scream (1 2 3 4 5 6)

By hopper220

32.6K 488 62

this is what if sidney had a best friend since kindergarten jake Robertson was the only one she trusted as th... More

scream (1996)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
scream 2 (1997)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
scream 3 (2000)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
scream 4 (2011)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four/ending
scream (2022)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three

chapter three

613 14 3
By hopper220

As gale sidney and Jake made it to woodsboro high school as they were at the film club room as the presidents of the club Charlie and robbie

Charlie: okay  cinema club  we are now in session   welcome  tell you a little bit about ourselves  we are a sanctioned  after school activity  one roll below  the glee club  two above  Nintendo  wii fit

(Class laughs)

Charlie: and let me just say to our guests  sidney and Jake Robertson  it's an honor

(As the class applauded)

Charlie: the first and probably only power couple's in horror history

Robbie: I mean  this is the ultimate

Jake: thank you

Sidney: thanks  I guess  um  this  you filmed  your entire high school experience and  what post it on the net

(Noticing the camera headset on Robbie)

Robbie: everybody  will be doing it someday soon

Charlie: it's kind of  the one component
The killer  is missing

Gale: wait  what do you mean 

Charlie: well  if you want to be the new New version  the killer  should be filming  the murders 

Robbie: it's like  the natural next step in a psycho slasher   innovation  I mean you film them all real  time  and before you get caught  you upload them into cyberspace

Charlie: making your art as  immortal as you   not to implicate me

Robbie: not to implicate him

Jake: so who do you think is behind the murders

Charlie: well  it's a stab fanatic clearly  working on less of a shrinkal and more of a scream make 

Robbie: copyright attorneys by the way

Charlie: because  all there are now are remakes   only horror of the studios  Green Light  I mean   there are still rules  but  the rules have changed  the unexpected  is the new cliche

Robbie: yeah you gotta have an opening  sequence  that  blows the doors off  dollop some  flashy music video  direction and  the kills gotta be way  more extreme

Charlie: modern audiences get savvy to the rules of the originals   so the reversals  become  the new standard
In fact  the most surefire way to survive a modern horror movie  you pretty much have to be gay

Gale: so why are you so sure  that the killer's  working by the rules of a horror remake

Robbie: well  the original stab  structure is pretty apparent 

Charlie: two kids killed in a house and their parents are away

Robbie: and then the school's hot chick killed  savage beyond recognition

Charlie: we all know  where it goes from there

Jake: a party 

Charlie: exactly  a party  guaranteed third act  main cast bloodbath

Robbie: fingers crossed  on some nudity for a change

Gale: okay  so do you know  of a party that's happening tonight

Charlie: well there's stab athon

Sidney: stab athon

Charlie: uh it's a movie marathon  all seven stabs back to back  we do it every year

Jake: it's tonight   there's a killer out there  patterning  his murders after the original movie 

Charlie: I know  it's pretty wild

Sidney: well  you have to call it off

Robbie: um okay  I mean  it's Friday  I'm sure  we're not the only party  that's going on  in woodsboro

Gale: okay  where is this circle jerk  gonna take place 

Charlie: (looking at the class avoiding the question) so who's ready for this Q&A

Gale: no no I really want the location

Charlie: you  know it's kind of an underground thing  email invites  pretty  secret 

Gale: but you're not gonna tell me

(As the two teenagers didn't talk)

Gale: but we're partners

Charlie: (ignored Gale looking to the club) so about that q&a

Gale: fuck you  come on  sid   Jake 

(As the three leave the class room)

Cut to later at night at Mary's house as sidney and Jake go to the window seeing the officers are still waiting outside

Jill: I fell like I'm on house arrest

(As Jill walked away into the kitchen as sidney and Jake followed her )

Sidney: you know  when people say I know  how you feel  but you know they're just saying  that  because  they really have no fucking idea  how you feel   we both know how you feel

Jake: and we're  so sorry about Olivia

Jill: I'm sorry about your publicist  how do you both handle it   people staring at you all the time  

Sidney: people stare at us  (Jake and sidney chuckles)

Jill: I could never handle that  kind of attention  I just    feel like it would take over your whole life

Sidney: what I do is I  try not to think about me   I have people  I care about  I focus on them  (looking at Jake then smiling at him and him smiling back)
And the rest  it works out

Jill: you both saved my life  last night
I mean  I know  we're family  but you two hardly know me    it makes me wonder   you know    if  I'd have been brave enough  to  do  the same thing

Jake: we really hope you never have to find that out

Jill: well  if you need me   you know where to find me    I'll be up in my cell or  I mean  my room

(As Jill leaves the kitchen going upstairs to her room leaving sidney and Jake alone)

Cut to later in the kitchen as sidney and Jake were getting a cup of tea as they were hearing noises outside as it was windchimes as they take it down and went back inside As they are drinking tea as they hear something else outside the house as they both pick up a knife as it was Kate  sidney's aunt trying to put the windchimes up

Kate: sorry!  The windchimes were over here

Sidney: it was me  I was trying to fix them sorry

Kate: I'm just back from the store

Jake: your shopping

Kate: my stress buster  I've got one more bag  in the car   I'll be right back

(As she went back outside to the car)

As sidney and Jake were helping putting groceries away as the phone starts ringing

Sidney: Jill  You gonna get that !

(As sidney picks up the phone and answers  )

Sidney: Roberts residents

Ghostface: (on the phone) you and Jake are survivors aren't you  sidney  one of the few things you two have in common  one and only skill you both survive  I have one question for you two   what's good's it to be survivors in this little drama  if everyone close to you both is dead

(As Jake knows it's him as he gets close to sidney to hear him)

Jake: who are you

Ghostface: (on phone) turn on the tv to channel six

Sidney: who the fuck are you!

Ghostface: (on phone)  turn it on  watch the teaser

(As Jake turned on the tv as the news was reporting another attack by Ghostface at stab athon  with one of the victims being Gale  but she's still alive but in the hospital As he then turns it off)

Ghostface: (on the phone)  (laughing)  glad  you both came home  sidney  Jake  has it been  worth it yet

Sidney: why are you doing this

Ghostface: (on the phone) friends count but it's the family ties that cut deep  am I right

Jake: what do you mean

Ghostface: (on the phone)  the ones you care about  most  and what's closer than family  the bond of family

Sidney: don't

Ghostface: (on the phone) you both can't safe them  all you both can do is watch

(As sidney hanged up the phone and throws it away as sidney and Jake run upstairs to Jill's room finding out  she wasn't there  as sidney looks at Jill's laptop as they found out Jill emailed Kirby to drive her to Kirby's house then sidney and Jake run back downstairs to leave and find her)

Sidney: Kate!  Kate!

Jake: Kate!  Jill's not in her room

Kate: oh my God!

Sidney: she's gone to kirby's  you gotta call her  and get her back here

Kate: okay       come on Jill

(Kate pulls out her phone and dialed Jill's number  as it went to voicemail)

Kate: she's  not picking  up     what's going on

Sidney: the killer called   he's coming after us  (Meaning Sidney and Jake)
But he wants my family first

Kate: oh God   Jill!

Jake: let's get the cops

Kate: the cop's aren't there

Sidney/Jake:  (in unison)  what!

Kate: they were there  when I first came in     but they're not there now

Sidney: let's get to kirby's

(As the three were leaving through the back door  Sidney and Jake both saw Ghostface on the reflection of the windchimes as they ran back inside going to the front door fast)

Jake: out the front!  Now!

(As Kate opened the door Ghostface appeared  as  Jake  Sidney and Kate tried to shut the door but Ghostface was blocking  it  with his arm as the three tired to shut it back with all there straight)

Sidney: brace it from  the bottom!   Can you

(As Kate went down to the ground to brace it  as they managed to shut the door and lock it )

Sidney: let's get out of here

(As sidney and Jake were leaving seeing  Kate still sitting on the floor)

Jake: Kate   come on! 

Sidney: Kate!

(As they went over to Kate as she spit out blood as she was stabbed by Ghostface through  the mall slate on the door as Kate  fell into  their arms)

Kate: tell Jill   I'm so sorry

Jake: no no no no

Sidney: Kate  Kate no no no!

(As Kate died  of blood loss  as Sidney and Jake were saddened that another life was taken because of them  they grabbed the cars and hurried out back expecting  Ghostface  but instead it was hicks)

Jake: hicks  what are you doing here

Hicks: I just saw  somebody  coming around  the side of the house   where are hoss and  Perkins   I couldn't  get them on the radio  (seeing Kate's blood on their hands)  whose  blood is that

Sidney: it's Kate's  we were just attacked    she's dead

Hicks: where is she

Jake: front door

Hicks: show me

(As Jake and sidney showed hicks  Kate's dead body  as hicks called for back up )

Hicks: this is deputy hicks  I've got a homicide  at  the Roberts residence  no sign of  Perkins or hoss

Woman on radio: copy that   we'll try to locate them

(Hicks looks up at Jake and sidney)

Hicks: I'm so sorry

(As both Jake and sidney have left  in Kate's car  going to kirby's for Jill)

Cut to later as Jake and sidney arrive at kirby's house  as they were about to knock on the door as it opened by kirby and Jill who screamed in surprise)

Sidney/Jake: (in unison) Jill

Jill: sidney   Jake!     I'm sorry   I should've  told  you 

Sidney: no it's okay   we need you to come with us   come with us right now okay

(As they turned around  and saw robbie Russell stabbed a bunch of Times and blood all over him )

Jill: oh God!

Robbie: run!

Kirby: robbie!

(As robbie falls down dead as they see Ghostface running up to them as sidney and Jake shut the door on him but followed behind them)

Jake: run! 

Sidney: go!

(As they went upstairs as Ghostface followed and trips sidney on the stairs )

Jake: sid!

Jill: sidney!

(As sidney kicks Ghostface away as she caught up with Jake and Jill as they hid in a bedroom locking the door)

Jill: the balcony

Sidney: there's no other way out

Jill: we can jump!

Jake: it's two stories!   (Looking at jill)
Where's your cell

Jill: here (Giving them her phone)

Sidney: get under the bed!

Jill: what

Jake: just do what she says!  Get under the bed    don't make a sound 

Sidney: and don't make a sound till one of us  gets  you   okay   trust us

(As Ghostface was use his knife to cut open  the door   Jill then hides under the bed  as sidney and Jake  get on the roof as Ghostface comes in hearing them)

Sidney: you got it!   you okay!

Jake: Jill  run!    Just keep running  get help!

(As Ghostface sees them as they run on the roof as he tried chasing them as they turned the corner as sidney uses Jill's phone to call Dewey while looking for a opened window)

Dewey: (on phone)  hello

Sidney: Dewey

Dewey: sidney  Jake  where are you guys

Jake: where at kirby's    the killer's here we need your help 

Dewey: (on phone)  I'm on my way

(As Ghostface pops up Pushes sidney and Jake off the roof  as they get up and go back inside the house as they bump into kirby )

Kirby: sorry  it's just me  look  I tried to call  911  but the landlines dead  and someone smashed  the router  

Sidney: I think we got though on our call

Kirby: where's Jill

(As they hear footsteps  the three go into the basement)

Kirby: oh God!   Go go go !  Get in  there's a room down here  we can lock ourselves in   I heard  you both yelling to Jill   did she get away 

Jake: we think she's safe

(As Jake  sidney and kirby go into the other room and lock the door)

That's it for chapter three 
Since neve Campbell  won't be in scream 6  I'm gonna make that a sam and Owen story centered  when the movie comes out in March

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