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Hallo everyone,

First, to make things clear and tackle the sad news upfront: I know that Kaylee's departure of Legacies as a serious regular is painful for all of us. But we must keep Hosie in our hearts.
Let's be honest, our fanfictions have been better than what the show ever gave us anyway, but it is still painful.

As many other Hosie writers, I will continue to write Hosie fanfictions. (Although you will have to be patient with my slow updating schedule as real life always comes first.)

Speaking of my slow updating schedule:

The good news is that with the help of my friend and writing assistant babymikaelson (on AO3) and the amazing fellow Hosie writer LonelyBear (on AO3), who I just had an amazing collaboration call with, I have increased my continuation ideas on how to move forward with this story. LonelyBear will also write a few scenes that I feel stuck on. I am very grateful for our collaboration and am looking forward to reading your reactions for what's to come. Do yourselves a favor and check her stories out. I once also helped her out on a Hosie one shot. ( )

The bad news is that I am not sure if I can keep my monthly updating schedule and write a new chapter before the new year. (Am I the only one who can't believe that this year is ending in a few days?)

But I will do my best to write another chapter before I have to start stuDYING for my coming exams in January and beginning of February.

I HOPE you enjoyed your holidays and are all doing well.

In case I'm not updating this month: I wish everyone a happy new year, that it is going to be better than 2021, that what you're planning/looking forward to for 2022 will work out, including health and happiness.

As always: Please get vaccinated/your booster shot if you haven't already. I got my booster at the end of November as well!

Lots of love,


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