By storiesidkwhy

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Just a story of how loving someone so fiercely, no matter how deep down you push those feelings, can't be hid... More

Chapter 1: Florence-
Chapter 2: Florence
Chapter 3: Theo-
Chapter 4: Theo-
Chapter 5: Florence-
Chapter 6: Theo-
Chapter 7: Florence-
Chapter 8: Theo-
Chapter 9: Florence-
Chapter 10: Florence-
Chapter 12: Theo-
Chapter 13: Florence-
Chapter 14: Florence-
Chapter 15: Florence-
Chapter 16: Theo-
Chapter 17: Theo-
Chapter 18: Florence

Chapter 11: Theo-

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By storiesidkwhy

He was taken aback when Daphne asked him to stop hanging out with Ren. There was no way. He knew that was not likely, but he also recognized that she was catching on. That thought alone is what made him agree.
So now it had been a month of dodging Florence and missing study sessions and less conversations with her. He hated it, but kept reminding himself of what could happen if he didn't. He could tell that she didn't understand what was going on, but he could never tell her that he practically chose Daphne over her. It would hurt her, and that alone would hurt him.
Their patronus project was finally over with. They all made good grades and the anxiety of people finding out what his real memory was is now gone.
Now, whispers of the New Years Eve Ball were everywhere. It was approaching fast with only 1 week left of school and 2 weeks until the ball. Then they'll have one more week of freedom after the ball. Even though it was the New Years Eve ball, they held it the night before New Years so kids could celebrate with their families on the real day. This gave everyone a chance to party on the real night.
The reality of Daphne being his date to the ball was setting in. He didn't want to go with her, he only wanted desperately to go with Ren. Especially now, since she doesn't have a date. Draco or Blaise would have gone with her, because they're her best friends, but now that they both have significant others, she doesn't have a date. She doesn't seem to have a care in the world, but those thoughts went with him everywhere he was. Of course, she would have people lined up to bring her, but she doesn't want to go with them. He knew that she was turning them down because it isn't fair for them when she wishes to be there with someone else. She most likely just wants to go and have fun with us and our dates.
That also meant Christmas was approaching soon, and gifts were to be bought. He had ideas of what to get his parents, but buying for his friends would be harder.
His mind had wondered so far in potions sitting next to Ren, that he didn't even realize that the last lesson of the year had started.
"The strongest love potion in the world" is what snapped him out of his trance.
Amortentia. He knew instantly. Well this was not good.
"You will each smell from it and tell the class what you smell. It is different for everyone. You will smell your most desired thing. Then, tomorrow, you will brew it yourself. If you smell the same thing, you pass" the professor says.
He thought of everything he could smell. His dad, maybe? The desire to have him back like before was very strong. He didn't know if it would be stronger than his desire of Florence.
He watches as one person after another goes up and smells random things like vanilla and grass. Finally, it gets to their table and Theo is first.
He takes a deep breath and gets a big whiff of the Amortentia. His eyes snap open quickly when he smells her familiar smell.
He looks at the professor. He gives him a gesture to get on with it.
"Uh... fresh, night air" he smells it again because the smell is so comforting. "Parchment and-"
His breath catches in his throat. He can't help but flick his wide eyes at Florence for a split second. If he hasn't given himself away yet, this definitely will.
"Candles" he finally breathes out.
He sees form the side of his eye how she immediately jerks her head up, eyes wide.
He looks down, she knows.
He excuses himself and walks straight to his dorm where he skips the rest of his classes, not even thinking about how she probably smelt him too. And he didn't stick around long enough to see, disregarding his curiosity.
Of course he smelt her. Fresh, night air for when they talked in middle of the night for hours in the astronomy tower, parchment for their many study nights, and candles, her favorite thing ever that just so happens to be what he's getting her for Christmas.
He debated on getting them for her, but couldn't help it. It was the perfect gift that he couldn't pass up.
He was ready to never speak to her again, but not even 10 minutes later, he hears a loud bang on his door.
He opens the door to a furious Florence and before he can say anything, not that he knew what he would've said, she is yelling in his face.
"What the actual fuck, Theo" she storms in my dorm.
"Ren, please-" he was quickly shut down.
"No, Theo. You don't just get to act like I don't exist for almost 2 months and then smell me in your Amortentia. That is not how things work" she yells.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened" he avoids eye contact at all costs.
"What has been up with you, Theo. I'm literally so lost and I need you to tell me what's going on. Right now" she demands. "I'm done with the games"
"I know. Look, I don't know what happened out there" he lies.
She quiet for a few seconds, waiting for more.
"That's it?" She looks outraged. "Look at me, Theo"
He can't and just shakes his head.
"Look at me, and tell me that was an accident" she demands.
"Obviously that was an accident. I have a girlfriend" he says, only briefly making eye contact, his voice cracking as he does.
She looks at him for a second before scoffing.
"You can't lie to me and you know that" she states.
"Then it's a good thing I'm not lying" he says back quickly.
"Whatever, Theo. I'm not doing this anymore" and with that, she storms out of his room.
He didn't realize she meant literally. She's so pissed and hasn't been really acknowledging Theo. He hates it, every second, but with the break coming up in only 2 short days, he's barely had time to talk to her about everything.
Even after what happened, he was desperate to give her the gift he got her before the break. Draco had suggested they get together and do it, so Theo was going to do it tonight, after everyone left.
It seems like they were all waiting patiently for the day to end so they could exchange gifts. When the time finally came, they joined in the boys dorm with all their presents.
He watches as Draco opens the present he got from Blaise, a new watch he's been wanting. Florence opens hers from Enzo, a new pair of shoes. Enzo opens the present Theo got for him, a brand new Slytherin tie with real silver in it.
"Hahaha, you got tired of Mcgonagal taking points from us, I see" he smiles at him.
He open the presents the boys bought him, each being a well thought out gift. Florence didn't seem to have gotten him a gift, which stings, but he's not surprised and he deserves it.
Theo and Draco finish opening presents before everyone else, so they watched in silence.
"What's up with you" he asks, finally.
He knew it was coming.
"Nothing? I'm good" Theo looks away.
"It's true then" Draco asks. When Theo doesn't say anything back he adds "you smelt her, didn't you?"
"How do you know" Theo says by accident. He meant to keep quiet, but couldn't help himself. It was Draco after all.
"People talk. Plus, it's the only reason the two of you would be acting this way with each other" he explains.
Busted. He didn't know what to say.
"Theo, it's me, man. You know you can talk to me" he pleads.
"I know, Draco. You're my best friend, of course I know I can talk to you" Theo says, really meaning it.
"I'm not you're best friend, mate. Not anymore at least" he smiles, eyeing Florence.
He can't help but smile because he's right, Florence will always be. Now he really busted him.
Draco chuckles and says "I'll be here, you know that" before getting up.
"I also got everyone ice skates because we're going ice skating after the ball together" Draco announces to the group.
"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot that the lake was frozen over. After break they are closing it, so we have to go like the night after the ball" Adrian says.
"Sounds awesome, except I can't skate. Anyways, I thought it closed at 8" Ren says.
"Don't worry, we'll teach you and yeah, not for us" Blaise laughs.
"Don't tell me we're sneaking into the lake too" Florence realizes.
They all bust out laughing, answering her question.
"Good thing I'm coming back after the ball" she laughs.
His stomach drops. She's going home? Where her dad will be? No way. Yeah, no.
His head shoots up.
"Coming back?" he says, instantly, eyebrows raised, her eyes finally meeting his. She knows she shouldn't have said that, not in front of everyone. "You're going home?" he stares so intensely at her, wishing she could hear his mind screaming no.
Her eyes are wide, face straight, daring him to say another word.
"I'll miss her too, Theo. It's fine, really" Enzo laughs.
He definitely doesn't laugh.
"It's only for 4 days" she says, trying her best to convince him but failing.
"Is Draco or Blaise going with you" he asks, pushing further.
The boys are starting to give each other curious looks.
"No, I'll be fine" she says, which he knows is true, but the thought of her dad putting his hands on her doesn't sit well with him and it wouldn't if the other guys knew too.
It's quiet for a little longer before everyone is hugging and heading off to bed.
He runs after Florence, almost forgetting her present.
"Florence" he shouts.
She slowly turns around.
"I got you a present I just didn't know..." he trails off, the fact hitting him a little too hard.
"You got me a present" she asks, her eyes suddenly soft.
"Of course I did" he says, meaning it.
She opens it, smells the candles he got her and looks through the stack of books she's always wanted that he also bought for her.
"Parchment and candles" she says. "I love it" she adds before he could get too flustered, a smile growing on her face.
She pulls out a box and hands it to him.
"I didn't think you got me anything, but I've had this picked out for a while" she says.
He opens it, revealing a telescope that you make by casting a spell on it and it will build itself.
"You're always at the astronomy tower. I figured this would help you relax" she says.
"A breath of fresh air" he says, calling himself out. In this moment he doesn't even care.
"Thank you" they say at the same time. They smile for a second before he gets serious.
"Florence-" he starts.
"Theo, stop" she says quickly.
"No. You can't go back" he states.
"I know it was terrible what he did, but I'll be fine. I'm sure it was a one time thing. I really don't think he would do it again" she says. "I don't know why you're worrying about it so much"
"Yes, you do" he says, eyeing her.
She is stuck and doesn't know what to say.
"Goodnight, Theo. Thank you for the gift" she says, walking away before he can get anything else out.
All he manages is a "Ren" but it's too late. She's gone, down the hall already.

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