chapter four

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As Dewey Gale Jake and sidney got to sunrise studios to find out anything about Maureen Prescott's secret life

Dewey: that stairwell over there that's where one of the pictures was taken

Sidney: I can't believe she never mentioned any of this

(As Martha Meeks Randy's sister came out of a room where they were )

Martha: Dewey!

(As it scared the four)

Martha: sorry

Sidney: Martha

Martha: oh my God sidney Jake! Hi

(As Wallace and other officers come up thinking there's trouble)

Wallace: hold it right there

Martha: don't shoot I'm only seventeen

Jake: it's okay we know her

Gale: we do

(As Dewey hugs Martha as gale looks at sidney and Jake)

Gale: tell me that's his ex girlfriend I'll shoot myself

Sidney: it's Martha Meeks

Jake: Randy's sister

Gale: Randy's sister

Dewey: yeah can't you tell

Martha: we miss you in woodsboro

Sidney: Martha what are you doing here

Martha: (holding up a video tape) there's something you guys should see

(As the five go inside and play the video which is Randy before he was killed)

Randy: (on tv) told ya I'd make a movie someday huh

Sidney: oh my God

Randy: (on tv) if you're watching this tape it means as I feared I did not survive these killings here at Windsor College and that giving up my virginity to Karen kolchak at the video store was probably not a good idea

Jake: Karen kolchak really man

Randy: (on tv) yes Karen kolchak

Dewey: creepy Karen

Randy: (on tv) shut up!

(As Gale and Jake chuckled)

Randy: (on tv) she's a sweet person okay we were working late we were putting away some videos in the porno
Section and you know shit happens

(As Randy's roommate knocks on the door)

Paul: open the door Randy!

Randy: (on tv) fifteen minutes

Paul: it's my room too!

Randy: (on tv) Paul fifteen minutes I'm leaving my legacy

(Paul keeps knocking)

Randy: (on tv) fifteen minutes Paul!
Damn! (Looks back at the camera) anyway the reason I'm here Is to help you so that my death will not be in vain that my life's work will help save some other poor soul from getting mutilated if this killer does come back and he's for real there are a few things that you gotta remember is this simply another sequel well if it is same rules apply but here's the critical thing
If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected back story and a preponderance of exposition then the sequel rules do not apply because you're not dealing with the sequel
You are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy

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