The Potter Twins: Book 4

By Nerdfanatic247

4.4K 124 10

Mysterious. Challenging. Hardship. Turmoil. And most importantly, Dangerous. That's what awaits the Potter Tw... More

The Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
The Dark Mark
The Triwizard Tournament
Defense Against The Dark Arts
The Goblet Of Fire
Being a Triwizard Champion
The First Task
The Unexpected Partner
The Yule Ball
The Clue to The Next Task
The Second Task
The Pensieve
The Third Task
The Graveyard

The Beginning Of The End

284 5 0
By Nerdfanatic247

Harry and I sniffled and wiped away our tears, calming only ever so slightly as we walked into the DADA office with Professor Moody right behind us. I knew I needed to focus and calm down as I did not trust this man in the least bit as of recent days. He had the same sketchy tongue tick as Barty Crouch Junior, was almost always drinking from the flask he carried around in his pocket always.

"Be careful what we say." I quickly whispered in Harry's ear as I took my seat. Using the opportunity to speak as Professor Moody locked the office door.

"Are you all right, Potter's?" Moody asked gently. "Does it hurt?" He looked down at our arm's, that we were both cradling. "Those?"

"Not so much now." Harry replied.

"Perhaps I better take a look at them." Moody seized my arm roughly and I hissed in pain. He dropped it and then gently checked out Harry's arm.

"The cup was a portkey." Harry explained. "Someone had bewitched it."

I watched his face turn from what should have been concern, to rather great interest. His eyes lit up as though he were about to hang and live off from every next set of words that Harry would speak.

"What was it like?" Moody asked lowly. "What was he like?"

"Who?" Harry frowned.

"The Dark Lord." Moody stated and pressed his finger into Harry's cut. I felt the throbbing similar pain in my own and hissed slightly. Moody ignored me and quickly stood up to his feet. "What was it like to stand in his presence?"

I pinched Harry's leg as Moody's back turned to us. He looked at me at began to realize something was off.

"We don't know." Harry answered him.

Moody suddenly started gasping lightly. His hands shaking as he tried to keep it hidden from sight. He pulled the flask from his flask from his pocket, lifting it to his lips and getting nothing in return.

"It was like we'd fallen into one of our dreams. Into one of our nightmares." Harry confirmed as I ushered him to keep talking. I held my hand over my wand in my pocket as he dashed into the farthest part of the room, looking through his storages for more potion.

"Were there others? In the Graveyard, were there other?" He asked quickly. My breath caught in my throat confirming everything I thought. Even Harry froze, the realization of my warning hitting him like a bag of bricks.

"I-I don't think I said anything about a graveyard, Professor."

I held my wand out, standing to my feet in front of Harry. Professor Moody walked back around the corner a menacing look in his eyes.

"Marvelous creatures, dragons, aren't they." He stated. "Did you think that miserable oaf would've led you two into the woods if I hadn't suggested it?" He began scouring through his chests looking for more potion. "Think Cedric Diggory would've told you to open the egg underwater, if I hadn't told him first myself?" Moody yelled angrily. "Do you think Neville Longbottom, the witless wonder, could of provided you with Gillyweed if I hadn't given him the book that led him straight to it! HUH!"

"Take another step closer and I won't hesitate to blast you through the wall." I growled as he shouted nearly in our faces. I was holding out, only after seeing figures in the foe-glass coming to our rescue. Moody was far to invested in us with his magical eye to notice. His eye's narrowed and he did the tongue tick again, moving away, still clearly looking for more polyjuice potion. "This entire time it was you. You placed Harry and I's name's into the Goblet of Fire. You entered the maze and bewitched Viktor!" I shouted angrily.

"You both won because I made it so, Miss Potter." Moody replied with a growl. "You ended up in that graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so. And now the deed is done!" He pointed at each of our arms. "The blood that runs through those veins, runs through the Dark Lord." He walked a few steps away from us and quickly turned back. Professor Moody's face had sunken in, making his thick cheeks look saggy. The magical eye appeared even more bulging then before. "Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Olivia and Harry Potter!"

He circled us as he spoke. Harry and I moving along with him to not allow him to leave our sights. The second his wand emerged from his pocket, the door began to open to the office. I couldn't wait any longer.

"Avada..." He growled.

"Expelliarmus!" I screamed.

The blast of light shot from my wand into his chest, forcing him backwards across the room straight into his chair. He grunted and sat still as Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape ran into the room. Dumbledore had his wand out aimed at intruder, dashing forward after giving me a curt nod, returning his attention to the fake Mad-eye Moody. Dumbledore usually had a calmness that surrounded him, but seeing him in this state made me realize why he was the one wizard Voldemort feared. There was no smile that was usually plastered on his face, no twinkle in his eyes, just pure cold fury that resinated with him. A sort of power just seemed to stem from off him.

Snape ran forward joining him instantly. Dumbledore's wand pressed against Moody's throat.

"Severus." Dumbledore demanded as he reached him. Professor Snape took out the small dark bottle and poured a few drops of the liquid into his mouth. The Fake Moody gagged and coughed as he tried not to drink the potion. "That's it. Take it. Do you know who I am?"

"Albus Dumbledore." The fake moody growled.

"Are you Alastor Moody? Are you?!"


"Is he in this room?" Dumbledore asked only to be ignored. "Is he in this room?!"

It appeared as though involuntarily his eyes moved towards the chest that usually screamed when we were in here. Harry and I had pressed ourselves up against the wall behind it to stay out of the way. The teachers all turned and looked over at us.

"Harry! Olivia! Away from there!" Dumbledore gestured quickly.

Harry and I both moved out of the way, near Professor McGonagall. She held our shoulder's tightly as a comfort, assuring us we were safe, and gently ushered us behind her. Snape raised his wand and the chest began to open. 7 times the chest clicked before the lid flipped open. We all moved closer and looked down into what appeared a dark pit. At the very bottom was a man.

"You alright, Alastor?" Dumbledore called out to him.

"I'm sorry, Albus." The real Moody called back up to him.

"If that's Moody, but then who's..." Harry asked curiously.

"Polyjuice potion." Snape said as he took a smell from the flask Fake Moody always carried around.

"Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus." Dumbledore stated. Snape, Harry and I glared at each other, since he'd only accused us just a bit ago. "We'll get you up in a minute." Dumbledore called down to Professor Moody.

"I think I might know, Professor." I gulped as I turned. All the teachers and Harry turned to look and see the imposter start to shake and scream as he changed back into the form of the one and only, "Barty Crouch. Jr, sir." I stated. Dumbledore gave me a proud look, while Snape and McGonagall looked concerned. "I started to suspect him after watching your memory in the pensieve, sir. The tongue flick is what really gave him away, though."

"Well done, Miss Potter." Dumbledore smiled softly.

Barty lunged for Harry and I with a scream of anger, we both jumped back, while Professor Snape held him at wand point after Dumbledore forced him back into the chair.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Barty growled. He lifted his sleeve to reveal his moving tattoo.

"Harry, Olivia, your arms." Dumbledore said quickly. He compared our cuts and his eyes were wide.

"You know what this means, don't you?" Barty Jr. said. "He's back. Lord Voldemort had returned." He claimed proudly.

"I'm sorry, sir. We couldn't help it." Harry apologized and I nodded quickly in agreement.

"Send an owl to Azkaban. I think they'll find that they're missing a prisoner." Dumbledore spoke to Professor McGonagall.

"I'll be welcomed back like a hero!" Barty called out after us, Dumbledore attempting to lead Harry and I away.

"Perhaps." Dumbledore responded simply. "Personally, I've never had much time for heroes."

Within the next few days after having to reaccount the events's of the Tournament several times over, Harry and I, along with our friends made down to the Great Hall. A service was being held in Cedric's honor. Dumbledore sat lazily in his chair at the head table, a grim expression on his face. Harry and I hardly had separated from each other since, not that it was not unusual by any means, but the countless events of recent times had just been to much for us. We were digesting it all so to say. Harry held onto my hand and Hermione's and I held his and Ron's.

"Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss." Dumbledore spoke softly, he stood from his chair and walked towards the sea of students. "Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered, by Lord Voldemort!" Dumbledore exclaimed with sadness in his eyes. Ron's hand squeezed mine, I rested slightly against him as the tears rolled down my face.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me. Reminds us. That while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory  will not have died in vain. You remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest, brave, true, right to the very end."

After the ceremony, the next day we packed our things to leave Hogwarts. I waited in the hall for my brother to reappear, but instead I was met with Dumbledore coming up the stairs. He smiled gently at me and gestured for me to follow him. I left my truck and followed behind towards the boys dormitories. When we walked inside, Harry was sitting on his bed, his truck packed and ready. When he heard us he stood to his feet. I walked immediately to him, while Dumbledore lingered in the doorway for a moment. He let out a soft chuckle as he began to walk inside.

"I've never liked these curtains. Set them on fire in my fourth year. By accident of course." He chuckled softly and walked closer to the both of us, leaning on Harry's bed with a sympathetic look on his face. "I put you both in terrible danger this year, Harry an Olivia. I'm sorry."

"You were only following the Ministries rules, we understood." I said softly and he gave me a look, his eyes twinkling.

"Professor," Harry said softly. "Olivia and I meant to ask you about something else. W-When we were in the graveyard, there was a moment, um..." Harry looked at me a tad unsure of how to explain what we had experienced. I rubbed his arm and turned towards Dumbledore.

"When Voldemort wanted to duel us. Well, the three of our wands sort of connected." I explained.

"Priori Incantatem." Dumebdlroe whispered. Harry and I both looked at him curiously. "You saw your parent's that night, didn't you? They reappeared." Harry and I both smiled softly and nodded at him. "No spell can reawaken the dead, Olivia, Harry. I trust you both know that. Dark and difficult time lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. But remember this: You both have friends here. You are not alone."

Dumbledore left us and Harry and I left our trunks with the others, joining our classmates. We had hardly smiled in the last few days since everything happened. But I was even sadder to know that the other schools were leaving. I looked through the large crowd of people with my friends by my side. Suddenly, someone wrapped their arms around my waist and I let out a squeal as he twirled us around.

"Hello, Liv. I am sure to miss you a great deal." Viktor said sadly. I touched his cheek and gave him a weak smile.

"I am surely going to miss you as well, Viktor."

"Promise you will write to me?" Viktor asked and I nodded.

"Of course."

"Good." He kissed my cheek and turned to leave.

I blushed and as I turned, I noticed a certain red haired, freckled face glaring daggers at Viktor. I giggled slightly, knowing exactly what to do. I couldn't let Ron hate the boy as he was once his idol. I walked to Ron and linked my fingers with his. His face blushed bright red as there was hundreds of students around us.

"Viktor!" I called out as he hadn't gotten that far. He turned around and I waved him back with my free hand.

"Liv, what are you doing?" Ron hissed.

"Vhat is it, Liv?" Viktor asked as he rejoined us.

"I don't think you were ever firmly introduced to my best friend. This is Ron Weasley, he's a rather big fan of yours, possibly number one, and I was hoping, maybe, before you left if you'd give him your autograph?" I asked nicely. Viktor took notice of our hands and he gave us a small smile.

"I'd be honored for my number one fan." He winked and Ron squeaked. I took out a piece of paper and a quill from my bag handing it to him. Viktor wrote Ron a little note and gave him the paper. Take care of her, she's a keeper. Pleased to have met you. Sincerely, Viktor Krum. He gave us a wink and walked away.

"Blimey." Ron breathed as though he'd been holding his breath. "Thank you, sunshine." Ron hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

Ron didn't let my hand go as we watched the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang leave in the carriage or ship they came in. We stood in the corridors waiting to leave for the train, simply enjoying each other's company.

"Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Ron asked with a small chuckle, jumping into one of the sections in between the pillars. His hand let go of mine finally and I already missed it.

"No." The three of us agreed together.

"No? I didn't think so. Ah, well. What's life without a few dragons?" Ron joked, making Harry and I smile softly.

We began to walk away, while Hermione lingered behind us. We quickly noticed and stopped to look at her.

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione asked with teary eyes. Harry and I both walked over to her, engulfing her in a hug. When we pulled away we looked at her seriously.

"Yes." We nodded in agreement. She let out a small smile and began to walk with us.

"Promise you'll write this summer. All of you." Hermione stated.

"I will." I linked arms with my best friend.

"Well, I won't." Ron joked. "You know I won't."

"Harry, will, won't you?" Hermione grinned.

"Yeah. Every week." He said sarcastically.

The four of us laughed together and made our way to the train. As we took our compartment and seats we were joined by Fred and George who wanted to play exploding snap, which we all agreed too. It was nice to have people act normally around us since everything had happened. We had stares, whispers, people avoiding us, since they were all superficially told by the Headmaster not to ask us about what had transpired that night in the maze.

"So, you going to tell us, then?" Hermione asked as she held George's hand, while we were playing our fifth game of exploding snap. "Who you were blackmailing?"

Through the year after Fred and George had made a bet on the Quidditch World Cup, they had been blackmailing someone, being twirly and twitchy. Really secretive.

"Oh." George said darkly with a frown. "That."

"It doesn't matter." Fred agreed, shaking his head impatiently. "It wasn't anything important. Not now, anyway."

"We've given up." George shrugged.

"Oh come on, guys." I pleaded with them. "You've been so upset all year, please, tell us." I gave Fred the biggest eyes I could muster and he sighed.

"I hate that face, Vi." Fred sighed. "But, if you must know. It was Ludo Bagman. You know, the fellow we made the bet with at the Quidditch World Cup? Saying how Ireland would win, but Krum would catch the snitch?"

"Yeah?" The four of us answered slowly, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, the git paid us in leprechaun gold he'd caught from the mascots." Fred huffed angrily. I gasped and frowned at the same time as Hermione. Harry and Ron only looked at each other and back the Weasley Twins.

"So?" They asked.

"So?" Fred scoffed. "It vanished, didn't it? By next morning, it had gone!"

"We tried writing to him, hoping maybe it was an accident, but letter after letter, he ignored us." George explained bitterly. "We tried to talk to him about it, since he was at the Yule Ball, but he was always making up some excuse as to get away from us."

"By the end of it all, he turned pretty nasty." Fred frowned. "Told us we were too young to be gambling, and he wasn't giving us anything."

"So, we asked for our money back." George frowned as well.

"He didn't refuse?!" I gasped. "That was your savings!"

"Right on that one." Fred nodded at me.

The rest of the train ride was great as usual. Beside the overwhelming fact that we had to return to the Dursley's on Dumbledore's orders. Mrs. Weasley had tried to ask if we could come stay with her after everything, but he refused saying we had to go back at first. When the train let out Harry and I both stayed behind. Ron and Hermione left the compartment and as the twins were about to leave we called out to them.

"Fred? George? Can you wait a moment?" I asked. They looked at me curiously and nodded.

Harry took the bag from his pocket and threw it at them. George caught it in his hands and opened it. Both boys were flabbergasted at the sight of the thousand galleons prize money in their hands.

"Take it." I stated.

"What?" Fred gasped.

"Take it." Harry repeated firmly.

"You two are bloody mental." George said while trying to give Harry back the bag.

"We're not." We shook our heads. "Take it, and get to inventing. It's for the joke shop." I explained.

"They really are mental." Fred spoke in an almost awed voice.

"Listen," Harry said annoyed. "We already tried to give it to Cedric's family and they wouldn't take it. Liv and I don't need it, or want it. We certainly could do with some good laughs, though. I've got a feeling we're all going to need them more than usual before long."

"Harry, Olivia, there's a thousand galleons in here." George said weakly.

"Yep." I grinned. "Think of how many Canary Creams that could make. Or fake wands, or your fireworks."

Both of the twins stayed absolutely silent.

"Oh, just don't tell your mum where you got it... although she might not be so keen for you to join the ministry now, come to think of it." Harry shrugged.

"Harry, Vi." Fred began but Harry and I pulled out our wands.

"Seriously, just take it or we'll hex you. We know enough now, too. But do me just one favor, will you?" I asked and they nodded. "Buy Ronald some decent dress robes and tell him they're from you."

Harry and I escaped the compartment before they could argue anymore. We both move quickly towards the barrier, saying goodbye to Hermione, and Ron. Ron pulled me behind the barrier wall, pushing me against the bricks, laying a passionate kiss on me. I melted into it instantly, grabbing the front of his shirt to pull him close. It was easily way better than our first kiss and it felt exactly right. When we finally pulled away out of breath we stared at each other, leaning in for a quick peck.

"You better write to me, Ronald Weasley." I stated with a raised brow.

"Of course I'll write you." He pushed some of my hair behind my ear. "And I'll see you again before school, I promise." Ron grinned.

"Okay. Good." I stated. I bent up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Bye, Ron. Thanks for that by the way. Exactly what I needed." I grinned and blushed as well did he.

We walked away from the barrier pillar and over to our families. Harry's eyes narrowed and he examined my face, until a large grin appeared.

"You're awfully chipper. Did something good happen, or did something good happen?" He teased.

"Shut up, Harry." I chuckled.

The two of us ended the year, knowing that hard times lied ahead. But we were ready knowing we had our friends support and our teachers.  And most importantly, Harry and I had each other. Not matter what, we were in this together until the very end.

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