The Yamashita Family

By Kagura_mtl

16.6K 273 3


Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
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Untitled Part 74 (end)

Untitled Part 53

91 1 0
By Kagura_mtl

  Seeing this, San Lengzi hurriedly said: "I don't know, this wine was brought up the mountain by Muyang, and I invited everyone to drink it. Who would have thought that everyone would be drunk and not wake up!"

  Fei Wenyan gave Muyang a stern look, and he stepped forward and kicked it, only to Muyang's chest, which startled the others.

  But Mu Yang woke up, coughed and opened his eyes. He had a very beautiful dream, and when he woke up, the dream was broken, but Uncle Eleven stood in front of him fiercely.

  Fei Lian didn't want to look at Mu Yang's panicked look, and said coldly, "Get up quickly!" After he finished speaking, he waved to everyone and went up the mountain with him.

  Chapter 54

  After Wumo went up the mountain, the galloping horse came to the vicinity of the forbidden area. The closer he got, the more he felt that the surrounding heat was unbearable. Wu Mo restrained the horse rope and looked around, and saw that the fire was burning in the thorny ground on the edge of the forbidden area, and the fire had gradually spread to the depths of the hinterland of the forbidden area with the help of the wind.

  The nearby trees were also stunned, and there were even unknown small animals trapped in them. The tigers, wild horses, bears and leopards also fled, and even the birds flew around, some of them were slow, and their wings were half burned One, struggling there in panic. There were even bigger tigers and leopards and the like, when they escaped, they were hit by the scorched tree, screaming and roaring but could not escape.

  Seeing this scene, Wu Mo frowned deeply. Although he went up to the mountains to hunt every day, what he did was to make a living that hurt the animals in the mountains, but most of his life was to keep his stomach out of the cold. The law of mountains and forests is originally that the weak eat for the weak. Whether walking in the mountains or in the wild, it is a cycle of causation and self-contained, extremely mutual food, and interdependence as friends, which together form the tranquility of this ancient mountain for thousands of years. . Today, this fire has caused many animals to lose their lives in vain. There are countless trees that have grown to become towering for many years, but they have also been swallowed up in the fire. Heartache.

  The catastrophe in the mountains and forests, the disaster of the hunting family, the fire in the city, and the disaster in the fish pond, thinking of the many clans below the mountain, it is more and more worrying.

  Wu Mo frowned and looked into the distance, lowered his head and asked his beloved horse Chasing Feng: "The fire has already started, and the neighborhood is very dangerous, but since I am the head of the family, the mountains and forests are on fire for no reason. Walk around here?"

  Chasing wind neighing, fore hooves raised.

  Wu Mo took off the tiger fur, bare his arms, nodded and said, "Okay, avoid the fire, let's take a circle around here before making plans."

  After hearing this, Chai Feng walked on his back, avoiding the place where the smoke was burning, but he didn't set his body on fire, but there was thick smoke around him, and it was inevitable that one person and one horse would make his eyes red, and his whole body was sweating like rain.

  Along the way, I saw all the living beings being burned, but nothing was gained. Wu Mo frowned, thinking that the arsonist had already descended from the mountain? At this moment, a láng with half of its body on fire suddenly appeared in the direction of the forbidden area, running in the forest with a shrill howl, rushing out quickly, and then rolling on the ground in pain.

  Seeing nothing, he hurriedly turned over and dismounted, grabbed the rotten leaves that had accumulated on the ground for many years, and smothered it on the body. The rotten leaf was so wet that it was hit by Wu Mo on the wild láng, and the láng kept rolling, and the fire went out in a short while.

  At this time, Wu Mo took a closer look and found that this láng looked familiar, but when he looked at it again, it was the láng who had been knocked out by himself. He hurriedly lifted its láng head and asked in a deep voice, "How is the láng clan now?"

  This láng's back body and two hind legs and tail were all caught on fire, the hair was burnt, and it gave off an unpleasant smell. It struggled for a moment, screamed mournfully, and looked up at Wu Mo with sad eyes.

  Wu Mo listened to this cry, and the more he heard the frown, the tighter his brows became. It turned out that the láng clan had just returned from the outside hunting. Unfortunately, this fire happened. Those láng who happened to live on the edge of the forbidden area were almost all affected. disaster, countless casualties. And this láng was also a fluke, and even escaped while rushing around indiscriminately.

  Wu Mo saw that it was extremely painful and howling, so he went to the side to find some rough medicine, chewed it with his mouth and put it on it.

  Ye Láng got the medicine, and the pain was obviously relieved. He lay there and looked sadly at the raging fire that was still burning in the forbidden area.

  Wu Mo's brows furrowed even tighter. With such a fire, they were still burning hot from the fire, not to mention those láng.

  One person, one horse and one láng stood quietly beside the fire, the surrounding trees were gradually ignited, and the firelight reflected on the lonely figure, like a few red silhouettes in the dark night.

  At this moment, Wu Mo's frown suddenly moved, and there seemed to be some abnormal sound around.

  How sensitive Láng's sense of smell is, the injured Ye Láng next to him obviously noticed it, and he raised his ears and listened carefully.

  Wu Mo closed his eyes and listened carefully, and soon, his sharp eyes were fixed on somewhere.

  It was a boulder, some distance from the fire, and there was a steep path leading downhill.

  Wu Mo sneered and said sternly: "Who is hiding there, why don't you come out quickly!"

  He stood with his sword in hand, his black hair flashing red in the light of the fire, his vigorous back was hot with sweat, his sharp eyes turned towards the direction where those people were hiding, and his voice was not angry and mighty in this dark night Loud.

  Ye Láng roared, and there was a resentful green light in his eyes. Although it was a walker, it also knew that the person who was hiding should be the culprit of this fire, the enemy who killed its countless brothers and sisters!

  After the boulder, several shadows gradually walked out, carrying swords and wearing the usual clothes of foreigners.

  Seeing this, Ye Láng was about to pounce on it immediately, Wu Mo stretched out his hand to signal, and it just stopped, but looking at the eyes of those few people, she almost swallowed it up with anger.

  Wumo coldly swept over a few people, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you, why did you break into the ancient mountain to set fire?" At this time, although Wumo was 90% sure that these people were arsonists, But in the end to try something.

  Sure enough, the most burly one of those people looked at Wu Mo and sneered, "You can control who we are, it's just a fire."

  There was bloodthirsty light in Wu Mo's eyes, but he lowered his eyes to hide, and said in a low voice: "It's such a cold day, I went to the mountain in the middle of the night to set a fire, these brothers are very happy."

  The burly man in the lead laughed loudly when he heard it: "What do you want to ask, but just ask." He stopped laughing and gave the sword a nice spin in his hand. Then he looked at Wu Mo with confidence, and said proudly: "Anyway, no matter how much you know, you won't even want to walk down this ancient mountain today!"

  Hearing the words, Wu Mo laughed instead of anger, and was very happy: "Why?"

  The burly man smiled, looking at Wu Mo as if he was looking at a dead man: "No matter who you are, since you saw us set fire, you will never let you go!"

  A small-eyed man behind the big man stared at Wumo and frowned, "Brother, stop talking nonsense with him."

  Wu Mo's dark eyes swept to the mouse-eyed man: "I'm going to die, can't I be a sensible ghost?"

  The burly big man motioned the mouse man to step back, and said to Wu Mo: "My rules for killing people have always been clear. Someone gave us a large sum of gold and asked us to set a fire. He also said that if someone looked at the ancient mountain. When it comes to us, we will kill them together, and if you kill one more person, you will get five hundred gold."

  When Wu Mo heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Who is it, who is so generous, to give out a lot of gold just to make you come and set a fire?"

  The burly man laughed: "I don't know much about this, I just know that the man seems to have married a woman from your famous family as a wife."

  The small-eyed mouse man frowned, and his small eyes stared at the arrow behind Wumo. He pulled the burly man and said, "Brother, this man is not simple, don't talk, let's kill him quickly and leave."

  Wu Mo had already guessed in his heart that the person behind the arson was instructing him, and now he stopped talking nonsense.

  With the longbow in hand, he raised his sharp eyes and glanced at the six men in black: "Do you think you can kill me?"

  The surrounding fire has heated up the bow and arrow, and the boiling flames are reflected in his eyes: "You have trespassed on the ancient mountains and hurt countless lives. It is impossible to walk out of the ancient mountains alive!"

  When the arrow left the string, Ye Láng next to him also roared out, rushing towards the burly man like a bolt of lightning.

  The murderer paid for his life, and killed so many animals in the ancient mountain. Your blood is destined to solidify on this land.


  Fei led the crowd up the mountain in a hurry, only to see the fire in the direction of the forbidden area of ​​the ancient mountain, which seemed to be burning more and more, but at this time, a cold wind picked up, and Fei felt like a knife in his heart: "This wind is something that cannot be done by manpower. , If it really can withstand the strong wind, the ancient mountain is afraid that it will become an asura field."

  San Lengzi frowned and said: "If this fire really needs to be burned, even if we take more water from the ancient mountain to put out the fire, it will not be extinguished. How much water!"

  For a while, I was brave to go up the mountain, but now I look at the fire, but my heart is cold.

  Such a big fire, unless the ancestors of the slaves show their spirits, how can it be put out!

  The clansmen on the side suddenly said: "We don't know where our clan has gone, why can't we see people?"

  Fei Ningmei said, "Let's go to the forbidden area first. If there are any survivors, we can save them. Let's go." After speaking, the crowd walked towards the forbidden area.

  At the bottom of the mountain at this time, Pinellia led the old and the weak, women and children, to watch in front of the temple. Everyone carried food and water bags on their bodies, so that they could flee for their lives in case a fire blazed this way. The women held their babies while supporting the trembling old people.

  Everyone's eyes were full of worry, and they silently looked at the fire in the distance without saying a word.

  Rui, the old man in the village, ignored the help of his grandson-in-law, and staggered to the temple alone, knelt down, and burst into tears: "The ancient mountains are in trouble, the noble family is in trouble, the ancestors of the slaves, open your eyes and look at us, help These children and grandchildren!"

  He was too old, and his voice was hoarse. When he cried, his tears fell into the countless wrinkles on his face, and his white hair was scattered, making him even more old.

  The other old people wept when they heard this, and went over one after another. They also knelt there and cried and prayed: "I am not afraid of death, we would rather kneel in front of the temple forever and accompany the temple to live and die together, but it's just those children. They are still young, great sword spirits, please forgive them!"

  Banxia was holding A Shui in her arms, and Ren Dong was holding Shi Dan'er. The two of them and Duohui stayed by the old mother's side. Anuo sat quietly and frowned at the fire in the distance. Muwa sat by herself with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

  The old mother sighed: "Oh, I have lived for such a long time, but I have never encountered such a disaster, and I don't know what happened to the children on the mountain?"

  Ren Dong tightly hugged the stone egg in his arms, looking at his innocent little face and indifferent eyes, he couldn't help kissing his forehead.

  In this world, except for Shi Dan'er, she will never care about anyone anymore. She doesn't have the energy to care about where the wooden sheep is.

  Duohun wiped away her tears and persuaded: "Old mother, don't worry, you see that the temple is here to bless us, and they will be able to go down the mountain safely."

  Banxia didn't say anything, she looked down at Ah Shui, who was sleeping in her arms, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

  The other children were crying in Grandma's arms, but she was still sleeping calmly. Should I say she was weak or too calm.

  Gently patted her back, Banxia looked up at the fire in the distance, which did not weaken the trend at all.

  Her man, I don't know where, how far is it from the fire?

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