chapter five

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As Jake and sidney drove up to the house Ghostface told them to meet him as they got out of the car and walked over to the backyard by the pool as they saw a dead body

Sidney: holy shit

Jake: damn it

(Then Sidney's phone started ringing as she puts it on speaker)

Sidney: what

Ghostface: you both follow directions well now welcome to the final act you both see that metal detector use it

(As Jake picks up the metal detector and rub it up and down their bodies as it started beeping at Sidney's leg and the gun behind Jake's back)

Ghostface: show it to me both of them

(As sidney and Jake pulls out their guns out )

Ghostface: throw them in the pool

(As they throw both guns into the swimming pool)

Ghostface: now come inside sidney and Jake

Jake: no fucking way how do we know they're not dead already

Ghostface: they're right inside waiting for you both look for yourselves

(As Jake and sidney went into the house and saw Dewey and Gale still alive just tied up )

Ghostface: now that we're all here the party can begin

(As sidney hangs up the phone then both sidney and Jake go to untie Dewey and Gale)

Sidney: Dewey

Dewey: sid Jake

Jake: where is he

Dewey: I don't know

(As Ghostface comes in the room)

Dewey: he's right there!

(As Ghostface pushes sidney and Jake down as he was about to stab them till sidney pulled out another gun she hid )

Sidney: think again it's your turn to scream asshole

(As sidney shoots Ghostface four times as he falls down)

Dewey: yeah!

(As sidney and Jake continued to untie Dewey and Gale as gale saw Ghostface disappeared )

Gale: guys

(As they all saw that Ghostface got away)

Gale: where is he

(As sidney grabbed the gun and Jake went with her to see where he went)

Dewey: be careful!

(As they were met with detective Kincaid)

Detective Kincaid: I heard shoots Tyson's dead what's going on

Sidney: what are you doing here Kincaid

Detective Kincaid: looking for you two Tyson said there was a party here tonight and I thought uh oh third act celebration thought I better check it out

Jake: alone where's your partner

(As Kincaid put his gun down)

Detective Kincaid: hey miss Prescott
Mr. Robertson I'm here to help put the gun down put the gun down

(As sidney puts the gun in her pocket as Ghostface pops out about to stab them)

Detective Kincaid: no!

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