Horrible Terrible Things

De Maddison_Mae

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Loki x OC Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief is dead. Of this his brother was sure. But Loki returns to New Asga... Mais

Author Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Sixteen

1.8K 43 23
De Maddison_Mae

The world shifted in colours of black, white and green. Rain pelted down from the skies and diluted the blood of the dead men lying before me, like small rivers of red running toward me, reaching out like lifeless tears.

Loki was standing above me his breath even as his twin daggers disappeared from his hands. He must have said something but I didn't respond, not until he knelt before me. I couldn't comprehend his words, not with the beat of the rain all around me and my thundering heart and the cold pressing in on my skin.

'Why did you do that?' My voice was a whisper.

'They touched you.' there was no hint of remorse in his tone.

I eyed him, completely entranced at the sight of him kneeling before me in the rain. His black hair was drenched and hanging around his chin, water running in rivulets down his straight nose. His eyes were blue fire circled with red and again I was shocked to see the cool pallor of his skin.

'You hate me.' I told him, shoving him backward by his chest but he did nothing, his brows only lowered as I raised my voice to be heard over the static rage of my mind and the pouring rain falling around us. eyes more

'You did this on purpose.' the moment the words came out, a heavy weight settled on my chest. My hands shot out again but Loki's own shot up too fast and caught my wrists and squeezed them tight. I tried to rip them from his grasp but his grip was like iron.

His breath was warm on my face as he hissed his words at me, a smirk danced upon his pink lips, 'Look at my power. Look at what I am capable of. Do you think what I have done has consequences?'

No. There wouldn't be, there never was. Short imprisonments, banishments which were quickly forgotten. Loki got away with the Battle of New York and near-decimating an entire city and its population and still my father was foolish enough to forgive but not forget.

Did he truly believe that because he had returned from death - that Thor had been left with his grief for Loki for so long - that he could get away with such vile actions? The world had ended and begun again but this time we were less forgiving, any threat was eradicated. It was a regret Thor had told me he and his friends had had when they had lost to Thanos.

Loki gave my wrists a tight squeeze as if he could feel me on the precipice of spiralling. My entire body trembled from the cold of the rain now settled onto my skin, even pooled around me I could feel the weight of my dress. A gift from Thor ruined.

'What did you want me to do?' Loki asked.

'Nothing?' I told him and felt my eyes well with unshed tears. I squinted my eyes so that no tears would fall. His form blurred in front of me, 'You didn't have to fucking do anything!'

'You wish I had not intervened, Evangeline? You wish I had let you fall to your death?' his chin jerked and again the blue of his irises bled to red, a common effect when he was angry.

'You're an idiot.' he exhaled lengthily and briskly stood so that I was staring at his shoes. I managed to shuffle to my feet though I struggled slightly to lift my dress with me. I could not escape him as a long look was shot my way, it made my stomach flutter, the intensity behind it although I couldn't begin to guess if it was lustful, rageful, playful or any other spectrum of emotions he was capable of acting out so well.

'You're making me one.' my voice wavered. I should have realised sooner how far into his bullshit he would drag me. He was near-immortal and bored. Loki thrived off of drama and the politics of emotions. I had known since first meeting him what fire he would set my world on, he wore the horns but I had imagined him in a glorious fucking halo.

Had I not craved a different life from the one I left behind, a new start, happiness, love, family? Not this, not another state of unhappiness disguised as gratification. I had looked at him and seen a possibility, a connection and he had looked at me like something to fucking conquer. Was I that difficult to love? Who had he let in? Who was it he had been referring to in that cell, who had it been if not me?

Frigga was wrong. Loki would not save me.

I forced myself to look at what he had done, in order to fuel my growing contempt for him or rather as just a reminder that this could not continue. Innocent people's blood would be on my hands but he would drive the blade.

Their throats were slit. It had been so easy for Loki to walk toward them and slide his daggers across the folds of their throats and drain the life from their bodies. Some had shot at him only for the bullets to be turned into green mist. He had grinned the entire time, but afterwards when he had seen me watching him he had faltered. It had been a slight widening of his eyes followed by a shift of his eyes onto the daggers in his hands. His lips parted but he said nothing because one of the men had groaned and Loki had slammed the blade down into his chest.

I don't think I had breathed the entire time. It had all transpired in seconds. And everything I had believed him to be, everything I had wanted him to be had disintegrated.

I was scared to love him only for him to sharpen his daggers on my heart with a wicked smile and venomous words of rejection. I know he could turn me into a shell of a woman, he could bind me to him for eternity only for him to remind me I would never be enough.

The world felt a little sharper around me at those thoughts. Like I could grasp my future, one I had chosen for myself. Not one handed to me by Thor or Frigga or Loki. My lips quirked at the memory of his words, meant to hurt me, intended to drive me away.

You are nothing. You do not exist, they didn't ever speak of you. It was never going to be you. It was not meant to be you.

So be it. It would be easier to hate him than love him. Fuck Frigga and the preposterous words she had told me, fuck Thor and his aloof parenting and fuck Loki for trying to ruin me for anyone else.

I drove forward and grasped his jacket and despite his strength, I had caught Loki off guard and managed to skate him backward to the edge of the roof.

'Eva!' he gasped, eyes wide and feet stumbling to find purchase on the slippery concrete.

I did not stop even as we tilted over the edge and Loki let out a scream but we did not end up falling. The world moved and we did with it as I backed him up against a wall. Loki's shock was not hidden as his scream became a strangled sound in his throat.

'You will never raise a blade to an innocent man again.' I shoved my forearms underneath his neck so that he had to lift his chin to drag in some air.

'Eva,' his voice was a low growl. I took it as a warning but my entire body trembled with rage and the cold which had settled into my skin from the rain was nothing but numbness now. I was hot with hatred for the man before me.

'Answer me!' I pushed him harder into the wall and he raised his hands in surrender.

'Okay, Eva. Okay.'

I blew out a breath and retreated from him as if he had burnt me, he hesitated in lowering his head should I slam him back into the wall. At my feet, my dress pooled in a puddle, a tingling green light slid up mine and Loki's bodies and we were dry, returned to our previous states. No blood on us, no proof of what he had done and what I had allowed.

I wasn't sure where exactly we were or how we had gotten there but as I shifted my gaze around I noticed it to be the foyer of the Compound.

The room was darkened by the night sky filtered through the glass ceilings above us. Loki was pressed in the space between two elevators. It was silent save for the hum of the party upstairs.

In the corner of my vision Loki shifted minutely and I shot back a glare toward him to find his eyes roving over me appreciatively.

'I wonder if I touch you if your cunt will be as wet as it was that first night?'

I couldn't help the flush that spread across my face and burnt a trail down my neck, breasts and settled into my lower body. I was already wet for him, needy. His filthy words alone had my pussy pulsing.

I said nothing but he curled one finger out toward me.

'Come here, let me kiss you.'

I attempted to change the direction of the conversation. If I brought him back to reality and the fact there would be dire consequences to his actions he might have shaken himself out of his animalistic urge to conquer me.

'They're going to kill you, you know.'

He did not reply but instead grabbed me and whirled me, softly pressing me against the wall. I bit my lip not allowing a treacherous moan to escape my lips, not like last time.

His hands pressed against the sides of my head, blocking me in. My legs tightened and as Loki leant down to press his lips against mine my skin goose-bumped.

It was a simple caress of a kiss. Both of us were restraining ourselves, the wall cracked both sides of my head where his palms met the wall and my hands curled into fists at my sides. I would not fold, I would not touch him.

Loki's tongue flicked across my lips but still I did not falter until he pushed it inside of my mouth and I tasted him. He groaned, loudly and his hands pressed beside my head moved to grasp my waist and squeeze as his tongue fucked my mouth, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip and a deep guttural growl tore from his throat into my own. I clenched my fists tighter.

It was torturous.

Loki could not get close enough, his body pressed so tightly against mine and his mouth devouring mine that I had to shift my head to gasp for a breath but it only made him ravenous, a hand slipping from my waist to press a finger under my chin and tilt my face back to his as he continued the kiss in an urgent and hungry manner. I was pained to admit to myself that I was relishing the taste and feel of him.

Loki's fingers dragged down my sides and back up again as he curled his fingers in the fabric of my skirts and lifted them.

I tensed at feeling his fingers on my bare thighs, conscious of the marks there, conscious of how thick they might have felt to him. Not like the slight women he would have been with before.

As if sensing my fear, Loki pulled back from the kiss and nipped at my jaw,

'Don't cower from me Evangeline. Please never cower from me, darling.'

My spine curved in invitation for him to further his touch. As my dress hitched and gathered at my waist he grasped my bottom lip between his teeth and pulled the pressure of his teeth making it swell. My breath rushed out of me.

'Hold your dress up.'

And at his demand I did as he lowered himself on his knees before me. His head flicked back to move his raven hair from his face and seeing him knelt before me, blue eyes wide and vulnerable in his submissive stance - I grinned.

So did he as he produced one of his daggers from thin air and held up the silvered blade. I froze, he cocked his hair and I felt the pressure of the air, his skin a shade lighter.

'Part your legs.' It was not a suggestion but a demand. I did as I was asked, his eyes on me the entire time. Mine on the blade in his hand, my knuckles white with the tight grip I had on my dress.

The room was still silent. No one came to stumble upon us. What a sight. The Princess of New Asgard with her skirts around her waist, her uncle on his knees before her. Ready to what?

My spine arched off the wall but Loki shot out a hand to press against my thigh and tutted,

'Do you trust me?' This time his voice was not lust filled, his eyes did not dance with mischief. He needed an honest answer.

I couldn't lie, couldn't form the words and speak them aloud so I could only meet his gaze and nod my head once, my conscious thoughts levelled onto his flat palm on my thigh holding me back, the searing pleasure his touch brought me.

Loki lipped his lips and nodded himself, his hand moved from my thigh to yank my panties down to my knees. He sucked in a breath at the sight of my pussy level with his face. I blushed and closed my eyes, wishing for it to be over. Wishing for him to never stop.

'Eyes on me, pet.'

I did as he asked but he did not touch me. I gripped my skirts harder, nails digging into the fabric, holding on for dear life. I felt like I might have passed out. I nearly did as Loki flipped the dagger in his hand so that the blade cut through his palm, the hilt aimed toward me.

I nodded again, not allowing myself a moment to think about what he might do, what it might do to me.

Then the sharp cold of the hilt of the dagger was pressed against the wet folds of my pussy and I gasped and a wicked grin tore across Loki's face. He shifted forward on his knees and squeezed his palm around the dagger. Blood ran down his hand and into the sleeve of his jacket.

I swallowed and then ever so slightly he pressed the hilt into my pussy. My eyes rolled back at the sensation, cold steel met my hot, wet core.

'Eyes on me.' Loki told me.

I couldn't comprehend what had happened but my body took control, my legs parted further, and my hips arched closer to him.

My eyes were back on him and then he thrust the blade into my pussy, slowly, torturing my body and soul as I bit down hard on my lip to stop the moan that bubbled up in my chest from escaping.

He was careful with me, blue eyes never leaving my own in case I flinched or changed my mind.

I felt my climax build at the sensation of the blade inside of me, filling me, his hot levelled glare, smirk playing on pretty lips. I hoped to stain his dagger with my cum, to have him carry it around and grasp it with a hint of a smile on his lips knowing it had been inside of me. That he had fucked me with it himself.

I could smell my scent of sex, the musky smell of my juices and his own desire, visible through his pants as he knelt. I could smell the tang of the iron of his blood as he bled for me, my own pleasure brought him pain.

But he did not stop fucking me, he did not grimace or withdraw from me. His pace fastened at my sharp exhale, I hadn't wanted to show him how desperate I needed the release.

Loki's free hand fluttered down to his crotch where he grasped himself through his pants. The sight had me reeling,

'I wish it were you.' my voice was a high moan as I came. My entire body quivered as I let out several small whimpers as my pussy coated his dagger hilt in a flood of wetness.

After my come down, my body slumped against the wall and my legs felt weak. The hilt was removed slowly, carefully as Loki stood, dagger still firmly in his closed palm.

He smelt different, his scent rich and heady. My panties were pulled up abruptly and I could do nothing but watch him in the darkened room, all of his attention on me.

I had no thoughts. My conscience had disappeared with the sight of his dagger, him before me on his knees. I never would have imagined such a wild sight.

Loki's blade disappeared and he waved his bloodied palm before me, blood rained down the sleeve of his jacket and dropped to the floor at my feet. He showcased the blood, his chin high and chest lifted and I had half the heart to apologise before he cupped his bloodied palm against my panties.

'I will not bleed for anyone but you.'

As he separated himself from me and the elevator dinged beside me. I dropped my skirts just as someone stepped out. He showcased a self-satisfied smile.

I couldn't help to do so as well as his blood spread through the thin fabric of my panties, some of it dripped down my thighs. Marking me. I wish it were his cum.

Loki's spine straightened and like he had heard my thoughts he drew his eyes to me and slightly raised one eyebrow.

'There you two are.'  Thor greeted us as he stepped out of the elevator. 'Have you finally decided to show some kindness to your niece, Loki?'

Loki's wounded hand clenched at his side as he cocked his head and bore his eyes into mine with a knowing look.

'It was painful but so worth it, dear brother.'

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