Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to Shi...

By UltraMikeTechno

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Reed and Roy, After convincing Mike Techno wen to a now world to find motivation, motivation to train and gro... More

Story notes & Bios
Part 1: Please Mike Please~~
Part 2: Hanzō academy 1st years
Part 8: Tales of Techno
Part 9: More training? Gimme a break
Part 10: Reed and Roy of the D.V universe
Part 3 "Sparring" Match
Part 11: Power exhibition match
Part 12: Road to strongest
Part 13: Reed & Roy: Awakening
Part 4: Family talk and lurking evil
Part 14: Reed and Roy: Drums of Dawn
Part 15: Call of Liberation!
Part 15.5: 2nd unexpected crossover
Part 5: Training in Tandem
Part 16: Secrets of the Sage
Part 17: Senjutsu Village
Part 17.5: "Walk" to Hanzō National Academy
Part 6: Legendary Meetup
Part 18: Inevitable meetup
Part 19: Allies or newfound enemies?
Part 20: Traitor?
Part 7: Unorthodox meetup
Part 21: Techno's Training: Discussion
Part 22: Techno Training: Limit Breaker
Part 23: Hebijo Academy Raid: Countdown
Part 24: Hebijo Academy Raid: Confrontation
Part 25: Hebijo Academy Raid: Climax
Part 26: Hebijo Academy Raid: Ashes of Orochi
Part 27: Orochi's Fall
Part 27.5: Hold off the reinforcements!
Part 28: Ally forces.
Part 30: Shinobi battle Royale: Preparation
Part 31: Shinobi Battle Royale: Training
Part 32: Shinobi Battle Royale: Last minute preperation
Part 33: Shinobi Battle Royale: Shambles!
Part 34: Apologies Hanzō Academy.
Part 34.5: 3 Months
Part 35: Tokyo City
Part 36: Not so(?) Prominent Trouble
Part 37: We need- A distraction(?)
Part 38: Operation: Pool Party
Part 39: Reality is Harsh, but giving up is Worse
Part 40: Foes to Friends.
Part 41: Friends to Foes
Part 42: Complete to Broken, Broken to Complete
Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown
Part 44: Shinobi Masters: Beggining
Part 45 Shinobi Masters: Start of the match
Part 46: Shinobi Masters: Early Finale?
Part 47: Team Hanzō is back.
Part 48: The defeat of the Twins.
Part 49: Untimely end.
Part 50: Declaration of War
Part 51: Clashing fates & truths.
Part 52: There's Yōma, and a lot of them
Part 53: Let's finish these Yōma!
Part 54: Secrets unfolded
Part 55: Hot springs to the other world?
Part 56: The beggining of the end
Part 57: Battle against time
Part 58: Why, just why?
Part 59: Our True Power
Part 60: Let's end this.
Part 61: Techno's Demonstration
Part 62: Confronting God
Part 63: Hospitalization
Part 64: Rest before the Test
Part 65: Room for Improvement
Part 65.5: Meanwhile...
Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)
Part 67: Extended Training Montage
Part 68: ...
Part 69 (Nice): The End.

Part 29: More Good Shinobi- wait wha?

37 0 0
By UltraMikeTechno

E: This is gonna be a pain in my butt right now. if you've read the title. You can guess who is coming next. *Sighs* Alright, time to get to work. We also skip to a few days later where everyone has a break from training. 

*Time resume*

*In a random street*

Reed: *Gulping down red bull* Ah, what a refreshing day to do absolutely... nothing. A nice to relax.

Roy: Yohohoho! I can't agree more! *Gulps down a root beer*

Orange: You look like you're downing beer. 

Katsuragi: I mean, he's not wrong but then again, they're just soft drinks and you can drink em however you want to.

Yomi: *Holding a bag* I have bought plenty of sprouts now.

Roy: Will you ever get tired of sprouts?

Yomi: Never! 

Roy: Okay then. Not saying you should stop. Just worried you may end up consuming too may sprouts.

Reed: Where should we go next? We've been to the market, the gym, a vending machine, where too next? 

Orange: ... probably the opposite direction...

Blue: Wha? Whaddya talking about?

Orange: Those ladies over there... don't look to nice.

Katsuragi: *Looks at them* hmm... I don't know who they are. I'm guessing you two don't know too.

Reed & Roy: No [REDACTED] Sherlock. 

??? 1: Aren't those students from Hanzō academy? 

??? 2: While the girls have the Hanzō academy uniform the men on the other hand don't. 

??? 3: Sooooo are they the bad guys??? *Confused* 

??? 4: They're probably not expecting an attack like this.


Roy: Right on time! 

Katsuragi: Wait why!? 

Reed: I'll explain later! Those ladies are bad news! *Grabs Katsuragi*

??? 5: They heard us? 

??? 3: Awwww... I wanted to fight them... 

Orange: *Grabs Yomi* Let's get outta here! *Runs* 

Blue: Don't have to tell me twice! 

*Back at Hanzō academy*

Orange: We lost them. 

Katsuragi: Okay, you have some explaining to do. Why did we have to run back?

Reed: If you had even basic observation Haki you would've known. 

Asuka: You guys are back early. Why do you look worried? 

Roy: Uhh... well, you see, the thing is-

*The 5 mysterious people appear before them* 

Reed: Them...

Yumi: I am Yumi. Leader of the Gessen girls academy elites.

Shiki: The name is Shiki Darlings~

Minori: I'm Minori! And I'm gonna kick you butts!

Roy POV: That isn't good.

Yozakura: I am Yozakura. 

Murakumo: I am Murakumo! 

Reed: Gessen? Is that like a Shinobi school or something? 

Asuka: I think I've heard of it before. 

Roy: Tell us! We need to know before they begin fighting us! 

Asuka: It's another good Shinobi academy made by my grandfather's rival Kurokage.

Roy: So? Why are they attacking us then!?

Yumi: You wouldn't understand. Now, let me fight Asuka so I can show that cursed man Hanzō what I am truly made of.

Reed: What did that man do again?

Yumi: He sexually harassed us. And on top of that he ate the gift I was going to give to my grandfather Kurokage.

Reed: That son of a [REDACTED]!!

Roy: That is damned messed us if I was there.

Yumi: But answer me, is it true that you are affiliated with evil Shinobi?

Reed: Kinda. Not 100% though. We're rivals that's for sure.

Yumi: So, when the time comes, will you kill them?

Roy: Not a chance. We'd never kill unless deemed needed. We don't need to kill them.

Yumi: My grandfather said that true happiness will only exist if evil doesn't. 

Reed: Then, good will never exist too. Good was never created. Rather it was a means to stop evil, another thing that was never created. So if you eradicate evil, you will also be eradicating good along with it.

Yumi: What are you saying?

Reed: It's the yin-yang paradox. If good does not exist neither will evil. If evil does not exist neither will good. So you're gonna have to keep some evil people.

Yumi: *Dismisses it* Arguing will get us nowhere. Come on, fight us-

*The rest of the Hanzō students come*


E: Lemme count... 5... 10... 12... 18... gosh there are 18 Hanzō students right now! Sooooo... I'ma grab a random spinner 


Reed: So, there are 18 of us and 5 of you. Yumi wants to fight Asuka so that is settled. Why don't we draw straws? *Pulls out 17 straws* The longest gets in the fight.

Everyone: Deal.

Roy: Wait a minute let us do the spinning.

*After 4 irl random spins*

Reed: Yagyū, you fight Yozakura.

Yagyū: Right. *Prepares her weapon*

Roy: Orange, you are up against Shiki.

Orange: Great! *Summons his sword* Get ready! 

Reed: I feel sorry for Minori but Hikage, it's your turn.

Hikage: Great... *Pulls out her knife*

Reed: Ah shoot... *Swaps Hibari's straw* Oh, Roy. It seems you'll be fighting Murakumo.

Roy: Alright! Let's take this battle sky high!

Reed: We'll watch you from here! Stay safe and don't die! 

*The 5 begin they're own separate clash*

Reed: Just in case Asuka loses. She won't. How about we draw straws to fight Yumi? 


*Roy POV*

Roy: So, we do a Kekkai or nah?

Murakumo: Hm, you decide.

Roy: Cuz I can't do one. I'm still learning. 

Murakumo: You don't have a place here if you can't even make a Kekkai! 


Murakumo: Fine then. Let me see your power. 

Roy: Gladly! *Activates all of his Haki* And I won't even need my weapon! 

Murakumo: Do not get cocky young man!

Roy: Let's see what's behind that mask! *Uses advanced Buso Haki* 

Murakumo: *Summons her two GIGANTIC weapons*


Murakumo: This Whitebeard you speak of is nothing compared to me!

Roy POV: Cap. *Gets in the signature Techno stance*


E: The signature Techno stance is... not a fighting stance at all. You can make this stance however you want so the design of the stance can be to your interpretation. As this also compliments the Techno style where you can fight however you want to fight giving you even more versatile moves.

*Time resume*

Roy: Techni stance: Blitz style! *Charges at Murakumo* 

*Roy Vanishes*

Murakumo: He's too fast! Where did he just go-

Roy: *Kicks her down* Oopsie~ 

Murakumo: Whoa- *Falls down* 

Roy: Eagle Bazooka! *Crushes Murakumo's armor* 

Murakumo: *Cough blood* Tsk. Not bad! *Cuts at Roy* 

Roy: *Dodges* Your weapons are very good against crowds but with an opponent who's main gig is speed you won't be able to do anything! *Jumps between the weapons* Like that! Hawk Stamp! *Kick Murakumo's mask* 

*The mask Shatters* 

Roy: I- shoot... 

Murakumo: E-e-eh!? M-my-my ma-mask!! I-i-it's broken!


Murakumo: No don't look at me! *Runs away*

Roy: There's a tree-

*Murakumo lands face first into the tree*

Roy: Over there... *Runs to her* Shoot, shoot, shoot, oh fudge, oh fudge! What am I gonna do!? Anyone have medical experience!? Her face is bleeding!!

Reed: Be right there! *Runs to Roy* 


E: Good thing I read the lore lol. But also this is all happening at the same time too.

*Time resume*

*Orange POV*

Shiki: Where are we?

Orange: A little place called home. Not for you but for me.

Shiki: But we're on a computer.

Orange: And I live in a computer. All until this happened. *Summons his Katana* Shall we dance? I need to make a better Shinobi line...

Shiki: You really need a better one. That's to basic. Shinobi, Transformation! *Transforms*

Orange: Isn't that too... never mind. 

Shiki: *Summons her scythe* Come on darling~

Orange: *Points his sword* *Charges at her* 

Shiki: Come on. *Spins her scythe quickly*

Orange POV: Ah, [REDACTED]. No turning back. *Embeds his sword with Haki*

Shiki POV: Is that his ninja art? No. It can't be. It's too basic to be one.

Orange: Ittoryu! Blazing Thunder! *Embeds his sword with Thunder* 

Shiki: A thunder blade!?

Orange: *Clashes with Shiki's blade* 

Shiki: *Throws her scythe*

Orange: *Dodges* That's gonna come back! *Ducks* Knew it! *Slams his sword into the scythe* 108 pound phoenix! *Sends the blade deep into the ground*

Shiki: Come back darling~ *Summons back her scythe* 

Orange: Why did I think it'd be that easy? *Activates observation Haki* *Dashes behind her* 

Shiki: From behind-

Orange: *Appears up front* 1000 world cutter! *Slices Shiki*

Shiki: Not bad! Secret ninja art! *Summons bat like things from her hat* 

Orange: *Minecraft PTSD* AH BATS!! ENMA!! *Cuts the Bats into bits*

Shiki: What was that- *Directly hit with the air slash* *Coughs out blood* What did he just... do..? *Falls Unconscious* 

Orange: Uh... *Pulls out a Healing II potion* Blue thanks for this. *Shoves the potion into Shiki's mouth* 


Shiki: Am I dead- 

Orange: *Bonks her* Oh thank goodness you are alive! 

Shiki: Oh, I'm not dead? 

Orange: *Confused* Why would you be dead? I have no reason to kill you as of the moment. If you are planning to kill me I'll kill you right now.

Shiki: H-he-hey! We can talk about this! I'm not planning to kill you or anything we just want to get back at Hanz-


Shiki: So you hate him too?

Orange: All of us do.

*Yagyū POV*

Yagyū: I think I'm getting a hang of this weapon! *Continuously blocking* 

Yozakura: Come on! Fight back!

Yagyū: I'll make sure of that! *Strikes Yozakura 20 times* 

Yozakura: Not bad. You acutally seemed to have damaged me. But that won't be good enough!

*Yozakura slams the ground making large shockwaves*

Yagyū: Woah! What's going on!?

Yozakura: Now you see where the gap in our power is?

Yagyū: Yeah! And I can see you're still no match for me! *Strike Yozakura*

Yozakura: *Blocks* Hmph. Still, you can't beat me- *Stutters* Wha-what's going on with m-me!?

Yagyū: *Looks at her umbrella* What is this? What are these chains- 

Yozakura: Chakra removing chains!?

Yagyū: It's sucking the chakra of my opponent!

E: Nice observation smart guy. If u want it to stop just pull back. 

Yagyū: *Pulls back her umbrella* 

Yozakura: I'm still... too... weak... *Knocked out*

Yagyū: That wasn't very- E? Where did you go? 

*Hikage POV*

Hikage: So you're my opponent? You may look weak but I shouldn't underestimate you. After all, 1 person who just got out of a hospital bed beat my butt sore. 

Minori: Eat this bad guy! *Slams a 18 TON WEIGHT!?!*

Hikage: *Narrowly avoids* That is what I am talking about...

Minori: AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!! *Slams the weight continually* 

Hikage: *Begins to dodge easily* Is that all of the attacks you can do!? *Rushes behind her* What's that one ninja art Reed used? 

Minori: HIYAH!! *Slams her bucket into Hikage*

Hikage: *Jumps up* That's right. Rasengan. *Makes a Rasengan* 

*Hikage slams the Rasengan into Minori with tremendous force*

Minori: No fair... I want a rematch... *Knocked out*

Hikage: That wasn't very fun.

*Asuka POV*

Asuka: Damn... I'm not match for her. 

Yumi: My grandfather told me to vanquish all evil so now, I'll be the one to vanquish you.

Asuka: Wait! We can talk about this!

Yumi: There is nothing we need to talk about. You have allied yourself with the line of evil and for that you must fall. *Delivers the final blow-

Reed: *Grabs the fan* We drew another straw and lucky me got the longest one! 

Yumi: What are you doing here? Where is your sense of honor?

Reed: She doesn't want to strike you down so I'll be the one to do it for her! *Heals Yumi* Now you're at your full power there is no dishonor.

Yumi: If that's the case then I'll beat you, then Asuka. 

Asuka: Are you sure about this? Can you really do it?

Reed: Of course I can. Just trust your underclassmen. 

Yumi: Underclassmen? You say you are a lower rank than Asuka?

Reed: Rank doesn't matter in a life or death fight! What matters, is if you live or die! 

Yumi: You underestimate me! 

Reed: And so do you! *Activates Sage mode* 

Asuka: Why don't you use the 9 tails mode? To be sure.

SM Reed: I don't have the 9 tails mode anymore. Hikari is out of my body. And... I'll tell that later. 

Yumi: Let us dance!

SM Reed: In the name of Shinobi!

*Outside the Kekkai*

Homura: *Checks her and Reed's straw* *Gasps* OI!! MY STRAW WAS LONGER!!

Haruka: No need to be so mad at him. He just wants to help his friends~

Mirai: He may be irresponsible but he's really kind. But still stupid!

Hibari: I don't see anything wrong with that. In fact our top fighter fighting their top fighter is amazing so we have an even playing field. 

Blue: I'm back. Are they still going at it? 

Green: Yeah, they still going at it.

Yellow: Roy beat Murakumo already. He just needed to break her mask.

Ikaruga: While that may be her weakness, it seems that the mask is a very important possession of hers. 

Roy: Hey, hey, here. *Hands Murakumo her mask* I am so sorry for what happened. 

Murakumo: You... fixed it...? 

Roy: Why wouldn't I? You are a good person. I can see that. But why? Why do you wanna hide your face? You look great. *Grabs a mirror* See? You look so cute. You're amazing.

Murakumo: You... really think that?

Roy: Why of course. Your cute. Don't hide that face of yours. 

*3/4 of the Kekkai barriers break*

Murakumo: Guys! What... what... happened? 

Orange: Well, we did fight, 

Hikage: But we resolved it. We did a talk after we beat them. They understood us and they let us go.

Yagyū: Don't worry, everyone is safe.

Shiki: I'm okay!

Minori: I'm alright! Just a little hurt though.

Yozakura: I'm alright. The nose still hurts.

Yagyū: Sorry, The door move is really new to me.

Yozakura: You didn't know so it's alright. 

Roy: So, is Reed, Asuka and...

Shiki: Yumi.

Roy: Yeah, Yumi. Are they still fighting? 

Yomi: It seems so. But... is that you Murakumo?

Murakumo: Oh my goodness, it really is you. Yomi! 

Green: Old friends eh? That's nice. 

Blue: Yeah, but they still fighting.

Haruka: Get down.

*The last Kekkai barrier breaks*

SM Reed: Jet stamp!

Yumi: AH! *Kicked away* 

SM Reed: You put up more of a fight than I thought but you were still not match. 

Yozakura: Yumi! Are you okay!?

Yumi: Run... They're too powerful for you... This'll be the end of me-

Reed: *Back in base* *Bonks her* OI! WHAT IS WITH THE DRAMA!!?! 

Yumi: What..? What are you talking about?

Reed: Kid, we are not gonna kill you. We are good ninja too. That Hanzō is a no good man. I hate him too.

Hanzō: Hey!

*Everyone looks at him* 





Everyone: *Jumps Hanzō*

Hanzō: WAIT!!!

------To be continued...

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