The Yamashita Family

By Kagura_mtl

16.6K 273 3


Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
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Untitled Part 74 (end)

Untitled Part 16

267 6 0
By Kagura_mtl

  Banxia shook her head and smiled: "White fox, what a lovely little animal, I can't bear to kill it. Besides, how many wild foxes will be caught with a fox fur coat? Give it to me, and I can slowly raise it up."

  While talking, the two had walked out of the endless thatched hut and came to the street. The people on the street in twos and threes, all wrapped up tightly, braved the cold and deep to go to the patriarch's house. Everyone is familiar with each other on weekdays. Now that they meet, it is inevitable that they will gather in groups of three or five to talk and laugh and move forward. On the other hand, the two of Wumo Banxia are naturally a bit deserted.

  At this moment, I heard a joyful cry from behind: "Panxia!"

  When Banxia looked back, it was a wooden baby.

  Muwa wore a dog skin hat, a wool cape, and a shòu bone necklace around her neck. She jumped up and down: "Banxia, ​​are you going to my grandfather's house? Come, let's go together."

  At this time, she suddenly saw Wumo next to Banxia, ​​but she was startled, and took a step back with an ahh.

  Wu Mo Shen swept the wooden doll indifferently, tightening the hands of the original landlord Banxia's waist a little bit. Muwa herself seemed a little embarrassed, and Chong Wumo smiled apologetically, but Wumo ignored her. Seeing this, Banxia patted his hand lightly, motioning him not to speak, then walked over and held Muwa's hand: "Let's go Muwa, let's go to your grandfather's house together."

  Muwa was busy holding Banxia's hand: "Well, let's go together."


  There is a large open space in front of the patriarch's house, and now the whole family is gathered here. Everyone stood there in groups holding tung oil torches, waiting for the patriarch to speak, while the patriarch's son Fei was busy counting the number of people.

  The highly respected patriarch put on his ancient deerskin coat, which was only worn on important occasions, and still held the fish-head crutches that symbolized the patriarch's authority. He coughed lightly, and everyone on the field suddenly shut up. On winter nights, there is only the sound of torches burning in the dark night.

  The patriarch looked at everyone with majestic and loving eyes, and then slowly asked, "Is everyone here?"

  Fei respectfully stepped forward and said: "There are 131 households of the Quanwang family, and there are 521 men, women and children, all of them are here."

  The patriarch nodded with satisfaction: "I called everyone here today because there is a major matter to discuss."

  Everyone looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes, but they didn't dare to speak.

  The patriarch sighed: "There have been many visions in the village recently, do you know this? The temple is screaming swords in the starry night, the dry spring is watering in the cold winter, and—"

  The patriarch paused when he said this, and everyone was secretly curious. Everyone knows the first two things just said, but are there other visions?

  Only Banxia knew in her heart that the third fear was that the patriarch's shòu bones cracked, and the cracked shòu bones were stained with blood, which was definitely not a good omen.

  Sure enough, the patriarch took out the shòu bone that he had treasured for many years from his bosom, and said, full of vicissitudes: "This shòu bone was passed down to me by the old patriarch fifty-two years ago, and now it has come to an end."

  The sharp-eyed one had already seen the crack on the bone, and could not help but exclaimed, "My God, the patriarch!"

  Banxia looked over with her toes on her toes, and saw that the cracks in the shòu bones were even bigger than a few days ago!

  On the side, Wu Mo Jian Ban Xia stood unsteadily on her toes, and she picked her up gently. Banxia saw that Muwa was next to her, and Muwa was an unmarried girl, so she would inevitably feel embarrassed. In the end, Banxia had no choice but to gently squeeze the muscle on his chest, and then he obediently put her down.

  Everyone knew that this shòu bone cracked, either because the famous family was in great trouble, or the patriarch would die soon. No matter which one, it was a bolt from the blue for the famous family. Some people in the scene were sad, some were crying, and some people couldn't believe it.

  The patriarch smiled sadly and looked at the patriarchs: "You must remember that no matter what disaster happens, it will be a test given to us by the supreme sword spirit and the great slave of the land. We must work together to deal with it."

  At this time, I saw Mu Yang standing up and said respectfully and loudly: "Patriarch, how do you want us to respond, even if you are instructed, even if we die, we must protect the safety of the entire clan." As soon as Mu Yang said this, the rest of the of young people responded. Everyone knows that Mu Yang is likely to be the next patriarch, so he is extremely obedient to him.

  The patriarch nodded with satisfaction: "Actually, the disaster has not yet come, and we don't have to panic, but we must do something to prevent it from happening."

  After saying this, the patriarch began to announce his thoughts: "The temple is where our ancestors' heroic spirits are located, and must not be defiled by outsiders, so from tomorrow night, all males in the clan, who are more than fifteen and less than fifty, will be To start guarding our temple."

  Everyone responded, and the young boys all stepped forward, clasped their fists and knelt in front of the patriarch, shouting: "Let the patriarch order."

  The next scene was a bit chaotic. Fei called all the men between the ages of fifteen and fifty to the side to discuss it, and the rest of the old and young and the women went home first.

  Wu Mo looked back at Ban Xia, and there was a bit of hesitation in his cold eyes.

  Banxia gently pushed him: "You are already a member of the famous family, you must go, guarding the temple is the most important thing for the famous family."

  Wu Mo looked around and said, "Then you wait for me here first, and when I come back, we will go home together." He took off his leather jacket and wrapped it in Banxia.

  Banxia knew that Wumo was worried that she would go home alone, but in fact, how could she be so vulnerable, she immediately said: "I haven't talked to Muwa for a long time, why don't you find Muwa to go home and play with me, you don't have to worry about it? ."

  Mu Wa carefully looked at Wu Mo, then nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, I originally said that I was going to talk to Banxia."

  Seeing this, Wu Mo was relieved and nodded: "Then go back, be careful on the road."

  Chapter 17

  Seeing this, Wu Mo was relieved and nodded: "Then go back, be careful on the road."

  At this moment, I suddenly heard someone calling Banxia's name, and turned to look, but it was Yingchūn and Honeysuckle. Ren Dong's face was full of chūn wind, and he stepped forward and took Ban Xia's hand: "Sister, I haven't seen you for several days."

  Ying chūn glanced at Wu Mo who was leaving next to him, and also made a friendly appearance with Pinellia.

  Muwa was also very happy to see Honeysuckle. After all, she was the one who wanted to be her sister-in-law, so after everyone gathered and talked for a while, they decided to visit Banxia's house together.

  Walking all the way, Ren Dong realized that his father went to the patriarch with the elders to discuss important matters, so the two sisters came to look for Ban Xia.

  After returning home, while the three of them were looking around, a fire was started in Pinellia, and they brought various kinds of fruit and other items from the mountain behind the house, and they also boiled the water, so the sisters People ate snacks around the fire and talked intimately.

  Ying chūn said while eating and smashing pecans: "Banxia, ​​are you still going to get your teeth rough?"

  As soon as these words came out, let alone Banxia, ​​even Muwa couldn't help laughing: "Sister Ying chūn, what are you kidding me, the rough teeth are not something that Sister Banxia can get her back."

  Ren Dong also felt that Ying chūn was joking: "Sister, I see that your health has improved recently. The doctor said that your life is not long, because you have left the prestigious village. Now that you are back, you will be fine!"

  Seeing Rendong say this, Muwa nodded seriously and said: "Lindong is right, I heard from my grandfather that the water in the ancient mountains is the most nourishing for people, and the people of our famous family who leave the water in the ancient mountains are like fish. It's very hard to live if my son leaves the stream. So we will stay here for generations, and we can't leave easily."

  Ying chūn didn't expect to attract such a disappointing word from Muwa, so he broke open a pecan and chewed it with a sullen face and was not very happy.

  Ren Dong rounded up the field for his sister: "Isn't my sister back, it will be fine when she comes back."

  Muwa also felt that she should not mention this, she felt a little apologetic in her heart, and laughed along with it: "Yeah, Sister Yingchūn, you see that your complexion has improved a lot recently, it must be because you drank the water from our ancient mountain. ."

  Now this topic is no longer brought up, so I talk about tonight's event. Ren Dong looked the most worried, sighed and said: "Muwa, your brother is really unlucky, this is not what he was planning to be the patriarch, how did he encounter this stall in our famous family village."

  Muwa roasted her hands on the warm fire, shook her hand and shook her head when she heard this: "Sister Rendong, you can't think like that. My grandfather didn't say that my brother Muyang must be the patriarch, this is not certain. What's the matter?"

  But Rendong didn't listen to Muwa's words: "I didn't say it, but everyone thinks Muyang is the most suitable..."

  Muwa looked at a few sisters, hesitated before whispering, "Actually, my grandfather never made shòu bones for my brother..."

  I didn't make shòu bones, in fact, it means that I don't agree. I heard that my grandfather's shòu bones were made by the previous clan elder long ago.

  The sisters were silent for a while, or Banxia said, "Don't worry about honeysuckle, Muyang is very good, I think the patriarch always passes his position to the best and most trustworthy person in the clan. "

  Wen Yanying chūn also smiled, stroked Ren Dong's hair and said, "Yeah, Ren Dong, don't worry, let's tell Banxia your happy event."

  After hearing this, Banxia hurriedly asked, and only after asking did she know that it turned out that Honeysuckle and Muyang were about to get married.

  Honeysuckle and Muyang have been good since they were young, and later decided on this marriage early, and Banxia was also happy for her sister when she heard this. She knew in her heart that her sister wanted a beautiful wedding, and she also hoped that the dowry would give Zumuyang a lot of face, while her father divided half of the dowry prepared by the family for his marriage. Now she thought about it and said, "When you get married, Wumo and I will definitely add some dowry for you."

  Who knew that there was not much joy in hearing this honeysuckle, she glanced at Yingchūn on the side and said: "Second sister, no need, eldest sister has already prepared a lot of dowry for me."

  Banxia knew that the so-called dowry should actually be Lingluo, who was brought back by Yingchūn. She frowned in her heart, but didn't say anything.

  On the other hand, Muwa said very directly: "Honeysuckle, I'm afraid your dowry will make the patriarch unhappy." She no longer called grandpa but patriarch in her words, which means she understood very well. The identity of a patriarch is not happy about someone borrowing foreign objects for dowry.

  But Rendong didn't take it seriously: "The ancestral teachings of our famous family didn't say that we can't use outsiders. Besides, doesn't Wu Mo often talk to outsiders, and he has returned to our famous family now. "

  As soon as these words came out, Banxia was speechless, and Muwa couldn't say anything.

  These sisters were extremely good friends when they were young. Now that they are older, you marry me and marry me. Even if they are good, it is inevitable that they have some careful thoughts about comparing little girls. So Pinellia mentioned the fact that a few people went to the mountains to pick wild cotton and wild hemp when they were young. Everyone recalled the past and couldn't help but laugh.

  After talking privately for a long time, Wu Mo didn't come back, and the sisters' eyelids were heavy, so Ban Xia greeted Gān Cui to sleep together. Yingchūn Honeysuckle and the others were originally reluctant, but they thought that since Wumo didn't come back, then Dad didn't come home, and the two of them didn't want to go back alone, so the four of them went to bed together on the kang.

  Fearing that the kang would be too hot and cold enough for the three of them, Pinellia took out all the tigerskin blankets and sheepskin felts at home, which were covered and covered, and the four sisters slept in the big bed one by one. All four of them thought it was very interesting, not to mention the heart of honeysuckle wood baby, even Ying chūn thought it was very fun, just like when he was a child

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