By UniqueNImperfect

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"Stop there! Let me do this!" She came forward only for him to take back his hand, "No!" His blood now drippi... More



664 48 55
By UniqueNImperfect



It was Wednesday.

My wedding day.

I have never been more nervous in my life. Even if it was David.

Infact, the subject that I was marrying David made me more lively, in a way that I could feel everything. I bet if it was someone else, I would have roboticaly gone through it all.

"Is it comfortable ma'am..?", Alyssa, my make up artist asked as she fastened the back of my wedding dress.

I nodded, feeling too weak to speak up.

Soon enough, Rebecca strolled in my room, "Ma'am here are your flowers."

I had ordered pink roses to complement well with the dress I was wearing. It was not an elaborated dress but a perfect, off shoulder dress that had a natural flow behind. It clung to my curves till the knees and then elegantly spread on the floor. It also had a veil that was long enough to make me look like a bride.

A bride.

"Are you ready Hope!!??", I heard the frantic voice of Erica entering my room.

I felt some relief seeing her, "I am. You only have to pin the veil."

She nodded and came forward to pin the veil. She was wearing a light blue dress..that matched the theme of the day.

"How's everything going?"

She looked at me through the mirror, "Stressful. David is ready. Eric is on his way. And the kids! God! Never have kids!"

I chuckled.

The makeup artist and Rebecca left when I excused us. And then I asked Erica, "Eric is coming huh?"

She nodded, "I didn't have to ask him much. But David didn't budge at all. He didn't ask Eric to be his best man. I wonder, how bad it will look to let the groom walk down the aisle alone."

I sighed, "I seriously don't like this. These two are best friends for god sake!"

She shrugged and smiled sadly, "Don't worry though. It's your day. Enjoy. They'd be fine."

Once the veil was pinned, she spinned me around, "You look absolutely beautiful. David will probably faint on the altar."

That made me blush. David would probably never see me that way, but the imagination is still heart warming.

We went silent after that. From today, she'd be my sister in law. Our equation wouldn't change much...but it would still be different. Even if a little.


"Yes?", I looked up at her.

She looked hesitant in asking whatever it was, so I held her hand, "What is it?"

"I..I was thinking something the other day... and I had a question in my mind. Do you like David?"

Her question caught me off guard. I was trying to be as discreet as possible. In Eric's words, I was 'whipped' but was it that visible!?

Well, I have always hated myself for hiding this from Erica...but she is David's sister. I can't just tell her that I like..heck I love her brother.

But how can I lie now when she has asked.

"Does it matter?", I looked away.

"It does. You are my best friend. I would like to know this."

I looked down. Should I really admit it to her? What would be her reaction? Will she be angry at me for hiding this from her? What if she found later? Did Eric tell her something? And David is her brother for god sake!

My thoughts are halted with a knock, "It's time for Hope to leave", we heard Eric's voice, "Edward is waiting downstairs."

I looked at Erica who voiced back that we are coming. She took my hand in hers and guided me to walk out of the room.

I know she didn't demand an answer. It was my choice to answer. It was the best thing about her. She was not an overbearing friend.

But somehow, I felt the need to come clear to her. She has been by my side since we met. She deserves to know this.

"I love David since high school.", I breathed out. Admittance in words gave the declaration more life. I felt a weight off my shoulders but there was more, "...but it is completely one sided and David doesn't know a thing. And I would..."

" would like to keep it that way.."

I nodded not looking in her eyes. I was afraid I would see disappointment. I have always hated how I loved him, even when he was married. To the point, that I started finding it unhealthy. There was a point, I did not want to work with Erica. Heck, I even prepared a termination contract so I don't have to see her or her brother on a daily basis.

She was too good to me. Something I did not deserve. But the one thing I have learnt about her in the few years of our friendship, that she is one of the purest soul on the face of this earth. Devoid of all maliciousness. And so she proved in her reply to me today.

Her next words  shocked me.

"My brother is really lucky to have found you. I don't know what he will do, but now I am assured you'll always protect his heart."

When I looked at her, she looked rather ecstatic. There was no betrayal on her face. No indifference even. She is happy I love her brother!?

"You are not angry?", I asked anxiously.

"Angry? What for?"

"That I didn't tell..."

She chuckled, "You just told me. Ofcourse it was a surprise. But nothing I am not glad about."

"Are you sure?"

She giggled, "What makes you think I'd be upset that my best friend loves my only brother. What is not assuring about the fact, that the two people I love dearly are going to vow to protect each other's heart. I know...having so much love for him in your heart, but living like you don't will be difficult. You have known better what he has been through. You are his only hope. Both literally and metaphorically. But know, brother or not, I will always support you. You have my back."

And what bigger gift would one need on a wedding day, other than a friend that promises to have my back?

Overwhelmed, I hugged her tight. I realise what makes Eric swoon over her existence. The guy who doesn't appreciate god or anyone for that matter would go to all lengths to make sure she's happy. She is truly an angel.

"Hope c'mon!! If you are reconsidering, I still have a car at the entrance of the church.", Eric's approaching voice made me move back.

And I saw his eyes scan me up and down.

"Woah there! I don't really say this to anyone except Erica and Eve, but you cleaned up good!"

I gasped dramatically and asked Erica, "He compliments!?"




"You look so good today.."

I smirked arrogantly, "I look good everyday Jess. You only need to look away from your old wrinkly man."

"Who do you call Old and Wrinkly?", I heard James' voice but before I can reply, I heard the voice of the devil king himself.

"Dad! Erica is with Hope's family. They are in the second car from the front."

He looked around as if searching, "Where's Olive?"

"He's in the car with Stephan. Too excited to get his Dad married.", James's joked.

And I couldn't help but chuckle, "Poor kid doesn't know I am snatching his crush."

Everyone was amused and soon it was time for us to leave too.

I sat in the spacious Limo alone, that was meant for the bride and groom especially.

Bride and Groom.

The moving of the car dawned the reality on me. I am getting married. Again. And by the end of this day, Venus will no more share my side. Not like she was doing since the day she died. But atleast I was still her widower. Hers.

Today, I will be the husband of another. The smile I had plastered did nothing to ease the pain in my heart. The visions of Venus clouded my memory again and again. I will never be able to get over her. That woman had me good, and the fact that this is so unfair to the woman I'll marry makes me want to rip myself apart. Thankfully, Hope is the safest person to be with. She doesn't love me. I don't love her. We can peacefully coexist together.

Every moment was reminding me of the difference between my first wedding and this wedding. How I was so excited then, and how I am a robot right now. How I was so excited for the future, and how I am dreading every second of it now. How I was so sure of everything then, and how I feel my life is no more in my control.

Everything was suffocating me from within. I wish I wasn't forced to marry Hope.

"David? Are you okay?", I heard Mason's voice from the driver seat and nodded plastering one of my practiced smiles, "I am absolutely fine."

Just as I was dreading the car stopped. Numbly, I came out of it and walked to the entrance of the church.

James and Jess were standing at the first position, the place of my parents. I would follow them, and after me would be my best man, who was no one.

Jess held my face in her hands, and placed a kiss on my head, "It's your second chance at happiness. I wish God gives you everything."

The music inside the church started, and so James took her hand and they walked in together.

I stood at the entrance waiting for my turn to reach the altar. Hope's brother would be the one to walk after me, as Hope's family.

My very handsome son, was wearing a little tuxedo, and holding in his hand a basket that had our rings. He would be our flower boy.

Just as I was smiling to myself, looking at my inspiration for this wedding, a figure came running to take the empty place behind me, almost pushing me inside the entrance at the wrong time.

"What the fuck are you doing??", I snarled.

"Do not cuss. We are in front of the church.", He said trying to catch his breath.

I looked at him strangely, "Since when have you started giving so much regards to church??"

"Since you started thinking your best man's place would be empty."

I rolled my eyes, "For god's sake Eric! It is empty."

"No more!", And then I saw him asking Harry to move back a little, so as to create a place for himself, who obliged smilingly.

I scowled, "I didn't ask you to be my best man!"

"And who said I was waiting to be asked??"

"Eric! Stop your nonsense! You aren't my best man!"

He smirked, "And you aren't the oh so shitty David Wellington."

I was agitated and about to retort, when the wedding planner interrupted, "Sir! The groom's music has started. Hurry."

"I'll talk to you later.", I glared at this piece of shit who forcefully became my best man.

I removed my scowl before entering the church. There was not much crowd, only the closest of our friends and associates. We could not keep it very low, because the wedding must be talked about to provide it authenticity in the court.

At the altar, stood the pastor, and I took my place on the elevated level.

Soon as I finished, the music changed for the bloody best man, and came in, the biggest problem of my life right now, Eric Ass-ton.

He walked down smug, with a hand in pocket, my annoyance giving him extra pleasure.

"Say hello to your best man Dick...", He muttered as he came to stand beside me. If only violence was permitted in the church.

Soon after, the wedding trail followed and in came my little shit, walking haphazardly, stopping a little on the way, as if searching for someone.
There was one woman, who I know as Mrs. Clive. She was a young married woman who I'd admit was a fine specimen. And no wonder, my son did take note of that. He wandered to where she was, flashing a grin.

God! This pervert!

I hear a snicker beside me, "You and him...never need a DNA test."

"Go bring him! I think he'd go and make Mrs. Clive his wife."

He shook his head and laughed, "He has rings too..."

"Olive! Boy c'mere!", Eric had to beckon him to come to him, so he could complete the long aisle. And seeing Eric did distract him from the pretty woman.

As soon as the rings were taken from him, he went to Eric, making a baby face, "Papa!",as if he wasn't just trying to woo a woman.

The so called Papa took him in his arms, "Stay still. Your most favourite is about to come."

Erica was the last to come down, making me smile instantly. If I had to do this for someone other than Oliver, it'd be for her.

"All the best Dave!"

When this time, the music changed it was more serene and heavenly. I knew who has to come through that door, but I swear I wasn't prepared when I saw her slowly entering, one half clutching Edward, another holding a pink bouquet, and the white dress making her look like a goddess. A man can never be prepared for this.

I did not think it would happen, but my breath hitched looking at Hope. Even marrying for the second time, I did manage to bag a pretty woman, who I absolutely didn't deserve.

"Hmm..she looks great..", I heard and turned to see the forever scowling bitch looking at Hope somewhat amused!?

"You have a wife, who is my sister. Shut the fuck up!"

From the corner of my eyes, I could see the pastor disapproving of our existence. Not the first time bro!

Hope was halfway the aisle, when my son recognised her, and yelled on top of his voice, "Hoe!!!"

"Oh god!", I cursed under my breath, and he started violently squirming in Eric's arms.

"Leggooo!!", (Let go!!) Wow! He knows when to speak what...he wouldn't call me Dad when I ask him to.

Confused, Eric put him down, and the guy ran as if we were his kidnappers and he had to save his life anyhow.

But the way, he reached to Hope, taking small steps yet as fast as possible, I knew the pervert is back to work.

He reached near her and forwarded his hands, grinning, "Hoe!!"

And if he was any less, Hope literally stopped walking for him, and chuckled softly, ruffling his hairs a bit.

She did not take him in his arms, like she usually did. It was because she was wearing heels, and I was told she's very cautious with Oliver while wearing heels.

Instead, she give him, her hand to hold and the two started walking towards me.

Screw me! But this is one of the most beautiful moment of my life. I don't know why and how, at that moment, my heart did swell with a newfound happiness, and I could hear everyone clapping and laughing merrily.

"My little cupid!", I hear Eric chuckle and then leave the altar as Hope reached at the end. He went and stood beside Erica, who was bursting in happiness. It all makes sense now. For me.

I took another hand of Hope, that my son wasn't holding and nodded at Edward who patted my back in recognition.

Now, as we stood before the pastor, I offered Oliver my hands, and since Hope was by my side, he took the opportunity of seeing things from a higher altitude.

The pastor started narrating all he usually does. And I closed my eyes briefly trying to stop the illusions from my first time here.

God! This is hard.

But it still doesn't feel wrong.

I feel Hope's hand brush against mine, making me open my eyes, and as if to keep myself in the moment, I took her hand in mine.

After we shared our vows, the pastor asked me,
"Do you, David Wellington, take Hope Ricci as your lawfully wedded wife?"

I looked at Hope, the briefest of glance, my son, and then our joined hands.

Here you go. "I do."

"Do you, Hope Ricci, take David Wellington as your lawfully wedded husband?"

A moment of silence, and she says it, "I do."

"With the power vested in me, by law, and by god, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride..."


"You may now kiss the bride...", Eric smiled to himself leaning close and leaving a kiss on her lips.

Erica chuckled, "Stop embarrassing me Eric."

"You love it."

She rolled her eyes in response, and saw her brother lean a bit and placing a kiss on his new wife's lips.

"I am so happy...I can't tell you exactly how much..", she heard Eric whisper, and turned to look at him.

She smiled at the obvious happiness on his face. Sometimes, she knew he worried for his friend way more than she worried for her brother. One of the reasons, why she sided with him. She was aware Eric can never cause something bad to David.

"You don't have to tell me. I can see it in your eyes."

He furrowed his eyes, "Is it that obvious?"

"Hmm hmm...but well, I have something to say to you...and you have to promise me something now."

Eric mumbled under his breath, "What is it?"

"Promise me...that will not interfere with your so called 'connections' or 'sources' in their life. Let them flow naturally. Just loose the case, and sit back."

He grinned, "Ofcourse mi amore! I promise. I have done what I had to."

They turned to see the newly married couple, only to find Oliver leaning towards Hope and leaving a sloppy kiss on her cheeks.

"This bastard!"

"I see in them a beautiful family..", she squeezed his hand overwhelmed by everything.


Between a grand reception and a family dinner, Hope opted for the latter. So the two of them were sitting at the end of the table, while Oliver had more pleasure than anyone sitting on the lap and being fed by his new mommy.

She looked angelic today. And he thought he also looked way more handsome than usual in his little  tuxedo.

"Hoee!", He pointed at his mouth, to be fed with another morsel.

David sat amused looking at his son. Such a sneaky little shit. He went at the altar with them, kissed his bride after him, and now having dinner like it was his wedding and not his father's.

"Cheers to Hope and David!", James lifted up his vine only for the others to follow.

No one was sad about this whole ordeal. David expected that Eric would throw a fit considering the wedding loosens his case, and he married Hope, something Eric wouldn't accept that easily.

He looked at Hope, who was laughing at something Nonna said. The kiss, from back at the altar clouding his mind. Not to forget, the strong butterflies in his stomach as if trying to escape. Her lips, or that innocence filled look in her eyes only made him insane.

She's your friend! And not some silly rendezvous you have to accomplish. Stop thinking about her in that way.- he chided himself.

She is not the first woman he kissed.

God! His charm has faded so badly! He's freaking out over a simple kiss.

"Why aren't you eating?", He turned to look at her at the question and then took a glance at his plate.

He shrugged, "This food is too flashy. I'd rather have the soup you make."

Since his last puking session, he has avoided everything that had more spices that normal. Everytime he had food at home, he'd ask Erica to make something for him. And at Hope's, he was more than happy with her world famous soup.

She nodded, "I'd cook some for you. But you can have this Ceaser salad by then. It tastes just fine."

He agreed taking some amount of salad. Oliver would still live with Eric and Erica for the custody. The two were alone together unless they obtained his custody. And David didn't have a problem with that as long as he assured the chance of getting Oliver.

"Well, tomorrow is my thirtieth birthday. And I would like you all to attend the party organised by Ashton's Corp...", Said Eric, wiping his mouth with the tissue.

Erica glared at him as his style and cleared her throat, "Sorry for that...we would not like to order you...but we request you to do attend the party. We'll be honoured."

That made Eric sigh loudly, "Why will we be honoured?? They are getting free food and drinks. And the....ouch!"

Everyone on the table burst laughing because Erica stabbed his leg with her heel.


She walked behind him, observing how he took confident strides with his muscles flexing at the right faces. This man was an eye candy. And she didn't know how long she can look at this eye candy from far, and stop herself from popping in it her mouth.

"...maid.", Her thoughts interrupted as she heard his voice.

"What did you say..?", She asked.

"I was saying the mai....wait wait...Hope Ricci being unattentive?? That's a new one I see there!! What were you thinking?"

She was caught off guard. How do you tell a man you perv over that you were perving over him??

"Just stuff..."

"Hmm...stuff like??"


He chuckled, "I know you are lying...but don't think too much about 'Life'. Because 'Life' may eat you!"

Uh oh! That didn't go well.

She cleared her throat, "Erica said there's a surprise at the door for us. I don't know..."

"Let's check it out. Well, have this card.", He handed her the key card if the penthouse, they exclusively owned, "...I'll have one and you'll have another. In case of emergency, Erica has one too. Is that okay?"

She nodded, "Absolutely."

By the time the elevator dinged for the forty ninth floor, they were involved in a deep household conversation.

"I tell you Hope...her food is pretty good. You can cook when you want to... otherwise you really don't need to do any chores and increase your workload."

She agreed with that, "I'd see how everything fits in my work schedule. But I was wondering...what will happen when I have to go on tours?"

He had already thought about it all, "Well, my work is completely online. You saw how I managed it all without being physically present. So me and Oliver can accompany as long as we don't distract you."

She smiled wide at that, "I would love if you two do. Because when Erica is there...I enjoy alot...but the tours with other celebrities get too boring and they throw too much tantrums. Not all, but mostly."

"Well, I can come and see these chipmunks persona....", His word seized when he looked at the door.

The surprise.

It wasn't here yesterday, or nothing he planned to do.

There in front of them, was a nameplate in elegant italic alphabets-


He didn't know how to settle with the reality that he was wrong a few seconds ago... mentioning Ricci in front of her name, when she was clearly a Wellington now. No living Wellington now, who acquired the name in the later stage of life. Hope is his wife. Goddamn..

Before he could comprehend what to say, so she ended the awkwardness by opening the door by her card, "Come in...I can't stand anymore in this huge dress..."

"Uh..hmm..", he nodded in daze and went in locking the door behind him.

She sat on the coffee table in the dining room and removed her heels.

"Is it good?", He asked as she moved her legs.

"Uhm...I don't wear heels frequently so it pains when I do."

"You want some ice for that??"


And then he went inside the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to fetch a pack of ice.

When he came back, he saw she was no more there.

Must be in bedroom.- He thought and went towards the bedroom, opened the slightly opened door ajar,

"Here's your ice pa..."

His words died at what was in front of him. Ofcourse, it would be. He was fucking stupid to be shocked at what was laying before him.

A well decorated marital room, a marital bed and Hope standing at the middle of it all, just as lost as him.

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