Lil Papi | itzzzstoryzzz

By itzzzstoryzzz

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Ka-sai moves to a new school, and falls for the big man on campus, Azari. Little did he know having the title... More

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1.7K 48 8
By itzzzstoryzzz


I drove us some ways away to drop my lil baby off at one of our warehouses while I went to go do some runs. Deep down I knew it was wrong not being a hundred percent honest to him, but I plan to tell him soon. Especially since I plan to stop selling not too far from now.

I wanted to spend the day with him but money calls I guess. This street shit always comes in at the wrong times one of the main reasons I'm ready to leave now.

Leaving him at the warehouse for a few hours would be harmless. I rather that over him trying to tag along with me, or just leaving him alone at his house bored by himself.

A few more minutes of driving and we pulled up to one of the few warehouses that we have. This just happened to be the one that was on the way to where I needed to go, and I figured Isis would be here to keep Ka-sai company.

Isis is like a little sister to me, she was our boss G.K's god daughter, business wise though she was sort of like an intern, but mostly everybody else has dubbed her "Princess of the south nine killers" since she was basically blood of our leader. Quiet as it's kept; it started out more as a self proclaimed title than anything, but I won't shit on her fun.

I got out first and walked over to the passengers side to open the door for Ka-sai. The little things like that matter. I want to make sure I do right by him.

I took him around to the back door and type in the pin code and opened the door, letting him walk through first and quickly following behind him after. I looked around and saw Isis instantly.

She's never too hard to find normally she has bright colored hair down to her ass and an attention catching outfit, but I guess she decided to keep it simple today with straight black hair, still down to her ass, and a pink adidas tracksuit, the jacket being cropped of course.

"Ayo Isis!" I walked up to her with my arms open embracing her in a quick hug. "Ight so lemme introduce you, this my lil baby Ka-sai, K this Isis. She's like my lil sister." 

"Hey, I like your outfit." Ka-sai flashed a smile at her.

"Thank you, you're also like really cute." She replied as they gave each other a quick side hug.

"You mind keeping him company while I go do runs and shit?" I asked her knowing she would say yes.

"Yeah duh...I be bored around here all the time anyway. It would be nice to have someone around here to keep me company for a while."

Ka-sai smiled. Great. I knew they would hit it off.

"Ight bae, I'll see you later. Call me if y'all need anything." I kissed his cheek quickly. "Bye sis." I quickly waved then walked back out of the warehouse to get in my car.

Ka'Sai POV

Turns out Isis is pretty cool. At first glance I thought she would be stuck up or something but after chilling with her for like the last thirty minutes. She's pretty cool. turns out she's does music and wants to have a future in fashion.

"Girl so what do you even do up here?"

She laughed. "Not a damn thing. Sit up here, call people. Literally just waste my own time all day, but it's not like I honestly have anything else better to do."

"Plus I get paid so." She shrugged

"I feel you, at least you get to leave the house. I be so bored at home I be excited just to run to the grocery store." I laughed.

"I feel you." She chuckled. "Yo you hungry?"

"Starving." Isis grabbed her keys and her small Louis Vuitton bag out of the chair across from me.

I took that as the cue to stand up and follow her out of the room. We walked out and around the back of the warehouse to her car.

It was some type of newer model all white Nissan. It was cute don't get me wrong, and it was a car.  I just honestly expected a BMW or something expensive only because of who she is.

The inside of her car was decorated nicely in silver and pink. She had a furry steering wheel cover, with silver diamond covers on the push to start button and the car charging port.

"Okayyyy so what are we feeling for food?" She asked applying her lipgloss looking into the mirror.

"I'm pretty cool with anything. Wendy's ?" I asked.

"Oh my goddd yes. I love Wendy's." She smiled as she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. She played 'Captain Hook by Megan thee stallion' as we drove down the road and rapped along to it.

She turned down the music a little as we pulled into the Wendy's drive thru. I took out my phone and checked my notifications just to see what had been going on. Nothing. Nothing necessarily interesting I guess you could say.

Just as I was about to lock my phone I received a text from my mom checking up on me.

Boss Lady🤱🏽💘: Hey baby, you alright? What are you doing .Need anything ?

I smiled slightly at my phone before replying.

Me: I'm good lol. I'm out with a friend getting food .

Boss Lady🤱🏽💘: okay be safe , have fun ! Let me know when you get home.

I 'hearted' the message and locked my phone before telling her "okay" and that "I loved her".

Isis rolled the her drivers side window.

"Welcome to Wendy's what can I get for you today ?" The woman's voice peered from the speaker. I reached towards my pocket for my wallet and Isis stopped me.

"No it's my treat, you're fine." She smiled.

"Thank you girl." I gleamed back.

"Hi , yeah can I have a ten piece spicy nugget combo with a strawberry lemonade." She replied back to the worker.

"Whatchu want boo?"

"Ummm...lemme get the same thing actually. But with a peach lemonade, and can I get ranch too please." I spoke out staring at the drive thru screen."

"Your total will be $15.74."

"Alright Thankyou." Isis said as she pulled up to the first window.

After getting our food we started back to the warehouse while having casual conversation and singing along to songs. Now would be a pretty good time to ask specifically what Zee does for work, especially since I guess technically she works for them to. I'm pretty sure I had a good idea, I just don't want to believe what I think even though it might be the truth.

"So how long have you and 'Zari been talking?"

Good question because I hadn't really been keeping track. Plus I highly doubt Azari cared as long as he was in my presence.

"About a month." I replied back slowly nodding as if I was trying to convince myself more than her.

"Y'all are cute, he's a good dude; I'm sure you know that already though." She focused her eyes driving on the road.

I simply nodded in response taking a sip of my drink. I figured now was as good as a time as any to ask one of the main questions I had about Zee.

"Okay so be honest.." I started. She quickly turned to me knowing to continue.

"Zee sells drugs right ?" The question left my mouth quickly and coldly.

"If you asked you already know the answer." She replied in a soft tone. "If I were you I'd talk to him, because truth be told I'm not there so I can't be sure what they actually do, but neither of us are dumb."

She told me yes without saying yes. Which like she said if I asked I already knew the answer to my question. Truth be told it wasn't the biggest deal in the world but I was going to take her advice and actually have a conversation with him because that's a lot to be associated with.

The rest of the car ride back to the warehouse was cool we vibed along to music and talked some shit about some of the terrible drivers on the road. Pulling back into the parking lot I got a text from Azari.

ZeeBaby❤️: Everything good shawty ? you ready to go ?

my face lit up a bit reading the message before typing my response.

Me: yeah I'm good and yeah i'm ready.....we need to talk

I sent the message and locked my phone following behind Isis through the doors into the warehouse.

1472 words

Immmm bacccckkkk b*tchesssss and for good this time 😭🤣🙏🏽

-Constructive Criticism?

Isis Newkirk
-19 years old
-Birthday: September 19 (Virgo)

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