Reborn as a hero's daughter...

By saki-san2

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Raid, one of the six heroes, was forced to fight the demon god alone and ended up fighting him. When he awoke... More

Chapter I. Near Death.
Chapter 2 Encounter with a (self-proclaimed) god
Chapter III: The Legend.
Chapter IV: Resuming life.
Chapter V. Shocking revelations.
Chapter VI: Infant Girl, Standing on the Earth (Bed).
Chapter VII: The First Time ......
Chapter VIII - God's Blessing.
Chapter IX - First outing.
Chapter X. Climbing trees with friends.
Chapter XI - Attack of the Monsters.
Chapter XII: Endurance war for life.
Chapter XIII - The heroic figure.
Chapter XIV - The consequences of begging.
Chapter XV - God's Gift.
Chapter XVI - Five years old, long-awaited training in swordsmanship.
Chapter XVII - Finia's past.
Chapter XVIII - The King's marriage proposal.
Chapter XIX - Study abroad in Raum.
Chapter XX: Prospects for the future.
Chapter 21 - The True Value of Interference Magic
Chapter 22 - Age 7, First Hunting.
Chapter 23 - Results of the examinations
Chapter 24: The morning of departure
Chapter 25 - Itinerary.
Chapter 26 - Attacks in the streets.
Chapter 27: Surprise attack
Chapter 28: Her decision.
Chapter 29 Arrivals
Chapter 30: The Fourth Hero.
Chapter 31 - Residency.
Chapter 32: Maxwell, Dean of the Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Chapter 33 - Measuring Magic
Chapter 34 - Discomfort in the City
Chapter 35: The identity of sound.
Chapter 36: Sabotage.
Chapter 37: Brawl.
Chapter 38: Struggles
Chapter 39: White Helping Hands.
Chapter 40 - The Rigid Bow
Chapter 41 - Cleaning up afterwards
Chapter 42: The Struggle
Chapter 43 - First time in Raum: ......
Chapter 44: Defeating the Evil Dragon
Chapter 45 - The Legend.
Chapter 46 - Reid's Decision.
Chapter 47: The Parker.
Chapter 48 - Orphanage comfort.
Chapter 49: Late Night.
Chapter 50: Summoning the Demon Gods
Chapter 51: The end of a previous life
Chapter 52: Morning routines
Chapter 53: Morning as a child
Chapter 54 - Let's go and see the academy.
Chapter 55-Authoritarianism
Chapter 57: Entrance ceremony intrigues.
Chapter 58: Preparing for the new class
Chapter 59: Physical insecurity.
Chapter 60-The Mystery of the Music Room
Chapter 61: Late-night training

Chapter 56 - First time at school

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By saki-san2

Finia was all over the place that morning.

 She combed through my long hair more carefully than usual and set it more carefully than usual.

My usual hairstyle, with the sides swept back and pulled up so as not to get in the way. I touched it myself and found it to be incomparably silkier than usual.

 And a pure white shirt. The emblem of the Academy of Magic is on the chest.

 Her dark blue skirt has a white line at the hem, and she wears a jacket of the same colour over it.

 The rest of the outfit is completed with a beret with a feather ornament.

 In my case, I tend to be averse to exposure, so I always have a pair of over-the-knee socks with me.

'Oh, you're a shiny new girl!'

'Good morning, Cortina.'

 Cortina passes by my room, looks in and gives me a thumbs-up.

Cortina, passing by the room, peeks inside and gives me a thumbs-up.

 Yes, today was the day of the entrance ceremony.

Although I caused trouble at the academy on the day of the visit, I want to spend my days of training in a low profile and quiet manner.

it's because if I stand out badly and Cortina gets wind of it, I don't know what will lead to her discovering my true identity.

'...... is it too late?'

'What is it, Nicole-sama?'

'No, nothing.'

If I think about it, I made a big stand the day I arrived in this city. it is no longer possible to be 'unobtrusive' when dealing with Cortina.

 I let out a single sigh and headed for the front door. Cortina's house is built in a style where you take off your shoes at the front door.

 I changed into sturdy boots at the entrance.

 I'd like to pick her up before Michelle does today at least.

 She seems to be a hunter's daughter and is very early in the morning. She's the opposite of me, who sleeps in late. Thanks to this, she's more likely to come and pick me up at times like this.


 I slap myself on the cheek to get into the mood.

 Then I open the front door and there's Michelle and Retina.


'Ah, good morning, Nicole! You're up early today!'

'Good morning, my dear. Unusual for you, who always sleeps in.'

Good morning. 'Didn't win again.'

 I thought I had mumbled the last part in my mouth, but Finia, who was behind me, seemed to have heard me and blew out a small pout.

 I looked behind me with a jittery look and hurriedly looked away. The more we were able to joke around like that, the closer I got to her. After putting Finia in check, I head towards the two of them.

 Cortina, who is a teacher by nature, should have left by now, but she hasn't come out yet.

'Where's Cortina?'

' 'She said she had something to do and will be a little late'.

' Hmm?"

 Well, there's no doubt that she's in a special position among teachers. She's probably busy with something.

during this time i may be involved in such city crimes as catching kidnappers.

''Well then, Nicole-sama, take care of yourself.'

''Yes, I'm off.''

''If you see anything strange or unusual, don't go with them, okay?'

'I know.'

'If you see a bad guy, don't go charging in. And don't take detours.'

'No, no.'

'Have you got your handkerchief? And..'

'Finia, shut up.'

 I understood that she was a worrier, but the kidnapping incident the other day seemed to have made it worse.

It could be a little pitiful, but there's no end to it, so we decided to cut off the conversation and go to school.

 Michelle-chan belongs to the Adventurer Support Academy, so we had to split up before entering the school.

 However, the school buildings are next to each other, so in fact, they could meet anytime.

 When we entered the grounds of the Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there was a lot of noise in the school.

 I thought this might be the unique atmosphere of the entrance ceremony, but it doesn't seem to be so. Because the gazes of the onlookers were clearly looking towards us.

 Then it occurred to me.

'Ah, because Retina is the daughter of a marquis.

'No, of course not. It's your fault.

 On the day of the last visit, I got into trouble for nothing thanks to Retina.

  In other words, that's what it's all about.

'Mendoza ......'

What's the matter with you? You're used to it, aren't you, being the daughter of those two?"

It wasn't like that in the village.

 In the village, he was the one who was out and about in the first place. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to get the most out of your car.

 But that was not the only rumour I heard.

Is that the ......?"

Silver hair and different coloured eyes, no doubt.

I bet she forgave the guy who pushed her and gave him a hand, right?

'On the contrary, I heard he forced her to get down on her knees just before he did it.

Really? She's the second coming of a saint, isn't she?

 Oh, no. I was trying to be neutral at the time, and it had a weird effect on me.

 It wasn't me being nice, it was just avoiding trouble.

 Moreover, ......

'She is still very young, but she has a neat and tidy appearance. She definitely has the blood of Mary in her veins."

'I can also sense Lyell's temperament in her lack of shyness.

I have no idea how outstanding he will be in the future."

 'We haven't even finished the entrance ceremony yet, but the rumours are getting out of hand and things are getting crazy.

'...... don't be a pussy.'

 I held my forehead and moaned softly.

 The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the information you have and expect it to be correct.

'What's wrong? Did you get drunk in the crowd?'

'Your voice, it's loud.

'Oh, you're not very strong, are you?

With her figure, it's no wonder she's so frail.

The very Princess. I hear you've been proposed to by the King of the Triumvirate of the North?

I hear Lady Lyell refuses.

It's too early to tell. I can understand why you don't want to give her up.

 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to make sure it's a good one.


 The king has even spread rumours about me as a potential bride.

'Okay, let's go. Let's go, Letina, let's go quickly.

'Really? Take it easy. You're weak.


 Retina is not a bad girl either, although she is a ...... troublemaker.

 And even though the flip-flop was the trigger, she really wants to be friends with me.

 I'm grateful for that thought. In my previous life, I was lonely until I met Lyell and her friends.

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