
By JayWinterMenageries

145 44 54

After being kicked out of his home, young Edgar Craaven is confronted by a crazy warlock who turns him into a... More

Prologue: Day 1 Watford England 1977
Chapter 1: Watford, England 1977
Chapter 2: Watford, England 1977
Chapter 3: Watford, England 1977
Chapter 4: A few miles east of Stonehenge; 1977
Chapter 5: Somewhere in the skies of England, 1977
Chapter 6: London, England 1977
Chapter 7: Brighton, England 1979 August 7
Chapter 8: Brighton, England 1979 August 7
Chapter 9: Brighton, England 1979 August 10th
Chapter 10: Unknown Area 1979 August 12th
Chapter 11: Mortemville, Montana 1979 October 27th
Chapter 12: Mortemville, Montana 1979 October 28th
Chapter 13: Mortemville, Montana 1979 October 31st
Chapter 14: Mortemville, Montana 1979 October 31st (10: 37 pm)
Chapter 15: Mortemville, Montana 1979 November 1st
Chapter 16: Mortemville, Montana 1979 November 2nd
Chapter 17: Mortemville, Montana 1980 August 7th
Chapter 18: Mortemville, Montana 1981 July 8
Chapter 19: Mortemville, Montana 1983 October 31st
Part 2 Chapter 20: Mortemville, Montana 1986 April 6
Chapter 21: Mortemville, Montana 1986 April 6th
Chapter 22: Mortemville, Montana 1986 April 23rd
Chapter 23: Mortemville, Montana 1986, May 2nd
Chapter 24: Mortemville, Montana 1986, May 4th
Chapter 25: Mortemville, Montana 1986 May 10th
Chapter 26: Mortemville, Montana 1986 May 15th
Chapter 27: Mortemville, Montana 1986 May 17th
Chapter 28: Mortemville, Montana 1986 June 2nd
Chapter 29: Mortemville, Montana 1986 June 17th
Chapter 30: Mortemville, Montana 1986 June 22nd
Chapter 31: Mortemville, Montana 1986 June 22nd
Chapter 32: Mortemville, Montana 1986 June 23rd
Chapter 34: Mortemville, Montana 1987 October 13th (over a year later)
Chapter 35: Mortemville, Montana 1987 October 20th
Chapter 36: Mortemville, Montana 1987 November 1st
Chapter 37: Somewhere in the Middle of the Woods 1987 November 1st
Chapter 38: Mortemville, Montana 1987 November 2nd
Chapter 39: Mortemville Montana 1987 December 5th
Chapter 40: Mortemville, Montana 1988 January 10th
Chapter 41: Mortemville, Montana 1988 April 22nd
Chapter 42: Mortemville, Montana 1988 April 23rd
Chapter 43: Mortemville, Montana 1988 April 23rd
Chapter 44: Mortemville, Montana 1991 October 20th (4 years later)

Chapter 33: Mortemville, Montana 1986 June 24th

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By JayWinterMenageries

I left close to noon the next day. I wanted to stay longer but I knew I needed to face my mistakes eventually and I wanted to just get it over with. Steve was kind enough to drive me to Rosewood and the whole time, he was talking to me about what our plans would be if I were kicked out. He seemed to be very prepared to have me live at his house already and it made me feel good that there wouldn't really be any trouble about it.

Still, no matter how many times he reassured me, I still felt as if I were facing ultimate doom. There was more to the situation that only I knew and I knew it wouldn't just be a casual discussion. Lucy is who scared me the most for obvious reasons. I knew Daniel, even when faced with my shitty behaviour, still wouldn't have the guts to stand up for himself and I was hoping he'd fight for me.

When we arrived, I took a few breaths to calm myself before stepping out of the car to go inside. Steve waited, just in case I needed to go back with him and before I left, he wished me luck and said he'd be hoping for the best. I thanked him before quietly heading inside and preparing myself to face the talk of my lifetime.

The moment I entered, I was immediately bombarded by Max, who quickly ran over and hugged me as tight as he possibly could. He started crying because he had missed me so much and when he told me with his words, I felt even worse about being kicked out. If he missed me this much over three days, I couldn't imagine how he would feel if I left and never came back.

Gently, I pulled him off of me and knelt down to look him in the eye, "Hey, bud, me and your parents need to have a quick talk and then we can spend the whole day together, okay?" I smiled softly at him. He wiped his tears away and sniffled as he nodded. I gave him another quick hug before finally standing up and walking to go find the Lockwoods.

When I found them, they were having a quiet lunch and Lucy was talking softly to Daniel. I didn't even have to announce my presence for them to notice me; they felt my presence the moment I arrived in the doorway and both of them darted their eyes to me and became quiet. The looks in their eyes, especially Lucy's, were disapproving and even a bit suspicious and I was once again reminded that I had to speak to them.

I gulped nervously and stared blankly at the floor as I spoke, "Um... I-I want to apologize... for what happened at the funeral. It was wrong of me to say those things and to disrespect you like that after everything you've done... I don't blame you if you... decide I'm no longer welcome..." I said gently and calmly, feeling a growing lump in the back of my throat and silently wishing for good news. Lucy spoke before Daniel could and she wasted no time in showing her anger.

"What the hell are you??" she asked in outrage. The question caught me off-guard and at first, I didn't know what she was even talking about.

"What?" I mumbled, confused.

"Don't play dumb with us, Ed! Are you some sort of demon? Or evil creature? Some cryptid out to kill us??" she snapped angrily. It took me a moment to think about what she could possibly be talking about but it finally hit me and I immediately wanted to punch myself from my own stupidity. I had completely forgotten that I had used my necklace in front of Daniel when he never once ever knew about my ability.

"Oh-... no, I'm not any of that, I can assure you," I held my hands out defensively but Lucy still wasn't buying it.

"Then what the hell are you?! 'Cause it sure as hell isn't human!"

"Please, just give me a chance to explain!" I urged. Daniel grabbed Lucy's wrist gently to calm her and she ripped her arm away from him. Thankfully though, she remained quiet and I was able to explain everything. I told them everything about the necklace and how I was able to do what I do. I told them that I've always had the necklace and this necklace was exactly how I was able to survive before they took me in. I made sure to spare no details except how I came upon it. Their expressions remained blank as I talked but I knew they had all sorts of questions about the piece of witchcraft I possessed on my neck.

I gave them many chances to answer their questions yet, they never did. When I was done explaining myself, they simply gave each other a decisive look and remained quiet for a moment. I waited anxiously for them to respond and every second they remained quiet only continued to spike my anxiety.

Eventually, however, Lucy spoke quietly but sternly, "We'd like you to leave... you've caused enough problems for us..."

Her words hurt more than anything that has ever been said to me with the intent to cause harm. They hurt so bad that, instead of crying over it, I just felt a deep emptiness growing within me. I knew this would be the outcome but it was finally settling in that I was being discarded after years of being given a second chance at a normal life. I wasn't just no longer needed, I was no longer wanted. I was a complete stranger to them suddenly and it hurt because I knew they still knew almost everything about me. Daniel was literally the only person I've ever had in my life who I could consider an actual father and I looked up to him despite his obvious flaws. I didn't want to have to leave because I cared for these people too much... but they didn't want me anymore...

Without saying a word, all I could manage to do as a response was nod gently before simply walking away, suddenly too numb to anything to be able to think rational thoughts. Lucy's words repeated over and over and each time, it was like a stab straight into my heart. It was a painful reminder that I was unlovable as someone's child and I'd never have anyone else who could care for me like that because I'm an adult. I'm not supposed to need parents anymore at this age but... I couldn't help it. I was addicted to the support that came from a loving parent.

I found Max still playing in the foyer with his toys. He heard my footsteps and quickly looked up with a smile. I forced myself to return the smile, even though I physically had no energy to do so.

"Did Mama and Daddy forgive you?" he wondered hopefully. I sighed and shook my head sadly. Max's hopeful smile quickly transformed itself into a deep frown and I feared he would burst into tears right then and there.

"It's okay, Max, please don't cry," I tried to assure him.

"Are- are you leaving...?" he whimpered as his eyes started welling up with tears. I knelt down quickly and hugged him tightly.

"No, no, I'm not leaving. I'd never leave you behind..." I told him. My words came out of their own accord; I didn't plan on saying them but I did and, suddenly, I had to figure out how to follow them instead of lying to Max and abandoning him, which I didn't want to do in the first place.

Max sniffled into my shoulder and I held onto him for a while to calm him down. I felt guilty about everything; it was all my fault that I was in this situation, it's all my fault that Max is upset about me leaving, it's all my fault. I didn't know what I could possibly do to make everything right again because I knew nothing would be the same ever again. If I wanted to stay, I needed to be a complete secret from the Lockwoods, which would make my life ten times harder but I could do it if I tried hard enough.

"Max, I need to ask you something that's very, very important," I softly informed him. He pulled out of the hug to look at me curiously. "If I'm going to stay here with you, I need to be able to rely on you to keep me a secret, okay? Whenever Mum and Dad are around, you have to pretend that I'm gone," I explained to him and he nodded.

"You absolutely cannot ever reveal that I'm here or else we won't be able to hang out ever again," I continued and Max nodded quicker. I extended my pinkie to him and looked him firmly in the eye so he knew that this situation was serious and needed his absolute cooperation. I wanted to be able to trust him with this even though he tended to have a loud mouth and I hoped, because he wanted me to stay so badly, he would do what he can to keep me here.

He took my pinkie and with a firm shake, our deal was sealed. I gave him yet another hug and he hugged me back tightly. He didn't let go until he eventually decided he wanted to continue playing with his toys. While he played, I went to the door and waved to Steve, signalling him that he was good to go and I was "fine". He gave a celebratory whoop before waving back at me and driving away, taking my chance to live like a normal adult with him... Gawd, what am I thinking? This is going to end so badly...

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