chapter two

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As the officers were handcuffing Billy as he kept telling them his innocent as Sheriff Burke pulled up to the house

Dewey: I caught him Sheriff

Sheriff Burke: wait who is that

Dewey: Billy loomis

Billy: Sheriff Sheriff call these guys off
I didn't do it Sheriff wait wait listen
Call my dad please call him he'll tell you call him sidney! Sidney! Jake! (As they put him in the police car and drove off)

Sheriff Burke: how are they doing

Dewey: sid and Jake are tougher than they look

Sheriff Burke: they have to be all the shit they've been through especially sidney

(As we see sidney and Jake getting looked at in a hospital van as Dewey and Sheriff Burke come up to them )

Sheriff Burke: well we're seeing a lot of you both today you both are gonna be able to come down to the station and answer a few questions sid Jake

(As Tatum pulls up in her car goes to sidney and Jake)

Tatum: oh shit! Sidney! Jake! God guys I'm so sorry I was late are you both all right

Dewey: Tatum you can't be here this is an official crime scene

Sidney: it's okay

Tatum: her dad's out of town so is his parents they're staying with us

Dewey: does mom know

Tatum: yes doofus

Sheriff Burke: let's get you both out of here

Nurse: they'll be okay

Sheriff Burke: thanks

(As sidney and Jake got in Dewey's police car to get to the police station)

Dewey: (telling Sheriff Burke) oh you won't believe this (As he gives him the mask ghost faces wear) creepy huh

(As they made it to the police station as Dewey is trying to contact sidney's dad )

Sidney: did you find him

Dewey: you sure it was the hillton

Jake: at the airport

Dewey: he's not registered there could he have stayed somewhere else

Sidney: I don't know I guess

Dewey: hey don't worry sid we'll find him

Jake: exactly I'm sure he'll show up soon

Sidney: what about your parents were you able to call them

Jake: ah yeah they said as soon as the cruise stops in Rome they'll be on a flight back home

(As Dewey left after an officer gives Dewey the results of where that costume came from as sidney saw Billy and his dad in the Sheriff's office being questioned as they came out as officers were taking Billy to a cell )

Billy: sidney look at me sidney Jake

(As Tatum walked over to them )

Tatum: sid we're gonna get you out of here okay are you okay hey Dewey can we go now

Dewey: hold on a second

Tatum: goddammit Dewey!

Dewey: what did mama tell you when I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law!

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