The Yamashita Family

By Kagura_mtl

16.6K 273 3


Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
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Untitled Part 74 (end)

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By Kagura_mtl

 Because of these insights, she cherished this rare sister qíng more and more, and she was very shameless to the behavior of Ren Dong, who disregarded her childhood qíng friendship and coveted her brother-in-law.

  To do such a shameful thing for a man, what? Ren Dong held his son, thinking so.

  Banxia smiled: "It doesn't matter, your brother-in-law is not a clay figurine, it means that you can take it away if you take it away. Besides, she is married, and Houyan is coming back, always asking Take care."

  Ren Dong thought about it too, nodded and said, "That Hou Yan, hurry home, take care of her woman, don't always drool at other people's men!"

  While choosing the wild vegetables, Pinellia asked, "You are all right, but you are concerned about Xiamuyang. He knelt in front of the temple and was punished. You have to ask."

  After hearing this, Ren Dong actually sneered: "He, that person, never cared about my life and death, and since that's the case, I don't care about his life and death!"

  Banxia stretched out her hand and touched her hair: "You, you either love it or hate it, you have to use your brain. Although you and Muyang are separated now, he is your Shidaner's father. It's also the son of Duohui's mother. You see Duohui's mother is like a daughter to us, how can you bear to make her sad? Even for Duohui's mother, you can go. "

  When Ren Dong heard what her elder sister said, she also felt that it made sense, so she nodded and said, "Then I will go to the temple from here and have a look at him."

  This honeysuckle walked out of her sister's house with a stone egg in her arms, and came to the front of the temple after a turn, only to see Mu Yang kneeling there alone on the desolate and cold snow and mud. Occasionally there are villagers passing by, looking at him, it is inevitable to sigh.

  Ren Dong watched behind him for a while, and his heart gradually became sour. After all, this person grew up with a child, and he used to be so kind to himself.

  Ren Dong thought so in his heart, and a sigh overflowed from his lips.

  Mu Yang was originally kneeling there in dejection. Hearing this sigh, he turned his head numbly, only to see that the person behind him was Ren Dong.

  Seeing Ren Dong, his cheeks flushed, but he still held his breath and said, "What are you doing here? Are you watching me live?"

  Seeing that Ren Dong was not angry, the original pity in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he said angrily: "I kindly come to see you, why do you look like this, do you think I owe you something like this today?"

  Muyang used to be a hero in front of Rendong, always boasting that he would be the patriarch in the future, but now the patriarch is not, but he kneels down here to be punished. The words rushed out: "Are you still kind enough to come to see me? Hmph, are you watching my liveliness? If it weren't for your good sister and good brother-in-law, how could I have ended up where I am today?"

  Ren Dong raised his eyebrows and sneered: "That's weird, it's clearly because you didn't live up to your expectations and didn't become the patriarch, and it's clearly because you got punished by drinking alcohol, how can you blame others?"

  Mu Yang knelt there and lost consciousness on both legs, and was so hungry that he was dizzy, looking at Ren Dong hugging the foolisher as if it had nothing to do with him, he couldn't help complaining: "I really regret it, why did I do that? Marry you! If I hadn't married you, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today!"

  Mu Yang was talking casually, but as soon as the words came out, he suddenly vented: "I think you are a broom star! I heard that you had an older sister when you were young. Who knew that your older sister would become a dick after you were born? If you die prematurely, that's what you kill! You kill your sister at home, you kill your father, you marry me and you kill me, it's not enough to kill me, you also kill my son, so that he is born an idiot Silly!" The more he talked, the more angry he became, the more he felt that all this was the case, it was the woman in front of him that made him so miserable, her face began to look hideous, and her eyes looked at Ren Dong with resentment.

  Honeysuckle hated his teeth so much that he thought to himself how could he have met such a beast, and even spit out blood, and blamed him all on himself?

  But when he said this, he also muttered in his heart, why is he now without a father and a husband? Why is my stone egg born different from others?

  Ren Dong was angry, hated, and sad, and at the moment really wanted to slap the wooden sheep, and at this moment, Shi Dan'er suddenly snorted. Honeysuckle hurriedly touched between her legs with her hands, but found that Shi Dan'er had actually pulled a pool of shit!

  It was so immortal, she reached out and grabbed a handful of the golden stool, and then threw it out angrily, just right on the face Mu Yang was looking up at, and some even got stuck in her nose and mouth. .

  Seeing his embarrassed look, Ren Dong was relieved and said with an angry smile, "Since this son was born, you haven't changed a diaper or feces for him once, and now you can also taste what it's like to be a daddy. With that, she wiped Shidaner's buttocks with a linen diaper, and threw the feces-stained linen on Muyang's face. , holding the stone egg and walking away.

  Muyang was stunned at first, but when he reacted, he only felt that the stench was extremely unbearable. This little baby didn't know what to eat, so how could he pull out such a smelly shit?

  He knelt down there and started to make a groaning noise.


  In the past few days, the Venerable Master has been trying to treat Wumo's eyes, but he and Banxia have searched through the medical books of the famous family, but have not found any solution. After all, poison is familiar to those vicious foreigners. The famous family is only familiar with snake venom and bee venom, but it is unheard of for blind people like this.

  Wu Mo didn't care, but Banxia was so sad in her heart that she found the oldest parchment scroll medical technique from the Venerable Master, and moved it home to study it carefully, hoping to find clues. Wu Mo was lying on the kang, feeling that his wife had never fallen asleep, just sitting in front of the kang and reading the book under the dim tung oil light, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Banxia, ​​I'll just see it tomorrow, I'm not in a hurry. ."

  Banxia didn't even raise her head, she leaned closer to the medical skills to take a closer look, and said, "Go to sleep first, I'll go to sleep after reading this book. Remember to put your arms around Ah Shui, and don't let her turn over the kang." Ah What Shui likes most now is to turn several times in a row, sometimes from the head of the kang to the end of the kang, and I like to turn when I flip. If you don't take good care of it, you may accidentally turn it under the kang.

  Wumo was leaning against the wall. Hearing this, he stretched out his big hand and touched her with A Shui's breathing. The place where he started was her hair. big round head. He couldn't help but smile a little, moved his cock, let himself lean on his daughter, and used his huge hand to hold Xiao A Shui's soft and petite fat claws. If she wanted to roll, she would always be able to stop it in time.

  Pinellia rummaged through a book, but still found nothing, she put the book aside in extreme frustration, thinking about how it would be good.

  Hearing her breath, Wu Mo naturally guessed it in his heart, so he comforted: "Don't worry, Mr. Qi has a lot of knowledge, maybe he can find a way to save his eyes."

  Banxia nodded: "That's right, when Mr. Qi comes over, let's ask him for help." This may be the only glimmer of hope, but unfortunately Mr. Qi left with Houyan some time ago, and neither of them has come back. I don't know if this will delay Wumo's eyes?

  If it is said that people are sent outside to find them at this time, the first time the village has to guard against foreign thieves is already nervous, and secondly, there is no one who can take on this important task for a while.

  Pinellia first reached out and touched the bottom of A Shui's butt, but there was no wetness, so there should be no urinal, so she turned off the tung oil lamp, put her feet on the kang lightly, and lay down next to A Shui.

  Wu Mo reached out and touched his eyes. It was darkness that couldn't be seen. He could no longer see his daughter's delicate and sweet smile, nor the soft silhouette of Ban Xia.

  He smiled bitterly. If he could never go back to the past in this life, would he really be able to take it easy?

  At this moment, Banxia's soft hand reached out, took his big hand, followed his big hand, and gently stroked his eyes.

  Wu Mo froze, but smiled and said, "Go to bed early, you've been tired all day."

  But Banxia couldn't sleep, she moved her body gently, leaned against Wumo, and put her face on his chest: "I was worried about your eyes a few days ago, it doesn't matter what you say, in fact, I still care about it."

  Wu Mo was silent for a while: "The old patriarch gave me the famous family. I felt that the burden on my body was very heavy. Now if my eyes are really blind, I can't do anything."

  Banxia raised his head, caressed his angular face with pity, cupped it and said, "The old patriarch chose you as the patriarch, and he had his reasons. Even if you are blind and blind, you are still a prominent family member. The patriarch is still my last."

  Wu Mo listened, and grabbed her from behind Ban Xia with a big hand, and said softly: "I know what you mean, but—" He said sternly: "But the feeling of darkness in front of me is so uncomfortable, I never knew that I would lose it. That's what it's like to have eyes."

  Banxia sat up, stared at him for a moment in the dark, and finally leaned down, kissed his eyes, his nose, his mouth, and finally whispered in his ear: "We were in the temple that day. , I can't see anything, and I'm scared, I don't know where to go. But you were by my side at the time, although you couldn't see it, you heard it with your ears, you supported me with your hands, and I walked forward. I am not afraid of anything, and dare to take a step forward."

  She leaned over and hugged him with her own body: "We both lost our eyes at that time, and we walked so far with only your ears." She buried her head between his neck, deeply He took a breath and said, "But now, although you can't see anymore, I can still see. You still have ears, but I have more eyes. Isn't this much better than back then?"

  Wu Mo backhanded and hugged her who was lying on her body tightly: "Banxia, ​​thank you."

  Banxia kissed his neck and whispered: "I can always be your eyes, if you feel that the darkness in front of you makes you feel uneasy, then you should think about me beside you, think about my eyes Bar."

  Wu Mo smiled relievedly: "You're right, in fact, having eyes or not has no effect on me. In fact, I'm just afraid of the feeling that I can't see anything." As he spoke, the man who couldn't see anything. His eyes lit up: "But now I'm suddenly not afraid anymore. With you and Ah Shui by my side, I have nothing to fear."

  Hearing this, Banxia also smiled: "I never knew before that, when you are also vulnerable, you always feel that you are not afraid of the sky."

  Wu Mo gently stroked her back: "I never thought before that I would marry a lady like you."

  Banxia raised her eyebrows slightly and said inexplicably, "Then what kind of lady am I?"

  Wu Mo smiled, but instead of answering her words, he said, "Banxia, ​​I suddenly want you very much."

  Banxia didn't expect him to suddenly mention this, and lightly hammered his chest: "Your body has just recovered, so you thought about whether you have any of these."

  Wu Mo was a little aggrieved: "Why is there something? Didn't we say that you want to have another boy like me, isn't this the right time?" His breath lingered in her ear, It made her ears start to turn red.

  Banxia still held back and firmly refused: "Wait, you'll be fully recovered later, we'll-"

  But Wu Mo didn't listen to this, and said, "I'm recovering well now." His men had already stroked her waist down to her soft buttocks. They tried to cover her buttocks with big hands, and started But he couldn't hold it, so he began to knead and play in the smooth and plump place.

  Banxia leaned against his chest, already feeling his lower abdomen stretched out, and the stretched lower abdomen drove the hot things below to press hard against his thighs.

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