham: "Wales, I'm going to go. Get dressed when you're done and get going to work too. If you need me, I'll be at the ship repair area, okay?"

Wales: "Okay.. Stay safe and I love you.."

Abraham: "I love you too and I will. Ill see you soon."

I soon left, heading straight to the repair docks to begin working on my gift to Barry while making sure nothing goes wrong.

(To be continued)

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