Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to Shi...

Door UltraMikeTechno

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Reed and Roy, After convincing Mike Techno wen to a now world to find motivation, motivation to train and gro... Meer

Story notes & Bios
Part 1: Please Mike Please~~
Part 2: Hanzō academy 1st years
Part 8: Tales of Techno
Part 9: More training? Gimme a break
Part 10: Reed and Roy of the D.V universe
Part 3 "Sparring" Match
Part 11: Power exhibition match
Part 12: Road to strongest
Part 13: Reed & Roy: Awakening
Part 4: Family talk and lurking evil
Part 14: Reed and Roy: Drums of Dawn
Part 15: Call of Liberation!
Part 15.5: 2nd unexpected crossover
Part 5: Training in Tandem
Part 16: Secrets of the Sage
Part 17: Senjutsu Village
Part 17.5: "Walk" to Hanzō National Academy
Part 6: Legendary Meetup
Part 18: Inevitable meetup
Part 19: Allies or newfound enemies?
Part 20: Traitor?
Part 7: Unorthodox meetup
Part 21: Techno's Training: Discussion
Part 22: Techno Training: Limit Breaker
Part 23: Hebijo Academy Raid: Countdown
Part 24: Hebijo Academy Raid: Confrontation
Part 25: Hebijo Academy Raid: Climax
Part 26: Hebijo Academy Raid: Ashes of Orochi
Part 27: Orochi's Fall
Part 27.5: Hold off the reinforcements!
Part 29: More Good Shinobi- wait wha?
Part 30: Shinobi battle Royale: Preparation
Part 31: Shinobi Battle Royale: Training
Part 32: Shinobi Battle Royale: Last minute preperation
Part 33: Shinobi Battle Royale: Shambles!
Part 34: Apologies Hanzō Academy.
Part 34.5: 3 Months
Part 35: Tokyo City
Part 36: Not so(?) Prominent Trouble
Part 37: We need- A distraction(?)
Part 38: Operation: Pool Party
Part 39: Reality is Harsh, but giving up is Worse
Part 40: Foes to Friends.
Part 41: Friends to Foes
Part 42: Complete to Broken, Broken to Complete
Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown
Part 44: Shinobi Masters: Beggining
Part 45 Shinobi Masters: Start of the match
Part 46: Shinobi Masters: Early Finale?
Part 47: Team Hanzō is back.
Part 48: The defeat of the Twins.
Part 49: Untimely end.
Part 50: Declaration of War
Part 51: Clashing fates & truths.
Part 52: There's Yōma, and a lot of them
Part 53: Let's finish these Yōma!
Part 54: Secrets unfolded
Part 55: Hot springs to the other world?
Part 56: The beggining of the end
Part 57: Battle against time
Part 58: Why, just why?
Part 59: Our True Power
Part 60: Let's end this.
Part 61: Techno's Demonstration
Part 62: Confronting God
Part 63: Hospitalization
Part 64: Rest before the Test
Part 65: Room for Improvement
Part 65.5: Meanwhile...
Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)
Part 67: Extended Training Montage
Part 68: ...
Part 69 (Nice): The End.

Part 28: Ally forces.

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Door UltraMikeTechno

*1 Week later*

Girls: Welcome back!

Kiriya: You all seemed to have passed your advancement tests haven't you?

Reed: Hahaha... YAHAHAHAHA!! *Shows his papers*

Roy: Look at this! We both got the highest marks for some reason! *Shows his papers*

Red: And we got pretty good scores too. *Shows his papers*

Chosen one: I could have been on the same level if it weren't for the fact I kinda disobeyed the last rule.

Reed: If it was Mike he'd fail immediately. 

Orange: *Sighs* Didn't think it'd be the literal city so my score was average. 

Kiriya: I had already been informed of the scores that you have all received and I must say, I am impressed. You all have done really well. All of the deductions were just for rule breaks. Now, who's ready for some more-

Roy: We're gonna have to cut you off there. We have an urgent report to send back to our world today. 

Reed: It'll be bad news if we don't get it there on time. 

Kiriya: I see. Another mission from your world. I guess I'll have to call of the lessons for now. After all, we need out top fighters on guard.

Roy: You'll be fine. I trust you all.

Kiriya: If that's the case then I also want to welcome your new teacher, Rin!

Rin: Heya boys!

Reed: I swear I thought you were gonna join Homura.

Rin: After much consideration I miss my old home. I want to be a teacher at the academy now.

Roy: Can't stop you neither we have a reason to stop you. But we gotta go. See ya later. *Teleports away* 

Reed: See ya later. *Teleports away*

Rin: Well, time to get to training! 

*With Reed and Roy*

Reed: Here's the report. Also, take this letter.

Head minister: You are planning to retire aren't you?

Roy: So am I.

Head Minister: Well, can't say I can stop you. You've been serving us for a long time anyway. *Stamps the letters* Have fun in your retirement. We hope the best for you.

Reed: Thanks. Good luck to you to.

Roy: We'll be off now. More adventure awaits us. 

Reed: Still want to be top tier Shinobi *Teleports away*

Roy: God speed to you. *Teleports away* 

Head minister: Those boys...

Mike: *Leans back* They got it all from me. 

*Back at the academy*

Orange: Enma! *Cuts multiple dummies* *Does a hand sign* Rasengan! *Blasts the Dummy*

Green: Can I make more than one weapon with this? *Makes 2 daggers* Seems like I can. 

Asuka: Hiyah! *Cuts the dummies* Orya! *Breaks a dummy's head*

Chosen one: *Drags 2 dummies* *Ignites the dummies on fire* Take this! *Throws the dummies*

Rin: Whoa! *Moves away*

Kiriya: *Puts out the fire* That was sort of irresponsible. *Hears something* Sorry students. We have to deal with something.

Rin: We'll be leaving now.

Orange: Okay then!

Blue: *Slices a dummy* *Makes his bow* Dragon! *Fires a thunder dragon*

Yellow: Yoru! *Cuts multiple dummies at once* This thing is OP! 

Katsuragi: Man, if we got cool weapons like that!

Ikaruga: No need to be jealous it was a divine gift anyway. We can't be picky. 

Yagyū: Still, it's not really fair. Divine weapons are much stronger than original ones. 

Hibari: I don't mind! 

Katsuragi: That's because you don't have a weapon! 

Hibari: EEK!

E: *Teleports in* You should have just asked! *Snaps his fingers* I've enhanced your weapons to be on par with the ones that the stickmen possess. As for Hibari, she instead got a strength boost. A small but noticeable one. Ciao then *Teleports in*

Katsuragi: Whoa! This is sweet!! I wanna try it out now! *Kicks a dummy* 

*A crack appears on the dummy*

Katsuragi: It cracked? But why is the crack blue-

*The dummy then is sent flying* 

Everyone: :0 No way.

Katsuragi: I can make super shockwaves! 

Asuka: Awesome! What does mine do!? *Slices a dummy* Huh? Why doesn't it do anything?

Katsuragi: Maybe it works like Yellow's? *Kicks Asuka*

Asuka: Hey! *Counters* 

Katsuragi: AAAHHH! *Sent flying* 

Asuka: So it seems counters are my special move. All counters I do-

E: Double in strength than the blow dealt to you. Also, if you store all the damage into the blade you can release it into a super counter if you want. *Teleports away*

Katsuragi: Well that just happened.

Yagyū: Wonder what does my weapon do now. The tip looks different.  

Katsuragi: A button! Lemme touch it! 

Yagyū: Who knows what could this do? Let me do it. *Holds down the button*

*The umbrella begins to shape into a... LASER GATLING GUN!?!* 

Yagyū: WHOA! 

*The Gatling gun fires at blinding speeds*

Yagyū: There's another button though! *Presses the 2nd button*

*The Gatling gun morphs into a laser cannon*

Yagyū: I probably shouldn't fire this huh? 

Everyone: *Nods*

*The laser suddenly fires*

Yagyū: *Knocked back* I almost hit the wall.

E: *Teleports inside* Oof. *Snaps his fingers* Made the recoil to large. That should do it. *Teleports away*

Hibari: I didn't get a weapon but I got this bracelet. It says... 10X? There is a button that says 50X, 100X, 200X and 500X.

E: *Teleports in* I think I should stay here for now. that is how much stronger you wanna be. right now your multi is 10X if you are strong enough you can go too 500X. But lemme remind you the multi also multiplies. You're body is strong enough for 10X so it's the default.

Ikaruga: Now, I should be able to find out what my blade does by now. 

Asuka: The hilt looks different now.

Yagyū: And so is the Scabbard. It looks completely different.  

Ikaruga: Wonder what it would mean. *Unsheathes the blade* The blade looks rather normal. It doesn't look like anything changed with it. 

Katsuragi: *Looks at the back* Look at this, it's a bar. More like a gauge. 

Ikaruga: Well, what does it say?

Katsuragi: It says... Umbrage. What? What does that mean? It's at the middle 

Ikaruga: What do you mean by that? *Looks at the gauge* That doesn't make much sense.

E: It's just a fancy way to call charge. The more damage put into the sword the higher the bar will go. The meter will also go higher if you strike with the sword. 

Ikaruga: What happens when the bar reaches it max?

E: You'll be able to use a new move I made known as the Shadow world reincarnation Justu. It basically makes limbo clones of your dead spirit. to fight for you and no one without a good enough Dojutsu can see them. Only the Ryugan or the Rinnegan can see your limbo. yet only attacks fused with Senjutsu can damage the clones. Once the bar depletes the clones grow weaker until they vanish. And you'll have to fill it again.

Ikaruga: That sounds rather complicated.

E: In paper it is but in practice it ain't that hard. 

Orange: Wait a moment right now. Why are you here?

E: Well, Mike needed to go attend a conference at a local anime expo so I was sent to give you this. *Hands a scroll* He was gonna get a bond paper and write something simple but he decided it should be more formal. Give this to either Kiriya or Rin for approval. Speaking of the two where are they?

Kiriya: I am pleased to inform you about our new students.

E: Oh. I thought they were done by now. Stupid script can't be read while the events are playing. 

Asuka: New students?

Homura: Hey. Did you miss us?

Reed: *Teleports in* Well, what a surprise.

Roy: *Teleports in* I thought you said you'd be fine on your own?

Yomi: Homura did say that. 

Homura: But I can see if we train the same way we did we would never beat you again.

Roy: So you planning to join us just to beat us up?

Homura: That sounds much more stupid when you put it like that.

Haruka: Roy isn't wrong in any way. We are joining them to beat them.

Hikage: I honestly don't care...

Mirai: As long as I don't get ignored for once.

Reed: Trust me when something happens you will not and can't be ignored. Because we have a dilemma on our hands. 

Chosen one: Hold on a moment here. How can we trust you?

Roy: Easy. Just let them live here right now.

Everyone-Roy: Is he really serious?

Reed: *Sighs* Then again... it'll be more effective. 

Kiriya: So it's settled them. Homura and the crimson squad will now be joining the academy.

Roy: And hopefully become good ninja.

Reed: Hopefully is the key word there. Not 100% sure. 

E: Well, I have come to relay the message and it has been done so I'll take my leave. *Teleports away* 

Ikaruga: Oh sensei. Take this. *Hands him the scroll*

Kiriya: A scroll? What could this be?

Yagyū: He mentioned something about Mike, formality yet nothing really specific. 

Kiriya: *Opens the scroll* "Good day Kiriya. I need you to relay this message to the higher ups in the Shinobi hierarchy.  This is for an alliance. I keep you in check while we protect the world from stronger threats that you can't reach. If this does not get any approval... I dunno what to do now. Screw you if the world ends I guess." By Mike. 

Haruka: So that man is planning an alliance with us? 

Rin: Seems most likely.

Katsuragi: But why would he want to help us? 

Reed: That slick, slick, man.

Roy: That son of a gun. He really is persistent.

Kiriya: What are you talking about? Do you know?

Reed: He just wants to protect y'all and be your friend. That is all. 

Mirai: So he pledged and entire alliance just to make new friend? 

Roy: Most definitely. That is how Mike is. He's over the top and a show off. In a good way at least. 

Rin: So, what is your call sensei? 

Kiriya: *Sighs* I'll allow it. The more allies the better. 

Reed: The guy really stops at nothing for friends huh?

Roy: Yep. 

-------To be continued...

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