A/N: I'm back, for now.

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Hello everyone,

I told you updates would take longer, but I did not assume it would take this long. Let me tell you, A LOT, and I mean A LOT, has happened in the last few months... but I will spare you the details of my private life.

Anyways, I am sitting on the balcony of my new apartment now, writing this and rereading the chapters on this story (which is always recommendable when you write a new chapter, especially after it's been a while).

Now to the actual point: I recently got the business version of Grammarly through work (yay - bachelor's thesis writing this year will be so much easier), and I'm in love with it!

While rereading, I will correct some things with the Grammarly suggestions and make the text a bit "richer." So don't be surprised if you receive a notification that I "updated" previous chapters. It will stay completely the same from the story, but if you ever reread it, it should be free of my little mistakes and a bit richer in wording. I will likely do this for my previous stories as well if I have time to do so.

I HOPE I will find the time to publish a new chapter of this story before my life becomes busy again starting August 1st.

I HOPE you're all safe, healthy, and doing well.

Lots of love,


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