Finding Serendipity (Hange x...

By hanges_hot_wife

37.8K 1K 1.7K

"Actually, she's with me." I felt a cold hand trace up my spine, resting on the back of my neck. I could feel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Sasha's Birthday Special <3
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Hange's Birthday Special <3
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Halloween Special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Im alive...

Chapter 16

819 19 11
By hanges_hot_wife

"Hange, we're going to be late." I laughed, pulling my head back slightly.

Their lips lifted from my neck, making sure to leave no marks, although im not sure if they would have remembered if I hadn't told them not to. "We have a few more minutes." They smiled, their lips reconnecting with the sensitive part on my neck.

"Now you know damn well few more minutes is going to turn into us running an hour late." I said, eyeing them as they planted kisses along my collarbone.

"Sounds good to me." They smiled against my skin, giving my butterflies. "Besides, who's fault is that anyways?" They asked between kisses, stopping at my chest to raise their face to mine.

"Are you insinuating this is my doing?" I said with a laugh.

"I can't help myself around you sometimes. You're too..."

"Amazing? Hot? Perfect? Humble?" I beamed, throwing my arms around their neck.

"Yeah, all of those things." They laughed, lowering their lips onto mine.

Their free hand slowly slid up my thigh, grabbing onto my hip while their fingers slowly moved back and forth over the waistband of my biker shorts.

"If I go any further I won't be able to stop myself."

I smiled, placing my hand on top of theirs.

"Not so worried about being late now, are we?" They narrowed their eyes, their face hovering just above mine as they slowly brought their knee between my legs.

My reaction brought a seductive smile to their face, causing me to purse together my once open lips and turn away. "You're going to get your ass beat if we're late to this, Hange."

"Would you be the one beating me?" They asked, smiling. I rolled my eyes, lifting myself up onto my elbows. "I could beat you in a fight."

"You're cute." Hange smiled, kissing my forehead before getting off of the couch and grabbing their keys off of the coffee table.

"Red carpet ready?" They asked, holding their hand out for me to grab.

I laugh, because my appearance is anything but 'red carpet ready'. "Mentally? Sure." I grab their hand, pulling myself off of the couch while their arms immediately wrap around me and kiss the top of my head.

After a car ride accompanied by a perfectly queued playlist, Hange handed their keys to the valet driver and pulled me inside.

Levi was waiting by the door to explain the schedule for the night, transportation, etc.
I reached for my phone, realizing I hadn't texted Sash yet. Then I heard my name.


I let my phone slide back into my pocket, my head shooting up as Hange took a step to the side, saving themselves.

Sasha leapt towards me - quite literally - nearly knocking us over if it weren't for Levi's hand shooting to steady my back. As soon as I was able to regain my balance, he immediately returned to reading over the paper in his hands, scribbling down notes in the margins, like he had expected and prepared himself for her attack.

"You've been with Hange all weekend!" Sasha groaned, her grip hardly budging as she sank her head into the space between my shoulder and my neck. I patted her head, smoothing my fingers through her hair, which was down for once, and smiled.

"My poor baby." I pouted my bottom lip, beginning to walk towards the back of the building, Sasha still holding on. Sasha picked up her head slightly to glare at Hange who was following closely behind. "Hogger." She whispered, pointing at them.

Finally, I was able to pull her from me, holding her out by her shoulders to get a good look at her. "Your hair is down, and I love it. You look amaze."

She beamed while her cheeks shifted to a light shade of pink. "Do you really? I'm putting it up in a slick ponytail for the premiere. The people aren't ready for this." We both laughed at that, though I wish she would realize how pretty she is with her hair down too.

I could feel Hange's hands grab onto my hips as soon as I released Sasha, bringing an instant smile to me face. "Where's everyone else?" I asked, leaning back against them.

Sasha pointed to the elevator, telling us the girls were getting their hair and makeup done on floor 3. I looked at Hange. "Who're you getting ready with?"

"My tux is probably with the guys..." They said, weighing their options. "It would be easier if I got ready with them." I tried to hide my disappointment, but they could see right through me. "It'll make seeing you when we get to the carpet and any time before then even more exciting."

I watched their eyes trail down my body, then right back to my eyes, slowly. They planted a kiss to my forehead, smiling against my skin before holding their hand up to say goodbye. "Tell the girls I said hi!" Hange said loudly as they turned to walk away. Sasha and I held a thumbs up before we turned to race to the elevator button. She won.

"When is it my turn to be happy?" Sasha groaned, grabbing onto the railing behind her and resting her head against the elevator wall. I laughed, her head rolling to the side to look at me.

"Seriously, how did you get so damn lucky? Both of you. It's like i'm watching some sort of romance movie right in front of me." I smile, mimicking her position as I leaned my lower half against the railing, my hands pressed to the cool silver.

All I can do is shrug. I think about it every day, and I still have no clue. "You practically melt every time they look at you, and (y/n), I speak for everyone when I say the way they look at you...I don't think we've ever seen a person admire someone they way they do with you."

I can feel my face getting hot, sweat making its way to my palms, the silver railings not so cool anymore. I shake my head, attempting to change the subject. "You don't have anyone who makes you weak in the knees?" I raise an eyebrow and we both laugh, just as the elevator doors open.

Sasha leads me to a door down the hallway and to the left, knocking as they opened the door.
Mikasa, Annie, Historia, and Ymir turned towards the door, smiling when we walked in. "The rest of the girls are probably in the other room, and Yelena is with the guys since she's wearing a tux too."

I froze temporarily, but I don't think anyone noticed. No, Mikasa noticed. Her eyebrows shifted, slightly, but her eyes stayed in contact with mine before shifting back towards the mirror. There was no keeping anything from this girl.

I returned my smile to my face, walking over to one of the vanity's where a woman almost immediately began doing her job. We all had pictures of our dresses taped to where we were seated, and we trusted both the designer and the makeup artist to work their magic.

"Who's going to the after party?"
Ymir and Historia exchanged a glance from their chairs. "I think we'll be too tired after the event and everything." Historia said, her hands fidgeting on her lap. "I'm going if Armin wants to." Annie said simply, staying perfectly still for her makeup person.

"Ymir shouldn't you be with Hange and Yelena, you're wearing a tux too, right?" Mikasa asked, changing the subject. We made eye contact again.

"I didn't want to leave her, so i'll just meet them in the dressing rooms later." Ymir smiled, stretching their arms out from their seat, watching Historia. I smiled softly, maybe this is what Sasha meant.

Our chairs were both sideways, now away from the mirrors and facing the girls doing our makeup, so I couldn't see her. 

I desperately wanted someone to say something, the quiet music playing in the background allowing my mind to wander. Hange and Yelena together, most likely alone for some portion of time. This had already apparently happened once, and i'm still not sure if it was a good or bad thing, but Hange never thought to bring it up.

I had been meaning to ask them about they conversation the two of them held, especially to the point felt the need to clear the air with me; something they had never done prior.
I took a deep breath, fixing my posture in the salon chair and giving a small smile to the lady doing my makeup.

The door swung open, revealing Hitch on the other end and she sped to the seat next to me, the guy waiting for her, makeup in hand, smiling as she mouthed "sorry".

She set down her coffee, my hand immediately reaching for it. Overthinking was causing my throat to go dry, and coffee just sounded good in general. I saw Hitch's eyes widen as she reached for the cup.

"I don't think you'll like it." She said, making me raise an eyebrow as I held the cup in my hand. The lid and stopper were still in place, and it wasn't hot nor cold. "It's pure black coffee. Straight from the ground."

I slowly lifted the lid, watching as she gave up and slumped back in her seat as a sign of defeat. The second I breathed in, it hit me. "Hitch!" I laughed out of pure shock, her eyes pleading for me to stay quiet.

"There's alcohol in here!" I whispered, taking another whiff. She shrugged. "Are you surprised?" I shook my head, fighting back a small smile. "How did you get it past Levi?" I asked, admiring her intelligence. "I'm sure he knew, but hey, it's a coffee cup."

I sighed, taking one last glance at the clear liquid before downing a sip, shaking my head as I handed it back to her. The pure look of amazement was worth the burning sensation as the lady continued working on my makeup.

Once we were all finished we walked out of the room together and down the hall to get changed. A few feet before the door I felt a cool hand wrap around my upper arm, holding me back. "I have to go to the bathroom." She instructed, pulling me with her. Mikasa.

She shut the door behind her, opening all the stall doors before turning back to face me, her arms crossed. "What's the deal with Hange and Yelena?" She asked, her eyes staring directly into mine. Her makeup looked amazing, the warm tones making her eyes pop as her short hair framed her face, the gelled down curls with pearls placed along her hairline adding a breathtaking finishing touch.

I couldn't lie to her, she wasn't stupid. On the other hand, opening up about what was happening, and what I was afraid was happening meant I had to deal with it. Things hurt a lot more when they became spoken sentences instead of thoughts.

I started with the shirt. I occasionally skipped over some parts, the night at Hange's in particular, ultimately ending it at Yelena walking into my dressing room. She stayed silent, occasionally nodding her head, staring right into my very soul the entire time.

"And you didn't ask Hange about what happened between them and Yelena?" She asked, now leaning against the counter. "I meant to, really, but I just didn't reach a moment where it felt right." Her eyebrow raised at that. "And what would be a good time to bring that up?" She asked, moving her body slightly closer to mine.

"I don't know..." I lied. "I was waiting for a time when it was just chill between the two of us, in a calm and casual environment. We've just been too busy to have a moment like that I guess." Another lie.

By the way Mikasa was looking at me, she saw right through my bullshit. I was almost glad, but not as much as I was scared. "Why're you scared, (y/n)?" She asked, cutting right to the point. Her eyes were burning holes through me.

I swallowed, moving back against the counter. "What did they tell Yelena that they didn't want me to know about?" I asked, surprising myself at the admission. She relaxed, relieved that I opened up to her. She moved next to me, our shoulders touching as I sighed.

"Maybe they didn't want to bring it up again. Avoiding confrontation is clearly something both of you do. Or maybe it just wasn't worth mentioning."

I chewed the inside of my lip, fidgeting with my ring. Mikasa grabbed my hand, making me look up at her. "If it's bothering you, talk to them. But in the meantime, we have to look hot." She pulled me out of the bathroom and down the hall to where the rest of the girls were. My phone buzzed.

Saying everyone looked good in their dresses would be an understatement. Everyone looked amazing, the room filling with compliments as we all took pictures before being hurried to the lobby. The guys were already there, waiting for the limo to arrive.

Immediately my eyes searched for Hange, the mirage of black tuxes making it harder to spot them. I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder as I walked away towards the guys, disregarding it as I tapped Connie on the shoulder.

He spun around with a smile, his eyes wide with excitement. "There's one of my favorite girls! What's up (y/n)?" I smiled at his immediate friendliness. "One of? We can talk about that later- have you seen Hange?"

His eyes briefly scanned the group before turning back to me. "Bathroom maybe? Sorry. You look both are gonna look amazing out there together though!" I nodded, blowing him a kiss as I made my way to the back corner of the building. His words replayed in my mind as I searched around, knowing and yet attempting to ignore the fact that Hange and I wouldn't- couldn't attend the event as a couple.

I opened the door marked 'Women's" and slowly stepped in, Hange adjusting the gold cuffs on their sleeves. "Hange!" I smiled, seeing them giving the effect of a warm blanket. "Holy shit."

They took a step closer, admiring me under the terrible overhead lighting in the bathroom that i'm sure was doing me no justice at all. "Every time I see you, I don't think you can get any prettier. And then you prove me wrong."

I could feel my cheeks flush as their hands placed gently onto my hips, Hange still significantly taller than me due to the fact that they were also wearing heels. More importantly, they were wearing a dark emerald tux, a sheer black top underneath, and quite a few gold necklaces along with other jewelry. That wasn't it though. They were wearing the fucking eye patch.

I don't know what effect it has on me, but it awakens something inside of me every time. There were small gold pieces lining the eye patch, and they weren't wearing glasses for once. Must be contacts.

I was near speechless. I should've known Hange would choose the best designer option, but still. I ran my tongue along my lips to make sure I wasn't drooling, because wow.

They seemed to be doing the same to me at least, their eyes gazing over pretty much everything other than mine. "They're going to get mad at us." I said, not sure how I had been able to get the words out. "I don't care."

Their face moved closer to mine. My makeup, my hair, all the excuses I could and should be using right now moving to the back of my mind as their lips collided with mine. Out of all the times I had denied them of this, right now would be the most reasonable one.

It was hard refraining from running my hands through their hair, but gently wrapping my arms around their neck would suffice. They pulled back, scanning my face before speaking. "I was honestly expecting a no." They smiled, taking their thumb and slowly wiping under my lip.

"Your lipstick is smudged." They said, letting their finger linger on my lower lip for a second before pulling back. "I don't care." I smiled, planting another gentle kiss on their lips before pulling back. I checked myself in the mirror, shifting my focus to Hange, who stood behind me, standing with their hands in their pockets as they watched me.

"Just wait until this stupid red carpet is over." Hange smiled, their hand grabbing onto my ass instead of my waist for a brief moment before we walked out of the bathroom together. "I'll let you know if I find any good bathrooms." I winked, feeling their arm slide away from me as we grew closer to the group.

"There you two are! We're about to leave." Pieck smiled, side-hugging me before walking towards the doors. "Nice lipstick, Hange." Hitch smiled, nudging their arm as we all smiled. They wiped their mouth as we all walked out, Hange joining Erwin and Levi as they stood there, telling us how we would be arranged in the cars, because apparently that mattered.

Normally I walked in with Jean, we were red carpet buddies. He surprisingly handled settings fairly well under stress, whispering reassuring things while also making fun of the strangers around us as we made our way through the venue and stopping for pictures always made it worth it.
Plus he was amazing when it came to pictures, no I never had to worry about what pose or face to make, he always helped me.

This time however, Sasha was mid conversation with Jean and they had already sat together inside of the car. A small spark of hope ignited as I looked towards Hange. "Where's Connie?" Levi asked, peeking inside the car closest to him.

"Here." He said breathlessly, jogging up to us. "You're with (y/n)." He nodded, walking to the limo in the front with Hange and Erwin, the rest of the newer cast already seated inside.

"I don't think we've ever gotten to do this before." He said with a smile, taking a seat next to Jean. I sat on the end next to him, my hand immediately going to fidget with my rings as I smiled. "Nope, but i'm glad it's happening."

I wanted it to be Hange, but Connie was a perfectly fine person to spend my time with. "You nervous?" He asked, his hands looking from mine to my face. I flashed a reassuring smile, shaking my head slightly. "Just a little anxious, but that's normal."

"Don't worry, we've got this." He smiled back, holding out his fist. I bumped him back, relaxing in the seat a little more. "The finest people on the red carpet." He smirked. "Are you guys talking about me?" Jean chimed in, leaning forward. "Nope." Connie laughed, the simple answer making me fight to hold back my laughter.

"First you steal my red carpet buddy and now you insult me, I'm a little hurt." Jean playfully looked offended, shaking his head. "We're just too powerful of a duo, that's why it took four seasons worth of filming to put us together." Connie looked at me for my insight as I nodded. "It's true, you're just jealous."

"And manspreading." Sasha grumbled, shoving Jean's leg. Connie shifted his leg farther from me despite the fact that Sasha's words weren't directed at him, though I'm not sure he even noticed. "This is a tight tux." Jean defended, still adjusting his legs. "And this is a tight squeeze. Honestly, you're taking up the space I need to stay pretty." Sasha complained, smoothing out her dress.

Once the cars began moving the ride was short but fun, everyone in the back of the car passing around drinks, although we were instructed not to, and Jean and Eren argued over who would get the best pictures taken tonight.

Once we arrived we got out in pairs. Since Eren and Mikasa were closest to the doors, they went first. Then Armin and Annie, Sasha and Jean and then finally Connie and I. He got out first, holding his hand out for me to grab onto before helping pull me out of the car.

"You've got this." He reassured with a smile on his face, shielding my face from the overwhelming lights for a second before giving a slight nod before I intertwined my arm with this.
He smelt good, but Hange smelt better.

The lights flashed from every angle, cameras and microphones shoved closer and closer to us as we walked by the entrance. I could feel Connie speed up slightly as we got closer to the safe zone as we called it, a microphone shoved so abruptly in front of me it nearly cut me off. A sturdy hand wrapped around me and helped escort me away from all the noise and into phase two. Pictures and interviews.

"You ok?" He asked, immediately removing his arm from me. I nodded. "Nothing I haven't been through before." We were instantly ushered to take photos, my eyes scanning for Hange in-between poses as the cameras flashed.

We walked closer to Jean and Sasha, taking a group photo. I was also instructed to stand by Eren, Mikasa eventually stealing me away as her, Sash, and I took some photos before we all had our individual photos taken.

Jean and I were being asked questions, though he was doing most of the talking. I was used to him being a big flirt, and the reporters, especially girls like this one, ate it up. "So, Jean," she addressed to him directly, even as I was standing right next to him, "what would you say was the most challenging scene to film this season?" She asked, her smile stretching across her pretty face as she held the microphone close to him.

He flashed a smile, pretending to think even though he knew damn well we were under strict rules of what we could and couldn't say. "A lot of the usual stunts, you know. I'm not allowed to say too much, but what I will say is that I definitely got a lot of time to experience a deeper and more vulnerable side with my character, which was a rewarding challenge." He smiled, redirecting the question like a pro.

She nodded her head, and after brief conversation with the man, moved the mic closer to me now. "Hi (y/n), how're you doing tonight?" She asked, her eyes staring directly into mine, almost threatening me. "I'm super glad to be here!" I put on my best fake smile, Jean snorting softly causing my elbow to make brief and subtle contact with his side.

Brief interview after interview took place, and we were nearly the entryway for the viewing as I stopped by a man with a camera propped on his shoulder, waving me over. "(Y/n)! Great to see you, you look amazing." I forced the same smile, waving slightly as I thanked him. He asked about the differences between past seasons and this upcoming one, and I tried to be as vague with my response as possible.

"Well one thing fans have noticed by the preview pictures and cover for this season is the change in wardrobe. Which uniform do you prefer?"

I stared at him for a moment, the words leaving his mouth being some of the least expected I had prepared myself to hear. "Oh, well.." I started off, feeling a hand on my shoulder. I immediately turned, hoping it would save me from answering this man's strange question when I was flooded with relief.

"You know, (y/n) actually had a pretty big role in this season, maybe you could ask her about some of the acting she did." Hange winked at me before staring down the interviewer, their hand squeezing my shoulder.

We will definitely be making a trip to the bathroom soon.

sorry I had to cut this chapter off short, but i promise the next one will make up for it (it's a bit different from the others so far ;) ) I also want to thank you guys for 24k reads???? That may seem like a small number to some people but as a newbie to this whole thing i am beyond appreciative for each and every one of you guys. Thank you for writing the funniest comments, I always look forward to reading what you guys have to say :)

with so much love, author <3

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