Do You Remember?

By n_works

5.2K 182 50

Freya and Rebekah make an impossible decision, but a decision they had to make. It ended Hope's suffering but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A/N: Sorry for the long wait
A/N: I'm back, for now.
Chapter 7
A/N: Sorry for the long wait but it will take a while
A/N: more time to write soon!
Chapter 8 - THE END

Chapter 6

371 14 15
By n_works


Hope opens her eyes, her body exhausted from the night before. She had practiced magic, using books she had found in the library. She tried vanishing objects, calling objects towards her, making flowers bloom, and even setting a piece of paper aflame. These weren't good ideas because now her room was a mess. Her desk tipped over, and her notebooks burnt to a crisp.

"Oh god, I have a lot to learn," she flung herself back onto her bed after taking in her destructive magic.

To her despair, a banging began on her door. She groaned into her pillow, yelling, "Go away. I need more sleep!"

"I don't think so, Mikaelson! Open up, or I'll get my dad to come to get you!"

Hope would rather have Alaric than Lizzie if she were honest with herself, but she didn't want to bother the man.

"Fine, I'm coming!" Hope groaned in defeat.

With a small yawn and a few close calls to break her head open, she got to the door and unlocked it to see a frustrated Lizzie.

"Alright, Mikaelson, now tell me why my sister came home late." Lizzie started with a sincere look.

"You ruined my sleep just to interrogate me? Go away!" Hope groaned in frustration.

The Mikaelson tried slamming the door, but with a small spell, Lizzie flung it open.

"How-" Hope wanted to ask before she got interrupted.

"OH MY GOD" Lizzie walked in with her jaw open; Hope thought she could catch a fly.

"What the hell happened?" Lizzie asked in shock as she saw the chaos that was Hope Mikaelson's room.

"Just a few mistakes, that's all." Hope rubbed the back of her neck anxiously.

Lizzie glared at her, "A few mistakes? So, you're calling my sister a mistake? I should have known you guys were up to something when she came to our room with a huge smile-"

"She was smiling?" Hope lightened up to that; she was glad she made Josie happy.

Lizzie slapped her hand to her forehead, "Not the point, Mikaelson! You slept with my sister, and now you're calling it a mistake!?"

Hope gasped, "Woah! I never said I did that! Look, Josie is nice and pretty, but I wouldn't- we wouldn't-" her face heated up as Lizzie gave her a curious look, "ahem, we're just friends."

Lizzie shook her head, "Yeah, okay, so what is this mess?"

"Uhm, I may have been trying to learn magic...." The Mikaelson began looking at her shoes.

"Wow, you need some serious help." Lizzie laughed in disbelief.

Hope nodded, "Yeah, Josie was teaching me about my family last night, and I just thought maybe I should try getting in touch with my witch side."

Lizzie huffed, "So that's why my dear sister came back so late."

Hope rolled her eyes, "Yeah, it's whatever, though; obviously, I'm never going to learn magic."

She sighed, and just before she was about to sit on the edge of her bed, the blonde twin grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of the room. "Listen, as much as I don't like you; I can't have a troubled witch walking around this school. I mean, this school has a reputation to uphold."

That's how Hope found herself sitting on Lizzie's bed with an old book in her hands.

"We have to start from the beginning, Mikaelson." Lizzie flipped to the book's first page, "ah yes, a light spell!"

Hope looked at Lizzie curiously as the witch read the words out loud and a small light formed in her hands.

Hope couldn't help but think it was beautiful; it shined so brightly it almost reminded her of Josie.

"Okay, now you do it," Lizzie told her student.

"Wait, do what you just did?" Hope asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it can't be that bad," Lizzie said as if it was no big deal, knowing that Hope could do it without any problem. The tribrid had performed much more complex spells before losing her memories after all.

Hope muttered under her breath, "If I burn your hair off, I'm sorry."

"What was that?" Lizzie raised her eyebrow.

"Um, nothing" Hope grabbed the book and read the words out loud, "tenebras spero lucem"

A second passed...

A few seconds passed...

And then it felt like an eternity of Hope just staring at her hand.

"Oh my god, Mikaelson, you really are hopeless!" Lizzie groaned in frustration.

Hope huffed, "Look, I just don't know how to."

Lizzie sighed, "You have to concentrate, not on the words but on how you feel. Close your eyes."

"Uh, why?" Hope was confused.

"Because I said so!" Lizzie demanded.

Hope rolled her eyes, "Okay, fine, Ms. Bossy."

Lizzie huffed, "Don't make me regret this, Mikaelson. Look, just focus on your body and on how you feel." Lizzie tried her best to remain patient.

So Hope did; she closed her eyes and concentrated on herself.

At first, she felt nothing; she almost had forgotten what it felt like to just focus on herself.

"Now listen, because I know you can hear everything around you. Listen to the halls, the heartbeats, the sensations of magic. Find something inside of you that calms you, that you can feel flowing through, that source you have...." Lizzie expressed.

Hope concentrated, her eyebrows scrunched as she listened intently. She hears a slight rustling and soon realizes it's the wind rustling the leaves. Then she listens closely to the chatter in the school, the wolves panting as they work out, the witches giggling as they gossip, the vampires zooming through classes, and then she hears Josie. Josie's laugh, and then she hears herself. She zones in on her own heartbeat, Hope Mikaelson's heartbeat. She feels the sensation of her blood pumping in and out of her, and then she feels it. The flow and pull of magic, the source Lizzie was talking about.

"I think I got it, Lizzie." Hope expressed calmly, still being deep in the moment.

Lizzie gives a small "good" before adjusting herself on the bed and saying very slowly, "Now repeat the words with the correct pronunciation and pull from that source, help it along the way to your palm. Encourage it, Hope. Lead it."

So that's what Hope did; she focused on it and then whispered, "tenebras spero lucem."

She followed the sensation; she felt it stop, pushing it through like a hammer breaking glass. Then it was gone. She huffed, keeping her eyes closed.

"I don't think it worked." Hope felt frustrated, not ready to open her eyes.

Lizzie laughed loudly, "Open your eyes, dummy."

The Mikaelson slowly opened her eyes to see a ball of light shining so beautiful and bright.

"Wow" Was all she could say.

"Yes, wow. You did it; great job, Mikaelson. You're one step closer to being the all-powerful tribrid again." Lizzie congratulated her student.

Hope closed her hand, extinguishing the light, and gave Lizzie Saltzman, the snarky blonde twin, a big smile.


"Uh, Lizzie, what are we doing here?" Hope asked in confusion.

The siphoner laughed, "You want to impress my sister, right?"

Hope paused, "Oh wait- that's not what l-"

Lizzie interrupted, "So I will teach you fire spells!!!"

Hope blinked. "Fire....spells?"

Lizzie nodded, "Yep. We'll try lighting this candle on fire."

She grabbed a candle from the countertop and stared at it, "Incendia."

A small fighting flame broke through, moving and twirling like a hungry wolf.

"Easy, right?"

Hope nodded, "Yeah.... easy...."

Lizzie gestured for her to try. So, Hope stepped closer in all her pride and fear, stepped closer, breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly. She stared at the extinguished flame and then let out a small "incienda."

Lizzie stuttered, "Hope, wait, that's not the right-"

A loud bang could be heard throughout the hall.

The students only saw a cursing Lizzie with really burnt hair, hitting Hope with a spoon.

"Ahem, okay, Hope. Let's try that again." Now that Lizzie had her hair fixed with a simple spell, she was ready to help the Mikaelson again. Lucky for our siphoner twins, they could always siphon magic from the school's walls. "Now remember, it's incendia, not whatever the hell you said."

The tribrid nodded, "Right, okay."

She stared at the flame, breathed in, and focused on her source of power then, "Incendia."

A small flame of fire appeared, and the redhead smiled in victory.

"Guess you're finally getting the hang of things. Great, now we're going to bake something because I think I deserve a treat for you burning my hair off." In the end, Lizzie said with a slightly bitter tone, but Hope couldn't blame her for that.

Hope laughed, like an actual laugh. After Josie, this was the second genuine laugh the tribrid with memory loss had in a long time.

"What are you laughing at, Mikaelson?" The blond siphoner asked in surprise.

Hope shrugged, "You know, Lizzie, you really aren't that bad."

The blonde rolled her eyes, "I was never that bad, Hope." She gave the Mikaelson a small smile before teaching her how to make cookies.

"Wow, Lizzie!!! These look so good!" Hope looked at the cookies in awe.

"I know, now go give them to my sister." Lizzie shoved the box of cookies into Hope's hands.

"Wait- I thought they were for you?"

The blonde huffed, "They were, but I decided that it's better you go impress my sister. Also, I ate a few when you weren't looking."

Hope's mouth dropped. She didn't get any; Lizzie would smack her hands when she tried.

"Wait, what?" Hope asked, still confused.

But then she was shoved out of the kitchen before she could protest.

The redhead huffed and grumbled before making her way to the twin's room. She was a little nervous. She didn't know why she shouldn't be. Josie was her friend, after all.

She brought her hand to the door slowly, gulping. Her fingers just hover over the wooden door. 'Just knock. It really isn't that hard.' She thought to herself.

"Hope?" Josie asked, hopefully.

She spun around to see the brunette twin looking at her curiously.

"Oh, Josie! Hey!!!" Hope greeted her, trying to play her nervousness off.

"Hey Hope, where have you been? I haven't seen you all day." Josie asked with a smile, happy to see the tribrid.

The Mikaelson scratched the back of her neck, "I've just been doing some things."

Josie nodded slowly. "Cool, hey, want to come into my room? It seemed like you were planning to go in there anyways."

"Yeah, I'd love to." Hope smiled.

Josie opened the door, leading Hope inside.

"So, why'd you come here?" Josie asked as she sat on her bed.

Hope fiddled with the box of cookies in her hands from across Josie.

The brunette must have noticed the box of cookies because she got up and grabbed the box.

"Hey, are these yours? Can I have some? They're my favorite." Josie looked at Hope with her big brown eyes.

"Yeah, of course!" Hope nodded.

Wow, Lizzie really did help her out.

Josie took one out and took a bite. Her eyes instantly lit up with delight.

"Oh my god, Hope! Did you make these? They're so good! They taste almost like..." Josie thought about it before landing on "magic...."

Hope laughed, "That's because they are. Lizzie was helping me learn some spells."

"Really? That seems unlike her." Josie smiled with a raised eyebrow in disbelief, making Hope laugh.

"I know, but she saw my destroyed room and thought she needed to give me her Lizzie Saltzman helping hand."

Josie giggled, "I'm guessing it went well?"

Hope nodded, "yeah, I learned quite a few things. Here look."

Hope dragged Josie to the plant side of the brunette's room.

The Mikaelson looked around before finding a pot with nothing in it. She then grabbed the bag of soil near the plants and poured it into the pot.

Hope smiled, "Okay, you ready? I just learned this, so I hope I don't mess it up." The redhead gave Josie a shy smile.

"I think you'll do great, Hope," Josie reassured her.

With that, the Mikaelson whispered a tiny spell, and a small green leaf grew from an incoming vine, then a bud, a petal, and then a beautiful flower.

"Wow, Hope, it's beautiful" Josie smiled as she inspected it.

"Thank you." Hope felt very proud of herself.

"I think Lizzie taught you well. See, you really have the power to do anything you set your mind to. I mean, you're a Mikaelson after all." Josie reminded her of the strength her family holds.

Hope smiled even brighter at that.

After a while, Hope and Josie decided to walk across the school. Josie wanted to show Hope more around, and it also used a good digestion walk after they ate so many cookies.

"So this is Jed and the pack." Josie introduced the tribrid to the wolves as they reached the gym.

It was a little nerve-wracking to Hope, but Jed seemed nice. He takes her around, introducing her to the pack. Later they end up playing a game of dodgeball which Hope really enjoys.

Josie watches from the side and claps whenever she hits someone with a ball.

"Alright, Hope, I'll go easy on you." Jed says slowly.

They were about to brawl.

"Sure, go right ahead. It makes it easier to win for me." The Mikaelson women said in laughter.

Jed rolls his eyes and throws the first fist. Quickly Hope dodges it bringing a fist to his rib. He grunts in pain, and his eyes only show shock. Then he snaps into it, blocking Hope's next punch to his face. He has her arm as he pulls her forward, but she reacts quickly by chopping (A/N: this word is a wrestling term, and I'm not very good with fighting terms, but basically, she hits the inside of the arm, causing the elbow to bend - L.B.) the arm and jumping over him. She then grabbed him by his neck and put him in a chokehold. He grunted, panting for air, but she wouldn't let him off easy.

Eventually, Jed tapped out, gasping as he was released.

"You still got it in you, Mikaelson" He smiled like he knew something she didn't.

Claps could be heard, and as Hope turned, she noticed it was Josie smiling proudly.

"She likes you." Jed casually said from behind Hope before he chugged his water.

Hope laughed it off, "Who? Josie? No, we're just friends."

Jed shrugged, "If I were you, I'd shoot my shot."

"Shut up." Hope rolled her eyes and sprayed water on his face.

He laughed as he wiped away the water. Hope could feel that their friendship was going to be strong.

But that's when she heard it, a small giggle. She turned and looked at Josie, laughing as one of the wolves leaned against the wall and talked to her as he ran his hand up along her arm.

Hope could only feel disgusted, the urge to say something strong. She couldn't breathe, her hands started shaking, and the rage broke her bones. She could only see red.

"I have to go" She barely got out to Jed before running out of the gym.

Hope didn't know what was happening, but she knew it wasn't good for herself or anyone. She remembered what Josie told her about the transitioning cells for wolves. That's where she needed to be, for everyone's safety. The thought of Josie made her mind go crazy. She ran to the cells and curled into herself, in pain, and nobody around to help.

Hello everyone,

WE ARE BACK! I honestly can't believe it's been five months since I last updated this story. Sorry for the long wait, but sorry, not sorry real life comes first. Although university exams took a lot of my energy in the last few months, many good things happened in my life recently (knocking on wood), and I had a good time with family and friends.

Anyway, about 98% of this fantastic and long chapter was written by my amazing co-writer LonelyBear (on AO3) with tiny little adjustments and a few adjustments from me. I personally don't like writing the supernatural aspects and instead focus on the personal relationships, but it's necessary for this story, and L.B. is a huge help for that!

I will write the next chapter, and as a hint, it: will be more intense. It will HOPEfully not take me five months again to update the next chapter, haha.
I sincerely want to thank everyone for your patience and HOPE that at least some people are still reading this story, and if you do, I HOPE you like this chapter. Please comment on what you think. I always appreciate your comments.

I know there are many mixed feelings about Legacies being canceled; therefore, I will keep my opinion to myself. I do HOPE, though, that Hosie writers will keep writing fanfictions. Let's be honest, SO MANY Hosie fanfictions are so much better than the show ever gave us anyway (I don't even mean my own stories as I am also a massive fan of many other Hosie fanfiction authors and their work). I have a few things planned out for this story, but after that, I will probably end it and not write another story for a longer time. Don't worry; there are more chapters to come for what L.B. and I have planned. But considering that the next university year is my final year, where I also have to write my bachelor's thesis and other aspects of life that will make me extremely busy starting this summer, I honestly will not have the time to write more stories in the near future.

Long story short, I will continue this story, but updates will take a long time, and this will very likely be my last Hosie story for the near future. Thank you for reading my way too long author's note.

PS: Do yourself a favor and watch the Movie "Crush" released on Hulu (I think) at the end of April. It is (equal to Prom) my new favorite feel-good LGBTQ+ movie, and the representation is so accurate and good. The entire movie is a true chef's kiss.

I HOPE you're all safe, healthy, and doing well.

Lots of love,


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