Game of Thrones preferences

By Movie_Mens

36.1K 223 6

This book will contain: Jon Snow Robb Stark Joffrey Baratheon Ramsay Bolton Theon Greyjoy Jaime Lannister San... More

How you met
Your usual dress
First kiss
Someone else has feelings for you
Your horse
He's jealous
He apologizes
First time
Favourite place to do it
How they react to you wanting to go down on them for the first time
How they react to you being desperate and needy for them
How they react to you being quite touchy with them
How they react to you telling them to not be gentle with you for the night
How they react to you taking care of them when they're injured
How they react to you being a more quiet lover
How they react when they see you flirting with someone else while they like you
How they react to you whispering "I love you" as you're both making love
How they react to you deep throating them
How they talk dirty to you
How they react to you taking care of them when they're injured / Part 2
How they react when you're pregnant
Yours and his kids
What does your kid has from his father
● Dating Jon Snow would include
● Dating Robb Stark would include
● Dating Joffrey Baratheon would include
● Dating Ramsay Bolton would include
● Dating Theon Greyjoy would include
● Dating Jaime Lannister would include
● Dating Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane would include
They said...
Game of Thrones Memes Part 1
Game of Thrones Memes Part 2
Game of Thrones Memes Part 3

The two of you fight

1.1K 7 1
By Movie_Mens

Jon Snow:
"You're twisting my words around Jon!" "Because what you're saying doesn't make any sense to me!" You shake your head from your chair. Jon stands across the room near the hearth, arms crossed. It was a stressful night. Tomorrow the Starks would attack the Dreadfort and take back Winterfell. All had been well..until you pleaded for your brothers life. "I'm not saying he should be let off easy! He has done terrible things and should pay the consequences but he is still my brother! He's my family!" "And we're not your family?" "There you go, twisting my words again! Honestly, I can't believe I agreed to marry you!" "Well if you find it so hard to believe then why'd you say yes!" You stand from your chair, nearly knocking it over; "Maybe I made a mistake!" "Maybe you did!" You both pause for a moment, taking in the reality of what you were saying. Neither of you agreed with what you had spoken, but at the same time; neither of you were calm enough to take the blame for all the fighting. "Very well then. I suppose the wedding is off."
"Yes," You say coldly, "I suppose it is." You move passed him, out of the tend and into the cold of the night.

Robb Stark:
Robb enters the room suddenly, with an angry face and even angrier words; "Did you know! Damn it all woman, were you in on it?" You stand, confused and concerned; "What are you talking about?" Robb pushes you back, nearly so hard you might've stumbled. "My brother was pushed off that tower! And your family tried to have him killed! And now my father has been taken prisoner!" "What? Why didn't you tell me any of this earlier?" "Theon said I couldn't trust you yet! And he was right! You're just another Lannister aren't you! This marriage is a sham! It's a trick! You're trying to use it like a pawn in your little game!" You move forward at the speed of light and smack him hard across the face. He takes a few steps back in shock. "Robb Stark! I married you becaue I loved you! I don't know what my family has or has not done! And I'm sorry for all the pain you've been though...but I was there with you for it!" You move towards the door with tears in your eyes; "I thought maybe our marriage could've been more than a diplomatic move, but I suppose you're not interested in such things. You would rather go to war and name me a traitor without any proof! Next time, ask yourself what you think, instead of Theon. Someone who is far more likely to betray you then / am!" You slam the door shut behind you, with no intentions of apologizing later.

Joffrey Barathon:
"How can you be so fucking awful!" "Don't speak to me that way!" Joffrey glares down from his throne. The room was empty for all but the two of you. He had gone on another jealous killing spree. You had finally taken enough of the constant worrying and anxiety that came from loving a monster. "I can't do this anymore. I'm done...we're done." You turn on your heel and storm away, footsteps echoing loudly in the grand hall. Joff springs from his throne; "Don't walk away from me! I am your King!"

Ramsay Bolton:
"I'm sorry Ramsay..I can't do this anymore!" You toss clothes wildly as you begin to pack. He follows you around the room looking desperate; "Please! I never meant for you to see what was happening in the cells." "You think that changes things? You're a liar...and monster." You pick up your bag and meet his eyes; "And I can't stay here."

Theon Greyjoy:
Theon had taken Winterfell. Needless to say, you were a complete wreak. Torn between heartbroken and homicidal, you made it very difficult for Theon to try and explain. "I haven't touched your brothers!" "I'm going to rip your tongue out!" "I didn't do this to hurt you. I'm doing it for my father!" "Your father is in Kings Landing! Rotting in the dungeons while you betray his son!" "He's not my father!" "Don't pretend he didn't raise you!" "If you would just promise not to run or try to kill me I could let you out!" "Well I'm sorry, but both of those options are the only courses of action I'm willing to take."

Jaime Lannister:
"You can't go!" "Cercei had my brother attacked! He lost his leg Jamie! He can't walk because of you!" You shake your head; "And me. I was stupid enough doesn't matter now. I have to go." "I didn't mean for this to happen, but you can't just run!" "I can! My family needs me...and they mean more to me than you."

Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane:
"Why are you so fucking cruel!" "Fuck off." "How could you do that to me? How could you say those horrible things! My friend was an innocent man! Joffrey only wanted him dead because he knew it would hurt me! How could you do it!" "it's my fucking job! People die! Get over it!" "You're a monster!" He turns to face you, eyes narrowed and lips pulled back into a sneer; "Then why are you still here?" Your sadness turns to anger; "Not for much longer." You turn on your heel and storm away, furious and heartbroken.

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