By storiesidkwhy

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Just a story of how loving someone so fiercely, no matter how deep down you push those feelings, can't be hid... More

Chapter 1: Florence-
Chapter 2: Florence
Chapter 3: Theo-
Chapter 4: Theo-
Chapter 5: Florence-
Chapter 6: Theo-
Chapter 7: Florence-
Chapter 8: Theo-
Chapter 9: Florence-
Chapter 11: Theo-
Chapter 12: Theo-
Chapter 13: Florence-
Chapter 14: Florence-
Chapter 15: Florence-
Chapter 16: Theo-
Chapter 17: Theo-
Chapter 18: Florence

Chapter 10: Florence-

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By storiesidkwhy

Things had changed over the last month, not including the weather that was now snowy. Theo and Florence still hung out like always, but Daphne was now in the picture and almost apart of their friend group more than anyone else had ever been. It was hard to hangout with someone when they were never alone anymore. She couldn't do things she would normally do and it caused a little separation, but they were still close. She was convinced that they could never not be close.
Still, Florence catches herself wishing things had turned out differently. She hates him for what he did, but couldn't physically hate him. She could feel her jealousy creeping up on her all the time, longing for the touch only Daphne receives now.
Draco, Blaise and Enzo didn't seem to like Daphne very much. She noticed their annoyed glances her way any time they could. Adrian just ignored her existence, which was pretty funny sometimes. Florence could get along with her, but Daphne was so short with her that it was hard to like her at all.
Daphne had joined them for breakfast, sat with them in the common room. Pretty much anywhere Theo went, she was right beside him. Florence could read Theo better than anyone and saw the care he had for her, but the underlying hatred was starting to show more and more everyday.
She heard the boys talking one afternoon about the new situation.
"Why are you with her, mate" Enzo asked, genuinely.
"Because I like her?" Theo snaps.
"Yeah, right" Blaise laughs.
"I think the dementors can smell you from here" Adrian jokes.
"Can y'all give it a rest, please? There's nothing wrong with me going out with her" Theo objects.
"Yeah, except for she's not the one you want" Draco says, flatly.
The tension shifts in the room. She can tell Theo is staring so hard at Draco.
"No, no, you're right. We're sorry. If you want to be with her, we support you, always" Adrian gives in.
The boys mutually agree with the other thoughts kept silent. Draco never says a word. Neither does Theo.
It was almost a week later when Theo had enough of the clingy ness. He started to hang out with his friends more. He missed them, but spent everyday with them. Daphne did not like this. She thought he was doing this to be around Florence more. She saw how they were with each other and was jealous of the bond they had. Daphne wasn't going to let this happen.
Florence was minding her business in the hallway, waiting for an elf to bring her a bottle of water, when Daphne came striding toward her. She was normally petty, but something was different this time.
"Florence, hey! I'm gonna need a favor from you" Daphne said with a cheeky smile.
She was acting so strange.
"Uh, okay" she whispers, looking at her confused.
"So, I get that you and Theo are close, but I need you to stop hanging out with my boyfriend as much as you do" she states.
It was more of a demand than a favor as a smirk grows on her face.
"Excuse me" Florence asks, completely surprised.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Ren" she says.
"I'm sorry, I never meant to step on any toes at all. But that's just not gonna happen" Florence scoffs. "I mean let's be real, my best friend is Draco and you know that's not going to change"
"I understand that, but I'm talking about Theo. I'm sure there's some way you can distance yourself" she pleads.
"Look, I get where you're coming from, but I'm not just ditching my friend" Florence says back.
She just stares at me before turning around and walking away without another word.
She almost felt bad, but it was the right thing to do. It's never right to stop being friends with someone over a relationship, and she was very confident that he would have done the same thing.
She just ignores what happened and heads to class.
The project we've been working on about the patronus is finally due tomorrow, and we're just finishing up some details.
They chat through most of the class, talking about one another's personal patronus. It's so interesting how it's different for everyone and they can't help but be curious and talk about it.
"I can't believe she's making us do a project over something so personal" Enzo says.
"You're right, I mean, I definitely wouldn't put it past her, but this is low, even for her" Blaise laughs.
More conversations break out.
She finishes her poster and looks around at everyone else's. Everyone had a different answer for what they thought about to conjure the patronus, and that's the beauty in it.
Draco's is the summer I returned after moving for a year. Adrians has something to do with his new baby sister. Theo's is when his dad returned to his family after leaving.
Wait. That's not even true. He told me all about how he left because of the dark mark and has acted like they never existed since then.
I give him a confused look, looking down at his poster.
He's very quick to cover it up.
"Theo, what-" she starts, but gets cut off.
"Don't. Leave it alone" he says, catching on to what she had seen.
She looks at him with a suspicious expression a little longer before turning away.
Why was he lying about his memory? What even was his memory anyway?
It was all so strange, once again. She's had enough and let's it go. She's dealt with as much confusion as she can for the year.

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