Madam Momus and Her Dirty Dia...

By Sayitwithyourchest2

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As a young insecure but curious girl, River Coleman creates a blog for sexual confessionals. Years pass and... More

Chapter 1 - Doctor...Who?
Chapter 2 - I Hate Lucy
Chapter 4 - How To Get Away With Flirting
Chapter 5 - Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 6 - C-SEXion Education
Chapter 7 - River The Virgin
Chapter 8 - The Bad Doctor
Chapter 9 - The Sweet Type
Chapter 10 - One Of Us Is Angry
Chapter 11 - One Reason Why
Chapter 12 - Sex/Death
Chapter 13 - The Office (Affair)
Chapter 14 - The Last Waterbender
Chapter 15 - How I Met Your Mother
Chapter 16 - How He Should Meet His Mother
Chapter 17 - Welcome To Forries
Chapter 18 - River-Deal
Chapter 19 - The Ultimatum
Chapter 20 - The Grim Adventures of River and Dana
Chapter 21 - Narcos
Chapter 22 - The 100 (Roses)
Chapter 23 - Man vs River
Chapter 24 - Strangest Things
Chapter 25 - March Faction
Chapter 26 - Homecoming
Epilogue - Boo, Bitch
Sneak Peak: Madam Momus' Niece and The Beast

Chapter 3 - The seX Files

1.3K 78 35
By Sayitwithyourchest2 I hear you're this town's agony aunt? Well, I've got a problem. I'm new in town and I have this co-worker who can't stand the sight of me. I haven't done anything to her, but I get it. Bad boy reputation and all. She's cagy and defensive, how do I get her to let her guard down? This post is a fresh start for me, I would like to have a healthy relationship with my co-workers. Including her. What do I do?

It didn't take a genius to figure out who I was speaking to. Didn't these people ever worry that they were confessing their deepest darkest and dirtiest secrets to their neighbours? Or worse, their mother? If you're going to admit to a complete stranger what a depraved weirdo you are, the least you could do was use another email address. Anyways, Wesley's submission didn't matter because this wasn't a sexual confession. Hey new guy. That's not how things work around here. I'm not here to hold your hand and give you life advice. The dirty diaries are for sexual confessions, a space where you can freely admit what you want without the judgement of society. Well, I am judging but you don't know me and I don't know you. So who cares?

Ps. Maybe leave your co-worker alone. She probably has a valid reason for why she doesn't like you.

I clicked 'send' and slammed my laptop shut. For some reason that felt like a slap in Wesley's face and I loved it. He could use his charms elsewhere not with the Madam.

Every day I woke up early to do some admin for the Dirty Diaries but today I woke up early for a completely different reason. I decided that if I left home early enough, I wouldn't bump into Wesley. My plan was going so smoothly until my car decided not to start. I knew my old Toyota Tazz would give up on me at some point but I didn't think today was the day.

When I turned the key, the car stuttered like an old broken motorbike before coughing and then cutting off.

"Shh, it's ok," I said softly as if I was talking to a scared, cornered dog. I stroked the wheel softly, treating my car like a wounded animal. With the years it has seen, it might as well have been. I closed my eyes and turned the key again. Same thing. This time it just stuttered until I switched it off.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the light tapping at my window. How I did not see this hulk of a man approach my car, I don't know. It was actually quite worrisome, how easily people could sneak up on me. I would have probably been Ted Bundy's dream target. I shook my head, that's ridiculous. I wasn't pretty enough to attract the attention of a serial killer. Thank God for small mercies, am I right?

I couldn't stop my shoulders from sagging with embarrassment when I saw Wesley. My car was so low, that he had to bend over to be at eye level with me. He just knows how to catch me at my best. Maybe if I pretended he wasn't there, he'd disappear.

After three seconds of me staring at my window shield, he tapped again. This time indicating that I roll the window down. At this point, it was just easier to co-operate. I grabbed the lever and twisted it with all my upper body strength. The muscles in my biceps cried out. It felt like I had put in a full workout just to get it a quarter way open. Which I was fine with, for some reason this fragile window was the only thing protecting me from the big bad man on the other side of it.

"Need a ride?" His hair was dark because it was wet and a stray ringlet fell across his forehead when he tilted his head to the side.

My lips felt dry and I quickly licked them. "No, I'm good. Thank you."

He smiled, he knew I was bullshitting. "Ok." He swung one hand out. "Lead the way."

He then straitened to his full height and folded his thick arms over his chest. My palms were itching to smack the amusement right off his face. After taking a deep breath, I stabbed my keys into the ignition again, hoping that the universe would pity me.

Nope. They didn't because the car just stuttered. This time so hard that the entire car was vibrating and then something blasted out of the exhaust. And because I was not God's favourite, smoke started escaping the engine. This had to be my punishment for running a Mommy porn site.

Wordlessly, I unlocked the door and stepped out. Wesley had sucked in his lips, trying his best not to laugh.

"What?" I snapped at him.

He comically schooled his features into being serious and lifted his one hand, as a sign of surrender. "Nothing."

Then he handed me the helmet that was in his other hand. He turned and walked toward his bike, not even checking to make sure I was following him. I was glued to my spot staring at the heavy item in my hands. It looked like the severed head of some futurist robot.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I called out to him.

He turned around and smirked at me. "What else does one need a helmet for genius?".

He tilted his head in a way that said 'c'mon', then he swung one leg over the bike and sat down. I watched as the beastly machine sunk under his weight. When it roared to life, he revved it.

"Let's go babe, I don't have all day." Maybe it was easier to co-operate. I stuck the helmet on and walked toward him. I had never ridden a bike before and was suddenly hit with a wave of insecurity. How does one climb a bike?

Thank God he couldn't read my expression, but it seems he could read my mind.

"Come here." He grabbed one hand and pulled me to his side. "Put your hands on my shoulders and swing one leg over."

I did as he said. His leather jacket felt expensive under my fingers. When I was seated I retracted my hands, placing them in the small space between us. Half my ass was off the seat but at least I was respecting his personal space right?

I let out a small squeak when he reached back and placed his hand on my lower back, pulling me forward and right against him.

"Do you want to fall off?" He was speaking to me over his shoulder, but I could see the smirk on his face. "Hands around my waist."

When I hesitated he reached back and pulled them around him. "Don't worry. I won't tell HR if you don't."

The ride to work was silent and oddly peaceful. I got so comfortable at some point, I hadn't realised I was hugging Wesley to me. His warm body was a lifeline as everything zipped past me. Now and then his chest would vibrate as if he was saying something, but I couldn't hear a thing. I would have to ask him about it later. With every turn, I could feel the muscles in his abdomen ripple and that sent my mind into overdrive. With nothing to do but just feel, my mind was conjuring up images of what he would look like shirtless. I was even becoming accustomed to the smell of him. Even with this huge helmet on I could smell his enchanting leather and bergamot scent. Today it was mixed with the sweet smell of his shampoo.

When we arrived at the office, Lucy walked around her desk with a cake in her hand. She was a baker. Anniversaries, birthdays, retirements, you could count on her to bake you a cake.

"Nurse Coleman. Dr Sykes." She said nodding at us. If she found it weird that we were arriving together, she didn't show it. "I never got to give you a warm welcome. So I baked you this."

She was so short, that she offered up the cake like Rafiki held up Simba on pride rock. The height difference between the two of them was comical, she was barely pushing 4'10 and he was well over 6 feet.

If I didn't know any better, I would say Wesley was blushing. "Thank you Lucy."

He took the cake and walked to his office closing the door behind him. I turned to Lucy who was still smiling after him. She better get her sexually depraved mind out of the gutter. I snapped my fingers in her face.

"Earth to Lucy. You're drooling."

"Sorry." She blinked rapidly shaking her head. "He's just soo handsome."

"And dangerous. If you grew up here, you'd know that. Also are you not, like, married?" She stuck her tongue out to me in response.

When I was safely in the nurses' lounge I fired up my laptop. Looks like I missed a reply from Wesley. Oh this is my sexual confession. The filthy things I imagine myself doing to her would make your readers blush. Of course, I'm trying not to act on it, for the sake of this practice. So, I'll give you a detailed account for your files and you tell me how to act normally around a woman I want to royally fuck.

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