By storiesidkwhy

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Just a story of how loving someone so fiercely, no matter how deep down you push those feelings, can't be hid... More

Chapter 1: Florence-
Chapter 2: Florence
Chapter 4: Theo-
Chapter 5: Florence-
Chapter 6: Theo-
Chapter 7: Florence-
Chapter 8: Theo-
Chapter 9: Florence-
Chapter 10: Florence-
Chapter 11: Theo-
Chapter 12: Theo-
Chapter 13: Florence-
Chapter 14: Florence-
Chapter 15: Florence-
Chapter 16: Theo-
Chapter 17: Theo-
Chapter 18: Florence

Chapter 3: Theo-

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By storiesidkwhy

He was used to having a hangover headache on the first day back. It wouldn't be a first day without it.
He took his time getting ready and was in no hurry to start his day that would lead to a very long school year.
He shares a dorm with Draco, Blaise and Enzo so he waits on them to go down and get breakfast.
The 4 boys were a squad. They did everything together and were close. Adrian and Mattheo would join sometimes.
Now that Florence was in school, he could already tell that she was going find a way to be up their asses and in their business all the time. He understood that she has no other friends for now, but he doesn't understand why she can't leave them alone and make some herself.
Theo has to remind himself all the time that Draco, Blaise and Florence are a trio and that she'll be around a lot. He only puts up with it for his two best mates.
They sit and talk, waiting for the breakfast feast to begin.
He watches as Florence shows up 5 minutes before breakfast is supposed to start.
She finds them and immediately heads to their table.
This is what he means. Like this would be the perfect opportunity to make friends and she just has to sit next to them.
He doesn't even understand why it bothers him so much. She was just so intoxicating and it made him angry.
His eyes don't come off of her until she sits down next to Enzo. He does look back multiple times as they make conversation.
Classes is what he was dreading today.
The only subject he was good at was potions. Everything else he just didn't have any interest in. Passing was easy, but motivation was hard to get sometimes.
He follows Adrian to the first class together, which is Transfigurations.
He keeps to himself for most of the day.
Walking into his fourth class he sees Florence sitting at a table by herself.
Slytherins have potions with Gryffindors, so obviously Theo wasn't going to sit next to them.
He didn't know anyone else, so he sits next to her.
She never looks up from her book when she says "I'm surprised you want to sit next to a whore"
He just chuckles and says "I mean, where else am I supposed to sit" as he looks around.
"Yeah, you're right." She says, finally putting the book down and looking up.
Just then, Snape walks in and announces that who they are sitting by is their partner for the rest of the year.
"You're good at potions aren't you" she asks.
"Yeah" he says.
"Perfect" she smirks.
"Oh hell no, I'm not doing all of the work" he grins as he catches on.
"You might as well get used to me, Nott" she smirks again.
"I just don't see that happening, Shrine" he rolls his eyes.
They sit in a comfortable silence as Snape teaches for the rest of class.
His next class was Defense Against the Dark Arts.
As he walks down the hall to his next class, he notices Florence following him.
"What's your problem" he turns to be face to face with her.
"What are you talking about, freak" she scrunches her eyebrows.
"You obsessed with me or something? Quit following me" he demands.
"I'm just going to class, Theo" she says as she walks past him and into a classroom.
His body is stuck as he realizes they have another class together.
He knows she probably thinks he's an idiot who just happens to be a jerk too. He can't help but feel bad. If he would've known they had another class together, he would've minded his own business. He didn't mean to come off as such a dickhead. He just brushes it off because he didn't care if he was rude to Florence.
He sees Blaise, Draco and Adrian walk into the same class.
He follows after them.
They had already made their seats next to Florence. He sits down next to them.
"Why do you keep sitting next to me? Are you obsessed with me or something" Florence rolls her eyes and smirks at him.
It did make him seem pretty dumb, and that made him so mad.
The boys just laughed and continued to talk.
Soon enough, all classes were over for the day unless you had athletics.
Theo, and all of his friends would workout during athletics, or play Quidditch.
Hanging out in the locker room was always fun with just the guys.
To Theo it was just another school day and it was over soon enough.
He was dreading the repetitive days and feeling like you're living the same day over and over again with school. He was just praying he would find something enjoyable this year.
A couple days went by and it felt the same. Got through classes without saying much. Hung out in his dorm or the common room with his friends. Did homework. That's all he did for 2 days.
Of course, Florence could be found in Draco and Blaises dorm, which happened to be Theo's dorm also. If he was being honest, she wasn't really bothering anyone. He could tell she felt the same way about school as he did, so for once he didn't mind her chilling with them. She mainly kept to herself and just enjoyed the company of her friends, and that is what Theo didn't have a problem with.
Theo was excited that it was Thursday and the weekend was only 2 days away. There was always a party after the first week of school because a lot of the teachers will be gone to Hogsmeade with the 3rd years. It was the perfect opportunity for a gigantic party.
He looked over at Florence who was having a rather difficult time in potions.
"Do you need help" he asks. He was her partner after all.
"Yes please. How are you so good at this" she says, never taking her eyes off of her messed up potion. She looked extremely frustrated and confused.
"It's really not that difficult" he says, taking over.
"I don't know why I have such a hard time in just this class. Every other class is so easy" she says.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I suck at every other class except this one" he chuckles.
She laughs and watches as he corrects her potion.
"There you go" he hands it back to her.
"Oh my god." She looks at it with disbelief. "you should tutor me"
"What? No, get someone else to tutor you" he states.
"Like who, Theo? Look around, I don't know anybody in this class. You're the only person I know here, Draco and Blaise are in a different, more advanced, potions class, and Enzo is an idiot" she smiles. "Plus, you're actually really good at it and you're my partner, so"
She made a good point. Draco and Blaise haven't done this in 2 years, so they won't remember anything we're learning. Enzo makes worse grades than he does. He doesn't have anyone to help him on his stuff either.
He knew he was going to regret this.
He sighs "fine, but you have to help me too"
"Deal" she says.
"And we're only meeting once or twice a week" he says.
"Perfectly fine with me. I don't want to spend all of my time doing this either" she says.
"Start next week?" He asks.
"Ok" she says.
They talk about school work in the classes they have for the rest of potions class.
They made their way to defense against the dark arts. Might as well walk together since they're going to the same place was Theo's mindset. They talked about the new project in this class as they walked the halls.
They were still chatting when Draco, Blaise and Adrian walked into class and sat in their seats next to them.
"So this project is a group project" Adrian asks.
"Yes, Enzo told me this morning in first period that we have the whole class to work on it today" Florence says.
This is the first year Theo doesn't have a class with Enzo, and he can feel himself get angry that she does.
"It's due in a month. We have to present it to the class" Draco adds on.
"What is the project, I wasn't exactly paying attention" Theo asks.
"You count sleeping as not paying attention" Florence laughs.
"Shut up, Ren" he grins.
"We have to figure out what each of our patronus is, draw it, and and explain what it means" Adrian explains.
"How the fuck-" Blaise starts.
"We have to practice the spell" Florence questions.
"Yeah, probably in our own time" Theo says.
"Yeah, no way Umbitch is going to let us right now" Draco says bitterly.
"My ass, she will" Florence says as she gets her wand out.
"Florence" Blaise warns.
"Follow my lead" she says.
Florence does a spell that causes smoke to go everywhere. The front of the class can't see the back where they were sitting anymore.
"Who did that" Umbridge yells. "Come forward right now"
"Expecto patronum" Florence says in a mid whisper. She tries the spell a few more times.
Draco gets up and starts to do the same thing as her.
Theo would've tried with them, but his mind was going blank on what happy memory to use. He didn't really have many.
They practice for 15 more minutes as Umbridge tries to get the smoke out of the classroom.
"She's coming this way" Blaise warns.
"Oh shit" Adrian mumbles as he scatters for his chair.
"What is going on over here" she questions.
Florence let's out a snort that causes the rest of the boys to burst out laughing. Theo hated Umbridge, so seeing her like this was hilarious in his eyes.
"Which one of you casted that spell" she yells.
"Oops. Got to go, professor. That's the bell" Florence smiled at her as she gathers her stuff.
"Get back over here" she demands.
They all run out of the class and down the hall. By the time they make it to the Slytherin common room, they are all laughing so hard tears are falling down their cheeks.
"Ren, what were you thinking" Blaise laughs.
"Hey, it worked" she shrugs. "Did y'all get a good idea on what to do now"
"Yeah, it might take a few tries but I think I can manage one now" Adrian says.
We all nod in agreement. All the boys mentally agreed to skip athletics today.
Theo had no intentions on telling them how he couldn't think of anything.
All of the boys get their wands out again and try casting the spell.
They practice, talk, laugh, tell stories, and joke around for a long time.
Theo did everything except practice. He would talk and tell funny stories and laugh really hard with everyone. He didn't want anyone to notice his lack of casting the spell.
The boys started to practice again, but Florence decided to sit out this time.
She noticed Theo sitting with his head down.
"Are you okay, Theo" she asks, sitting down next to him.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he says, looking up at her.
"Why don't you go practice a little before we head in for bed" she suggests.
"No, it's okay" he looks back down.
"You can't do it, can you" she questions, looking at him with sorrowful eyes.
"Of course I can, I just don't want to anymore" he snaps.
She looks at him and pauses before saying "It does drain all of my energy too"
He can tell she knew he couldn't do it. She read him so well, and she looked straight through him this time. He appreciated her not pushing him any farther.
After a while, they all go to dinner together. The mood was light and they were having such a fun time.
Florence made sure to not bring it up anymore and he couldn't help but stare at her with thankful eyes. She wanted him to have a good time too, so she forgot about it.
Theo couldn't have been more thankful it was Friday.
He was in a much better mood than he has been in since showing up to Hogwarts.
He talked with Adrian in first period to catch up on work.
Him and Florence talked all class instead of did their work on accident. All class they talked about random things. They didn't mean to talk for as long as they did, but they continued to talk as they walked to their last class together.
Umbridge was not happy with them at all, but they denied until she finally gave up. They couldn't help but laugh at the events of yesterday. The group decided to just talk until the weekend officially started. Of course, it turned into them being the loudest group. They were told to be quiet multiple times, but their laughing fits had no control.
They walked into the common room, and kids were already setting up for the party tomorrow night.

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