Modern Day Warships to Anothe...

By Horten141A

37.1K 390 557

(Rewrited Description!) As the war has ended 31 year ago, the world now peace... US began to make a good rela... More

Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Chap 1 - Wait! I'm in Another World!?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 2 (Rewrite I)
Chap 2 - Need to be Saved?... (Rewrite)
Chap 3 - So. There's a flashback, must meet the Queen, then a Tour?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 3 (Rewrite I)
Chap 4 - We got Free Time, But There's a Goddamn Storm! And a Distress Signal!
Chap 5 - Sakura Empire? New Guest? And Spies?...
Bio's 4 (Rewrite I)
Chap 6 - Time to Save Our Spies...
Chap 7 - What a Day...
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 1 - We Just Arrive, and We got a New Problem
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 2 - Short Word: Just a Tour...
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 4 - Test? Not a Problem....... Schwester?!!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 5 - Maybe we From Different World, But not By the Blood
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Russian/Northerners Arc 1 - Hello New Worlds...
Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!
Russia/Northerners Arc 3 - Just a Morning Tour
Rusky Arc. Char. Bio 5
New Cover???
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 1
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 2
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 3
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 4
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 5
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 6
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!
Battle of Midway Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 2 - Welcome to Our Base!...
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!
D-Day/Normandy Landing Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - The Base is Under Attack!!!...
Dragonians New Upgrade and Refit
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 1
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 2
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 3
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 4
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 5
French/Orthodoxies Arc 1 - Bonjour, New World!...
Anniversary of United State of America Vlog!!!...
Battle of Britain Anniversary!!!...
New Book???? Already??????

Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!

291 3 7
By Horten141A

Shtorm Ship, Command Room

Now Shtorm, Yuri, Kuznetsov, Slava, and Ushakov are looking to the hologram revealing an image of a large-scale Sirens fleet.

All: "Hah!.. Huh!.. Hah!.. Huh!.. Hah!.. Huh!.. Hah!.. Huh!.. What Happened?!"

Irian: "Why you call us?"

Shtorm: "Glad you here, comrades!"

Rossiya: "Is there something wrong?"

Yuri: "Yes!"

Yuri type something and the hologram revealing the large-scale Sirens fleet.

Belorussiya: "Hah?!.. That's Sirens?!"

Kirov: "What happened! Ushakov?!"

Ushakov: "Calm down mom, I know you're worry..."

Kuznetsov: "Recently, Lider has intercept something in the northern part of the Union... Yuri!"

Yuri: "I've been launch some scout plane to there, and here's what I found..."

Then Yuri revealing several image of the Siren fleet on northern part of Northern Parliament.

Tallin: "That place..."

Avrora: "Rossiya! That's..."

While Rossiya only wided her eyes.

Slava: "Do you know this place?"

Ushakov: "Mom, is there something there? Or what?"

Kirov: "That place is where exactly the Lovit Rybu Town is!"

Medan: "Wait, Lovit Rybu?"

Shtorm: "That meaning for fishing in Russians. Oh wait... That mean—!"

Kuznetsov: "There's a fishing town in there. Yuri!"

Yuri: "Da!"

Yuri zoomed the image and found a fishing town in there.

Slava: "A fishing town?! But I thought there's no human that living in the shores!"

Rossiya: "It is! But without the sea food supplies, the economics can fall!"

Irian: "How many fishing town that still exist?"

Belorussiya: "There's 4 fishing town, near there."

Rossiya: "If the Sirens attack the Lovit Rybu, meaning—"

Kuznetsov: "They want to destroy the economics, then following the fallen of the Union so they can invade the Union and conquer both East Europe, North and Central Asia."

Yuri: "If that happened, it can be the biggest threat for the Asians and Europeans factions. They can conquer the Europe and Asian in short times!"

Shtorm: "We won't that happened!"

Medan: "Where is Moskva and other?"

Slava: "They now in the dock, we need to moves. Now!"

Shtorm: "Yuri! Go with them!"

Then they all out from the room and quickly go to the docks, leaving Shtorm in his ship alone.

Harbor, Dock Port

They now arrive in the dock, seeing Moskva and other preparing themself.

Moskva: "You finally here, comrades!"

Lider: "Hurry up! There's no time!!"

They quickly go to their ship and prepared for battle. Finally, they ready to go.

Irian: "We're ready to go!!!"

Now Shtorm are on top of his flight deck.

Moskva: "Rossiya!"

Rossiya nodded at Moskva.

Rossiya: "Northern Red Fleet! Dispatched!!!"

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by :The Author is back!!! BOYS!!!!!!...)

Northern Sea, Northern part of the Union

Yuri: "We almost there!!!"

The fleet finally reaching the northern part of the Union, now they only get to the town and warn the people.

Merkuria: "Hey!! Look!!!"

Merkuria pointed at a sign writed 'Lovit Rybu', meaning they has arrive to the town.

Shtorm: "We better hurry! Dimitri! Go look where the Sirens currently!"

Dimitri: "Da!!!"

They add their speed to the town, hopefully the Sirens not attacked the town yet. Meanwhile Dimitri split with the fleet to looking the Siren location.

Lovit Rybu Town

The Northern Red Fleet finally arrive, but when they arrive, something odd.

Avrora: "The town looks—"

Kuznetsov: "Quite... Really quite..."

Irian: "It's totally a death silent..."

Moskva: "I don't like this. At all..."

They arrive at the port and walked to the town, as they walked at the town, the find nothing. It's like a ghost town.

Grozny: "This is... Creepy..."

Gromky: "This is like a ghost town..."

Slava: "This town like, abandoned..."

Ushakov: "Blyat, I don't like this..."

They looked at sky and see a Mikoyan Drone is circling the town.

Yuri: "My drone has circling the town five time, but find nothing."

Kuznetsov: "This town looks like has been abandoned..."

Ushakov: "How did you know, comrade Admiral?"

Yuri: "The houses conditions looks like newly abandoned, there's few thing that leaved by the civilian. Meaning—"

Petersburg: "Meaning that the people has been leaved this town recently..."

Avrora: "So that's mean, someone has alerted the civilians in here..."

Rossiya: "But who alerted the civilians?"

As the officers (Just promoted) talking about who is alerted the civilians, the back people is quite scary with the town that looks like a ghost town.

Grokov: "Blyat! This place looks like Chernobyl!"

Medan: "Hey! Make it different! Chernobyl maybe a ghost city, but the city buildings already old, mossy, rusty, and little damaged. Plus, the city already abandoned for years!"

Grokov: "Whatever!"

Peter: "Cyka! Can you comrades please shut up!"

Medan/Grokov: "Oke/Da!!!"

Petersburg: "Dimitri, do you find anything?"

Dimitri: "[I still searching, comrades.]"


Dimitri: "[Wait! I found something!]"

Petersburg: "What is it!"

Dimitri: "[.....Sirens fleet! Northwest from the town!]"

Shtorm: "We on the way!"

Dimitri: "[Wait! Wait!!... I see something!]"

Kuznetsov: "What is it!?"

Dimitri: [There is two person fighting the Sirens!]"

All: "Two person?!"

Dimitri: "[Yes!!... One male, one female! The female seemly has got injured, while the male fight the Sirens, alone!!!]"

Petersburg: "Hold on! We will go there!"

Shtorm: "Dimitri! Assist them if could!"

Dimitri: "[Da comrade!! Dimitri, out!!!]"

As Dimitri close her communication, the Northern Red Fleet hurrying to the port and engage, quickly to where the Sirens, Dimitri, and the male and female located.

Northwest from Lovit Rybu










On there, the battle began go more intents. The person who fought the Sirens began to overwhelmed.

Ulyanovsk: "Cyka—"


Ulyanovsk: "BLYAAATTTT!!!!!!'

One shell of Siren guns hit him, make his flight deck Rig's damaged.

Ulyanovsk: 'Blyat! My deck is heavily damaged! I can't launch any aircraft now...'

Now Ulyanovsk were immobilize, unable to launch any attack to the Sirens fleet. He retreat to the back, where the female is.

Volga: "Oh uh! This is bad..."

Ulyanovsk: "Blyat! My Rig's is heavily damaged, my com is broke. We unable to call any SOS now..."


Ulyanovsk: "Chto za—?!!"

Volga: "What is that!"

Ulyanovsk: "Is that... A Bulava?"


Volga: "Bulava?"

Ulyanovsk: "A SLBM or Submarine Launched Ballistic-Missile, basically a ballistic missile that launched from a sub."


Volga: "So, who launched it?"


Ulyanovsk: "I don't know. The only submarines that I know, using Bulava is the Akula class..."

(After I read Wikipedia about Typhoon class. The original name is Akula class, but NATO reporting name as Typhoon. But after read the Wikipedia clearly, why the NATO reporting name the Akula as Typhoon is unclear, but it's often claimed to be related to the uses of the word 'Тайфун' or 'Tayfun' meaning Typhoon by General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev...)














The torpedo attack make the Sirens fleet heavily damaged. Finally, the Submarines surfaced and revealing someone.

Dimitri: "Guah!!!.. Hey! Are you okay!!!"

Ulyanovsk: "We okay!!! Thank God..."



Dimitri: "Hold on! The reinforcement will arrive!"









Ulyanovsk/Volga: "Huh?!"

Dimitri: "Yeah!!! They are here!!!!"






















Moskva: "URRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kuznetsov: "Launch the, comrades!!!!"















Ulyanovsk: "Is that a Battleship guns firing?"






Medan: "WOOHHHOOOO!!!!!!"

Irian: "Attack them!!"







Rossiya: "URRRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"























Shoot after shoot, the Sirens began reduce. As the Sirens began to reduce, some Sirens were retreating.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Ushakov and Peter sleep together with their mother...)

Lovit Rybu Port

Finally, the battle has ended, the civilians has back to their town. Some of the civilians were on the port, thanking to the Northern Red Fleet and Ulyanovsk.

(By the way, thank you to Downneck for inspiring to named this fleet as Red Fleet. I decide to changed a bit with added Northern on Red Fleet...)

Shtorm: "I will never believed that I will see you in here..."

Moskva: "How this possible? I though you only 40% builded and canceled?"

Ulyanovsk: "I don't how, but suddenly I wake up in near the town and founded by the civilians... Then I met with this miss..."

Ulyanovsk pointed at Volga and Volga waved her hand.

Volga: "My name SN Volga, the only Northern Union Aircraft Carrier—"

Russians: "NO WAY!!!!!"

The girls were shocked, hearing the scream of the Russians.

Irian: "I though that Soviet Navy have none Aircraft Carrier in 1940s?"

Ushakov: "That's a fact... But, how in the blyat world that they have an Aircraft Carrier!"

Kirov: "What do you mean, Ushakov?"

Ushakov: "Well mom, the Soviet Navy have none Aircraft Carrier since the Aircraft Carrier were built for the first time, until 1967."

Ulyanovsk: "First I was shocked to meet her, but soon she explained and I realize that I'm in another world..."

Shtorm: "Well... That's—"

Yuri: "Make sense..."

Ulyanovsk: "By the way, can you introduce yourself? My name is Ulyanovsk class, a planned Super-Carrier but canceled... You?"

Shtorm: "My name is RFS Shtorm class Super-Carrier, the current flagship of the navy, and supposedly to be your successor."

Yuri: "RFS Yuri Gagarin, second ship of Shtorm class..."

Ulyanovsk: "So you two supposedly my successor?"

Shtorm: "Da, it is..."

Ulyanovsk: "So, the other?"

Moskva: "RFS Moskva class Super-Battleship, the pride of Mother Russia!"

Petersburg: "RFS St. Petersburg! Second ship of Moskva class Battleship!"

Ushakov: "you must be know me?"

Ulyanovsk: "Who are you again?"

Ushakov: "My name is RFS Admiral Ushakov, I'm formerly named as Kirov..."

Peter: "And my name is RFS Pytor Velivky, Kirov class"

Ulyanovsk: "So you is Kirov?"

Ushakov: "Yep. Renamed after the fall of the Union..."

Peter: "And this is our siblings, Irian and Medan..."

Irian/Medan: "Salken..."

Ulyanovsk: "Are you two Indonesian ships?"

Irian: "We are..."

Slava: "Slava of Slava class Cruiser..."

Lider: "Lider class Destroyed and Cruiser..."

Grokov: "RFS Grokov, second ship of Lider class..."

Ulyanovsk: "Wait.. Are you Destroyer or Cruiser?"

Lider: "We... Don't know why, but yes. We both Destroyer and Cruiser..."

Ulyanovsk: "Hmmm... What an odd thing..."

Dimitri: "Dmitry Donskoy! Typhoon class Submarine! Privet comrade!!"

Ulyanovsk: "So you Dmitry Donskoy? The biggest ever Submarines in the world?"

Dimitri: "Yeah! Just call me Dimitri!"


*Break the 4th Wall*
Mill/Andrei: "You mean Dimitri Petrenko!!?"

All: "WHAAA?!?!!?!!!"

Moskva: "What are you two doing here?!"

Mill/Andrei: "Nothing...."

All: "Umm..."
*Looking at Author*

Andrei: "Why you all looked at us?"

Mill: "Let me guess, Author is behind us?"

All: "No..."

Mill/Andrei: "Thank God..."

All: "He's on your right..."

Mill/Andrei: "What?!"
*Looking at right, right where the Author is that bring 10 T-90's and Abrams*

*Sweeting Intensified*
Mill/Andrei: "Ehh... Hey/Privet! Author...."

Me: "Why the hell.. You two break the 4th Wall?"

Mill: "Well... It's not us, it's them!"
*Pointed to the character of the story*

*Sweeting more intensified*
Andrei: "Umm.... Comrade Mill..."

Mill: "What is it?

Andrei: "That..."
*Pointed at the sky*

*Looking at a squadron of F-35 Lightning II's, Sukhoi Su-75's , and A-10 Thunderbolt II's*
Mill: "EEEEEE—!!!! Is that what I thinking?"

Andrei: "hmm....*

Me: "FIRE!!!!!!"


Mill/Andrei: "WHAAAAAA—!"


The girls began to introduce themself too. After the introduce section, they decide to back to the base. Many civilians were gather in the port and waved their hand as sign of good bye, they waved their hand too. And now they sailings back to the Northern Parliament Base.

- Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Dimitri playing Call of Duty: World at War and play as Dimitri Petrenko...)

Northern Parliament Base

Finally, the Northern Red Fleet arrive in the Northern Parliament Base, at the harbor.

Ulyanovsk: "Wow! This place really fascinated!"

Shtorm: "Yeah, quite cool place right?"

They now go to the hall of the base and began to talking each other.

Ulyanovsk: "So... Tell me, what happened on our world? I really curious about what happened to our world?"

The Russians and the Indonesians looked at each other, kinda complicated to tell what happened since he was not built. Finally, they explained everything, Ulyanovsk shocked hearing another World War were happened.

Ulyanovsk: ".....That's, was unexpected..."

Shtorm: "I know..."

Ulyanovsk: "But! How about we eat something? I really hungry!"

Ulyanovsk quickly stand up and go to the mess hall, even he don't know where is located. They were shocked, they now know that Ulyanovsk are a type of fast changing mood.

Yuri: "Wow..."

Shtorm: "That's was..."

Kuznetsov: "Unexpected..."

Ulyanovsk: "Hey! Comrades! Do you know the way to the mess hall!!?"

They side it the question on their head, and they began to the mess hall since they were hungry too.




Amelia: "DIEM!!!!!"

*In the Floor*
Me: "Auchh!...."

The Other: "Damn! That's must be hurt?"

*Waked Up*
Me: "Auch! Ye-Yeah! So-Sorry!... BTW! I'm back!! After I delayed this chapter, I finally get idea to make this chapter! Sorry to the delay! By the way! Here's a meme! With a video!"

Amelia: "Njir! Kuyang moment!"

Karl: "Mein Gott!! It's still there?!!!"

Me: "Early game be like..."

Andrei: "I CHOOSE BUNNY STALIN!!!!!!!!"

Mill: "Damn!!... Give the kid who draw this a medal!"

Jackson: "What a interesting theories...."

Tokha: "Never make the same thing as what the Empire once do...

Me: "Alright! This the video!!"

Me: "Okay! That's it! Byee!!!!"

Me: "WAAAIIITTT!!!!!!! I nearly forgot! I will rewrite the Bio's and will rewrite the chapter 1, 2 ,3, and 4, because the chapters looks screw, and I already planned to rewrite it. So, wait for the rewrite... Bye!"


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