By storiesidkwhy

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Just a story of how loving someone so fiercely, no matter how deep down you push those feelings, can't be hid... More

Chapter 1: Florence-
Chapter 2: Florence
Chapter 3: Theo-
Chapter 4: Theo-
Chapter 5: Florence-
Chapter 7: Florence-
Chapter 8: Theo-
Chapter 9: Florence-
Chapter 10: Florence-
Chapter 11: Theo-
Chapter 12: Theo-
Chapter 13: Florence-
Chapter 14: Florence-
Chapter 15: Florence-
Chapter 16: Theo-
Chapter 17: Theo-
Chapter 18: Florence

Chapter 6: Theo-

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By storiesidkwhy

Thursday was just like Wednesday, just less headaches.
The only thing he had left to do today was study with Florence. Then he would finish school and get ready to party. That would lead to a weekend that would be just as fun.
He makes his way to the library and arrives earlier than she does. He gets a table for them and pulls out his books.
She walk up and makes her way to his table looking stressed.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. I got you a coffee" she says, placing the coffee in front of me.
"Oh, thanks" he says "it's fine. Uh are you good?"
"Yeah, just stressed about this stupid potions test" she says.
"Well then it's a good thing we're doing this" he grins.
She just fumbled with her fingers.
"You have to loosen up. You aren't gonna get anything done when you're overthinking" he says.
"Easier said than done" she replies back.
He's quiet for a second before getting an idea and saying "you know what I want to talk about"
She looks up at him.
"You're love for French guys" he teases.
"Oh shut up" she laughs.
He sees her relax a little more and continues saying "no, really. I'm very interested in what you find so attractive about them"
She just stares at him while shaking her head.
They joke for a little bit longer and talk about her obsession with candles, and he notices how she's more relaxed now. This is when he thinks it's okay to start now.
"So we will start with potions yeah?" He says.
She gets out her stuff and they study potions for 45 minutes. He explains everything he can in detail, making sure she understands. He knew how to do it and was just reteaching it to her. She was lost and he could tell she needed his help. She gets frustrated and he helps her calm down and figure it out. After she finally understood what was going on, they both celebrate. He could tell how happy she was that she was understanding it.
Next, she helps him with Transfigurations. He kind of gave up on that class, but in a matter of 20 minutes he was getting the hang of it. It wasn't all that bad like he thought it was.
"See, you're already doing good. You aren't as dumb as you think you are" she teases.
"I never said I was dumb, I just never pay attention and I needed to catch up" he shrugs.
"Sounds like your own problem" she laughs.
"Shut up" he sighs. "Thank you, though"
"Wait, say that again" she teases.
"You heard me" he grins.
"I should be thanking you. Now I actually have a chance to pass tomorrow's test" she says.
"Yeah, because I'm just so smart" he mocks.
"You're ridiculous" she rolls her eyes. "We can work on your other subjects next week"
"Alright" he says.
They talk for almost another hour. They didn't even realize how long they had been talking until the librarian told them the library was closing. They were just chit chatting about whatever, not even studying anymore.
They make their way back to their dorms. Florence doesn't even bother saying hey to the other guys because of how late it was. They just thanked each other again, waved bye, and walked away with one last smile.
He didn't intend on studying being as fun as it was. He learned, but didn't hate it. It wasn't boring like usual, so it was enjoyable.
All of the boys were already asleep when he got back. They were all exhausted from Tuesday and were going to bed early in hopes to catch up on sleep for Friday. Theo intended to do this also, but didn't think he would stay out til 10 with Florence. He knew they were going to have questions for him in the morning, but that didn't bother him.
Everyone was hyped for the party tonight. It was what everyone was excited for.
They woke up with that on their minds.
The 5 boys and Mattheo were chilling in the Common Room by themselves.
"Why were you out so late last night, buddy" Enzo teases toward Theo.
"Ouuuu, Theo did you get you some" Blaise jokes.
"You didn't do it in public, right? Oh my God" Adrian laughs.
"No, shut up you idiots" Theo laughs it off.
They continue to tease him, not thinking anything of it.
Draco was very quiet. He saw them last night. He went to the library for a book he needs in a class and saw their little study session. He was surprised at first, but then took a second to watch how the 2 interacted with each other. He could tell that they knew how to joke with one another and how they carried a conversation so naturally with each other. They were more lively with each other and Draco could tell that they were starting to understand the other deeply. Draco was both of their best friends. He knew both of them so well and saw straight through them. He knew more than they probably did. He would never say anything, though. He was planning to let them figure it out themselves. And as far as Draco could tell, nobody knew the 2 well enough to notice what was actually going on.
They go on with their day, just trying to get through classes and get to the party.
They go to Potions where they have a test.
Theo was fine, but he knew Florence was stressed as could be.
He saw her messing with her fingers and he put his hand over them so she would stop.
"Stop" he looked dead in her eyes.
Suddenly, they're both aware of what he just did. She stares at his hands on hers and looks up at him.
"You're gonna do fine" he says.
She grins and they get back to their seats as Snape hands out the test.
They finish the test and he looks over at her with 'so?' eyes.
"I think I did good, but I still don't know. Some of them were 50/50" she says.
"Which ones" he asks.
They discuss the test and compare answers that they remember for the rest of class. Turns out she might not have done as bad as she thinks, but Theo wasn't going to ruin that surprise for her.
They rushed through school and met in the boys dorm. They pregamed for a while, just talking until they heard the music come on in the Common Room.
They were already pretty drunk when they walked in. The decorations made the place glow.
They all walked on the dance floor and found a partner.
They had been dancing for an hour when Theo took a break. He sat on the sofa and took in the scene in front of him.
Draco was dancing with Astoria, Adrian found a group of people to take shots with and Enzo and Florence were dancing together. They were all majorly drunk.
He remembered seeing Florence dancing with Cassius when Enzo pulled her aside. They took shots together and Theo joined them for one. Then Enzo brought her to the dance floor.
He walked up to them and told Enzo to get lost.
He looked her up and down and she knew exactly what he wanted.
All eyes were on them as they danced like nobody was watching.
Mattheo sees them and immediately walks over to them. He puts his hand on Theo's shoulder and moves him away from her.
"Nice of you to give me a turn" he stares at him.
Theo's look could've killed him as Mattheo started dancing with her.
He walks away and gets more to drink.
The party is still hot when 1 AM rolls around.
There's about 3 make out sessions happening, Draco and Astoria being one of them. Blaise had disappeared and Enzo was dancing with another girl. Florence had also disappeared.
He knew it was a party and that it happens, but he had a little bit of worry in him because of how drunk his friends were.
He decided to not think too much of it for once and chill. He ended up falling asleep on the sofa in the Common Room.
He woke up to conversations going on around him.
A bunch of boys had gathered around the sofa he slept on and were talking about the events of the night before.
He tuned them out and tried to relax, but a certain conversation woke him up.
"I am very aware of where Florence was last night" Mattheo says to someone who asked.
Theo sits up.
"She's hot in bed. Very kinky" he says.
Draco and Theo got to their feet.
"Shut your fucking mouth, Mattheo" Theo says.
He knew damn well that Florence didn't sleep with Mattheo last night, and Theo did not like him spreading lies about her. Especially about this topic.
Draco looked a little surprised that Theo was aware of the situation.
"What? I'm just saying, she knew exactly what she was doing" Mattheo was laughing. He was obviously doing this for attention.
"That's enough" Draco shouts.
"You have no idea what you're talking about, quit with the fucking lies" Theo yells.
"Jealous I got a piece, Theo?" Mattheo pushes.
This pushed Theo over the edge. Theo has never felt so much anger in his life.
Before Draco could grab him, Theo leaped toward Mattheo.
He swung twice, hitting him square. Mattheo was off balance, but before Theo could hit him again Mattheo hit him 3 times. This split Theo's eyebrow and busted his lip.
He regained balance and swung at Mattheo, hard. This time he reacted quick enough, and knocked Mattheo to the ground. He got on top of him and started swinging. He felt blood on his hands, saw blood covering Mattheo's face. He never stopped swinging until multiple hands dragged him away.
The hands belonged to Draco, Enzo, Blaise, Cassius, and Adrian. It took all of them to get Theo off of him.
Blaise checked on Theo and went to assist Mattheo. There was a large group around him, helping him. He needed all the assistance he could get from the looks of it.
Theo looked at the scene and Draco stared at him.
"You know, don't you?" Draco says.
"Yeah, I know more than you think" Theo looks at him and walks straight out.
He goes straight to his dorm.
He didn't understand what took over him. Why did he react like that? Why did it bother him as bad as it did? He couldn't wrap his head around what just happened. Why did he do that?
All at once, it hit him.
He was absolutely not okay with it. He had to get her out of his head. No way he could let this happen.
He grabbed the bottle of liquor on his shelf and didn't even hesitate. He chugged a few big gulps. He didn't slow down until he finished half of the once full bottle. He wanted to forget. The sting of the liquor down his throat helped. He was going back to bad habits.
No matter what he did, he still could not get her out of his head.
He was heavily drunk at this point, and could barely comprehend what he was doing. He found himself stumbling down the hallway.
He doesn't know how he got here, but he was standing in front of Florences dorm. He doesn't know why he naturally went to her, but there he was.
Before he could think about what he was doing, he was knocking on her door.
She opens the door, not expecting the scene in front of her.
Her eyes widen immediately.
He knew that she could tell what had happened and he didn't even have to say anything. His state gave it away. Drunk and beaten up explained it, especially because of how well she knows him. He was just hoping she didn't read him any further.
"Oh, Theo" she says, sorrow filling her eyes.
He doesn't say anything. He just looks up at her.
She opens the door and pulls his arm for him to come inside.
He walks inside and she closes the door behind them.
She walks forward and pulls at his sleeve.
"Come here" she says.
She leads him to the counter and examines his cuts.
"Give me a second" she says.
He sits up on the counter as she walks away. She's back in no time with a first aide kit.
"It's not true, is it" he finally speaks.
She's soaking a paper towel in alcohol when she answers.
"Of course not. He just noticed how drunk I was and tried to use that to his advantage" she says.
His fist clenched.
"I almost went looking for you too. I knew I should've" he says.
"Don't blame this on yourself. You knew I could  handle myself" she says.
He just nods his head as she gets ready to clean his cuts.
"I told him to fuck off and left his dorm. Went to mine and went to bed" she finishes.
"I knew it" he grins as she positions herself to assist the boy.
They both are suddenly aware of the position they are in and how close they are.
Theo is sitting up on the counter. Florence is standing between his straddled legs so she can get to his face. She is standing on her tip toes and keeping her hand on his thigh for balance because of how short she is.
She gets closer and Theo's breath catches in his throat. He's hoping she didn't notice. They are both timid and kind of nervous.
He relaxes as she focuses on the cut on his eyebrow.
She cups her hand around his cheek to reposition his head so she can see the cut better. She moves his head down and closer to her face.
He tries to not look at her so he doesn't do anything he regrets, but that is short lived. He looks down at her, staring into her focused eyes.
She tilts her head up a little and he finds himself staring down at her lips.
He doesn't look away until she walks away to get a bandaid. Even then his eyes are still glued on her.
She stands the same way as she places the bandaid on his cut.
Florence knew Theo was attractive, but he was even more attractive with cuts on his face.
She starts to wipe the cut on his lip.
Theo felt like he was in a trance. Almost mesmerized by the girl in front of him. His eyes were locked on her and he couldn't find a way to take them off.
She finishes with the last cut and looks up at him, not daring to move away.
She stares at him and her eyes flick to his lips. She takes a breath and looses her balances. Theo places his hands on her hips to steady her again. He steps to the floor when this happens. Florences hand grabbed his shirt for support and her other hand never left the back of his head.
They stare at each other's lips and then back up into each other's eyes. Within a second, they both knew exactly what the other wanted. They didn't even hesitate.
Both of their hands pulled the other closer and they both let their body relax on the others.
Their lips crashed together so naturally and easily.
Their bodies were grabbing at the other, craving the feeling of the other. There was no space between the 2, but it was like they still weren't close enough. Even through the strong smell of booze, he was engulfed in her familiar candle lit smell. It felt like a long awaited kiss.
Neither dared to stop or slow the kiss as they go in for more.
His hands travel from her hips to her thighs as he picks her up, never breaking the kiss.
His face is tilted up and she deepens the kiss.
He leads her to a wall and slams her against it, breaking the kiss temporarily.
He looks at her, wanting nothing but her.
He goes in for more, but she places her hands on his chest and looks away. He looks at her.
"You're extremely drunk, Theo" she says.
"But I know what I'm doing though" he says.
She just stares at him.
He wants nothing more than to continue what they were doing, but he knew her and knew what was right.
"No, you're right. I'm sorry" he says.
"Don't be sorry. That's not what I meant" she says.
"I know but-" he pauses.
His thoughts take over. He knew he couldn't have her. He hates himself for letting his wants take over. She needed to be as far away from him as she could to be safe. He was only trouble and he would never forgive himself if she got hurt because of him. He couldn't continue whatever he had with her and he knew that.
"I have to go" he says, pushing past her.
"Wait, Theo" she tries, but it is too late. He is already out the door.
She didn't know what to think. She was obviously attracted to Theo, but she didn't know what to do. She thought he hated her and would never want anything to do with her, but his actions today said otherwise. The mixed signals were confusing her.
Theo never stops until he gets to his dorm, even when Draco could obviously tell that something had happened.
He was going insane about that stupid girl. How could he let that happen? Things were going to have to change. That could not continue. He knew his feelings, but for her sake, this had to come to a stop.

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