The Yamashita Family

Por Kagura_mtl

16.6K 273 3


Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
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Untitled Part 74 (end)

Untitled Part 17

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Por Kagura_mtl

  Ying chūn and the others were really sleepy, they fell asleep after a while, and only Banxia kept her eyes half-closed and waited. She didn't hear footsteps outside until it was almost dawn.

  Ban Xia was afraid that Wu Mo didn't know that a guest at home was abusive to the little sister, so she hurriedly put on a felt and went out to open the door. I saw Wu Mo came back with great strides under the moonlight. The spirit looked fine, and he was not tired from not sleeping all night—he had always been like this, and he was still in high spirits even after staying up all night, Banxia thought to himself.

  Wumo saw that Banxia ran outside to open the door for himself, and roughly guessed it, and pointed his finger inside, with a question on his face.

  Banxia nodded and said softly: "They are all asleep inside, you go first-"

  Without waiting for Banxia to finish speaking, Wu Mo already understood. At the moment, Banxia quietly entered the room and went into the room to pass a piece of felt to Wumo, and Wumo squeezed Banxia's hand before taking it. Banxia looked at Wu Mo, and had something to say to herself. Just as she was about to ask him, she heard the voice of a wooden baby in the room: "Sister Banxia?"

  Pinellia is busy letting Wumo climb the tree and go into the house by herself

  Muwa was already awake, rubbed her eyes and asked, "Is he back? Let's go first."

  Banxia waved his hand hurriedly: "No, go to sleep, he will spend the night elsewhere first."

  But Muwa woke up and couldn't fall asleep, so Banxia and Muwa were leaning against the head of the kang and talking in a low voice.

  While talking, Muwa asked Banxia about Wumo. Seeing that she was very curious and determined to let everyone know more about Wumo, she talked about how Wumo endured hardships and stood hard work, and went up the mountain to hunt every day. Picking herbs, etc., and talking about how delicious it is roasted without end, Muwa found it quite interesting.


  When it was dawn, the three sisters also woke up. At this time, Wu Mo had already made breakfast, and he didn't know when he got down from the tree. Banxia originally wanted to stay for dinner, and Ying chūn also wanted to stay, but Ren Dong was unhappy and said that he should go home, lest his father be worried, so Ying chūn had to follow. Yingchūn Honeysuckle left, Muwa had no reason to stay behind, so she had to leave.

  At the moment, the couple were talking while eating breakfast.

  Wu Mo briefly explained the qíng form at the patriarch's place, and then Banxia knew that the patriarch wanted to divide the entire village into ten teams, each of about ten people. The ten teams had to take turns on duty in front of the temple at night to prevent outsiders from having plans for the temple.

  While drinking the rapeseed porridge, Wumo said, "The leader of the team I'm in is called Houyan." Wumo looked at Banxia while saying this.

  Pinellia knew that thick Yan, of course, ran to the front of his house and asked why he didn't marry him. Thinking of this, she chuckled lightly, this person is also quite interesting.

  Seeing Banxia, ​​Wumo just smiled, his face suddenly turned cold, he put down the bowl and stopped eating.

  Banxia didn't realize it, and said with a smile, "I didn't sleep well last night, so I don't have to go up the mountain today, so I can rest at home."

  Wu Mo said solemnly: "Forget it, I still have to go up the mountain, lest you be starving if you run out of food!"

  When Banxia heard this, she said in surprise: "What are you talking about, why have you ever been hungry to me?"

  Wu Mo didn't explain, so he got up and went out of the house with a dark face, picked up a bamboo basket, picked up a bow and arrow, and was about to go out.

  Seeing that he insisted on going, Banxia hurriedly said, "This is the gān food I prepared yesterday, you can take it with you on the road."

  Wu Mo said sternly: "No need, I still hid some in the mountains!" After saying that, they went out.

  Banxia looked at his back, and suddenly felt very inexplicable. He had never been like this before. I don't know how to participate in the conference of the second-class family and it turned out to be like this.

  Could it be that someone said something unpleasant to him?

  catch up

  When Banxia returned to her parents' house that day, she thought that her father was old, and Yingchūn was not a living person, so she wanted to go back and have a look at the preparations for Rendong's wedding. Father Su was very happy to see that Banxia came back, and when he saw that Banxia brought back a lot of things, it made him very proud, and secondly, he was relieved to see that Banxia was living well. Honeysuckle cooked and eaten the wax ròu hanging by the door.

  Neighbors also came to visit, asking this question and that, most of the questions revolved around Wu Mo, the most funny thing is that the aunt Niu next door actually asked Wu Mo if he bullied Banxia. If he did, it would be a big deal. This marriage is no more, and you can come back and remarry. This made Banxia laugh and cry, even if she dared to marry herself, this auntie Niu still thinks about it.

  Banxia asked about Daddy Rendong's marriage, Daddy was very unhappy, and snorted coldly from his nose: "Forget it, I can't control these two unfilial daughters, they can do what they want, anyway, she got married. I won't go there at that time, I can't afford to lose that old face." Banxia knew that her father didn't like the dowry that Rendong used to welcome chūn, but she also found that Rendong had the heart to compare herself with herself, so this matter She was not good at chatting, so she had to bow her head and say nothing.

  When it was getting dark, Banxia thought that it was time to go back and cook dinner for Wumo, so she got up and left. Unexpectedly, as soon as Yingchūn disappeared from the left and right, Father Su also noticed that the eldest daughter was missing, so he casually said: "Maybe I went to visit the door next door."

  Banxia thought that it might be the same, so she said goodbye to her father and sister and went back to her mother-in-law's house.

  Unexpectedly, when I just walked out of the door and turned a corner, I saw two figures in the corner, one was his sister Yingchūn, and the other was a bearded person who didn't know each other. It seemed that the two were arguing about something. .

  With a move in Banxia's heart, she quickly hid in a corner that was not easy to find, and then quietly approached them, wanting to hear what the two were saying.

  It was a windy day, and her voice was indistinct. She only caught a few words, vaguely like "temple" and "guardian".

  Banxia was shocked. Although she already knew that her sister had ulterior motives for coming back this time, could it be that she came to the temple?

  For a while, she thought of the stranger she saw in front of the temple a few days ago, and couldn't help but feel that the patriarch had a clever plan, and he really needed to send someone to help, the ghost knows what bad ideas these foreigners are playing!

  Banxia was afraid that her sister would find out and startle the snake, so she stepped back cautiously, and when she was completely out of their sight, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  She thought about her family's appearance. Her younger sister, Ren Dong, was thinking about dowry and marriage. Although her father was angry with her, she was her own daughter. I was afraid that she would dare to collude with outsiders to attack the temple. After thinking about it, it is more appropriate to tell the patriarch about this matter.

  Now she changed direction and walked to the patriarch's house first.

  By the time the patriarch's house was in charge of the lamp, the patriarch's house, who should have lit the tung oil lamp and read the parchment book in the past, turned out to be completely dark. Banxia came to the courtyard door and shouted, and Fei pushed open the door and walked out.

  Fei Jing was very bad, and his eyes were all red. Seeing that it was Pinellia, he asked, "Panxia, ​​are you okay?"

  Banxia nodded: "I have something to do, I want to find the patriarch."

  Fei hesitated, it seemed that he didn't want to let her in, but at this time, he heard an old voice inside saying, "Let Banxia come in."

  Hearing this voice, Ban Xia was startled again, and only felt that the patriarch looked a lot worse than yesterday.

  It was only after Banxia entered the house that he found that the room was filled with the smell of medicine. The patriarch was half lying on the kang with a futon behind him, looking like he was sluggish.

  Seeing this, Banxia was very worried: "Patriarch, what's wrong with you?"

  The patriarch motioned Banxia to sit down, and then asked the old mother to pour water for Banxia, ​​and then said, "I'm fine, but I'm sick. The Master has prescribed medicine for me, and I'll be fine when I take the medicine..." That's what he said, but after saying this, he coughed violently again.

  Pinellia carefully helped the patriarch to beat his back while thinking about how to speak. The patriarch is ill, she really shouldn't let the patriarch continue to worry about his sister's affairs.

  But the patriarch, who knows that Banxia is always on the Three Treasures Hall, asked, "Banxia, ​​what's the matter with you coming here?"

  When Banxia saw the patriarch asking, she had no choice but to tell what she saw. Who knew that the patriarch was not surprised, but smiled helplessly: "I originally thought that your sister would come back to live for a while, and she could change her mind, but it seems that she is still obsessed!"

  Banxia is also worried when she thinks of this. After all, she is her own sister. If she really did something wrong to the noble family, her father would be the first to be angry.

  Who knows, the patriarch persuaded Banxia: "But don't be sad, just let her stay in the clan. It's unavoidable. Even if she has some bad intentions, we have no reason to drive the clan out."

  Banxia nodded: "But in the end, you have to be careful."

  The patriarch smiled and said, "That's natural. Their goal should be our temple. Now the clan has arranged for people to guard it day and night."

  Banxia thought about it too, so she was a little relieved, and now she talked to the old mother next to her for a while, talking about the illness of the patriarch. While talking, the old mother asked about her getting along with Wumo again, and Banxia thought that the old mother really cared about herself, so she talked about these days in general, and the old mother was very emotional.

  Banxia also remembered that there are quite a few medicinal materials in Wumo, and said: "Although our clan is not lacking in anything, I see that there are many kinds of medicinal materials in Wumo. If you need it, just give it your order. There's no use there." - Since Banxia married Wumo, Wumo has rarely spoken to foreigners.

  Hearing this, the patriarch smiled lovingly and said, "Don't worry, I know, let your old mother go and get it if you need it."


  After saying goodbye to the patriarch's family, Banxia came home very late. As soon as he entered the gate of his own courtyard, he was surprised to see two poor mountains shivering and hiding under the melon shelf in the courtyard.

  Looking at the panicked eyes of those two mountains, Pinellia almost laughed out loud. She wanted to catch them in the house, so it would be warmer anyway. Who would have guessed that although these two mountains were pitifully shivering, their movements were very agile. As soon as they saw Pinellia coming over, they would hide. The poor Pinellia stepped on the feces and found nothing.

  At this moment, the door of the house opened, and a strong aroma of rice came out, followed by Wu Mo.

  Seeing Banxia's embarrassed appearance, Wu Mo also laughed.

  Seeing him laughing at him there, Banxia couldn't help stamping her feet and saying angrily, "You still haven't come to help?"

  Wumo walked over with a smile, the two were more nervous when they saw the big man Wumo coming over, and the two leaned against each other and huddled together.

  Banxia said nervously from the side: "Quickly catch, quick catch!"

  Who knows that Wu Mo is not in a hurry, and approached the two jīs lightly, and when they were completely close, their long arms suddenly stretched out and they were caught in their hands. The two sad mountains only felt that their claws and wings were being pinched, and they were so frightened that they cooed and fluttered their wings indiscriminately, causing the hair to fly all over the courtyard.

  Banxia hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Put it in the house!"

  Wu Mo grabbed the two jīs, turned his head and asked Banxia, ​​"Why did you put them in the house? Didn't that make the floor full of shit?"

  Banxia is right to think about it, but——"What if these two animals are kept in the yard and freeze?"

  Wu Mo said slowly and leisurely: "It's okay, they are frozen every day in the mountains, and they are not frozen."

  Banxia frowned and looked at the two panicked hills together: "But I want to keep them, they look so pitiful now."

  Wu Mo looked back at Ban Xia and said helplessly, "If you feel bad for them, you might as well put them in the mountain behind the house. I will tie them up with hemp ropes so that they won't be wasted."

  Hearing this, Banxia nodded again and again, and immediately said: "Go back and build a nest for them, okay?"

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