chapter one

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Open twelve years after the events of Jill Roberts murders sidney and Jake have two girls and are living in the suburbs while Dewey and Gale are separated as Gale now has a news show in New York while Dewey spends most of his time drinking and no longer being Sheriff as their son Owen lives with Dewey in woodsboro
Not knowing what to do with his life as Owen gets a phone call in the middle of the night as he answers as the hospital was calling hoping his dad didn't do anything stupid

Owen: hello

Nurse: hello um Mr. Riley I'm sorry for calling so late but you were listed on miss carpenter's emergency contacts

Owen: wait wait Samantha carpenter

Nurse: no uh Tara carpenter

Owen: oh um what happened is she alright

Nurse: yes she's in surgery now she was attacked poor girl was cut up and her leg broken her ribs damaged we need to know of any relatives to inform

Owen: she has an older sister I'll call her and let know I'll be right over

(As Owen hangs up the phone and gets out of bed gets dressed as he is about to leave his room he looks at an old picture of himself with Samantha carpenter kissing her as he was giving her little sister Tara a pony ride on his back as he sighs looking at the last time he saw his ex girlfriend and her sister who was like a brother figure to her as he puts the picture down grabbing his keys and leaves his and his dad's shared trailer to drive to the hospital)

Cut to the next morning as Owen is in the waiting room as he found Sam's new phone number from Tara as it starts ringing as Sam answered

Samantha: hello

Owen: hi Sam it's me Owen Riley I don't know if you remember me or

Samantha: hey what's going on

Owen: uh Tara was attacked

Samantha: what is she

Owen: she's alive but in really bad shape she was stabbed

Samantha: stabbed what the fuck

Owen: she made it through surgery and the doctor said it went well she's resting now I know you guys aren't on the best of terms and fucks sake neither are we but Tara wanted me to call since you're mom hasn't shown yet

Samantha: I'm on my way

Owen: she's gonna be okay Sam we'll see you soon

Samantha: hey wait Owen!

Owen: yeah

Samantha: do they know who did this

Owen: it's probably better if you just come here

Samantha: Owen!

Owen: she said it was someone in a fucking Ghostface mask

(As Owen hanged up )

Cut to later on as Owen was in Tara's room with Tara's friends Chad and Mindy Meeks amber freeman and Wes hicks  as  Samantha walks in with her boyfriend  Richie kirish  as Samantha went to Tara's hospital bed

Samantha: how are you feeling

Tara: you came

Samantha: of course  I came   this is my boyfriend  Richie

Richie: it's so nice to meet you   I'm so sorry    if I'm intruding 

Tara: nice to meet you too

(As Samantha went to hug  Chad  Mindy  Wes   then  Owen)

Samantha: hi   thank you  for calling

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