The Orphan in the TARDIS

By theatregirlsmp

26.5K 692 245

The story begins with a girl of a mere five years. She's saved from aliens by the Oncoming Saviour... I mean... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Three

205 6 6
By theatregirlsmp

Ianto doesn't question the Doctor, just scooping Sophie into his arms. He follows the Time Lady into her TARDIS. The Gallifreyan leads him through winding corridors. The Welshman would be remiss to say that he didn't want to explore the amazing ship, but follows the Doctor to the med bay.

The room is large, bright lights making the white walls and floor almost impossible to look at. There are a few medical tables, as well as many devices that Ianto can't even begin to guess the uses of. The farthest wall in the room is lined with shelves, some of then medical tools, while others seem specific for aliens.

The Doctor smiles, noticing the way the Welshman is looking around the room. She clears her throat, and Ianto snaps his head to the woman. "You can set her down here."

He snaps forward, placing the woman gently onto the chair that the Time Lord had indicated. As soon as Sophie is in the chair the Doctor moves beside her, grabbing a lot of equipment off the hook on the wall. As she moves around the room, she notices the Welshman standing awkwardly in the center of the room. "You can head back out if you want. I'm sure Graham, Yaz, and Ryan have some questions for you. I'll be out in a tic."

Ianto nods, turning out of the room. The Doctor looks over at Sophie, who smirks, although it looks more like a grimace. "What are the odds he actually makes it out of the TARDIS before you?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'd say Mr. Jones' chances are better than most. The TARDIS really seems to like him."

"That's a good sign. I like him too. So, you said you could fix me up."

"I said the TARDIS could fix you up." The Doctor unwinds a a tube from her arm. She extracts a needle, fixing it to one end of the tube. She fastens the other end to a nozzle on the wall. Carefully the Time Lady rolls up Sophie's sleeve. "She's a lot better at all this medical stuff than I am." The Doctor cleans the inside of her elbow with a small wipe, and moves the needle for her arm, "This may hurt a bit, but you should fall unconscious soon. You'll be right as rain before you know it."

The woman nods, as the Gallifreyan injects the needle. The Doctor turns to leave the room. Sophie grabs her sleeve, causing the Time Lady to turn back. "Please, Doc, try to be careful. And, if at all possible, could you wait until after I'm healed to catch the alien? I'd like to meet them."

"Aw, don't worry, Jackie Lyn. Careful is my middle name," she winks. "As for catching this alien, I wouldn't dare let them leave without you getting a word in." She reaches toward the woman, placing a hand on her cheek, "Feel better, kiddo, I need my best mate fighting fit."

Sophie rolls her eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Go on, you got an alien to apprehend." She holds put her hand, her pointer and middle finger pulled away from her ring and small finger, "Live long and prosper, Doc."

The Doctor matches the hand motion, "Peace and long life, Jackie Lyn." The Time Lady quickly exits the med bay, dimming the bright lights and slowly letting the doors swing closed.


The Doctor exits the TARDIS to discover Ianto explaining the Rift to her companions. She smiles as the Welshman answers Graham's questions, not seeming the least bit annoyed at how basic they seem. The Time Lady claps her hands, pushing herself from her leaning position. "Right, we really must be heading to this crash site. I'm very curious as to what aliens these might be, and you know what they say, 'Curiosity killed the cat!'"

"And satisfaction brought him back," Ianto responds, almost as if it's instinctive. "The rest of the team has the Torchwood van, but that isn't our only mode of transportation."

"I swear, if you say Vortex Manipulator, I will leave, right now."

"Oh, no. Jack never lets us near his glorified watch." The Welshman leads the group into a garage like room, the lights slowly coming on as he moves. Theres and empty spot, with some different gadgets lying on the ground. Beside the empty parking spot is a small yellow car. A smile fills the Time Lady's face as she rushes at the speedster. She practically coos as she caresses the side of the car.

"Uh, Doctor," Yaz starts, "Do you need some time alone with the car?"

"Hm?" the Gallifreyan asks, spinning quickly to face her companion. "Sorry. Fam, meet Bessie, Bessie this is the fam."

The lights on the front of the car come on, and the horn honks. Ryan jumps back, nearly knocking Graham off his feet. Ianto smirks a small bit, approaching the car. "If we may, Bessie, Doctor, there is an alien crash site that could be helpful to see."

"Righto!" the Doctor say, swinging into the driver's seat. She waves Ryan, Yaz, and Graham in, while Ianto climbs in on the passenger side. Ianto, Ryan, and Yaz sit on the back bench, as Graham grabs the front seat.

Ryan glances at Yaz, "Does this thing even still run?"

The Doctor turns around, pointing a finger at her companion, "You can stay here if you want, Ryan Sinclair. Bessie is brilliant, and of course she works."

He holds up his hands in surrender, and the Time Lady faces front again, starting up the old speedster. The engine purrs as the Doctor backs out of the garage. "Where are we headed, Mr. Jones?" The Welshman rattles off an address and the Doctor smiles, "You may want to hold onto something," she says, pulling a large lever affixed to the dash. The car rockets off down the road, moving so fast you can't look around without getting ill. It takes the group less than five minutes to get to the destination, and as they exit the vehicle Ryan and Graham look a little queasy.

A bark of laughter resounds, and the group all turn to find Jack Harkness standing on the sidewalk, his hands shoved in his trouser pockets.

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