A/N: Sorry for the long wait but it will take a while

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Hello everyone,

I know I haven't updated in over three months, and as some of you have asked me on Wattpad and AO3 when this story will be updated, I wanted to remind you that I have not forgotten about this story, and I'm sorry for the long wait.

With work, university, working on my bachelor's thesis, and other obligations in life, I currently have hardly any time for myself and am extremely busy.

I look forward to updating this story once I have some time to write - but honestly, it will take a while, and I don't know how long it will be until I have time to write again.

Generally, my life is good but extremely busy at the moment, and I have a very busy year ahead of me. 

I sincerely thank everyone for your patience.

PS: To all of you who are still living with your parents/or with someone in general. Be grateful for how MUCH time you're saving when you don't have to cook/clean/do laundry etc. by yourself (champaign problem, I know), but seriously I have recently started to experience how much time it takes from my daily life when you're doing everything yourself and am definitely more appreciative of my parents/family now—not complaining, just a reminder to be grateful for the support you're receiving. Moving out makes you realize what "adult problems" feel like.

I HOPE everyone is safe, healthy, and doing well, especially considering the current situation of this crazy world we live in...

Lots of love,


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