The Yamashita Family

By Kagura_mtl

16.6K 273 3


Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
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Untitled Part 74 (end)

Untitled Part 39

160 1 0
By Kagura_mtl

  Seeing Banxia coming in, Duohui said with red eyes: "Banxia, ​​grandma Qijin said that this is actually a fetus, and I'm afraid she won't be able to get out."

  As soon as he heard the pregnancy, Banxia's mind suddenly buzzed. The medical skills of the famous people are very simple, and they can only treat some small patients. I am afraid that this kind of fetal position is really difficult to guarantee!

  At this moment, all kinds of scenes appeared in her mind, and all kinds of knowledge about production that she gradually recalled, but those were too vague and far away, and it was impossible for them to come in handy!

  At this moment, Ren Dong suddenly opened her eyes, she suddenly looked at her sister, she trembled and wanted to reach out to pull her, and weakly called out: "Sister, save me, Ren Dong doesn't want to die..." The voice was weak but shrill.

  Banxia felt sad in her heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her sister's hand. When she started, she only felt extremely cold, and murmured, "Honeysuckle, hold on, please, you will be born!"

  Honeysuckle's tears and sweat have long since been indistinguishable, her hair sticking to her face, she shook her head weakly: "Sister, I'm so uncomfortable, I don't want to die... But it's so uncomfortable... You help me..."

  Her eyes gradually blurred, as if she lost her focus, and she started talking nonsense again: "Give me a knife, I can't stand it anymore..." She suddenly exhausted her last strength and shouted hoarsely: "Sister, Dad, I don't want to live. Come on, let me die, I can't take it anymore!" After this hoarse roar, she seemed to have lost all her strength and lay there dumbfounded, still murmuring weakly: "Sister , let me die...please...I can't take it anymore..."

  Said, waving both hands, and the ginseng slices in his mouth did not know where they had gone, so Duohun and Qijin mother-in-law hurriedly held her down one by one. The wooden sheep outside heard the movement and slammed on the door in a hurry: "Let me in!"

  Old Duohui burst into tears: "What a sin, how can you let your child do this kind of thing!" Sitting on the womb, this happened in the village before, when I watched helplessly as the mother and son died together!

  In the sultry and bloody cries, Pinellia stepped forward and said, "Let me try."

  Duohui cried and said, "Banxia, ​​what can you do..." Duohui knew that the Master had no choice, let alone Pinellia.

  Qijin's mother-in-law held a glimmer of hope for Banxia: "Banxia, ​​what can you do?"

  Pinellia looked at her haggard and mournful sister with distress: "There is a way, maybe I can try it, but I don't have much hope."

  It's just maybe, even if this kind of thing happens in the world that can be remembered in the mind, maybe the final fate can only be guaranteed. No matter which one is guaranteed, the process is extremely bloody and cruel.

  But there is a method that Banxia used to see an old obstetrician in her early years, and that is to transfer the fetal position.

  Changing the fetal position depends on skills and experience, even the old obstetrician himself is reluctant to try it easily. Because this is not only difficult to succeed, but also the process is extremely painful, life is better than death.

  Banxia has no experience in this area, but now she can only try it.

  When Duohui heard Banxia say this, she begged with a glimmer of hope: "Banxia, ​​Rendong is all up to you, save her!" She said with a trembling voice: "The child can be reborn after the child is gone, but a human being If it's gone, it's all over, save your sister!" Duohui's trembling hands clenched Banxia's hand, almost hurting Banxia's hand: "Banxia, ​​save her, you must save her! !"

  Banxia didn't cry, she nodded: "I'll try my best."

  At this time, Ren Dong stared at the roof with dull eyes, slumped there without any strength, and murmured, but couldn't make any sound. With the assistance of Jiujin's mother-in-law and Duohui, Banxia put her body in a sideways posture.

  Pinellia first cleaned her hands with hot water and the clove juice, and then opened the honeysuckle's legs. After opening it, she felt appalling. Duo Hui, who was beside him, took a deep breath and couldn't bear to look directly.

  Banxia narrowed her eyes slightly, enduring the pain in her heart, she stretched out her hand and slowly explored to find the entrance, first exploring with her fingers.

  Ren Dong's body trembled in pain subconsciously, but she no longer had much strength, only her mouth opened and closed silently, and tears flowed down in despair, like a fish out of water.

  Knowing that time was running out, Pinellia took a deep breath and ruthlessly explored inside, trying to recall the vague memory in her mind.

  At this time, the wooden sheep outside the house anxiously grabbed his hair and asked inside loudly, "What happened? Did you give birth?"

  Yan was also very worried, but when he heard Mu Yang say this, he lowered his face and said, "What are you shouting, stand and go!"

  Mu Yang's eyes were red, and he said in frustration: "Dad, I'm worried..."

  What he didn't say was that he didn't like Wumo, and he didn't like Banxia. Why didn't Banxia come out of the house now? Could it be that the little Pinellia is more powerful than the experienced mother-in-law Qijin?

  He doesn't believe it!

  At this time, the Pinellia in the room naturally knew what would happen to him if he failed. But the person lying on the kang was her own younger sister, the younger sister who grew up with the child.

  Her father was gone, her sister was taken away by her husband in a madness, and there was only one younger sister left.

  Besides, this is the child of the loving mother Duohui.

  She took a deep breath to calm herself, closed her eyes and groped with her heart, all she had to do was reach in and turn the little baby in one direction.

  Rendong's face was deformed in pain, and her pale hands were clutching the bedding beside her and scratching, but her throat was almost hoarse and she could not make a sound. Nervously to help press the honeysuckle together.

  Sweat slowly slipped down from Banxia's forehead. She tried to make her hands more stable. Her subordinates were her own sister's life and that little nephew's life.

  At this time, the old mother came to the yard with the help of Fei, and Yan and Muyang hurried to help. The old mother was the one who had gone through the trouble. After asking about the situation inside, she instructed Fei to sit and wait under the stone bench beside her.

  I don't know how long it took, and they finally heard a cry like a kitten, which came intermittently. Although the voice was weak, everyone was overjoyed when he heard it, and Mu Yang jumped up and rushed into the house. Fortunately, the old mother stopped him.

  In the delivery room, the mother-in-law Qijin held the baby as thin as a kitten, cleaned him, and then showed it to Duohui: "It's a boy, but it's too thin."

  Duo Hui glanced at the baby, and saw that the little red face was full of wrinkles, there were some white hairs on the head, and the small eyes were confused and could not be opened, she sighed: "Old Ancestor Dinu Bless you, you are finally born."

  Pinellia brought the tonic soup to the honeysuckle, but the honeysuckle didn't have the strength to drink it, so she had to take a wooden spoon and feed it to her little by little.

  Ren Dong opened his eyes in confusion, and the tearful eyes of the rest of his life looked at his sister desolately, but he couldn't say a word.

  Banxia felt sour in her heart, but smiled and persuaded: "Lintong, the baby is born, you are all fine, now drink the soup first."

  Honeysuckle shed a tear again, moved her lips, and began to drink the soup with the spoon of Pinellia.

  When weighed later, the little baby only weighed four pounds and eight taels, and it was like a kitten in his arms. The old mother looked at this child distressedly, and named him Shi Daner, hoping that he would be as hard as a stone egg.

  When I got home that night, Banxia still had lingering fears about what happened today. Although this younger sister is always not very sensible, she is a younger sister. If it really disappears like this, how can she be worthy of her deceased father.

  After hearing this tragic situation, Wu Mo lowered his head and said nothing. After a long time, he suddenly said: We want a baby from Ah Shui, and we won't let you have a baby in the future.

  Chapter 41

  Maybe it was because of the passing away from the gate of hell, Ren Dong did not feel very good for the whole month, and she often cried when she looked at the thin little baby, so that she didn't even have any milk.

  Pinellia had no choice but to bring Shi Daner over to feed herself. She used to have plenty of milk, but now that she has another baby to feed, she will soon be stretched. Fortunately, she had Wu Mo catch a sheep before, and since A Shui was older, he could drink some corn porridge, so he could barely maintain it.

  She was originally worried that Ah Shui didn't like goat milk, but she had a great appetite after eating it. After eating, she even looked at the bowl with her mouth open and her eyes bright, waving her hands at the stone bowl vigorously.

  Seeing this, Duohun couldn't help but sigh: "A Shui is really a good child." Looking back at Shi Dan'er, he was really helpless.

  Shi Dan is very weak, and he can't eat much milk. After feeding it for a month or two, he has not seen much growth. Ordinary little babies should have fat arms and legs at this time, but he still looks so pitiful.

  Looking at Duo Hui's haggard face, Pinellia knew that she was not having a good time these days. She took good care of the honeysuckle day and night, and finally the honeysuckle is getting better, and she wants to be a little stone egg again, which is really distressing to say.

  At this time, Ren Dong happened to come to see her son. She entered the house and greeted her sister and mother-in-law, then sat on the edge of the kang and looked down at her son, and she even cried again.

  "Sister, if it wasn't for you, Shi Dan'er and I would not have survived." Ren Dong was not stupid, she knew that it was almost impossible to survive this kind of pregnancy.

  Banxia put A Shui lying on her lap on the kang, and said, "What are you talking about, Ren Dong, you are my sister, and our sisters are talking such foreign words."

  Honeysuckle wiped her tears, nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

  At this time, Ah Shui began to tumbling on the kang. She is a very active baby. In the confinement period, she learned to lift her buttocks to move her fat body. , she hummed and moved her butt to avoid it. She learned to turn over in more than two months, so when she was full, she felt that it was hot around Pinellia, so she closed her eyes and hummed. After humming a few times, she rolled aside and went to sleep.

  With tears in her eyes, Ren Dong watched Ah Shui's white, tender and round little arms waving vigorously, her two calves kicked happily, and then looked back at her own stone egg. Saying that Shi Dan'er can't do anything, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

  Although Ren Dong didn't understand, she heard that some babies were born for too long, and then the baby became a fool, and then she didn't know how to walk, so she started to worry.

  Pinellia was actually worried in her heart. She thought that when Shi Dan'er came out of her mother's womb, her face was blushing, and she was really afraid that there would be a problem. In addition, these days she found that Shidan's strength was very small when she was breastfeeding, and when she was lying down, her legs were close together, not the frog legs of a normal baby. So when she has time, she helps Shi Dan'er press her legs, but so far there is no effect.

  Seeing that Pinellia didn't speak, Ren Dong panicked: "Sister, shouldn't there really be a problem?"

  Banxia pondered for a while, and then said softly: "Len Dong, don't be afraid. I can't see if there is something wrong with this baby, so I can take a look at it later. But I think I'm too busy these days, you If you have time, come over to take care of him, and I will teach you how to do it."

  Ren Dong originally looked down on her sister, but now she has saved her life. She has already cast aside her prejudices and old grudges, and is completely convinced by this sister. Hearing what my sister said, she hurriedly agreed.

  But after the honeysuckle returned home, Muyang didn't take it seriously: "There are a few silly children in our family from time to time, but that's because their parents are unlucky. Although our stone egg is thin, there is something wrong with it. Unbelievable."

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