By Xiuminmellow90

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Lock up, not knowing where or how, teenagers have to work together to escape. However feuds happen as there a... More

Chapter 2. Mania
Chapter 3. Drama
Chapter 4. Execute Sanity 
Chapter 5 . Revolve
Chapter 6. Monsters
Chapter 7. Worlds Punishment
Chapter 8. Trial #01
Chapter 9. Outcast
Chapter 10. Break Out
Chapter 11. Goodbye Hell

Chapter 1. Societys Dance

36 0 0
By Xiuminmellow90

Pounding in the head, sharp pains rushing through every inch of the body. Silent coughs echo as breath could be seen in the cold atmosphere. Groaning as sore muscles deny any help, silver like strips of hair fell onto a smooth skin face as icy blue eyes snap open.

Both arms were sprawl out onto the concrete below as she slowly push her sore body up from the cold floor, blinking a few times as she pull her hand up to move the hair from her face, her vision still a tad bit blurry, but it slowly grew better. She pull her right hand onto her forehead and rub it as she cough a few times.

"Glad to see your finally awake." A dull voice spoke.

Tilting her head up, strains of silver hair fell back from the females face. Four other figures stood before her. With a hand held out, a young boy, who has to be at least at high school age, look down at her as a blank expression was plaster on his face. A girl that stood behind him had her arms cross under her flat chest as she kept avoiding to look directly at anyone as she stare up at the ceiling.

Not even hesitating, she quickly took the boys hand and was immediately pull up. Her eyes narrowed at the boy at first, though she slowly examine each one of the others that stood farther back in the darkness.

"The hell is this place." The girl spoke harshly as she rub the back of her neck while moving her shoulders listing to the small cracking sounds coming from them.

No one spoke as they each look around a bit themselves before looking back at the girl. The females eyes darted around the room, she tap her foot against the concrete flooring as she adjust her jeans as every one still stood quietly. The girl shorty lost her patience as she open her mouth, however at that exact moment the boy that stood before her spoke up.

"No one here knows what this place is..we can't remember anything either..how about you."

"My minds blank."

"Great. So you saying that we are all screwed!."

The girl with the flat chest spoke loudly as she push her slim figure off the concrete wall and got in between one other girl and a guy that seem way to terrified to even move as he was sitting on the ground with his head between his legs.

"Kayla was it? Just calm down." The boy spoke as he aggressively turn his head to practically glare at her. Her red tint lips tilt up into a smirk than down into and annoy expression as she fold her arms once again across her chest and walk back over towards the wall she recently was leaning on. However she wasn't done speaking.

"How. We stood here waiting for sleeping beauty here to wake up to see if she remember anything while instead we could have figure a way to get out of here." Her eyes furrow at the other female who reside on the other wall, twirling her long Smokey grey hair between her slim fingers as she switch her focus from her to the boy as he seem to be the only other semi calm individual in the room besides herself.

"What is here!? Huh..None of knows where we're at." The boy argue back, his calm aurora he had earlier was quickly vanishing.

"So none of you has even bother to open that door." The Smokey hair girl spoke as she point casual at a blue wooden door that stood in the middle of the wall.

"no..we wanted to figure things out before exploring." The boy spoke.

"Shouldn't we ask her name..I mean..we know ours..we shouldn't leave her out of the loop." The other girl finally spoke too, though her voice was shaky and quiet.

"Rylee..you guys." The Smokey hair girl spoke.

"Kayla." the flat chest girl harshly mutter.

"Alice." the quiet girl spoke.

"Im Daniel..and that one sitting on the floor is Logan..we'll we got that over with..now figure out what to do."

"Clearly find a way out." Rylee spoke as she look around until her eyes land upon the blue door again that looks so batter up that with just one touch of a finger it could fall off its hinges.

"Why leave..this room..I mean..someone would look for us..right..save us." The boy called Logan spoked as he quiver in the corner as his head slightly raise.

"We shouldn't put our hopes into that scenario." Rylee spoke again as she examine the door knob until Kayla spoke.

"Is it lock. If not. Move out of my way so I can leave. This place is so smelly and disgusting."

"Just wait a second. Theres something off about this. Don't any of you sense that." Rylee spoke as she tilt her head back to look at the other four as they stood behind her.

"Like what. I'm totally done with this already..so move out of my way." Kayla growl as she got really close to Rylee.

"The obvious. Why are we here. How did we get here. Who the hell is behind this." Rylee spoke sternly.

"More like. What is here." Kayla hiss as she cross her arms across her flat chest and back away from Rylee. However with that said, Daniel spoke up himself as he sees where Rylee was going on with this.

"She's right. There must be something we all have in common to be here."

"What is here!? Don't you people get it. Weren't getting out of here. Not alive anyway." Logan shriek as his back slide down against the cold grey concrete wall. As his hands folded over top his head.

"We are all scare. But we have to pull it together if we want to escape whatever this place is." Daniel spoke up.

"Rylee..did you find something?!." Alice spoke up which lead to everyone turning there heads sharply towards the girl who currently was kneeling down in front of the door knob.

"It's not lock..so..we either leave here or stay until we fall over dead from starvation and thirst."

"Whoa whoa whoa..who the hell put you in charge sleeping beauty. I'll put my vote for Daniel here to be in charge." Kayla spoke as she eyed up the light hair boy next to her as he only respond with and eye roll.

"Rylee..you seem to be more suitable-."

"I never said I was sticking around with you children." Rylee scowl as she ran her hand through her short wavy hair. Turning away from them she grab the door knob and was ready to turn it, though as she was about to turn it, another hand attach itself on top of hers as a foot was press up against the wooden door.

"What." Rylee coldly said without looking up.

"We should stick together..better in numbers." Daniel spoke as his lips were very close to the girls ear.

"Listen to Him..you seem to be the strongest...please help us." Alice cried as she stood in the back of the room only a few feet away from Kayla as she snorted before grabbing Daniel's forearm and yank him back away from Rylee as she raise her eyebrows.

"Just let her go on her own. She wants to be a stubborn bitch. let her go." Kayla retort as she didn't let her grip loosen on Daniels arm as he gave her a weird look but focus his attention back on Rylee.


The room went silent In seconds as a petrifying screeching sound echo through the concrete walls.

The five individuals that was held up in the room froze stiff, some of them with there jaw's clenching, as others had terror take over there faces.

"The hell was that noise?." Daniel whisper as everyone was still not moving from were they stood or sat.

"Uhmm..I'm just hearing things..right?." Kayla ask as she loosen her grip on Daniel's arm as she back away from the door where Rylee still stood at.

"That sound..it was definitely not a human making it." Rylee quietly spoke.

"Something's coming to kill us! Where all dead!." Alice shriek as her legs shook terribly as she hugged up against the wall.

"Shut your mouth! It will come if you don't keep quiet." Kayla yell as she stood behind Daniel as he was slowly backing away from the door.

"Rylee..get over here!." Daniel whisper yell as the girl still stood up against the door. This time she held her ear against it.

"Nothings coming..we ca-."


As Rylee's head spun, The only thing she felt was her back thrown back against a cold surface as flashes of the blue door swung open and strains of long chocolate brown hair flying past her.

"Kayla were the hell are you going!." Daniel ask though it came out more like a yell as he hesitantly took a few steps closer to the door.

"I'm outta of here. I'm not sticking around to find out what that noise came from!."

"Wai-wait for me- Kayla!." Alice took off after the girl leaving Rylee, Daniel and the shaking Logan in the room.

"Hey Rylee. You okay!." Daniel ask as he held his hand out towards Rylee as she stood back up, brushing the dust off her black ripped jeans.

"There a lost cause." The girl spoke clenching her jaw as she glanced out past the blue door.

"How could you say that!." Daniel yell as his hands ball up into fists as he stare at Rylee who's attention was elsewhere.

"Easy." Rylee spoke as she turn to walk out of the room. Passing through the door frame, she look both ways, A long stretch of hallway that could go on forever either way. She tilt her head back at the two boys to see what they were going to do. However not wanting to waste time as whatever made that noise before could anywhere. She move on.

With his head hung down. Daniel glance back at Logan as he hasn't move. Slicking back his light brown hair, he hesitantly walk through the doorway and look both ways to see what direction the girls went. Rylee was still in sight as she seem to have been examining something on the wall.


"As I said before..I'm going off on my own." Rylee bluntly spoke as her hand trace over something engraved on the wall.

"Are those..."

"Claw marks..yes..and a lot of them."

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