chapter two

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Open inside a house in Los Angeles as Jake is making breakfast for his wife and daughters   as  sidney came downstairs  with  they're  twin little girls   while  she's wearing a  jogging outfit

Jake: hi morning 

Sidney: morning

(As the two kissed each other then Jake looked  at  his daughter's  and kissed them on the head)

Sidney: I'm going on a run with the girls  before  school 

Jake: okay   I think  I have  breakfast  ready  by then 

Sidney: please don't burn  our house down

Jake: don't worry  I'll  just  order  ubar eats   should be here   when  you guys get back 

Sidney: sounds good   love you 

Jake: love you too  (Then looks at his daughter's  )  have fun with mommy  okay girls

Jake and sidney's daughter's: okay  daddy 

(As they hug each other then they kiss  then   sidney and the girls  leave  as all of a sudden   Jake  gets  a  phone call from  Owen )

Jake: hello

Owen: uncle  Jake 

Jake: hey  Owen   what's up  man

Owen: are you  and   aunt  sidney  together  now

Jake: ah  not right  now    she just took the  girls  for  a run    why   what's going on 

Owen: there's  been  a  Ghostface attack

Jake: what      are    are you sure 

Owen:  yeah   I was just attack   me and my  friend  was

Jake: are you okay

Owen: yeah  I'm fine   my friend okay too    I  just  thought   I'd call  you  to let you know     just    incase 

Jake: thanks   but   me and sidney  still carry  guns     just   incase      what does your  dad   think  of it

Owen: I  don't know    I haven't talked to him   yet    I gonna go see him  now

Jake: okay   just  keep me  updated 

Owen: got it

Cut to woodsboro hospital As Owen hangs up  his phone  and  Samantha and Ritchie  went  up to  him

Owen: hey  what's going on

Samantha: we need to talk to your dad

Owen: why

Samantha: we need his help   he's been through  this  before   maybe  he  can  provide  some insight  on  this

Owen: okay   Come on 

Cut to the woodsboro trailer park as Owen  Samantha and  Richie got to Dewey Riley's place  as  Samantha knocked on the door

Dewey: (from inside his trailer) go away!

Samantha: sorry to bother you  Mr. Riley!    We just want to ask you a few questions

Dewey: I don't give   interviews!

Samantha: we're not here for an interview

Owen: dad  it's me   look  my friends just need  your help  with  a  Ghostface problem

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