Chapter 8 - THE END

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The picnic was exactly what Josie needed. Time alone with Hope to be in each other's presence, enjoying each other's company, laughing, telling stories, enjoying the music silently playing in the background and eating good food. Being with Hope was all the brunette needed.

During the picnic, it felt like Hope and Josie were the only two people on this earth. Even if they were not alone, the other girl was the only person they could focus on. And it has stayed that way for the following months.

After talking with Caroline and Alaric, the Trbrid confirmed she was ready to retake classes. Especially to gain the knowledge and skills she unfortunately forgot.

Even though the twins were not her teachers anymore, her friendships with both siphoner witches bloomed over the following months. Although to everyone except Hope and Josie, it was obvious that they had gotten closer than Hope was with Lizzie. Which the blonde Saltzman twin was not surprised by, knowing the history her sister has with the Tribrid (A/N: Don't worry, everything will be revealed -N)


The blonde Saltzman twin stormed into the cafeteria during lunch break in true Lizzie fashion. Getting the room's attention sometimes seemed too easy if your name was Elisabeth Saltzman.

"Hold up, Lizzie. What's happening?" MG asked his crush, slightly overwhelmed by her entrance.

"What's up, Milton? I'm telling you what's happening! Only the highlight of the year, apart from mine and Josie's birthday, of course." Lizzie hissed, not believing that no one in the room knew what she was so excited about.

"PROM! You idiots, how could you forget about the annual PROM! I thought Hope was the only one with amnesia here." Lizzie explained with a raised voice. "No offence, wolfie." She said softer while looking towards her friend, making Hope chuckle. "Non-taken." Hope responded, holding back her laugh.

"What are you guys doing just sitting here?" Lizzie asked in astonishment. "Help me spread these placards around the school."

Josie stood up with a slight eye roll while MG was eager to help.

Once Josie was left, Hope dared to think, 'Maybe this is my chance.'

Later that day, after Hope had finished her last class, she was aiming to find Josie to ask her out for prom, not liking what she saw.

Josie was leaning on the wall in front of her classroom while the same douchebag from the pack who hit on Josie months ago was hovering his arm next to her. The déjà vu turned her stomach upside down.

"So, Josie, I was wondering if you want to go to prom with me?" he asked her with a smirk so full of himself.

Hope could not bear to hear her answer. So, instead, she ran into the woods, and her wolf would not stop running.

A few days of Hope ignoring Josie have passed. After much convincing from Jed, he convinced the overthinking Tribrid to get ready for the prom tonight.

"UGGGHHHH JED, I don't even know what to wear." Hope expressed her frustration as her best friend entered her room.

"Well, Red, you are lucky that I confirm the stereotype of gays having good taste in fashion," Jed smirked at her as he pulled out a beautiful dress, having a feeling she would not have a prom dress to wear.

"Oh my god, JED, I could kiss you right now. This is gorgeous." The redhead hugged him in gratitude.

"Safe it for your brunette." He answered with a smirk that grew wider as she gave him a friendly but loving kiss on the cheek.

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