Modern Day Warships to Anothe...

By Horten141A

37.1K 390 557

(Rewrited Description!) As the war has ended 31 year ago, the world now peace... US began to make a good rela... More

Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Bio's 2 (Rewrite I)
Chap 2 - Need to be Saved?... (Rewrite)
Chap 3 - So. There's a flashback, must meet the Queen, then a Tour?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 3 (Rewrite I)
Chap 4 - We got Free Time, But There's a Goddamn Storm! And a Distress Signal!
Chap 5 - Sakura Empire? New Guest? And Spies?...
Bio's 4 (Rewrite I)
Chap 6 - Time to Save Our Spies...
Chap 7 - What a Day...
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 1 - We Just Arrive, and We got a New Problem
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 2 - Short Word: Just a Tour...
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 4 - Test? Not a Problem....... Schwester?!!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 5 - Maybe we From Different World, But not By the Blood
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Russian/Northerners Arc 1 - Hello New Worlds...
Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!
Russia/Northerners Arc 3 - Just a Morning Tour
Rusky Arc. Char. Bio 5
Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!
New Cover???
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 1
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 2
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 3
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 4
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 5
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 6
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!
Battle of Midway Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 2 - Welcome to Our Base!...
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!
D-Day/Normandy Landing Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - The Base is Under Attack!!!...
Dragonians New Upgrade and Refit
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 1
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 2
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 3
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 4
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 5
French/Orthodoxies Arc 1 - Bonjour, New World!...
Anniversary of United State of America Vlog!!!...
Battle of Britain Anniversary!!!...
New Book???? Already??????

Chap 1 - Wait! I'm in Another World!?... (Rewrite)

2.7K 21 32
By Horten141A


War never changes, in any eras


The Age of Discovery

Humanity set sail into the oceans with adventure on their hearts

But soon, those hearts were filled by a different desire, to conquer the seas

However, the true enemy appeared from outside of the world...






-The Sirens-




With their vastly superior technologies

The Sirens easily pushed the humanity out of the oceans

There was no longer any place in the seas for mankind

To counter this unprecedented threat

Humanity organized a global alliance named:

-Azur Lane-

Together, they fought valiantly against the Sirens

Central to the formation of this grand alliance were the four major camps

Eagle Union

Royal Navy

Iron Blood

And Sakura Empire

After a desperate struggle, the Azur Lane finally repelled the Sirens onslaught

Time passed...



Eagle Union Sea Territory

In the ocean, a Carrier float in the middle of the sea. With a Repair Ship on the side.

A woman wearing a nun clothes walking to the woman that using an black cape with admiral hat.

Vestal: "All ready to depart?"

The woman stay silent as she looking the two SBD flies in the sky.

Vestal: "This could be major battle. Please be careful."

The woman stick out her hand to the sky, and a Bald Eagle landed on her hand.

There is only thing we must learn from history



War never changes, regardless of eras

In the Middle of the Sea


A thing where all creature will fight each-others

Till death

The war known no nations, sides, or factions

Even times









There's one rules in war:



Be Killed


The blue sea

The place where humanity sails

The place where the ships supposed to be

The place of aquatic creature lives

The place of beauty of the blue world

But the sea, can be our battlefields















Since the ancient times

The sea has been our battlefields

Ships is the one that always to be used

The war always bring trauma for us

Seeing our friends, comrades, and families

Die in there


The war can't be changed

If the war started

There's no turning back

The only thing that I know in war is:

War paid by


Montana: "GAHH!!!!.. Huhhhh!.. Huhhh!.."

An single Battleship were floated in the middle of the ocean.

Montana: "Whe-Where am I?"

He began to stands up and looks around.

Montana: "Wa-Wait a minutes!

Then he began to look all of his body and realized somethings.

Montana: 'Hands.. Legs.. Head.. BODYS?!!!' "I'm human?!! That's impossible!"

Montana were on panics, but soon he tries to calm down himself.

Montana: "Okay, there's must be explanation, for this..."

Suddenly, an eagle. A Bald Eagle, landed on Montana shoulder.

Montana: "Hey Hawk... How are you?"


Montana: "I will take that as yes..."

Hawk is his best friend animals; Hawk was a little bald eagle that left by his mother in Montana ship and get discover by his crew.

The crew decide to take care for him, from give him a special home in the ship, give a food, and trained how to fly. Not only that, Hawk is trained how to became a Special Eagle Troops.

And from that day, for generation and generation of Montana crew, from the war, until now. Hawk still stay in Montana, and became Montana Eagle.

As he rub Hawk head, he look around.

Montana: "Huh..? Looks like I'm in the middle of the Pacific Ocean... The last time I remember, I was underway to Guam Naval Base?"

He looked back around, and decided to look for a harbor.

But, suddenly...

'Montana.. Engage!!''

Montana: "What the—?"

Suddenly, his ship broke apart became a thousand blue cubes, and the cubes gatherings to Montana body and transforms became his Riggings.

Montana: "Woaww!.. Woaww!.. Woaww!... What happened?!!" 'What in the world just happen?! My ship suddenly become a thousand or whatever blue cubes, and transform become this?!.'

Montana become more confused, as he were asking himself why and what happened exactly. Montana tries to contact Guam, Okinawa, Taiwan, Midway, and Pearl. But none of them were response.

Montana: 'Alright. I has try my radar satellites to detect anything even contact the bases. None of them were worked. But, where in the goddamn world the satellites on the goddamn space?!!'

Montana desperate to seek anything that can be answered, but that is beyond of his logics. And a he decide to search any harbor or port or base to be docked.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Hawk and Grimm play together with Montana and Enterprise watching on...)

It's been an hour, and Montana could find any Harbor.

Montana: "Hugh........ An hour has pass, still cannot a single harbor or islands." 'I wonder about this world, and I wonder about the ships that attack me an hour ago??'

Then, Hawk coming from the sky, and landed in his shoulder.

Montana: "Hey Hawk, find anything?"


Montana: "I will take that as no..."

Suddenly, Montana catches a distress signal.

Montana: "Hmm? What is this?? A distress signals??"

"[*Bzzzt...* This is Azur Lane Base! Currently we are under by the Siren!! *Bzzzt...* I repeat!! *Bzzzt...* This is Azur Lane Base! Currently we are under by the Siren!! *Bzzzt...* Everybody who hear this, send a help!! *Bzzzt...* We will send the coordinates to you!!! *Bzzzt...*.]"

Montana: "Say WHAT!!!!!!!"

After get the coordinates, with quickly Montana go to Azur Lane Base. With his top speed reaching 33 Knots, Montana can arrive quickly, if he can.....

Azur Lane Base


Cleveland: "I think it's the last one."

San Diego (Sandy): "We won!!!"

As the Azur Lane girls cheer for the victory. Suddenly, there's a Sakura Petal's raining from the sky.

Akagi: "Yes, we are created by humanity to fight the Siren... But, a difference ideologies and belief, split the 4 Major Camp into 2 Factions."

Kaga: "One Faction restrict itself to using pure technologies created by humanity... That's is Eagle Union and Royal Navy."

Akagi: "The other faction....."

The 2 Carrier came across from the Sakura Petals Rain.

Cleveland: "That emblem!..."

Akagi: "The faction that will use the Siren technologies to defeat the Siren... The Iron Blood and The Sakura Empire!.."

Akagi: "Sakura Empire 1st Carrier Division, Akagi!!"

Kaga: "Sakura Empire 1st Carrier Division, Kaga!!"

"Behold and Tremble!!!!"

The two Carriers release many aircrafts like an endless attack.

Javelin: "They to many! There's no end on this!!"

Laffey: "We could have a trouble on this..."




Kaga: "Nani?!"

A several interceptors were flying and destroy many Zeros.

Cleveland: "Interceptors??"

Unicorn: "Don't bully my friends!!!"

Then U-Chan transformed into a big Unicorn with a wing while Unicorn riding on its back, and release few aircraft.

Kaga: "That girl, she an Aircraft Carrier... Such a lean body.... But, prey is prey!!"

Suddenly, Kaga Carrier transform into 9 Tailed Giant Fox.

Kaga: "I shall devour you!!!"

Then the fox launching every aircraft to attack Unicorn.

Javelin: "Not on my watch!"

As Javelin try to help Unicorn. But, suddenly there's a Torpedo heading towards Javelin.

Laffey: "Watch out!!"

Laffey crash Javelin to side, and receive the torpedo attack.


Javelin: "Laffey!!!"

Laffey: "I'm okay!!"

Javelin: "Thank Goodness..."

Then Ayanami showed herself.

Javelin: "Hah?.. You?!!"

Ayanami: "Sakura Empire improved Fubuki Class-Destroyer, Ayanami."


Ayanami: "Taste the power of demon!"

Javelin: "Why you doing this??"

Ayanami: "Because, we're enemy."

While Javelin and Ayanami fight each other, Unicorn is battling with the fox.

Unicorn deploy her aircraft and trying to kill the giant fox, but the fox releases a blue beam from the tail, and destroy every Unicorn aircraft.

Kaga: "This it? I expecting a challenge."

Akagi: "Ohh Kaga, you enjoying this."

Javelin: "Please stop. If you continue this, Unicorn will—"



Unicorn: "AAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Unicorn get hit by a beam from the fox, and the fox approaching Unicorn and ready to eat her.


Cleveland: "No!! Don't!!!!"






All: "Huh?!!"

Kaga: "Nani?!!"

From a far, in the back of Siren ships. There's a lone Carrier emerging from the fog, launching many Dauntless.

Akagi: "An Eagle Union Carrier? Who could be??"

Cleveland: "That.... Her! Eagle Union strongest Carrier!!"

Akagi: "Grey Ghost! Tch!!"

Enterprise: "Enterprise! Engage!!!"

Then, the Carrier broke apart become a million of blue cubes and gather, become Enterprise Rigging. And then, Enterprise riding her Dauntless to Kaga and the fox.

Suddenly, her plane tail gets shot and on fire. She jumps to another plane, and still advancing to Kaga.

Kaga: "Interesting..."

Kaga launch her Zero to destroy Enterprise Crosshair and Dauntless. But, all of that is destroyed by the Crosshair and Dauntless.

Then, Enterprise land on the fox tail run to the top of fox, targeting Kaga.

Kaga: "Entertain me, PHANTOM!!!"

Akagi: "Kaga! WAIT!!!!"

Kaga threw a flaming petals to Enterprise, but Enterprise manages to dodge all of them. Then, Enterprise jump right in the front of Kaga, and aiming her bow to Kaga chest.

Kaga: "NANI!!!!!"

Enterprise: "You're mine!!"


Kaga: "AARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!"

Akagi: "KAGA!!!!"

Then, the fox is disappear become blue fire.


With her remaining stamina, Kaga launch many aircrafts as she could. And one of the aircrafts attack Enterprise without knowing the attack.

Cleveland: "Enterprise!! WATCH OUT!!!!"

Enterprise: "Huhh?!!"





The aircrafts get destroyed instantly by an unknown thing. And suddenly, a man standing in front of Enterprise.

Montana: "Are you okay ma'am??"

Enterprise: "Huhh!.. I-I'm okay..."

Montana look to Kaga and Akagi, and aiming the with his M27.

The shipgirls is surprised with Montana present that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Kaga: "Wh-WHO ARE YOU!!!!"

Montana: "Just a Veteran, passing by..."

As the water mist began to reduce, Montana face is revealed.

All: "WHAT?!!! A SHIPBOY?!?!!!!"

Montana: "Leave, or else....."

Kaga: "Tch!!... I will defe--"

Akagi: "Enough Kaga!!"

Kaga: "But, sister... I can still fight!"

Akagi: "I know... But, there's a right time for everything."





The Sirens ships began to be destroyed, as many aircrafts and Battleships shell hit them.

Unicorn: "Onee-Chan..."

Cleveland: "Ge'ez... Someone is late..."

Akagi: "We've accomplished our goals, most importantly... This mission is a success.

Kaga: "Yes dear sister, if you say so."

Akagi and Kaga began to leave, and following with Ayanami.

As they leave, Enterprise draw her bow and aim towards them. But suddenly, a paper plane struck Enterprise hand, make her aim shifted.

From a far, a Carrier standing alone in destroyed Sirens ships.

Zuikaku: "My senior, it's time."

Akagi: "Yes.. It's time to go!"

As them leaving, Azur Lane shipgirls including Enterprise and Montana that standing side by side, only watching them go.

Akagi: "Azur Lane! Consider this is a formal declaration of war!!"

Kaga: "We, Sakura Empire alongside Iron Blood, will destroy your deception!!"

Akagi: "The strongest one must control the future. The Heaven will reside with us, the true conqueror of the sea!!"

Akagi/Kaga: "We are the alliance of the Crimson Blood! We are the Red Axis!!!"

Then, there's Sakura Petals raining again. And the 2 Carrier along with Zuikaku and Ayanami disappear.

Montana just take a deep breath, and look the damaged base. Not too damaged, but still the damaged is remembering him to Guam Attack or commonly known as The Guam Air Raid. But, it seems like The Pearl Harbor Attack.

He looked back and see Enterprise and the other looking at him.

Montana: "Umm... Hi.."

Montana waved his hand as hi to the girls, but the girls stay silent.

Enterprise: "How..."

Montana: "How what?"

Enterprise: "How there's a shipboy, it's supposedly never exist?"

Montana: "Of course its exist, I'm a shipboy you know... Wait a minutes.. You all never seen a shipboys before?"

Enterprise: "Not even a single shipboys is exist..."

Montana: "...Well damn..." 'The first day and the first time I became a human.. This goddamn day gonna be a goddamn long day...'


Me: "Hey guys! I'm back!!"

Amelia: "Can you make it like a usual outro?"

Me: "Sorry... Alright! As the title said, this Chapter 1 has been rewrited, so if you an reader that already read the Chapter 6, you know who is all of my friends. But if you a new reader, I will reintroduce them again. Introduce yourself!"

Andrei: "Privet comrades! My name is Andrei from Mother Russia!"

Mill: "I'm Mill, from US."

Karl: "Guten Tag.. Mein name is Karl, from Deutschland."

Tokha: "O Genkidesu ka! Watashinonamaeha Tokha desu! Hajimemashite!"
(How are you! My name is Tokha! Nice to meet you!)

Jackson: "Good day, my name is Jackson from Britain.."

Amelia: "Salken! Nama gua Amelia!"
(Nice to meet you! My name Amelia!)

Me: "Alright! You all now understand? So. let's move to the memes..."

Me: "That's it! Bye!!!"


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