Chapter 1

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(A/N: Trigger warning, the start of this story is quite sad, but it will get better.)

Happy, sad, excited, frustrated, heartbroken, in love, and so much more. Many say emotions define humanity, and to feel something is always better than feeling numb.

But what if you want to feel numb?

What if your emotions are too much to bear?

What if your pain is too much to live with?

This is exactly what Hope felt after losing her world, her sense of life, and three of the people she loved most.

Hope woke up catching her breath, wondering what happened, when she saw her aunt Freya.

"Mom?" She feared the worst and immediately asked for her mother, trying not to panic.

"Hope I'm here." Freya walked towards her niece, partially not knowing how she could tell her niece what she was about to say. How could anyone be the barrier to such news?

"What happened? Where is she?" Hope asked in a panic.

"Breathe; you're safe now." Freya nearly whispered as she approached her niece with her hands down.

"Where is my mom?!?" Hope screamed as her uncontrolled emotions made the lights in the room flicker, breathing heavily.

When Freya finally sat down with her niece and whispered, "she's gone," Hope didn't want to believe it; she couldn't.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no" Hope shook her head as tears started streaming down her face when Freya pulled her into her arms, trying her best to keep her niece from falling apart.

At that moment, Freya swore to herself she would do everything to protect the girl she thought of as her own daughter, no matter what it took.

Hope's grief and suffering worsened when she lost her uncle and father. His little wolf was the best part of him, and just like her father, Hope dealt with grief very hard, not that it wasn't understandable.

Her family tried everything they could to comfort her, including giving her space. But when things got worse and Hope lost her reasons to live, Freya could not watch her niece continue suffering.

"Are you even aware of the consequences of what you're asking me?!" Rebekah was furious. She could not believe what her sister was suggesting.

"Can you keep watching her suffer?" Freya asked, furious as well.

"Freya! She could lose who she is!" Rebekah nearly screamed.

"Rebekah, she already lost herself! I don't know what to do anymore! We tried everything, and it's been too long! I can't keep seeing her suffer! You know that they wouldn't want this for her! I want her to be happy again, and so would they." Freya was an emotional mess, from shouting at her sister to nearly breaking her voice down. This was the only way she saw to end everyone's suffering, especially Hope's.

Rebekah didn't want to admit it, but she knew her sister was right. No one could keep seeing their niece suffer any longer, including Rebekah.

"Alright, let's do this before I change my mind." The original vampire said in defeat, hoping she wasn't about to make a huge mistake.

As the blond Mikealsons entered the room of their niece, they saw her lying in bed staring at the ceiling, quiet with dried eyes after she had cried all day. Her room was messy after an angry outburst earlier that day. Her aunts sincerely hoped that this would end now.

"Go away!" Hope nearly shouted, not wanting to see anyone.

"Hope we need to talk." Freya tried to reason with her niece. But she didn't want to hear it, still too angry at the entire world.

Rebekah couldn't keep watching this; she still wasn't sure that what she was about to do wouldn't come back to haunt her, but it needed to be done, and she needed to do it quickly.

"Sit up and listen." The blond original vampire commanded her niece, who surprisingly followed.

"Don't move or say anything until I'm finished," Rebekah said her first compulsion and took a deep breath, taking her niece's hand before she continued.

"When I'm finished talking to you, you will fall asleep. You will wake up rested in the morning, not remembering our conversation today. You will forget about the supernatural world and the real reasons your parents and uncle Elijah died. You will know that they died in a horrible car accident, like regular people. It was an accident and no one's fault. You will remember being sad about their death, but now you feel okay and are moving on with your human life, without any supernatural powers, living with a family that loves you dearly and only wants the best for you, always and forever."

Hello everyone,

I'm back! I got the idea for this new story and wrote this first chapter at the beginning of July. I didn't publish until now because I had tremendous writer's block and didn't know where I wanted to go with this story.

Therefore, a massive shout-out and thank you is due to TheNutcase (on AO3 & Twitter), who gave me an idea of directions I could go with this story. She's a genius and a fantastic writer who has often helped me with my writer's block, and to my friend babymikaelson (on AO3), who became my "writing assistant" and helps me with the brainstorming process and my writer's block.

Although I do have a better idea of how this new Hosie story will develop, I cannot guarantee you regular updates. As I am working and the university is starting in less than two weeks, the updates for this story will be relatively slow – sorry, not sorry.

I hope you like the first chapter of my new Hosie story and are all doing well. Please comment on what you think! I always appreciate your comments.

Lots of love,


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